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语法Grammar 名词n 一 概述 名词是表示人 地方 事物或抽象概念名称的词 可以说名词是万物之名称 它们可以是 人的名字LiMing Tom Gina地方名称China London England职业称呼teacher doctor worker物品名称pencil dictionary pencil case行为名称study invention抽象概念history grammar 你还能想到什么呢 二 名词的分类 专有名词 普通名词 可数名词 不可数名词 1 专有名词主要指人名 地名及某些类人和事物专有的名称 如 Mary Beijing Americans English May Saturday EasterGonewiththeWind 2 普通名词除专有名词外 其它都属于普通名词 如 boy classroom book bag aunt family juice milk age childhood 分类 专有名词 or普通名词 Saturday tea Zhanghua rain WestLake enemy computer beauty Mrs Greenweather peace ice cream Russians JourneytotheWest 1 可数名词 countablenoun C 可以分清个体 以数目来计算的 有复数形式 如 book girl ruler room apple box bus watch day zoo 2 不可数名词 uncountablenoun U 不可以分清个体 不能以数目来计算 只有单数形式 如 water milk coffee tea rice bread work study love 分类 可数名词 or不可数名词 boy knife peace potato wind tomato hero music pleasure map radio technology desk egg 当然 也有特殊的哦 1 既可以当可数名词又可以当不可数名词 可数不可数glasspapertimeorangeadvicetiniron 玻璃杯 眼镜 玻璃 报纸 试卷 纸张 次数 时代 时间 橙 橘子 橙汁 橙色 劝告 建议 通知 公函 消息 锡 罐头 铁 熨斗 在中文是可数 英文却不可数 如 money bread hair meat furniture rice news 因此 平时要多积累哦 可数名词的复数形式 1 规则变化 一般情况在词尾加 s desk desks day days girl girls 以s x ch sh结尾的词在词尾加 es bus buses box boxes watch watches 以辅音字母加y结尾的词变y为I再加 es family familiesfactory factoriesparty parties 以f或fe结尾的词变f或fe为v再加 es knife knives life lives wife wives half halves Important Let spractice I 写出下列名词的复数形式 house 2 village 3 map 4 orange 5 bag 7 dish 8 family 9 boy 10 monkey 11 box 12 knife 13 class 14 factory 15 leaf 16 dictionary 17 watch houses villages maps oranges bags dishes families boys monkeys boxes knives classes factories leaves dictionaries watches 2 不规则变化 1 以o结尾加 es potato potatoestomato tomatoeshero heroesNegro Negroes 2 字母a变e man men woman women Frenchman Frenchmen policeman policemen 3 字母oo变ee tooth teeth foot feet goose geese 但 German Germanshuman humans 4 单复数同形 sheep sheep deer deer fish fishChinese Chinese Japanese Japanesecattle cattle 5 其他 child children mouse mice medium media basis bases 不同国籍的人的复数形式 1 加 s AustralianAustraliansRussianRussiansItalianItaliansGreekGreeksAmericanAmericansIndianIndiansCanadianCanadiansGermanGermans2 变a为e EnglishmanEnglishmenFrenchmanFrenchmen3 单复数同形 ChineseChineseJapaneseJapaneseSwissSwiss Exercises 1 match 2 man 3 German 4 tomato 5 policeman 6 kilo 7 human 8 potato 9 Chinese 10 shelf 11 Japanese 12 American 13 life 14 tooth 15 wife 16 foot 17 knife 18 sheep 19 half 20 key matches men Germans tomatoes policemen kilos humans potatoes Chinese shelves Japanese Americans lives teeth wives feet knives sheep halves keys 3 合成名词的复数形式 有主体时 主体变为复数father in lawfathers in law 岳父 公公 无主体时 结尾加 s grown upgrown ups 成年人 go betweengo betweens 媒介者 中间人 如果其中有man或者woman 则两个都要变复数womandoctorwomendoctorsmandoctormendoctors Canyoutry 把下列名词变复数形式 looker onwomansingersister in lawmancookpasser byhousewifebride to bewomandoctorschoolroom lookers on womensingers sisters in law mencooks passers by housewives brides to be womendoctors schoolrooms 名词n Period2 1 orange 2 class 3 text 4 monkey 5 piano 6 child 7 shelf 8 bed 9 country 10 family 11 toy 12 foot 13 Japanese 14 radio 15 photo 16 army 17 cattle 18 Australian Brainstorm oranges classes texts monkeys pianos children shelves beds countries families toys feet Japanese radios photos armies cattle Australians Let slearnmore 不可数名词的量的表达 可以加上一个表示数量的修饰词来表示它的数量 如 apieceof acupof abagof aglassof akiloof 一张纸apieceofpaper三张纸threepiecesofpaper一包大米abagofrice十包大米tenbagsofrice 可数名词也可以这样表达量 但要用复数形式 aboxofbooksfivebagsofapplestenkilosoforanges 