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人教版2020届初中学业水平模拟考试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解(共20小题,计50分) (共4题;共50分)1. (12.5分)阅读理解 A new study shows students who write notes by hand during classes perform better on exams than those who use laptops(笔记本).Students are increasingly using laptops for notetaking because of speed and legibility(清晰度).But the research has found laptop users are less able to remember and use the concepts(概念) they have been taught.Researchers performed experiments that aimed to find out whether using a laptop is more likely to make notes mindlessly by taking down word for word what the teachers said.In the first experiment, students were given either a laptop or pen and paper. They listened to the same classes and were told to use their usual notetaking skills. Thirty minutes after the talk, they were examined on their ability to remember facts and on how well they understood concepts. The researchers found that laptop users took twice as many notes as those who wrote by hand. However, the laptop users performed worse at remembering and using the concepts. Both groups scored similarly when it came to memorizing facts.In another experiment aimed at testing longterm memory, students took notes as before but were tested a week after the class. This time, the students who wrote notes by hand performed much better on the exam.These two experiments suggest that handwritten notes are not only better for immediate learning and understanding, but that they also lead to a better performance in the future.(1)The students who prefer laptops for notetaking want to _. A . memorize more conceptsB . understand concepts betterC . get higher scoresD . take notes quickly and clearly(2)While taking notes, hand-writers are more_ than laptop users. A . skillfulB . tirelessC . thoughtfulD . mindless(3)The purpose of this passage is to _. A . find the differences between the laptop users and hand-writersB . suggest taking notes by handC . explain why students perform better on exams by taking notes by hand than by laptopD . suggest the use of laptops(4)The structure of the passage is _. A . B . C . D . 2. (12.5分)阅读理解 On September 13th, I woke up in the best mood. It was a late start, so I got to sleep in. Not only did I get my full eight hours of sleep, but an additional two more hours as well. I got ready, danced in my room to my favorite music while I picked out my clothes, made my lunch, and was on my way to school. I arrived at 9: 50 a. m. Little did I know, in the next 20 minutes, my life would change forever. As I got out of my classroom, there he was, holding the gun.Although everything happened so fast, in a matter of about 4 minutes, I remember it clearly. I remember every face I saw, and I remember every sound I heard. I remember the fear and the panic of the unknown. And lastly, I remember running. Running for my life. I ran down the stairs, out of the schools front doors, and down the street to the primary school. I remember looking down at my feet. As I looked down I thought to myself, How am I running so fast?I finally made it to a safe classroom, and 20 other students and I settled in for lockdown. We stayed close to one another and cried. It felt as though the tears going down our faces would never stop. We passed our phones around to text our loved ones that we were safe and that there was a school shooter, shots were fired, and 4 students were injured thus far.The lockdown lasted about 30 minutes, even though it felt like forever. Our headmaster made his way to our room and explained that the shooter had been caught and we were all going to make our way to the football field.(1)How did the writer feel before going to school? A . Relaxed.B . Worried.C . Scared.D . Puzzled.(2)What does the phrase sleep in probably mean in Paragraph l? A . sleep in bedB . sleep with clothes onC . sleep with face coveredD . sleep longer than usual(3)What did the students do when the shooting began? A . Calling the police for help.B . Running away in all directions.C . Fighting back against the shooter.D . Texting their beloved ones about it.(4)Where did the writer find safety in the shooting? A . On a football field.B . In a neighboring school.C . In a classroom of her school.D . Back at her own home.(5)What can we tell from the story? A . The headmaster didnt care about his students.B . There was more than one shooter in the killing.C . Not all the 21 students took phones with them.D . The shooter killed himself in the end.3. (12.5分)阅读理解 It is easy for people to have a flu in spring. We should learn something to protect ourselves from it.Typeset of flu virus: Type A flu: This virus includes H1N1 and sub-type H3N2.Type B flu: This virus can cause seasonal epidemics.Type C flu: This virus causes epidemics that are generally at a stable level in different years.Type D flu: This virus can infect pigs and cattle but not human beings.Spreading:Two main sources of seasonal flu epidemics(流行):flu patients and infected(被感染的)people in sick.The airway is the main route of spreading.Common latent (潜伏)period:1 to 4 days, 2days on average.Direct and indirect connect with the mouth , nose and eyes. People who are easy to have a flu:Children, the elder, pregnant women, medical workers, patients with some diseases such as breathing, diabetes and heart disease.Good personal healthy care:Wash hands frequently;Avoid crowed in flu season.Cover mouth and nose and dont touch them after the beginning of the flu:Reduce contacts with people who are easy to have flu;Wear masks if you should go to the hospital. (1)The number of flu viruses that the article tells us is .A . 5B . 4C . 3D . 6(2)Mr.Li works in a middle school . There are some people who have a flu this month. So he should keep himself from flu EXCEPT .A . keep away from the flu patientsB . exercise more every dayC . open the window as often as possibleD . talk to sick people without a mask(3)From the passage, we know that .A . its easy for the medical workers to have a fluB . the flu will last for only 1 dayC . if your classmates have a flu, you have to cover your mouth and noseD . children arent easy to have a flu(4)According to the passage, which of the ways are NOT right to keep yourself from flu? A . If someone has a flu, he should keep clean and wash hands as often as possible.B . In flu season, youd better not go to the crowded places.C . Parents and children shouldnt wear face masks when they go to see the doctors.D . Youd better not stay with your best friends who have a flu on weekends.