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人教版七校2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)完形填空One day a young man put an ad (广告) in most of the newspapers in England. He said that his parents 1 him millions of pounds (英镑). He graduated from Oxford University. Everyone knows this university is one of2 universities in the world. So he had got a great education there. Hed like a girl to be his3 . The girl must be like the one in the books written by Somerset Maugham,4 Maugham was his favourite.This ad was read and known 5 by parents and young girls all over the country. Parents went to shops to 6 the books. They bought those books for their daughters7 presents. Girls tried to get those books 8 . They wanted to know what kind of person the writer liked so that they could marry the young man.All the books written by Maugham9 in a short time and the writer became famous.Can you guess who the young man was? It was Somerset Maugham 10 ! What a clever man he was!(1)A . give B . gave C . has given D . will give (2)A . the most famous B . more famous C . most famous D . famous (3)A . friend B . classmate C . wife D . teacher (4)A . though B . so C . but D . because (5)A . truly B . wrongly C . slowly D . quickly (6)A . look at B . look over C . look for D . look after (7)A . as B . with C . for D . like (8)A . to keep B . to sell C . to read D . to show (9)A . are sold out B . were sold out C . have sold out D . sold out (10)A . himself B . herself C . itself D . themselves 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共40分)2. (10分)阅读理解Everyone has two personalities(性格)- one is showed to the world and the other is secret and real. You dont show your secret personality when youre awake because you can control(控制) yourself, but when youre asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. And the important position that best shows your secret personality is when you go to sleep.If you go to sleep on your back, youre a very open person. You usually believe people and you are easily influenced(影响) by new ideas. You dont like to make people unhappy, so you never show your real feelings. Youre quite shy and you arent very confident(自信的).If you sleep on your stomach, you are a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and youre always easy to be sad. You never want to change your ideas, and you are pleased with your life. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.If you sleep on curled up(蜷缩),you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and often dont want to be hurt, so you are very defensive(有戒心的). Youre shy and you dont like meeting people. You like to be alone.If you sleep on your side, you usually have a well-balanced(平衡的)personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. Youre usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel worried, but you dont often get unhappy. You always say out what you think, even if it sometimes makes people angry.(1)You may find the passage in . A . a science magazineB . a comic bookC . a sports newspaperD . a story book(2)What does the word “position” mean in the passage? A . 品格B . 欲望C . 现象D . 姿势(3)When does the sleeping position best show your secret personality? A . In the daytime.B . After waking up.C . During the sleep.D . Before going to sleep.(4)Tina hardly ever tells her secrets to her friends. She probably goes to sleep . A . on curled upB . on her stomachC . on her backD . on her side(5)What does the passage tell us? A . Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping.B . We have sleeping problems because of sleeping positions.C . Sleeping positions show peoples secret personalities.D . A well-balanced personality is very important.3. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Some advice on TravelForget fashion (时尚)! Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys.Travelling on trains and buses can be boring, so take a good book to read.If youre going somewhere cold, remember to put on your warm clothes!If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to bring your sun-block (防晒霜) and sunglasses.Always take a camera with you to capture those special moments.Be careful with your things whenever you go to a busy place, like a train station. There are many thieves there!.Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you are a student, take your student card with you.Always leave a room in your bag and buy presents on the way home.Bus tours often stop at expensive shops along the way, save your money by buying presents at local shops.If you travel abroad (国外), remember to take your passport. Whatever you do, dont lose it!(1)If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer, you should take with you.A . some fruit and drinkB . warm clothes and sports shoesC . sunglasses and sun-blockD . fashionable (时尚的) clothes and a big bag.(2)According to the passage, is a good way to keep away from boredom (单调) while youre on a train or a bus.A . Taking a cameraB . reading a good bookC . listening to musicD . sleeping for some time(3)You must always while you are at busy places because there are often thieves there.A . get your thinks readyB . give your things awayC . look after your things wellD . put your things away(4)If a student wants to buy some presents at lower prices while traveling, he should show to the shop assistant.A . his student cardB . his thingsC . his passportD . prices(5)The underlined word “capture” in this passage means “ ”A . 控制B . 抓住C . 感受D . 拍摄4. (10分)阅读理解Many people like to watch TV, There are all kinds of programs on TV. The soap opera is one of them.The soap opera was first on the radio in the 1920s, then it started on TV in the 1940s. Why do so many people like to watch soap operas on TV, especially young people? What makes soap operas popular? Lets find out.First, whats happening in the soap opera is very different from our lives. Everything is perfect in the play, People dont need to worry about almost anything. People dont have more Problems.Second, there are many beautiful girls and handsome boys in the soap opera. They are cool. They make young people crazy. They make young people happy.Third, the story in the soap opera is usually interesting. It makes people relaxed after a days hard work. Even some old people like to watch it, too.But some people dont like it, they think the show is too slow and too long. Do you like to watch soap operas? What do you think of them?(1)The soap opera started on TV _. A . in the 192B . in the 1930sC . in the 1940sD . in the 1950s(2)The soap opera is _ our lives. A . very different fromB . the same asC . as interesting asD . crazier than(3)_ in the soap opera make young people crazy. A . The money problemB . The perfect storiesC . The interestingD . The beautiful girls and handsome boys(4)People like soap operas because A . they are too slow and too longB . they can make peopleC . they can make people relaxedD . they started on TV early(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage A . The people in the soap opera dont need to worry about almost anything.B . All people like soap operas.C . The story in the soap opera is usually interesting.D . The girls and the boys in the soap opera are usually cool.5. (10分)“Would you tell me which way I should go from here?” asked Alice.“That depends a good deal on where you want to get,” said the Cat.“I really dont care where” replied Alice.“Then it doesnt much matter which way you go,” said the Cat.