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连词 ProducedbyZhangYaling 概念 连词是一种虚词 它不能独立地担任句子成分 只是连接词与词 短语与短语以及句子与句子的作用 英语中连词只要分两类 并列与从属连词 并列连词 用来连接平行的词 短语或分句 从属连词 用来引导一个从句 连词是用来连接词 词组和句子的虚词 分为并列连词和从属连词 并列连词连接两个分句 构成并列句 用从属连词引起两个分句 构成复合句 并列连词 a 并列关系 and aswellas either ornotonly butalso both andneither nor b 转折关系 but yet or c 因果关系 for so d 选择关系 or either or 并列连词连接两个分句 构成并列句 1 andNowstopblowing andsoonyouwillfindtheglassclearagain Tenminutesearlier andwecouldhavecaughtthelastbus and在此表示条件 等于ifyoustopblowingnow you Ifwecameheretenminutesearlier we 2 notonly butalso aswellasNotonlythemotherbutalsothechildrenaresick Themotheraswellasthechildrenissick 不但妈妈而且孩子也病了 不但孩子们而且妈妈也病了 连接主语时 强调的方面不同 谓语动词在人称 数上也要调整 orTheelephantisn tlikeawall oraspear orasnake oratree neitherishelikeafan 在否定句中并列成分的列举通常用or来连接 不用and 从属连词 用来连接各种从句 主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句连接词有 that if whether as连接代词 who whom whose whatwhich whatever whoever whichever连接副词 when where why how wherever whenever 从属连词 用来连接各种从句 2 状语从句引导时间状语从句连词有 as when while till not until until before since assoonas hardly scarcely when nosooner than once themoment theminutethat bythetime引导让步状语从句连词有 although though evenif eventhough nomatter who what when how where 或whoever whatever wherever however等as though 要用倒装 从属连词 用来连接各种从句 2 状语从句引导原因状语从句连词有 because asfor since nowthat引导地点状语从句连词有 where wherever引导目的状语从句连词有 sothat inorderthat引导结果状语从句连词有 so that such that引导方式状语从句连词有 as asif though 引导比较状语从句连词有 than as引导条件状语从句连词有 if unless so as longas incase once asfaras onconditionthat 从属连词 用来连接各种从句 3 定语从句关系代词 who whom whose which that关系副词 when where why4 同位语从句同上 除that外 一 几组时间状语从句1 till not until until before sinceDon tgetoffthebusuntilithasstopped Hewaitedforhisfatheruntil till itwastwelveo clock ItwillbefiveyearsbeforehereturnsfromEngland Observethefollowingsentences till untilTheyplayedvolleyballuntil till itgotdark Theydidn ttalkuntil till theinterpretercame Hedidn tgotobeduntil till hisfathercameback Tillthelastminuteofthematchwekeptonplaying Tillhefinishedhisworkdidhegohome Wewalkedtilltheedgeoftheforest until位于句首时 not开头的从句中 不能用till until till只能用于时间 改为asfaras或to F 几组时间状语从句2 hardly scarcely when nosooner than once assoonas AssoonasIhavefinishedit I llgiveyouacall Onceyoushowanyface hewillattackyou Wehadhardlygotintothecountrywhenitbegantorain Hardlyhadwegotinto 一 就 几组时间状语从句3 themoment directly immediately theminutethat Hemadeforthedoordirectlyheheardtheknock 4 eachtime everytime bythetimeEachtimehecametomycity hewouldcallonme 一 就 Observethefollowingsentences 1 while是否可换为when Pleasekeepquietwhileothersarestudying Afriendofyourscametoseeyouwhileyouwereaway 可以 while atthetimethat duringthetimethat谓语动词为持续性的动词 谓语一般为进行时 或状态动词的一般现在时 Observethefollowingsentences 2 when是否可换为while WhenIwentintothelab theteacherwasdoinganexperiment HeoftenmakesmistakeswhenheisspeakingEnglish when可指一段时间 也可指一点时间 引导的状语从句的谓语动词可是终止性的 也可是延续性的 主句和从句的谓语可以是一般时 进行时 完成时 when不等于while when while Observethefollowingsentences 3 as是否可换为while when AsIwaswalkingdownthestreet Inoticedapolicecarinfrontofnumber37 as可与when while通用 但强调 一边 一边 as when while 区别几组同义词连词 一 when while as 当 时 when 持续性V 终止性V e g HewasdoinghishomeworkwhenIcamein while 持续性动作 表示 在 时 表示对比 而 e g Strikewhiletheironishot Iliketeawhileshelikescoffee as 延续性动词 当 的时候 一边 一边 e g ImetherasIwascominghome when Shesangasshewalkedhome Ashetalkedonhegotmoreandmoreexcited 几组连词区别 ShecameupasIwascooking Therunnersstartedasthegunwentout Itwasrainingwhenwearrived Whenwewereatschool wewenttothelibraryeveryday Pleasedon ttalksoloudwhileweareworking Hefeelasleepwhile whenreading 和when while通用 但它着重强调主句与从句的动作同时或几乎同时发生 主句的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生 从句中的动词一般要用延续性动词 即可以表示在某一点的时候 又可以表示在某一段时间内 主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生 二 because 因为 since 既然 as 由于 for 因为 Whydidyoumovethere