人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5自主检测D卷.doc

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人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5自主检测D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)This is _orange. _orange is _orange. A . an; A; aB . a; An; aC . an; The; /2. (2分)Only a few teenagers help their parents _the housework. A . toB . onC . inD . with3. (2分)My friend has joined several clubs and hes very _at school. A . activeB . kindC . shyD . awful4. (2分) What are these in English? _ hotels.A . It isB . These areC . Those areD . They are5. (2分)Dad, my bike is broken. _ I use yours? Sure! Its in the backyard.A . MustB . ShouldC . May6. (2分)Hello! Could I speak to Mr Lee? Sorry, he isnt here. He Shanghai.A . has been toB . have been toC . has gone toD . have gone to7. (2分)The jacket _my friend. A . isnt fitB . arent fitC . doesnt fitD . doesnt fit for8. (2分)David is good at math. But he didnt get good grades this time because he was too . A . carefulB . carefullyC . carelessD . carelessly9. (2分)His uncle would rather the old bike than a new one. A . repair, to buyB . to repair, buyC . repair, buyD . to repair, to buy10. (2分)Hello, may I speak to Mike? A . Sorry, he isnt in.B . Sure, here you are.C . OK, who are you?二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When Jane and Billy were little, they were good with each other. But when they were both 10 years old, they started to 1.Mom, Billy wont give my book back!Its not yours. Its mine!And so it went. Our quiet 2turned into a war zone (战场). But soon we found a 3to stop it.We talked to the kids about what would happen (发生) if they fought4. We thought of a list of punishments (惩罚) that we would give them if they fought. 5they werent really punishments. We just asked them to do some 6things for each other. For example, if Jane started a fight, we would ask 7to clean Billys room. If Billy started a fight, we would ask him to give his sister a hug (拥抱).We 8these punishments on a circular board with an arrow (带箭头的圆板) in the middle. If one of them started a fight, he or she would have to turn around the arrow and 9the punishment.This punishment wheel worked out well. Soon, the kids 10fighting so often.We didnt have to really punish them-we just had to teach them to be nice to each other.(1)A . talk B . grow C . fight D . study (2)A . farm B . house C . school D . kitchen (3)A . way B . job C . language D . problem (4)A . outside B . again C . back D . off (5)A . Or B . So C . And D . But (6)A . nice B . free C . easy D . important (7)A . it B . him C . her D . them (8)A . bought B . wrote C . found D . paid (9)A . look B . make C . use D . get (10)A . kept B . enjoyed C . stopped D . finished 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分)阅读理解 Toms Calendar(日历)MondayMorning: schoolAfternoon: soccer practiceEvening: do homeworkThursdayMorning: schoolAfternoon: babysitting(临时照顾)my sisterEvening: help my parentsTuesdayMorning: schoolAfternoon: visit Uncle LiEvening: study for the testFridayMorning: schoolEvening: Susans PartyWednesdayMorning: SchoolEvening: do homeworkSaturday: rest at homeSunday: rest at home(1)How many days does Tom have to go to school in a week? A . Seven.B . Five.C . Six.D . Four.(2)When is Tom going to Susans party? A . On Tuesday.B . On Sunday.C . On Friday.D . On Saturday.(3)What is Tom going to do on Thursday afternoon? A . Visit Uncle Li.B . Babysit his sister.C . Help his parents.D . Do homework.(4)Is Tom going to study for the test on Friday? A . Yes, he is.B . No, he isnt.C . Yes, he will.D . We dont know.13. (10分)阅读理解 Bob was a lazy man. He asked for food from others to make a living (谋生).One day, Bob got a pot (罐) of milk from a farmer. Bob was very glad. He looked at the pot and started thinking, Ill sell the milk tomorrow at a good price. With the money, I can buy some chickens. Then I can sell the eggs to buy a cow. With the cows milk, I can buy more cows and have a farm. Soon Ill have a lot of money and be rich (富有的). And Ill meet a nice girl and have a happy family.”A happy family! How exciting! Bob thought about it and jumped up. Oh, no! He kicked (踢) the pot. It was broken and Bob woke up from his daydream (白日梦).