- from “ Alice in Wonderland ”My name is David. And I have a brother called Mike.One day, my brother called me and asked me for some advice. He was trying to decide between two job offers:Job 1 The first job was your typical 40 hour a week “office” job.Job 2 The second job was more of a career in the insurance industry(保险业), where he would start at the bottom, and after many years and many long hours eventually rise to the top (if he was good).The second job did not pay as well as the first job (at the beginning), but the pay-off of the second job (in the future) was much greater than the first job. So which job should my brother take? Well the answer isit depends.Just like the Cat was trying to tell Alice, which road you take depends a great deal on where you want to end up.Begin with the End in MindI asked my brother what was his lifes purpose. He said his purpose was to “teach,” but he wanted to make a lot of money first. I told my brother to forget about the money, and I advised him to focus on his purpose. I then asked him which job best supported his end result of “teaching.” He said the first job best supported his goal because he would only have to work 40 hours a week, which would give him spare time to teach. He continued on to say, “but if I take job number two, I can work hard and make more money, then I can retire early and “teach” later in life.” I again advised him to “focus” on his purpose, not money. Things dont end wrong, they begin wrong!You Cant Ride Two Horses WellIt would be very difficult to have a successful teaching career while youre working 70-80 hours a week in the insurance business; no one can ride two horses well. As they say, you can do anything, but not everything. I advised him to get started today by choosing the job that best supported that decision.Tomorrow Never ComesMy brother was thinking that he could always start teaching later in life, but the reality is, tomorrow never comes. Unless you decide right now to follow your feelings, they will probably never be completed. You only live once, dont go to the end of your life with one regret.The Money Will ComeMy brother seemed to be overly concerned with making money. I told him not to be anxious about making money. You will always have greater money when youre doing what you love.In a word, whenever youre at a cross-road, be sure to make the decision that best supports the goal of your life. If you do, then you will be well on your way.(1)Mike _ David one day.A . visitedB . metC . made a telephone call toD . found(2)Mike was trying to _.A . look for a jobB . start a careerC . wok in an officeD . decide between two job offers(3)As for the lifes purpose, Mike _.A . wanted to teach firstB . wanted to make a lot of money firstC . wanted to work in the insurance industryD . wanted to work 40 hours a day(4)You Cant Ride Two Horses Well means _.A . youd better have two horsesB . you can only ride one horse wellC . you can do everything well.D . you cant do two things well at the same time(5)The best title of the passage is _.A . How to choose a better jobB . It is more important to begin than to endC . How to make a better decisionD . Make more money because tomorrow never comes三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共5分)6. (4分)选词填空。eastern, though, opinion, loud(1)Paul is still nervous,_he has practised many times (2)The music was really_,so we couldnt hear what you said (3)A lot of rich people live in the_part of our city (4)I think English is more difficult than ChineseWhats your_,Jack? 7. (1分)Tim and Mike often work together to s_maths problems四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)语法填空 _(learn)how to play the piano is not the only way for children to have a bright future. Children can choose what they like in many ways. Many children are good at sports, maybe they will be great players_they grow up. Here is another example: the schools have paid much attention to story-telling recently. Story-telling can make students become better at talking. They hold many story-telling contests every year. And children _(show)great interest and taken an active part in them. Some students who were too shy to speak in public have been now very good speakers. Now many parents send their children to learn how to play the piano or the violin. But the money and energy they spend cannot _(make)sure that their children will learn a lot on a short period of time. However, training children to tell a story is quite different. Although it _(cost)little, its a good and an easy way for children to develop. 五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分)阅读理解Its important to develop the healthy habits in your daily life. The following will help you become healthier and keep perfect shape.Eat properly. A healthy diet is very important for everybody. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Doctors suggest that students breakfast should include fruit, eggs, milk, rice or noodles, because these can offer them necessary energy, help them listen carefully in class and keep them healthy. Eat enough for lunch and little for supper. But remember that too much sugar is bad for your teeth and blood. You shouldnt have too many sweet snacks and desserts in your diet, even though such food tastes delicious.Keep off germs(病菌). Daily tooth cleaning reduces the amount of germs which will spread diseases. Germs in the mouth arc likely to enter the blood and cause illness, even heart disease. Even if youre not sick, always remember to cough or into your arms instead of your hands because hands can spread germs to others when you touch something else. Besides, washing hands is necessary after going to the toilet or before having a meal. And youd better rub both hands while washing them.Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can improve your moods and balance. Whats more, its good for bones. There are many forms of exercise: walking or running for about 30 minutes a day playing ball games twice or three times a week, swimming or dancing often. You can choose your favorite to practise regularly. You will not only feel energetic but also think better after doing exercise.Stay connected. Having regular communication with friends is the key to reducing stress. And sharing happiness and sadness, exchanging information with others can also help improve memory. Having a friend or a circle of friends can help you feel good.The_to keep fitEating properlyYou should have proper breakfast because it can_you with necessary energy.You should have enough for lunch and little for_.Sweet snacks and desserts arc tasty_you shouldnt eat too much.Keeping off germsIts necessary for you to_your teeth every day, cough or sneeze into your arms and wash your hands often to stop germs from_._regularlyYou will feel_and think better after doing exercise, so you can choose your favourite sports to do.Staying connectedIt can help you feel_stressed when you communicate with your friends and it is also useful in_memory.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)随着“创建全国文明城市”活动的开展, 我市中学生英语报正在开展校规校纪大讨论。该报正在向各校学生征文。请你以“Rules of My School”为题, 写一篇征文, 谈谈你对校规的了解和认识。要点如下: 1. 你所知道的校规(列举3条); 2. 你对这些校规的认识; 3. 请你对改善校规提意见。注意:文中不得出现真实的校名及姓名,词数不少于80个。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共40分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共5分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、7-1、四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)9-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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