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xx-2019学年高中英语上学期第1周周训练题双向细目表题号分值考点识记理解简单运用综合运用难易程度11.5动词辨析易21.5动词辨析易31.5时态辨析易41.5名词辨析易51.5形容词辨析中61.5时态辨析易71.5动词辨析中81.5名词辨析难91.5副词辨析易101.5介词辨析难111.5动词辨析中121.5动词辨析中131.5副词辨析难141.5代词辨析易151.5动词辨析易161.5连词辨析中171.5形容词辨析中181.5连词辨析中191.5介词辨析中201.5名词辨析中212细节理解题难222语境运用易232推理判断题易242推理判断题中251.5语境运用易261.5考查副词中271.5考查介词难281.5考查动词时态易291.5考查搭配易301.5考查动词搭配中311.5考查连词中321.5考查形容词、副词中331.5考查时态中341.5考查连词中351.5考查非谓语难第卷第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A The world of animals is always full of surprises. No matter where you look, you can see some animals that can truly make our jaws drop. Ghost mantis (螳螂)When people see ghost mantises for the first time, many of them would certainly say they are leaves. This small type of mantis can be found across Africa. They are very small and can grow only up to 2 inches long. They e in various colors: several shades of brown and greenish gray. In fact, most parts of their body look like leaves that have dried up. They live for up to two years.Green plant-hopperAlso called the torpedo bug, this beautiful animal feeds on plants and looks like a leaf. When they are at rest, their green wings cover their bodies much like a sloping roof (有坡度的屋顶). They are usually small, with a length of half an inch. They are native to Australia but they can now be found in Hawaii and New Zealand as well. Stick insectThey actually look more like a eucalyptus twig (桉树枝). They have long and thin bodies but they can also fly. They can grow up to 12 inches long. These animals are natives of the southern part of Australia. They have made the woodlands of New South Wales and Victoria home.Leafy sea dragonWhen you take a close look at them, you will realize that they are fish like the seahorses. Under the water, they look like floating seaweed. They have leaf-like body parts that are not used for moving under the water. What they use to move are fins (鳍状物), difficult to see, making the leafy sea dragon look more like the plant it imitates. A fully grown leafy sea dragon grows to about 18 inches long. They are usually found in the ocean waters of Australia.21. The underlined part “make our jaws drop” in the first paragraph means “_”.A. hurt us B. amaze us C. frighten us D. entertain us 22. What do we know about ghost mantises?A. They feed on leaves. B. They move very fast.C. They can live a long time. D. They look like dead leaves.23. Which of the following would be the torpedo bug?24. This text is mainly about four animals that all can _. A. imitate plants B. change colorC. move without feet D. be found in Australia BPredicting the future isnt easy. In 1943 Thomas Watson, chairman of the pany IBM, said, “I think theres a world market for maybe five puters.” Even in the 1970s, many experts were saying, “No one will want a puter in their home.” But today, puter technology is everywhere.“You already have several puters in your kitchen,” says Dr Rodney Brooks of MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), pointing to the puter chips (芯片) in our coffee makers, fridges, and washing machines. Its almost impossible to imagine a world without puters.Dr Brooks is the director of MITs puter Science and Artificial Intelligence (人工智能) Laboratory. He says that puters are not only being more mon, theyre giving us more surprises too. Theyre starting to think.Scientists at AI Research are developing their own thinking robot, called Hal. Child expert Anat Treister-Goren is teaching Hal to speak. She talks to him and reads him childrens stories. Baby Hal is growing up fast, and his language level is improving quickly. Soon, if you speak to him, you might think hes human!AI experts hope that, one day, intelligent machines will be all around us. Perhaps everyone will have a Hal their own personal assistant. If youve got a question, Hal will know the answer. If you want to go on a trip, Hal will be able to make all the arrangements (安排). Hell never get tired, hell never be ill and hell never get angry. The technology is almost here. Think about it. Would you like your own “Hal”?25. Thomas Watsons words meant the future of puters would be _.A. promising B. uncertainC. important D. dark26. What does Dr Brooks think of puters?A. Theyre getting smarter.B. Theyll take humans place.C. Theyre in the control of Hal.D. Theyre making slow progress.27. According to the text, Hal is special in the way _.A. it protects its ownerB. it expresses its feelingsC. it listens to childrens storiesD. it municates with humans C Abbie Conant, a musician living in Italy, was looking to move on from playing the trombone (长号) for the Royal Opera of Turin. She wrote a lot of letters, but only got one reply. It was from the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra (慕尼黑爱乐乐团). The audition (试音) in June 1980 took place in a museum, since the orchestras cultural center was unavailable. There were over 30 players and each one played their piece behind a screen, meaning the selection mittee (评选委员会) could only hear them play. Conant played Ferdinand Davids Konzertino for Trombone, a standard piece for auditions. Being a perfectionist, Conant was angry with herself for missing a note in the piece, and was seen packing the trombone away soon after the audition in preparation to leave. But the selection mittee knew immediately that Conant was the best of all the people theyd heard that day. They asked the other players to leave, and someone went to find Conant and told her the good news. However, events took an