广东省深圳市龙岗区八年级英语上学期6月月考试题 人教新目标版.doc

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广东省深圳市龙岗区八年级英语上学期6月月考试题 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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广东省深圳市龙岗区八年级英语上学期6月月考试题 人教新目标版听力部分(15分)I听力题(15分)i)听选信息(共6小题,每小题1分) 听三段对话,每段播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,选择正确的信息。 听第一段对话,回答第1-2两个问题。 ( )1. When did the ice storm happened in Canada? A, At the beginning of February in 1998. B. At the beginning of January in 1998. C. At the end of January in 1998.( )2. How long did it last? A.6 days. BA whole week. C. Half a month.听第二段对话,回答第3-4两个问题。( )3. Whats the matter with Bob? A. He has a cold. BHe has a fever. CHe has a bad headache. ( )4. How often does Bob exercise? A. Very often. B. Sometimes. C. Hardly ever. 听第三段对话,回答第5-6两个问题。 ( )5. What is Kates favorite sports? A. Swimming. B. Dancing. C. Skiing. ( )6. What sports does Bob like best? A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.ii)回答问题(共4小题,每小题1分) 听下面一段独白,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答第7-10四个问题。 ( )7What is Super Bowl? A, Its the Prelim game(初赛)of the National Football League in the United States. B. Its the final game(决赛)of the National Football League in the United States. C. Its the final game of the National basketball League in the United States. ( )8. How old is the pop singer Lady Gaga now? A. 29. B30. C31. ( )9. How long did Lady Gagas show last? A. 10 minutes. B. 13 minutes. C. 30 minutes.( ) 10. When would Lady Gagas Joanne world tour begin? A. On Aug 1st, xx. B. On Dec 14th, xx. C. On Aug 1st, xx.iii)信息转述及询问(5分) 第一节信息转述(3分) 你将听到一段Sara对其养的一条狗的介绍,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,结合思维导图中的正确信息,写一段话(至少5个句子)转述Sara的介绍,包含五个要点的内容。你有l5秒钟的时间阅读思维导图。你的转述可以这样开始:11. Sara keeps a dog _.第二节 询问信息(共2小题,每小题1分)你希望了解更多关于Sara养的狗的情况,请根据以下提示提出两个问题。12.你想知道Sara养的狗叫什么名字,你问: 13.你想知道Sara养的狗现在有多大(年龄),你问: 笔试部分(85分)II选择填空(15分) i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 14. - Do you know what caused the heavy flood? -It kept. raining hard for a week. A. led to B. made. happened C. changed. into( )15.- How are you feeling now?- A little better. But I have to take medicine according to the doctor. A. in the opinion of B. thanks to C. because of( ) 16. -Although Mr. Wang is nearly fifty years old, he plays table tennis best in his family. - Hes really good at playing table tennis.A. quite B. almost C. also( )17.- Peter is friendly and helpful, whats more, he plays football very well.- No wonder he is made monitor.A, whats worse B. in addition C. beside( ) 18. - Pandas are cute animals, I like them so much. - So do I. They are a symbol of China. A. lively B. friendly C. lovely( ) 19. - Did Lucy come to your house for dinner? - I invited her to dinner, but she did not respond to me. A. return B. reply C. remind( )20. - Tim lies around all day and nobody likes to work with him.- He should really change a little.A. sits around B. move round C. says nothing( ) 21. - Its quite common to meet with smog in Beijing. - So we must take action to stop air pollution. A. useful B. usual C. unusualii) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共7小题,每小题1分) ( ) 22.A is an act of choosing between two or more possibilities. A. result B. decide C. choice( )23.A is an animal kept as a companion or a favourite. A. pet B. monkey C. dog( ) 24. - Are there many trees in our city?- Yes, there a number of trees, and the number of them growing larger and larger.A. is; is B. are; are C. are, is( ) 25. - Dont worry about it. Everything will be all right soon.-Thank you. I but to accept the fact.A. have no choice B. cant choose C. have to choose( ) 26. - Do you know what bats ? - Insects. A. decide on B. depend on C. feed on( ) 27. - What do you think of the old city?- the local people, its a special and magical place A. In ones opinion B. According to C. Thanks to( ) 28. - What are elephants like?- They eat but they can move silently when necessary.A. quietly B. silently C. noisily.完型填空(15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) Sending and reading E-mail has quickly become one of the most common daily activities around the world, 29 for business or pleasure. Now, more and more teachers and students are using this form of communication 30 their language skills, especially English.In the past, teachers often 31 pen friends project where their students would exchange letters with 32 group of students in another country. 