江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc

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九年级上册 Unit5 Task学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、 教学目标1. 掌握本课的重点单词、短语以及有用的表达方式。2. 完成一篇关于自己最喜爱的艺术形式的文章。教学重点、难点完成一篇关于自己最喜爱的艺术形式的文章。二、词汇、短语1. praise vt./ n. get praise from Sb. 得到来自某人的表扬 praise sb. 表扬某人praise my design 赞扬我的设计 praise sb for sth 动词 因为某事表扬某人The boss praised him for his excellent work.The doctor received high praise from everyone. 2. gift 名词“天赋,才能” 也可以表示“礼物”have a gift for painting 有绘画方面的天赋have a gift for sth.“某一方面有天赋”例如:The child has musical talent.The child has _ _ _ music.gift 名词“礼物”The watch was a gift from my mother.3.encourage 鼓励v. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事encouragement 鼓励n. give sb. great encouragement4.mark n.污点,斑点,分数 (可数名词)三、句型(语法) 1. All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival.2. I have a real gift for painting.3. I mixed the paint with the water.4. I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw well.5. I forgot that I was in class until Ms Luo came by my desk.6. She encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.7. I enjoy myself in the world of colours every time I paint.8. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. 9. The paint ran in all directions and made an interesting picture.九年级上册 Unit5 Task学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】一词组翻译.请试着在课文中找出这些词组1. 赞扬我的设计_ 2. 有绘画的天赋_3. 玩一些颜料_ 4. 用水把颜料混合在一起_5. 滴在纸上 _6. 用力吹_7. 向四面八方跑去_8. 鼓励某人干某事 _9. 一直尝试_10.对蜡笔和水彩笔着迷_二. 准备以下问题的答案,课堂与同学交流探讨.1What art form do you like best?2Are you good at this art form?3What do you think of this art form?4When did you become interested in this art form?5Do you have any stories about this art form?6How important is this art form to you?【课堂学习】Step 1. Pre-writing 1.Who is your favorite painter/ singer/dancer?2.Can you say something about him/her?Step 2. While- writing(1) Language pointsPoint1: praise vt 表扬,赞扬 praise sb/sth. 意为表扬某人/某物; praise sb for sth 意为因为某事而表扬某人。.这们医生受到所有人的高度赞扬。 This doctor received _ from everyone.Point2: gift用作名词,意为“天赋”。短语have a gift for sth 意为“某一方面有天赋”。. (翻译)这个女孩跳舞有天赋。(2) Understanding what to write and how to write A. Divide the questionnaire into three parts.Part1_Part2_ Part 3_B. Clear structureOrganize our ideas clearly.Introduction What art form do you like best? Main body Some stories about this art formConclusion your feeling about this art form(3) Writing (Teachers offer some help if necessary)The art form I like best 4. Editing (1) Self-editing32字写作评价标准: 段落分明(1) 要点齐全(5) 时态恰当(2) 结构正确(2) 句式多样(1) 过渡自然(1) 观点合理(2) 书写规范(1)(2) Peer-editing (Pair work/ Group work)Help your deskmate to correct in red and give him/ her some advice.给你同学的建议: 互评分_自评分 _Step 3. Post-writing Evaluating 1. Give some suggestions on how to improve writing skills.2. Pay attention to using some more beautiful sentence structures and proper transitions.需改进的词、句: 【课后拓展】一词汇。1.You should be careful when_ (控制)the machine.2.He became interested in art, especially in _( 文学).3. I _( drop) some paint on the paper and made a mess. 4. _ (look) at the bright sky, He listened to music nicely. 5.The_ (传统的)breakfast in this area includes bread and milk.6. My mother always _ me to face the difficulties bravely (鼓励)7. The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty _. (污点)8. He _ my designs for the fashion show. (赞扬)9. My teacher think I have a real_ for instructions. (天赋)10. The paint ran in all d_ and made a very interesting pictures !二选择( ) 1. The girl is_ a singer _ everyone in her hometown.A. well known as;for B.well-know as;to C. well known as;to D.best known for;for( ) 2. My teacher encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills.A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me take care D. me to take( ) 3. While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped _ and lay onthe ground, so we all stopped_ what was wrong with him.A. to run; to see B. to run;seeing C. running;seeing D. running; to see( ) 4.Do you have _ else to say for your mistake?_ but sorry.A. anything;Something B. something;Everything C. anything;Nothing D. something;Anything三句子翻译(10分)1. 你何时对文学产生兴趣的? When did you _ _ _ literature?2. 约翰已经沉迷于玩具汽车好长时间了。 John has been _ _ the toy cars for a long time.3. 直到上了公交车我才想起我把包忘家里了。 I remembered I left my bag at home _ I _ _ the bus.4. 我的哥哥对唱歌很有天赋。 My brother has _ _ _ singing.5. 你可以用一些牛奶混合咖啡。 You can _ the coffee _ _ _.四书面表达题假如钢琴家(pianist)李云迪是你的偶像,请根据下表提示,以My hero为题写一篇短文,90词左右,开头不计入总词数。出生年份及地点1982年,中国才能很小就能唱较难的歌学习历程4岁学习手风琴(accordion); 7岁开始对钢琴感兴趣,每天苦练; 有时太投入音乐世界而忘记吃饭 成就在国际比赛中多次获第一名; 在世界各地办过许多音乐会。 你的愿望至少一点My heroI am a music fan and piano music is my favourite. Of all the Chinese pianists, Li Yundi is my hero. _参考答案一、controlling, literature, dropped, looking, traditional, encourages, marks, praised, gift, directions二、CDDC三、15 ACBAD, 610 CBACD四、1.become interested in2. crazy about3. until, remembered on4. a gift for5. mix with some milk五、略_

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