河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型一 听力题型专练.doc

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河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型一 听力题型专练.doc_第1页
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河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型一 听力题型专练.doc_第3页
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听力河北题型专练.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1A.back Bblack Cbike2A.NZ4095 BNZ4905 CNZ45093A.run out of Btaken out of Cmake up of 4A.I want lemon tea, milk and honey.BI want lemon tea with milk and honey.CI want lemon tea without milk or honey.5A.Tracy is not busy this evening.BTracy has something to do this evening.CTracy will come if she is free this evening.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。6A.I dont like that movie.BI enjoy listening to music.CI like music that isnt too loud.7A.Once a week.BAbout forty minutes.CHe likes running.8A.I agree with you.BI hope not.COf course I am.9A.A good idea.BHappy for you.CGood luck.10A.No, I cant.BYes, thanks.CSorry, I wont.听对话和问题,选出正确答案。11What are the speakers doing now?12What will the man bring to the party?13What did his brother use to be like?AHe used to be fit and wear glasses.BHe used to be fat and wear glasses.CHe used to be thin and have glasses.14What are the speakers doing?AReading a book.BVisiting a zoo.CWatching a TV program.15What animal does Paul think is scary?AA lion. BA snake. CA tiger.16What did the man do yesterday morning?AHe watched a football match.BHe played tennis with his friends.CHe worked a little at his computer.17Where was the man yesterday afternoon?AIn his office.BOn the playground.CAt home.18When did the woman go to bed last night?AAt about 10:30.BAt about 11:00.CAt about 11:30.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。19How long is the free guided tour?A10 minutes. B25 minutes. COne hour.20What is the tenminute film about?AA painter. BA shop. CThe palace.21How much is the ticket for a usual student?A$3.50. B$3.80. C$5.22What is the speaker interested in?AChinese kids.BChinese colleges.CChinese culture.23What is the speakers favorite subject?AChinese. BScience. CMath.24What sport cant the speaker play?AVolleyball. BBaseball. CSoccer.25What does the speaker often do at the Chinese friends home?AHe studies Chinese.BHe has dinner.CHe cooks Chinese food.听短文填空。How to be a happier personFirstly, be a happy person at heart.61All changes must start with a change of .Secondly, think on positive(积极的) good things.62What we do influences our .63.Thirdly, pay attention to what we .64.Finally, choose our carefully.65Its to have positive thoughts and believe people around us.参考答案【河北题型专练】.15 BBCBC.610 CBCCC.1115 BABAB1618 BCC.1921 BAB2225 CBCB.61.heart and mind62.feelings63.see and hear64friends 65.important【听力原文】.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出包含所听信息的选项。1Her scarf is black. 2The flight to Sydney is NZ4905. 3The team is made up of 13 players.4Id like lemon tea which is mixed with honey and milk.5Tracy will come if she has time this evening. .听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出该句的最佳答语。6What kind of music do you like best, David?7How long does Tony run every day?8Are you excited about your coming holiday?9We will take a history test tomorrow morning.10I am afraid you cant skate here.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到五组对话和八个问题,每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确选项。请听13组对话,回答1113小题。11M: Thank you for taking time to interview me.W: Youre welcome.M: When will I know the final result?W: Ill call you next week.Question: What are the speakers doing now?12W: Lets see what we shall bring to Janes dancing party. I can bring some flowers.M: I can bring some fruit juice. Emm. Hey, why dont you bring your guitar?W: Sounds great.Question: What will the man bring to the party?13W: Oh, look at the photo. Your brother looks really different. He used to be a little fat.M: Yeah. He runs every day to keep fit. And he doesnt wear glasses any more. Question: What did his brother use to be like?请听第四组对话,回答第1415小题。W: What are you doing, Paul?M: Im looking at the pictures in this new biology book. Look, what a strong lion!W: Oh, how scary!M: But I think the one with no legs is scary. It can move on its stomach very fast.Questions: 14What are the speakers doing?15What animal does Paul think is scary?请听第五组对话,回答1618小题。W: What did you do yesterday?M: Well, I got up early and played tennis with some friends in the morning.W: You got up early on Sunday! I usually stay in bed until about 9: 00 in the morning.M: I dont usually get up early on Sunday if I dont have any plans.W: Did you go out yesterday afternoon?M: No, I didnt. I just stayed at home and watched a football match on TV.W: Oh, I also watched the match. It was exciting. What did you do yesterday evening?M: I usually dont do much in the evening. I worked a little at my computer. I didnt go to bed late, at about 11:00. W: Yeah, that was half an hour earlier than me.Questions: 16What did the man do yesterday morning?17Where was the man yesterday afternoon?18When did the woman go to bed last night?. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇听力材料和七个问题,听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后,根据所听内容,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确答案。下面请听第一篇材料,并回答1921小题。Welcome to Langton Palace. It opens from Wednesday to Saturday. And we open at half past ten and close at five. There are guided tours every hour from eleven fifteen. Each tour takes you twentyfive minutes, and after that theres also a tenminute film, which is about a painter, George Stubbs. We have three of his pictures here. There is a book about him in our shop. Our shop is small, but there are many other books, postcards of course, and videos, too.Well, if you come in groups, the ticket price is $3.50 each. The usual student price is $3.80, and the ticket for grownups will be $5. So welcome again.Questions: 19How long is the free guided tour?20What is the tenminute film about?21How much is the ticket for a student? 下面请听第二篇材料,并回答第2225题。Hello, everyone. I have been interested in Chinese culture since I was a little kid. So I decided to come here to China to study Chinese in a college. After two years school life, Ive made lots of friends here. They are very kindhearted and they often help me with my Chinese. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. In these classes I study English, math, Chinese, history, science and geography. My favorite subject is science because it is interesting. And I like my science teacher Mr. Wang. After class I do sports. I like to play volleyball, which is my favorite sport. I can also play baseball, but I cant play soccer because it is too difficult for me. I go out on Sundays. My Chinese friends ask me to go to their homes for dinner. I like Chinese food very much.Questions: 22What is the speaker interested in?23What is the speakers favorite subject?24What sport cant the speaker play?25What does the speaker often do at the Chinese friends home?.听短文填空。下面你将听到一段短文,短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后,根据短文意思和提示,在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺信息。Everyone wants to be happy. However, staying happy can be hard at times. Here are some things we can do to be happier people. Firstly, be a happy person at heart. Anything we want to change in our lives must first start with a change of heart and mind. Secondly, think on positive good things. What you do influences your feelings. Its important to change your attention from the bad to good things. Thirdly, pay attention to what you see on television and what you hear on the radio. All people can be influenced by what they see and hear. Finally, choose your friends carefully. Its important to have positive thoughts and believe people around you.

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