33 , the turn-around time for sending and receiving traditional letters takes 34 . Furthermore, students have 35 international postage to send the letters, something the students might be 36 to do. With E-mail, however, messages can be sent at a click of a button at school, home, or an Internet cafe. Instead of waiting days or weeks for a response, students can receive a reply within, hours, minutes or even 37 . Email has 38 to offer for language leaners and teachers in the classroom.( ) 29. A. either B. neither C. nor( ) 30. A. improving B. to improve C. improved ( ) 31. A. ordered B. objected C. organized ( ) 32. A. another B. the other C. other ( ) 33. A. Therefore B. Besides C. However ( ) 34. A. too much B. too many C. too more ( ) 35. A. to spend B. to cost C. to pay ( ) 36. A. willing B. unwilling C. able ( ) 37. A. years B. months C. seconds ( ) 38. A. little B. less C. a lot,阅读理解(30分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分) AStudent Volunteers Wanted We need two volunteers, Do you love animals? Come to the animal hospital every Saturday morning. and you can get on well with the lovely animals. Come to the Students Union for more information. English Teachers WantedLove teaching.Speak fluent(流利的) English.Be good at computer skills.Have good communication skills.Visit http:/ or call Alex at 843-6789 for more information. School Bus Drivers WantedThree part-time bus drivers.Work from Monday to Friday.Over ten years experience in driving.Under 30 years old.For more information, come to Xinhua Middle school to visit Mr. Brown. Tour Guides WantedA few years working experience.Have a good knowledge of geography.Be good at talking with people.Speak English well.Ages: 20-30 years old.To learn more, call Peace Traveling Company at 243-9857.( ) 39. Where can you get further information if you want to be a volunteer? A. Xinhua Middle school. B. The Students Union C. Peace Traveling Company. D. Wen Hua School,( ) 40. Lucy likes to meet different people, she may want to be . A. a bus driver B. an animal volunteer C. a tour guide D. an English teacher( ) 41. If you want to be an English teacher, you should _ . A. be under 30 years old B. know more about geography C. have ten years experience D. be good at computer skills( ) 42. We may find the passage _ .A. in a story book a newspaper C. in a magazine D. in a novel B In the summer of xx, Gabriel Whaley, a high school student, wanted to do something to help people in his home town. Whaley knew that the local food banks could not feed all the families in need. As a soccer lover, he also knew that the cost of soccer camps stopped some children from taking part in them. Whaley found a way to help solve both problems. Whaley set up a programme called Kicking4Hunger, It was his own soccer camp for children and he asked the children to bring canned food(罐头食品) to pay for the trainings. This allowed many children to take part in the camp. And the children also helped hungry people by bringing their canned food. Whaleys project was successful! During the three-day camp, more than 70 children were able to play soccer and they collected about l,500 pounds of food to send to the food banks. Kicking4Hunger goes on offering soccer trainings to children. The soccer camps are usually held for three or four days in summer and are open to children from 5 to 14 years old. The children taking part in the camps have fun and also feel good about helping hungry families.( ) 43. What is the main idea of the 6rst paragraph? A. How a child could become a soccer lover. B. How Whaley set up a new programme. C. How Whaley fed all the families in need of help. D. Why Whaley set up a programme called Kicking4Hunger.( ) 44, What should the children take when they took part in Whaleys programme? A. Some money. B. Canned food. C. Two footballs. D. Three books.