(1)Why did Bob ask for food from others to make a living? A . Because he couldnt work.B . Because he had no farm.C . Because he was very lazy.D . Because he had a big family.(2)How did Bob get a pot of milk one day? A . A farmer gave it to him.B . A nice girl gave it to him.C . He bought it himself (他自己).D . He got it from his cow.(3)What did Bob want to buy after selling the eggs? A . Some chickens.B . A cow.C . More milk.D . A farm.(4)What does the underlined word broken mean in Chinese? A . 遗失的B . 漂亮的C . 破损的D . 成功的(5)Whats the best title for the passage? A . A happy family.B . A nice girl.C . To be rich.D . Bobs daydream.14. (10分)根据短文内容判断正、误。 One day, a strong white horse finds a very good piece of grassland(草地). He is very happy. He thinks the grassland is his because he found it. So he lives there. He eats fresh grass every day.But one day a deer comes here and starts to eat the fresh grass. The horse is very angry. He says, Why do you eat my grass? Your grass? How can you .say this is your grass? the deer is surprised. The horse says, I will let you know whose grassland it is.He runs to the village, then he goes to a man, He says to the man, Can you tell the deer that the grassland is mine? Yes, I can. But you must work for me every day. OK, the horse agrees happily. Then the man goes to the deer and tells her the grassland is the horses. The deer leaves.From then on the horse works for the man very hard like a slave(奴隶) every day. He gets the grassland but he loses his freedom(自由). So remember dont always try to own little things but lose the important ones.(1)The deer finds the piece of grassland first. (2)The horse wants to own the grassland. (3)The horse finds a man to catch the deer. (4)The man agrees because the horse will work for him every day. (5)We can know that the horse makes a right choice(选择). 四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)15. (5分)选词填空 color child say ghost celebrateAnn: Can you tell me when the Halloween is?Lily: Halloween is a holiday _on October 31. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts hung out around the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in _or witches. Ann: What are the main _of Halloween?Lily: They are black and orange. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. Ann: What do the _do on Halloween?Lily: They usually go from house to house _ Trick or Treat! Children might play a trick on people if they do not give treats, like pelting houses with eggs or old tomatoes or crying for the candies. Ann: Thanks for telling me so much! Lily: You are welcome. 16. (1分)How was the party last night? P_good. All my friends had a good time there.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)Who is _ (thin), you or Helen? Helen is.六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)你会,上网寻找自己需要的信息吗?请根据Alice, Kate, Tom, Harry, Dick的需要,向他们推荐合适的网站,并将网站的序号分别填入相应的括号内。(本题提供六个网站的信息,你只能选五个) A. www. NBA.com/ Houston Rockets: The latest news about Rocketsbasketball players.B. www.cnphoto.com: Pictures about news, famous people, big eventsC. www.World pollution.net: Introduction to air pollution, health effects, environmental protectionD. where.FA.com: Official Website of the England Team, the FA Cupand football in England.E. www.Amazon.com: Online shopping of books, DVDs, cards, shoes, sports goodsF. www.Crawford.dktravel: About traveling around the world, the weather, the people, the places of interest._Alice: I want to get some pictures of Jay Chou,_Kate: I hope to buy some Christmas cards online._Tom: I need some information on pollution(污染)._Harry: I would like to have some information about basketball._Dick: I will go to America. I want to know the famous places and the weather there.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)在英语课上,你的老师请你加英语介绍你的好朋友,假设你的好朋友叫陈成,请根据提示内容写一篇短文。 要求:结构完整,表达通顺语言规范,书写清晰。表格内信息为必写要点。文巾不得出现任何真实的人名、学校等信息。词数在40-50词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。姓名生日年龄喜欢的食物不喜欢的食物最喜欢的学科喜欢的原因Chen cheng10月5日14岁香蕉,西红柿,鸡肉梨子,胡萝卜,汉堡包音乐,体育有趣的,轻松的I have a good friend. 第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)15-1、16-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共1分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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