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鲁教版2020届九年级英语第一次中考模拟试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)He likes listening to music _ he has timeA . soB . butC . wheneverD . or2. (2分)The dog kept waiting for its owner for many years. A . inB . onC . at3. (2分)Whats the weather like in Kunming, Lucy? Its hot cold. So Kunming is called the Spring City. A . neither; norB . not only; but alsoC . either; orD . both; and4. (2分)They _ football from 7 to 9 last night. A . were playingB . playC . playedD . are playing5. (2分)I want to know he will go hiking with us when he is free tomorrow. A . thatB . that ifC . whetherD . when6. (2分)My mother _ to work _ her bicycle. A . go; byB . goes; byC . go; onD . goes; on7. (2分)(2016重庆)I cant hear you . Please speak a little louder.A . clearlyB . lovelyC . widelyD . friendly8. (2分)Mr Wang often goes to work_. A . by a busB . takes the busC . by busD . take a bus9. (2分)She often parks her car near the house _ she can easily get to. A . whereB . whoC . whichD . what10. (2分)_? There are many books in it.A . Wheres the libraryB . Hows the libraryC . Whats in the libraryD . How many libraries are there in your school二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voice, 1one of you did this? We all stared down at the step. There was childs handwriting in chalk there. Would he guess it was me? I was so 2. When he asked me, I lied, Not me, Dad. The others denied (否认) it as well. Of course, we all knew that one of us 3have done it. But as the youngest and smallest of the three, I just couldnt find the courage to tell the 4.To find out who had written on the 5, Father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil. I want 6of you to write exactly what you see on the step. I tried my best to write the words 7. I didnt want Dad to be able to tell it was me. He gathered up our pieces of paper and looked at them. Since none of you will admit (承认) to have done it, then I will 8you all. I stood there and said nothing. I did it. My sister stepped forward and said she had done 9she hadnt. She was grounded (被罚不准出门) for a month. I didnt tell my dad it was really me 10many years later. I always felt sorry because of it. That was the last time I let anyone take the blame (承担责任) for me.(1)A . Where B . When C . Which (2)A . excited B . relaxed C . scared (3)A . can B . must C . need (4)A . lie B . joke C . truth (5)A . wall B . step C . shelf (6)A . one B . each C . either (7)A . differently B . beautifully C . exactly (8)A . reward B . believe C . punish (9)A . something B . anything C . nothing (10)A . since B . after C . until 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共24分)12. (4分)Hello!Im Cindys Chinese teacher Sun Tong.Im 22 years old. Im Chinese .My Chinese is very good. Oh my English is not good .Cindy is an English girl.She is 12 years old.Her English is very good. Her Chinese name is Sun Xiaotong.根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)(1)Sun Tongs English name is Cindy.(2)Cindy is an English teacher.(3)Cindys English is very good.(4)Sun Tong is not Chinese.(5)Sun Tong is Sun Xiaotongs Chinese teacher.13. (6分)阅读理解 I check my emails 5 times a day. I am always online. I have a lot of friends all over the world. So I send many emails to them and I also get lots of emails. When I check nay emails, every email gives me some information. I like playing games on the computer at the weekend. I like cooking games best because I can learn how to cook. It is a habit for me to check my emails after l get up every morning. I like using emails because I can send pictures to my friends.(1)Tom has a lot of _ all over the world. A . picturesB . friendsC . emailsD . computers(2)Henry likes playing games on the computer _. A . every dayB . every morningC . at weekendsD . on Friday(3)_ every morning is a habit for Mary. A . Making friendsB . Sending picturesC . Checking emailsD . Playing games(4)_ use the computer to send emails. A . Tom and MaryB . Tom and HenryC . Mary and HenryD . Tom, Henry and Mary(5)Which is NOT true? A . Tom can get some information from his emails.B . Mary doesnt send pictures to her friends.C . Henry can learn how to cook on the computer.D . Tom checks his emails five times a day.14. (6分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。I didnt think I had a passion(激情). I would sit in front of the TV all day, thinking about nothing but the next show. It was not long ago that I first learned how important having a passion is to life.That day I went with my mum to drive my sister to the gym. I was bored. Then, as my mum stopped at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye(吸引我的世界). It was a man dressed in rags (衣衫褴褛). He was homeless. That didnt interest me, for I had seen many like him before.But in some ways he was different. This man was not sitting down with a sad expression(表情). He had a radio in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious(珍贵) thing he had.Mum, why does that man have a radio even thought(尽管) hes homeless? I asked.He bought it, she replied. I was still unable to understand.But if hes homeless, why doesnt he use the money to buy food or clothes? He wasted it on something he doesnt need.Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes arent the most important things. We need happiness, too.The man must care too much about music to buy a radio instead of food clothes. I soon realized(意识到) that happiness is the key to life. Without it, theres nothing to look forward to.Since then Ive never gone a day without thinking of whats truly important. A home, a meal, clothesthese things are only part of the picture. Whats often forgotten is that we all need a pleasure, a light in a dark day. We all need a passion.(1)How would Sarah spend her days long ago? A . She watched TV all day.B . She used to read a lot.C . She did nothing but thinking.D . She was always sleeping.(2)Who caught Sarahs eye when her mum stopped the car at a red light? A . A man dressed in rags.B . A man dressed in new clothes.C . A man sitting down with a sad expression.D . A man singing happily to the music.