( ) 45. How was Whaleys programme? A. Terrible. B. Dangerous. C. Successful. D. Expensive,( ) 46. Why does the writer write the passage?A. To ask people to help others. B. To tell us how to be successful.C. To teach us how to set up a programme. D. To introduce us a helpful programme. C Sphinx is a creature in ancient Greek myths, She has the body of a lion, a face of a human and wings of a big bird. Sphinx is said to protect the Greek city, Thebes. She sits outside the entrance of Thebes and same riddle(谜语) to anyone who passes by, The riddle is as follows: What goes with four legs at dawn, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? If the person cant answer it, Sphinx will kill and eat him, Many people are eaten by her. The city get into a panic(恐慌). Kreon , an officer of Thebes, offers the kingship to any man who can defeat Sphinx. Oedipus accepts the challenge. As a wise man, Oedipus finds the answer to the riddle easily. He replies to Sphinx. The man, who goes with four legs as a baby, then walks with two legs as an adult and at the old age walks with a walking stick as his third leg Oedipus answers Sphinxs riddle correctly. Sphinx becomes so angry about this answer that she throws herself from the high rock and dies. Oedipus, of course, becomes the king of Thebes.( ) 47. What is Sphinx like? A. She has a face of a lion. B. She has wings of a bird. C. She has a mouth of a fish. D. She has the body of a human.( ) 48. What will happen if people cant answer Sphinxs riddle? A. They will be eaten by her. B. Sphinx will laugh at them, C. Sphinx will turn them into animals. D. They wont be allowed to enter Thebes.( ) 49. How can we understand The man, who goes with four legs as a baby? A. The man has four legs long long ago. B. The man drives the car to work in the morning. C. The man walks with two walking sticks in the morning. D. The man uses arms and legs to move when he is young.( ) 50. What can we learn from the passage? A. Oedipus is a good king. B. Sphinx is a funny creature. C. Oedipus is a wise man. D. Sphinx is a beautiful woman. D In America, you can find dogs, cats, horses, snakes and even pigs in almost every family. American people Jove pets. Sometimes pet owners dress their pets in Fashionable clothes. They buy toys for their pets. Americans love their pets as their children, and sometimes even better. American families are getting smaller than before, When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own lives. Then the old people will feel lonely. Pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone. Americans have strong feelings for their dogs or cats. In America, animal doctors who are called vets provide medical care for all kinds of animals. However, it is expensive. Before keeping pets in their homes, Americans take their pets to the hospitals to give them injections (注射) so that they wont carry diseases. There are also special animal food shops. Americans have spent 34,4 billion dollars on their pets each year since 2004, They buy health insurance (保险) for their pets. Pets are as important to American culture as hot dogs or apple pies. To Americans, pets are not only property(财产), but also a part of. The family.( ) 51. In America, you can find in almost every familyA. dogs, cats, horses, snakes and even pigsB. cats, horses, snakes and chickensC. dogs, pigs chickens and dolphinsD. snakes, pigs, cows and even pigs _ .( ) 52. How do American people love pets? Which of the following is not true? A. They dress their pets in fashionable clothes. B. They leave them alone and have strong feelings for their dogs or cats. C. They buy toys for their pets and love their pets as their children. D. take their pets to the hospitals to give them injections(注射) so that they wont carry diseases.( ) 53. In America, it is expensive _ . A. to buy toys for their pets B. to buy dog food C. to see animal doctors D. to buy pet food( ) 54. According to the passage, pets are to Americans, they cant live without them. A. hot dogs and apple pies B. like friends C. their children D. very important E Is human blood all the same? Yes, you may say. Its all red. Well, its not as simple as you might think. Blood is made up of different parts, such as red blood cells (红血球), white blood cells and platelets (血小板). Two chemical molecules(分子)on the red blood cells make peoples blood different. Scientists mark one molecule A and the other molecule B. According to which and how many molecules are on the red cell, scientists divide blood into four types: A, B, AB and O. Your blood type will stay the same all your life. Scientists