myfatherfoundajobthere Themanfainted 晕倒 hewastiredandhungry itisknowntoall theearthmovesroundthesun youcan tanswerthequestion perhapswe dbetterasksomeoneelse Theoldladydoesn tgooutinwinter shefeelsthecoldagreatdeal Because because As Since for 几组连词区别 下列情况只能用because1回答why问句时2用于强调句型中3被not否定时 三 sothat 以便 为了 表示目的 inorderthatsothat 以致于 结果 表示结果 Hegotupearlysothathecouldcatchthefirstbus Hegotuplatesothathedidn tcatchthefirstbus Itwasverycold sothatthewaterinthebowlfroze Shetookmedicineontimesothatshemightgetwellsoon 为了 结果 结果 为了 so that such that 如此 以致于 他是如此聪明的男孩 我们大家都喜欢他 Heis acleverboythatallofuslikehim 她被吓坏了 以致哭了起来 Shewas frightenedthatshestartedcrying 这是一个如此美丽的公园 以致人们喜欢在里面玩 Itis beautifulaparkthatpeopleenjoyplayinginit Thereis muchinkinthebottlethatyoucanuseit Thereare manytextsinthebookthatwecan tfinishlearningthisterm such so so so so 小结 such 名词 词组 thatso 形容词 副词that 四 尽管 although though ase g Although Thoughitwascold hewentonworking Coldas thoughitwas hewentonworking Although Thoughheisachild heknowsalot Childas thoughheis heknowsalot Although Thoughyoureadfast youcan tfinishthebookinthreedays Fastasyouread youcan tfinishthebookinthreedays 小结 although though用于正常语序 as though用于倒装语序 即将表语 状语 动词原形提前 五 疑问词 ever和nomatter 疑问词的区别Whoeverbreakstherulemustbepunished Youcanchoosewhateveryoulikeinshop Whoeverbreakstherule hemustbepunished Whateveryoudo youmustdoitwell Nomatterwhatyoudo youmustdoitwell nomatterwhobreakstherule hemustbepunished 疑问词 ever可引导名词性从句和让步状语从句nomatter 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句 六 if whether 是否 Sheasked Itooksugarinmytea Idon tcare itdoesn train Idon tcare itrainornot hewillcomeornotisunknown Theydiscussed theyshouldhelpher Weareconsidering togo Itisstillaquestion theywillfinishthetaskintime if whether if whether Whether whether whether whether 七 whether和if的区别Idon tcarewhetherhewillattendmybirthdaypartyornot Idon tcarewhetherornothewillattendmybirthdayparty 2 Ihaven tdecidedwhethertoleaveornot 3 WhethertheywillgototheGreatWallisnotknown 和not连用 whether可接不定式 引导主语从句 放在句首时 只能用whether whether和if的区别4 Thequestionwhetherwewilltakepartinthephysicscontesthasnotbeendecided Thequestioniswhetherwecanfinishthetaskontime 5 Itdependsonwhetheryouwanttodoitornot 引导同位语从句 表语从句 通常用whether whether可做介词的宾语从句的连接词 whether和if的区别6 Ifyouworkhard youaresuretosucceed 7 Iwonderifhecannotdomeafavor Hehadnoideaifhecouldnotfinishthetaskintime if可用来引导条件状语从句 从句用于否定结构时 必须用if Practice 1 Hurryup you llbelate 2 Studyhard you llmakeprogress 3 Ihadtriedhard Ifailed 4 Iwasgoingtojumpintotheriver theguidecalledouttome 5 Shecould readGerman speakitwell or and but when both and 6 Youmay doityourself leaveittome 7 Ican tswim canmysister 8 Itmustberaining itissodarkoutside 9 Theproblemwasveryhard weworkeditoutintheend either or neither for otherwise 10 ShehadmuchdifficultyinstudyingEnglish weshouldgivehermorehelp 11 WehavestudiedEnglishforonlyayear wecanalreadyactplaysinEnglish12 he Iamfromthenorth 13 Youcan stayatschool Cometospendtheholidaywithus so but Notonly butalso either or 14 Idon tknowhim doIknowwherehecomesfrom 15 Hewasverytired hekeptonworking 16 YoumaywatchTV onlyforhalfanhourorso 17 Come today tomorrow 18 Iwasill and couldnotcome nor yet but either or therefore as引导让步 要用倒装Childasheis heknowsalot MuchasIlikeit Iwon tbuy Tryashewould hecouldn tlifttheheavybox A when WhenB while WhileC as As 1 hecomestomorrow Ishallaskhimwherehehasbeen 2 hewasspeaking everybodylistenedcarefully 3 theypickedtea thegirlssanghappily 4 Haveagoodlookatthatman youpasshim 5 Itwasalreadyeighto clock wegothome 6 coalisburned thechemicalenergyisturnedintoheatenergy 7 HelearnedtospeakGerman hewasinBerlin 8 Henryisinchargeoftheoffice Mr Smithisaway 9 Iwasgoingout avisitorcame 10 Somepeoplerespecthim othersareafraidofhim A B C C A A B A A B B

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