(5)You can most probably find this passage in .A . an advertisementB . a posterC . a bookD . a health magazine4. (12.5分)阅读理解。AI started to study English when I was a child because of Michael Jackson. He has been my idol (偶像) since 1991. I really wanted to understand him and his music. I used to use a dictionary to learn the meanings of words of songs written by him.There was a lot of work to do to learn English, but I never felt tired. At first I learned about pronunciation, which was the hardest part for me. Because music was my only source (来源) of spoken English, sometimes I had to use a pronunciation dictionary. Then I made lists of words in order to remember them and their meanings. I would spend hours learning English grammar. Whats more, I read a lot. I also tried to translate texts, dialogues and songs.Because of my hard work, my English improved a lot. In the end, I entered a college and had a great chance to further improve my English. Now I am an English teacher. And I am still making progress in English.(1)The author started to study English to _.A . enter a collegeB . be an English teacherC . sing English songsD . know about Michael Jackson and his music(2)What was the most difficult thing for the author when he was studying English?A . Listening.B . Pronunciation.C . Reading.D . Grammar.(3)Which way of learning English is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . Listening to music.B . Joining an English club.C . Translating texts, dialogues and songs.D . Reading a lot.(4)From the passage, we know that the author is _.A . hard-workingB . lazyC . sadD . lonely(5)The author mainly wants to talk about _.A . Michael Jackson and his musicB . the importance of learning EnglishC . his experience in learning EnglishD . ways to remember words二、 任务型阅读(共10分,每题2分) (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)左栏是五个人的情况简介,右栏是七个人对他们朋友的描述,请将人物与描述匹配。 _Jacks favourite sport is basketball. He plays basketball every day after School._Amy likes green very much. Her bag is green too._Sam doesnt like cold weather. Now hes in Haikou, China. He goes swimming every day._Kate is from England.Shes now in Guangzhou.Shes a student of Grade7._Henry is from Cambridge.His favourite teacher is Miss Jiang, his Chinese teacher.A. My friend likes green, and her bag is like mine. Theyre both big and green. I often take her bag by mistake(错误地).B. My friend is in a big city in China now. Shes twelve years old and shes in Class 5, Grade7.She likes playing basketball.C. He is my new friend. His last name is White. His favourite sport is football. We play football after school on Friday.D. My friends favourite sport is swimming. The weather here in our city is hot in winter. We go swimming every day.E. My friend comes from England. Miss Jiang teaches(教) him Chinese. Shes his favourite teacher.F. She is from England. Shes not in my class. Shes in Class7, Grade 8. But were good friends. Our favourite colour is blue.G. My friends last name is Smith. He likes playing basketball. I like it too. We often play basketball after school.三、 综合填空(共20空,每空1.5分,计30分) (共2题;共30分)6. (15分)用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺.(每空1分,共5分) young shoot child go luckyThe Taliban(塔利班组织) controlled an area in Pakistan. They neither allowed people to listen to music nor watch television, and they also stopped girls from _to school. Elevenyearold Malala made the brave choice to blog(发微博)about life under the Taliban. She kept an opinion that girls had the right to an education. Malalas blog made the Taliban very angry. While riding a bus in 2012, Malala _in the head by a Taliban gunman. _, she didnt die from that attack. The following year, she gave a historic speech to the United Nations. Speaking about the importance of education, Malala said, Im here to speak up for the right of education for_.In 2014, she became the _person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.7. (15分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。they, very, America, any, parent(1)The weather is_hot here in summer (2)He isnt_He is English (3)Are those your_? (4)I know these boys_are from a big school.(5)Are there_desks in the room? 四、 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。 Remember when you were a little child trying to learn to walk?First, you had to learn how to balance (平衡) yourself and stand. You fell down, and then got back up. You laughed sometimes and cried at other times. After much practice, you finally learned how to balance yourself. You got much pleasure from this new feeling of poweryoud stand everywhere you could. It was a happy timeyou did it!Now the next stepwalking. Youd seen others do it. It didnt look that hardjust move your legs while you were standing. Wrongmore difficult than you ever imagined. But after you tried again and again and again, you understood how to walk.If people found you walking, they cheered, Oh, look at what the kid is doing. This encouraged you! But look back on those days when you were the little childhow many times did you try when no one was watching, or when no one was cheering? You couldnt wait for someone to encourage you to take the next steps. You learned how to encourage yourself.So, keep trying and encouraging yourself as you learned to walk if you want to succeed in doing something.(1)What is the first step in learning to walk? (不超过15个词) (2)When did you understand how to walk? (不超过15个词) (3)What should you do if you want to succeed in doing something? (不超过15个词) 五、 书面表达。(20分 ) (共1题;共20分)9. (20分)每年的8月8日是“全民健身日”,为了让这项运动更加深人人心,某英文杂志的“运动与健康”栏目正在以Lets do exercise together为题,向广大中学生征文。请你根据下面表格中的要点提示写一篇文章,向该栏目投稿。 运动的重要性运动的时间与方式保持健康学习好上学时步行或骑自行车体育课做各种锻炼(跑步、打篮球.周末与朋友去爬山、游泳等:要求:1)短文须包含要点提示中所有信息,并适当发挥,2)词数:70左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。Lets do exercise togetherIts very important for us to do exercise. Lets do exercise and have a healthy habit!第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 阅读理解(共20小题,计50分) (共4题;共50分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、二、 任务型阅读(共10分,每题2分) (共1题;共10分)5-1、三、 综合填空(共20空,每空1.5分,计30分) (共2题;共30分)6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、五、 书面表达。(20分 ) (共1题;共20分)9-1、

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