unexpected turn: the selection mittee were waiting, sure they were going to be introduced to Mr Conant, when in walked a woman! The whole idea of a woman-lead trombonist went against tradition. But Conant passed the other two auditions. She joined the orchestra and played her first year successfully. But then she found out that she would be playing second trombone, basically because she was a woman. Conant took the orchestra to court. Though the orchestra said that Abbie Conant was not strong enough to play first trombone, she won. It took her years to prove herself in the eyes of the law, but she did it. The orchestra then refused to pay Conant the same as men players, so she took them to court again. She knew she would win, and the result? She did. 28. Abbie Conant wrote those letters to _.A. leave Italy B. show her skillsC. find a better job D. improve her living 29. Conant chose to leave after the first round of auditions because _.A. she had no interest in the orchestraB. she played worse than the other playersC. she was dissatisfied with her performanceD. she wanted to prepare for the rest of the auditions30. Seeing Conant was a woman, the selection mittee felt _.A. sad B. angry C. regretful D. surprised 31. Why did Conant take the orchestra to court twice?A. She didnt get paid. B. She was treated unfairly.C. The orchestra refused to accept her. D. The orchestra didnt believe in her ability.DIn early societies, people relied on a simple system of exchange. Perhaps a good hunter had more animal skins than he could use. His neighbor, a good fisherman, might have too many fish but needed furs to protect his children from the cold. Both soon realized that their problems could be easily solved by exchanging what they did not need for what they did need. This method of exchange is called barter. The word es from the Italian barattare and the French barater, which mean “to trade.” As societies developed, people in ancient times turned to many different things in the search for a good way of exchange, or money. One of the earliest forms of money was cattle (牛). The richest person was the one who owned the most farm animals, such as cows and sheep. Cattle were called capitale in Latin, and from that Latin word we get the English word “capital,” meaning “wealth.” But people came to realize that this new method often failed to produce satisfactory results. A cow or a sheep must be fed and cared for. Sometimes they died of disease. Some animals were fat and some were thin. A person who wanted to sell something might believe that it was worth much more than one cow. The buyer might not be willing to give the seller two. Paying a cow and a half was certainly not a good way to solve the problem. When people began to trade with people who lived far away, again a new way of exchange had to be found. Soon such things as grain (谷物) and salt came into use. They could be weighed exactly. They could be stored and transported easily. Roman soldiers were sometimes paid in salt. And it is from salarium, the Latin word for “salt money,” that our own word “salary (薪水)” es. We still speak of people as not being worth their salt if they do not do their jobs well. 32. The author explains the trade method of barter by _. A. presenting research findings B. giving simple explanations C. making a parison D. using an example 33. The buyer in Paragraph 3 probably felt _. A. his cows were healthy and fat B. the price set by the seller was too high C. using cows as money had disadvantages D. he should give the seller sheep instead of cows 34. The performance of someone worth his salt is _. A. worrying B. satisfying C. surprising D. disappointing 35. The text probably es from an article about _. A. the history of money B. the development of society C. simple systems of exchange D. some interesting Latin words 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Four tips to make you happierMore and more research has shown the connection between mind and body. Have a good attitude towards life, and you can have good health. Learn to laugh off everyday stresses, and you can avoid some illnesses. The best thing, though: 36 Take a moment to think.Heres an easy way to avoid stress when trouble hits: 37 Tell yourself that you will take what steps you can and that in the near future, the situation will work out well.Set daily goals. 38 The goals could be small, such as walking to visit a friend or a part of a larger goal. 39 Pay more attention to your situation in the context of your life, not of those around you. Measuring you against yourself allows you to set realistic goals for the future, too.Note your blessings (令人高兴的事).Knowing many things you have to be thankful for can increase both happiness and life satisfaction. 40 Make copies of your list and put one in your bedroom, the kitchen and your car. Whenever you feel sad about your life, pull out the list and remind (提醒) yourself what you have to be thankful for.A. Thats why you are there. B. Dont pare yourself to others.C. Dont give yourself an excuse to feel bad.D. You can think yourself to a happier and healthier self.E. Include even small things in your list, such as an umbrella on a rainy day.F. Take a deep breath, think about the situation, and then list five things you can do.G. You need a sense of achievement every day to make you believe in yourself more.