(3)Why was the man different? A . He wore new clothes.B . He was sitting with a sad expression.C . He was homeless.D . He lived an active life though he was very poor.(4)What did Sarah do after she understood the fact? A . She thought all day without doing anything.B . She bought a radio just like the mans.C . She had a passion with everything from then on.D . She always danced to the music on the radio.(5)What can we learn from the passage? A . Sometimes food and clothes are the most important things in our life.B . Happiness is the key to life and it is what we are looking forward to.C . Music is more important than food or clothes.D . Money is the most important thing for a person.15. (8分)阅读理解 For thousands of years, humans have explored(探索)the Earth. Nowadays, we are exploring space. Astronomers (天文学家) are the modernday explorers, Now, many astronomers are looking for new planets and new places for humans to live in the future. But where do astronomers start looking?First of all, astronomers look for a star. Thats because our own Earth moves around a star (the Sun). More importantly, it is the correct distance( 距离) from the Sun for heat and light. So when astronomers have found the star, they look at the planets around it. In recent years, astronomers have found nearly 400 new planets with stars. However, many of these planets are either too near to the star or too far away.However, if the planet is in a good position, astronomers look for three key things: water, air and rock. Water is important because all life needs water. Humans can drink it and they can also grow plants with water. And plants produce air for humans to breathe and food to eat. Rock on a planet is also important. Thats because there is often water under the rock.After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth. Its Gliese 581g and its near a star. The astronomers think it has water and rock and the average(平均的) temperature is between -31 and -12.Thats cold, but not colder than Antarctica or the Arctic Circle, for example. Gliese 581g is bigger than the Earth. A year on Gliese 581g is only 37 Earth days instead of 365. But astronomers do not think these are big differences and some of them think Gliese 581g will be a new Earth. However, Gliese 58Ig is twenty light years from the Earth.(1)What do astronomers have to find first before starting to look for a new place for humans to live? A . new star.B . A new planet.C . Some heat.D . Some light.(2)What does the rock on a planet tell us? A . The star is in a right position.B . We may discover water under it.C . The planet is too near to the Sun.D . There can be air around the rock.(3)What does the underlined word scrutinizing mean in the last paragraph? A . discussing.B . waiting.C . looking.D . traveling.(4)Whats the main idea of the text? A . Gliese 581g is already a new Earth.B . There are planets similar to our Earth.C . Water, air and rock are important.D . Astronomers are looking for a new Earth.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)根据首字母提示,补全对话A:C_I help you?B:Yes,p_. I want a s_. A:We h_blue,yellow and r_ones. How about this one?B:I dont like blue. I like green.A:Sorry,we dont have green sweaters.B:Well,can I have a l_ at the coats?A:Sure. What c_do you want?B:Green.A:H_you are.B:It looks nice. How m_is it?A:30 dollars.B:I will t_it. Here is the money.五、 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。 (共10题;共10分)17. (1分)I usually sleep with the window open_(除非)its really cold. 18. (1分) Can you tell me who invented the light b_? Edison.19. (1分)Do you have any plans for the weekend? Yes, Im going to help the _(社区).20. (1分)Last week Professor Li was _(邀请)to make a speech on Chinese traditional festivals. 21. (1分)The singers were nervous before _(竞争) with others in the show. 22. (1分)Its very_(重要的) to make a plan before we do everything. 23. (1分)All living things d_on the sun for their growth(生长). 24. (1分)We can get lots of information from the _ (网站). 25. (1分)When there are people around, the bees often fly away in different d_. 26. (1分)Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous d_in China. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共6分)27. (6分)请阅读下面一篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 The Art Club The Art Club gives students the chance to work with others who share(分享)an interest in creative(有创造性的) activities. Students in the club meet on Tuesday, after school. And it is open to 6th, 7th and 8th graders.The Book ClubThis club is open to all book lovers. Students meet on Mondays in the morning. Students share breakfast foods and talk about a book that they have read. All students are invitedThe Dance ClubThe Dance Club tryouts(选拔赛)are held in the hall for 8th grade students only. Students in the Dance Club have to practise dancing and dance for the basketball game.The Tennis ClubStudents in the Tennis Club meet on Friday, after school. The club is open to 7th and 8th graders. And you can play tennis with your friends or classmates.Information CardThe time students meet in the Art Club_The people are invited to the Book Club_The Dance Club tryouts are held for_The number of clubs are mentioned(提及)_The club can play with friends_七、 书面表达 (共1题;共20分)28. (20分)书面表达 请以“My hobby”为题写一篇短文,必须包含以下要点和词语提示信息。1)What is your hobby?2)How do you develop your hobby?3)Share your happiness you get from your hobby. Give at least one example.提示词语 : practice, different, forget, no longer要求:1)可以适当发挥,文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3)词数:80词左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。My HobbyEveryone has his or her own hobby and so do I. 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共24分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。 (共10题;共10分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共6分)27-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共20分)28-1、

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