也就是短语里面可数名词要变复数的都变复数哦 常用量词总结 aglassof一玻璃杯acupof一杯abottleof一瓶abagof一包 一袋aboxof一盒 一箱apieceof一张 一片 块 akiloof一公斤 一千克abasketof一篮apairof一对 一双 一副agroupof一群 一队 一组 Let stry 1 三杯水2 五杯茶3 一公斤米4 二十箱书5 三篮子蔬菜6 八双鞋子7 十杯牛奶8 五块肉9 一副眼镜 threeglassesofwater fivecupsoftea akiloofrice twentyboxesofbooks threebasketsofvegetables eightpairsofshoes tenglassesofmilk fivepiecesofmeat apairofglasses 名词所有格 1 一般情况加 s children sbooks儿童图书today spaper今天的报纸 2 带词尾 s的复数名词只加 girls school女子学校theSmiths car史密斯家的小汽车 3 注意以下情况 Tom sandJim srooms汤姆和吉姆 各自 的房间TomandJim sroom汤姆和吉姆 共同 的房间 一 用名词所有格填空 1 Theyaregoingtotheir home grandparents 2 The shoesarebehindthedoor boy 3 Thisshopsells clothesonly men 4 Thosearemy cars friends 5 Wearecleaningthe stables horses Exercises grandparents boys boy s men s friends horses 6 Doyouknowwherethis handbagis lady 7 Manyofmy houseswererobbed neighbors 8 The uniformsarered player 9 Thesearethe toys children lady s neighbors players children s 1 roomisnexttotheirparents A Kate sandJoan sB Kate sandJoanC KateandJoan sD KateandJoan2 June1is A children sdayB children sDayC Children sDayD Children sday3 Whoseroomisthis It s A LiMingB LiMing sC LiMingsD LiMings 4 Thewomanoverthereis mother A JuliaandShelley sB Julia sandShelley sC JuliaandShelleyD Julia sandShelley 二 选择填空 Englishisspokenbymanypeopleintheworld 主语Thisisapencil box 表语IlikeEnglish butIlikeChinesebetter 宾语OurEnglishteacherisdrinkingwater 定语Mr Black ourteacher isfromEngland 同位语Iamgoingtoseeafilmthisevening 状语MissWangisconsideredagoodteacher 补语主语 表语 宾语 定语 同位语 状语 补语 名词的功能 ExercisesP33 1 主语2 表语3 状语4 同位语5 宾语6 定语7 补语 Review 一 变复数 1 Chinese 2 shelf 3 Russian 4 American 5 life 6 tooth 7 deer 8 piano 9 mouse 10 goose 11 hero 12 Swiss Chinese shelves Russians Americans lives teeth deer pianos mice geese heroes Swiss 一玻璃杯一茶杯一瓶一包 一袋一盒 一箱一张 一片 块 一公斤 一千克一篮子一对 一双 一副一群 一队 一组 aglassof 二 常用量词总结 acupof abottleof abagof aboxof apieceof akiloof abasketof apairof agroupof 1 TodayisSeptember10th It s Day A TeacherB Teacher sC Teachers D Teacher 2 Thisis ball It snot A theboy s girl sB theboy s thegirl sC theboy thegirlD boys girls3 Thisyear isonMay9th A mymother sbrithdayB mymothers brithdayC mymothersbrithdayD mymothers sbrithday4 Theseare books LiLinboughtsomeattheSunBookstoreandJillboughtsomeattheBlueSkyBookstore A LiLin sandJillB LiLinandJill sC LiLin sandJillD LiLin sandJill s 三 名词所有格 动词v 语法Grammar 一 概述 动词是表示动作或状态的词 如 help see go come run fly look seem get become can may 动词的基本形式 1 动词原形2 第三人称单数3 现在分词4 过去式和过去分词 Important 第三人称单数 过去式与过去分词 规则变化 Exercises按要求写出动词的形式 1 wash2 match3 stop4 make5 read6 play7 watch8 guess 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 原形 washes washing washed washed matches matching matched matched stops stopping stopped stopped makes making made made reads reading read read plays playing played played watches watching watched watched guesses guessing guessed guessed 9 study10 finish11 go12 snow13 carry14 teach15 do16 say 原形 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 studies studied studied studying finishes finishing finished finished goes going went gone snows snowing snowed snowed carries carrying carried carried teaches teaching taught taught does doing did done says saying said said 动词Period2 3 Let sreviewwhatwelearnedyesterday e 原形 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 destroys destroyed destroying catches catching caught caught dances dancing danced danced worries worrying worried worried gets getting got got washes washing washed washed sings singing sang sung comes coming came come