第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Life hasnt always been easy! I know people might think Ive got 41 but Ive certainly had to work very hard to 42 where I am today. When I was a child I knew that one day I would have my own 44 because my parents 44 encouraged me to “ 45 ”. As a child, I always wanted to be top of the class 46 I worked very hard and didnt go out much with my friends.When I was 18, I went to university to learn modern languages because they had been my 47 subjects at school. I spent four years 48 French and German and then decided to bee a flight attendant (空姐) with an international airline pany. I 49 every minute of it, although it was hard work and we had some difficult passengers. But I 50 all over the world and saw some fantastic places. I also learned some very important lessons, which 51 me now.If you are never at home, its 52 to have a family, so after a few years I decided to 53 careers (职业), get married and have children. 54 I ran my business from the living room, which wasnt 55 with a husband and two small children. Then when I started to make more 56 , I found an office and employed a secretary. Now I have 200 employees and both of my children 57 with me. We really have a family business and I 58 that we will continue for many years to e.When people ask me what the 59 of success is, I always say that its a mixture of good luck, 60 work and positive (积极的) thinking.41. A.somebodyB. everybody C. nothingD. everything42. A. miss B. lose C. expect D. get43. A. pany B. name C. family D. secretary44. A. never B. seldom C. always D. still45. A. talk backB. think backC. talk big D. think big46. A. ifB. so C. butD. unless47. A. favorite B. different C. own D. weakest48. A. speaking B. teachingC. studying D. using49. A. counted B. wasted C. loved D. collected50. A. drove B. flew C. shipped D. rode51. A. surprise B. relax C. calm D. help52. A. important B. naturalC. impossible D. unnecessary53. A. choose B. build C. change D. start54. A. At the beginning B. By the timeC. By the wayD. In the end 55. A. difficult B. safe C. easy D. satisfied56. A. trouble B. moneyC. jobs D. friends57. A. play B. agree C. work D. municate58. A. doubt B. hope C. explainD. forget59. A. example B. secret C. taste D. meaning60. A. creative B. valuable C. hard D. heavy第卷第三部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jane: Have you ever imagined your life in ten years?Tom: Probably I 61. _ (work) as a scientist. You know Ive always wanted to be a scientist. So first of all, Id like to know how long I have to study 62. _ (bee) a scientist.Jane: Well, that depends. 63. _ (usual), a scientist must have at least a Bachelors degree, 64. _ means about four years in college.Tom: What courses or major should I choose?Jane: Again, that depends 65. _ what you want to study in the future. You will need to study maths and you should take at least a few courses in all the branches (分支) of science. Tom: Wow, thats a lot. How do I decide which branch of science I should choose?Jane: Well, I think 66. _ best way is to get some practical (实际的) experience. Visit scientists and laboratories to see 67. _ the life of a scientist is like. You should also try to find out which branch of science you like and are good at.Tom: How many hours a day does a scientist work?Jane: Many scientists work about eight hours a day, but they often have to work for a(n) 68. _ (long) time when there is a lot to do.Tom: Thank you. Do you have any other 69. _ (suggest) for me?Jane: Yes. I think 70. _ a good scientist should be careful, curious (求知欲强的) and creative. He or she should like to solve problems and ask a lot of questions.第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Mum got be angry with me this morning. “Your room is such untidy that it is hard to find the way to the door!” she said. There is some books on the floor, and some clothes, and some CDs too. But the door is near my bed, so its really easy for me to find my ways to the door. I think a tidy room is really bored. When I search for my things, I always get the surprise and find anything else. Yesterday I was looking my new football shoes. I couldnt find them, but I found a photo with me and my sister. My sister looks really young it was very funny.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)请你展开合理想象,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你理想中的未来家用机器人,并发表到你校英语论坛上。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯;3. 参考词汇:家用机器人household robot_参考答案21-25 BDBAD 26-30 ADCCD31-35 BDCBA 36-40 DFGBE 41-45 DDACD46-50 BACCB 51-55 DCCAC 56-60 BCBBC61. will / shall work 62. to bee63. Usually 64. which 65. on / upon66. the 67. what 68. longer 69. suggestions 70. that短文改错:71. . got be angry with . 去掉be 72. . such untidy . such so 73. There is some . is are 74. . find my ways . ways way 75. . is really bored. bored boring 76. . get the surprise . the a 77. . find anything else. anything something78. . looking my new . looking后加for 79. . a photo with . with of 80. My sister looks . looks looked One possible version:My dream household robot will no longer be a cold machine but will be shaped like a human being with warm skin and changeable expressions. It has lots of useful functions. For example, itll be able to help its owner with housework, such as cleaning the room, washing clothes and cooking dinners. Itll also be able to work as a tutor or play with children. Whats more, itll be able to sense the owners feelings. When the owner is upset, itll be able to talk to him / her and give him / her advice.In short, the future household robot will make peoples life easier, happier and more colourful.

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