have been wondering if there are some links(联系)between peoples blood types and their personalities(个性), but they dont know for sure yet. But some say that people with the same blood type may have things in common. Whats your blood type? Do you have family members or friends who are of the same type as you? Read the following. People with type A: They look peaceful from the outside. But they ask too much of themselves that they may be very nervous inside. They get happy or sad easily. Sometimes they are shy but always very careful. They can easily win peoples trust(信任) People with type B: They have strong minds. Once they start a task, they dont give up easily. Theyll try their best to finish it and do it well. Type B people always try to make themselves different from others. They want to do things in their own way. People with type AB: They are maybe the strangest among all blood types. They can be both open and shy, noisy and quiet at the same time! They are responsible(负责的) and always ready to help others. People with type O: Theyre open and good at making friends. They always start tasks but dont always finish them. They have lots of new ideas and love to be the centre of attention. They always strongly believe in themselves.( ) 55. The blood types are decided by .A. the kind and amount (数量) of molecules on the white cellB. the kind and amount of molecules on the red cellC. the kind and the amount of platelets D. the amount of white blood cells( ) 56. If you are with Type B, you might . A. have strong minds B. be always ready to help others C. look peaceful outside D. always start a task and dont finish it( ) 57. If a person is both open and shy, noisy and quiet at the same time, he or she might be with blood.A. Type O B. Type A C. Type B D. Type AB( ) 58. The best title of the passage is . A. Blood Type B. Red Cells and White Cells C. Personality D. Blood Type and PersonalitiesV.语法填空(10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式。(共10题,每小题1分)Over nearly one hundred years, Disney has exported (出口) American culture across the world. And the company 59. (find) one kind of American food is very 60. (popularly)in China-the turkey leg.If you go to Disneyland, we sell big turkey legs, which are like the 61. (big) of my arm. I 62. (plan) to mainly sell Mickey Pork Buns and Minnie REd Buns in Shanghai Disney, Bob Iger, the CEO of the Walt Disney Company told reporters, But 63. I heard we would put the turkey leg on the menu in Shanghai, I thought our group was crazy. Why are we selling turkey legs 64. China?But Iger 65. (quick) found he was wrong. In Shanghai Disney, 66. (thousand) of the turkey legs began 67. (sell) every day. Demand for the snack quickly grew up to 4,000 68. day in Shanghai. That surprised Iger,VI.书面表达(15分) 请你以“Cats Make the Best Pets”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 要求;请至少给出三条理由。 Cats Make the Best Pets参考答案I. 听力部分(15分) 15 BAACC 610 BBCBA (10分) 11. Sara keeps a dog as a companion (伙伴) and she brings him wherever she goes. Last year, Sara went to a big mountain with the dog for a camping. Unfortunately, she fell down and broke her leg when taking pictures. She yelled for help but nobody heard her. Her dog ran to the main road. He managed to stop a car with great effort. The driver followed him, found her and sent her to the hospital right away. (3分) 12. Whats the name of your dog? (1分) 13. How old is your dog? (1分)笔试部分(85分)II. 选择填空(15分) 1418 AABBC 1923 BABCA 2428 CACBCIII. 完形填空(15分) 2933 ABCAC 3438 ACBCCIV. 阅读理解(30分) 3942 BCDB 4346 DBCD 4750 BADC 5154 ABCD 5558 BADDV. 语法填空(10分) 59. finds 60. popular 61. size 62. planned 63. when 64. in 65. quickly 66. thousands 67. selling 68. a VI书面表达(15分)One possible version:Cats Make the Best PetsIn my opinion, cats make the best pets.There are four reasons. First, people who keep cats are smarter than those who keep other pets according to a study from the UK. Second, cats are cleaner than other pets. They can clean themselves. Third, you can see cats grow up day by day, like a baby. Fourth, cats can communicate with you. Sometimes they can even comfort you when you are sad. Thats why more than ten million people in the world are keeping cats. So I would like to say that cats make the best pets.


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