destroyed 动词的时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 现在完成时 现在进行时 过去进行时 过去将来时 过去完成时 1 一般现在时的标志词 every 时间状语 如everyday onSundays attheweekend often always sometimes usually 没标志等 如 Shedoesherhomeworkeveryday Myfatherusuallygoestoworkbybus 2 一般过去时的标志词 yesterday in 过去年 月份 last 短语 ago短语 justnow once 从前 如 Iwenttoseeafilmyesterday Sheworkedinthatfactorylastyear 用适当的动词形式填空 Exercises 1 There atelephonecallforyoujustnow be 2 Peopleusually eat dinnerintheevening 3 Hissisteralways go toschoolat7 00a m 4 TomandMary come toChinalastmonth 5 JennyandDannysometimes play gamesintheafternoon 6 Mike notgo tobeduntil12o clocklastnight was eat goes came play didn tgo 7 Mymother notdo houseworkyesterday 8 She notvisit heraunttwodaysago 9 There be noonehereamomentago 10 LinTao like hisnewsweater 11 There benot anyhospitalsinmyhometown 家乡 in1940 12 Where you have luncheveryday didn tdo didn tvisit was likes weren t do have 3 一般将来时的标志词 tomorrow morning next 时间状语 soon in 一段时间 in 未来年 月份 beforelongMarywillgoshoppingtomorrow Janeisgoingtotravelabroadintwodays 4 现在进行时的标志词 now thesedays look at listen to 等Look Thecatischasingthemouse Mysisterisdoingherhomeworknow Exercises 1 He come backinaweek 2 She be aconductorofatrainsoon 3 Listen She sing intheclassroom 4 LiMing be tenyearsoldnextyear 5 Look Theboyoverthere play amodelplane 6 China become amodernandstrongcountrybeforelong willcome willbe issinging willbe isplaying willbecome 7 Weoften buy booksandthingslikethatintheshop 8 I leave inaminute I finish allmyworkbeforeI leave 9 Whatareyoudoing I do myhomework 10 Thedayaftertomorrowthey watch avolleyballmatch 11 They hold abirthdaypartythisSunday 12 you work hardfromnowon buy willleave willfinish leave amdoing willwatch willhold Will work 5 现在完成时的标志词 already yet just ever never for 一段时间 since 短语或从句 等Ihavealreadyspentallofmymoney Wehaveseenthatfilmbefore Exercises Ialready see thefilm I see itlastweek 2 he finish hisworktoday Notyet 3 you be toHongKong Yes I be theretwice 4 Myfatherjust come backfromwork Heistirednow 5 Where sLiMing He go totheteacher soffice have seen Has finished Have been havebeen has come hasgone saw 6 I work heresinceI move herein1999 7 SofarI make quiteafewfriendshere 8 HowlongtheWangs stay here Fortwoweeks haveworked moved havemade have stayed Remember Whathavewelearned Let sreviewagain Exercises 用动词的适当形式填空 1 Tom notlisten totheradioeverymorning 2 I come toseeyouagainbeforelong 3 youruncle have ameetinglastFriday 4 Howmanyclasses you have everyday 5 It ssevenintheevening Tom sfamily watch TV 6 Listen Who sing inthenextroom doesn tlisten willcome Did have do have arewatching issinging 7 Don tmakeanoise Grandma sleep 8 Sometimeshe help hismotherwiththehousework 9 We have ameetingatthattime 10 Tom nothave breakfastyesterdaymorning 11 MrWang teach usmathssince199012 yourfather go toworkbybikeeveryday issleeping helps werehaving didn thave hastaught Does go 1 Don tturnoffthelightI areportnow A havebeenreadingB readC amreadingD haveread2 John thefirstpartyinhislifetomorrownight A isgivenB isgivingC hasgivenD hasbeengiving3 Myuncle toseeme He esB iscomingC hadcomeD came Exercises 4 Ithinkshe rightnow A readingB readsC isreadingD read5 Beforelong he allaboutthematter willhaveforgottenB willforgetC forgetsD forgot6 He amodelplanewhenIcametoseehim A makesB ismakingC wasmakingD made7 Look Theboystudentsare footballwhilethegirlsare playing danceB playing dancingC play dancingD play dance 英语国际音标表 48个 元音 20个 Review 辅音 28个

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