牛津版八年级下学期英语Module 4 Units 7-8 综合检测(II )卷.doc

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牛津版八年级下学期英语Module 4 Units 7-8 综合检测(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共8分)1. (1分)The land is dry. It is not good to grow plants here.Well, lets find another one.A . not largeB . not wetC . not clean2. (1分) What happened to him when he was crossing the road? A car came along suddenly and came fast towards him.A . turned onB . showed upC . passed by3. (1分)A _ to a problem is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is solved.A . reasonB . solutionC . vocation4. (1分)How was your visit to the American family?Great. When I arrived at the house, I was warmly welcomed by the host.A . visitorB . playerC . owner5. (1分) Who often cheers you when you feel low? Jenny. She is really a patient and warm-hearted girl.A . challengesB . protectsC . encourages6. (1分)I am not sure which one to buy. Can you give me some advice? You should learn to make choices by yourself.A . decisionsB . suggestionsC . promises7. (1分)They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.A . warmB . sadC . happy8. (1分)My morning classes end at 11: 30 a. m. A . beginB . findC . stop二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共7分)9. (1分)The doctor took Nancys temperature and found she had a_. A . coughB . toothacheC . coldD . fever10. (1分)Can you _ that in Chinese? No, I cant _ Chinese.A . speak, speakB . say, sayC . speak, sayD . say, speak11. (1分)Children are _ in these _ stories. A . interesting; interestingB . interesting; interestedC . interested; interesting12. (1分)I dont like sports, but I love to _ NBA games on TV on Sunday morning. A . watchB . playC . lookD . see13. (1分)The fire spared through the hotel so quickly. It seemed that nobody would _ get out. A . unable toB . able toC . be unable toD . be able to14. (1分)Ken is very generous. _, he is skillful in playing chess. A . In additionB . In factC . However15. (1分) The environment _ a childs personality and quality. Yes. Thats why Menciuss (孟子的) mother moved house three times.A . representsB . recordsC . marksD . shapes三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)完形填空 Hello, everyone! 1Nick. My 2name is Green. My phone number is 673-7365. The man is my father. 3name is Kim. His telephone number is 13483798789. 4this is my mother. Her name 5Jane. 6! This is my pen. Whats that? Oh, its my new jacket. What 7is it? Its red. And 8this? Its my student ID 9. Whats the card10? Its 2010376.(1)A . Hes B . Im C . Shes D . Youre (2)A . middle B . last C . first D . full (3)A . His B . Your C . My D . Her (4)A . So B . And C . But D . With (5)A . be B . is C . am D . are (6)A . Look B . Hello C . Meet D . Spele (7)A . class B . color C . age D . jacket (8)A . Hows B . Whos C . Whichs D . Whats (9)A . card B . book C . phone D . class (10)A . name B . map C . number D . please 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共20分)17. (4分)阅读理解 Australia at last! The flight was tiring, but here I am at last, in Sydney! Look! Here we are at last! The Sydney Opera House! It looks like shells!Its wonderful and amazing! And Im taking the plane to New Zealand on Tuesday. Ill post again from there.Coffee and Paris! Paris is beautiful! We went on a great city tour. We also took a boat ride on the River Seine. And its nicer to just sit at a street care and watch the world go by. But, to tell you a secret. Franks disappointed because no one can understand his French!Dont come here! Were staying at a farm in Utah. There is nearly nothing! Its too quiet. Every morning, we get up really early, and we ride the horses. Then its breakfast and more riding-not my idea of fun! So, today I walked to a little town near the farm where they actually have Internet! Next week, were shopping in New York. I cant wait!(1)Where is Jessy writing from? A . Sydney.B . New Zealand.C . Paris.D . Utah.(2)What did Donna and Frank do during their travelling? A . They visited museums.B . They took a boat ride.C . They sat at a street park.D . They watched movies in the cinema.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to Annas Moments(朋友圈) ? A . It is too noisy around the farm.B . Her idea of fun is horse riding.C . She is going to London next week.D . She cannot use Internet at the farm.18. (4分)阅读理解 When he didnt become famous, Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world, lived a hard life, wearing casually. Someone reminded him he should have a decent(得体的) coat so as to enter the society.He said, Im unknown. Even if I wear more handsomely, no one will know me. A few years later, Einstein became a world-famous scientist, who still wore casually. The man again reminded he should have a coat made quickly, or it would disagree with the fame of a great scientist. Einstein said with a smile, Now, even if I wear ragged(衣衫褴褛的)clothes, people will know me.Sometimes, he even wore a sports shirt and a pair of sandals to the University of Berlin when he worked as a professor in Germany. His friends didnt agree with him, but he said jokingly, If the bag is better than the meat inside, it will be a bad thing.Indeed, many a time, if we dont adorn(修饰;装饰) ourselves from the appearance but let the skeleton(骨架;骨骼) of the spirit stand up, we wont fall over in this world.(1)Einstein was a great_. A . reporterB . writerC . scientistD . artist(2)Before becoming famous, when someone reminded him to have a decent coat. Einstein_. A . had a decent coat quicklyB . still wore casuallyC . quarreled with the personD . wore more handsomely then(3)What can we learn from the fourth paragraph? A . Einstein was unfriendly to his friends.B . Einstein once studied in the University of Berlin.C . Einstein didnt like his work as a professor in Germany.D . Einstein thought the things inside a person were more important than the appearance.19. (4分)阅读短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 One day, Akbar decided to test how wise Birbal was. He took his ring off his finger and handed it to one of his courtiers (侍臣). Akbar said to him, You must hide this ring safely with you. Make sure that no one can find it.As soon as Birbal came to the palace, Akbar said. Birbal, I lost my ring this morning. It was given to me by my father. Do whatever you want, but you have to find my ring soon.Birbal asked Akbar to give him more information, but Akbar didnt say much. He kepp on repeating, I dont remember anything at all. You must find my ring. Finally, Birbal said, All right, Your Majesty (陛下)! I will find your ring soon.Birbal closed his eyes and pretended (假装) to think for a while. And then he said, Your Majesty, your ring is somewhere here in this palace. It is with one of the courtiers. The courtier has a grain of rice in his beard.The courtier was worried. Hearing Birbals words, he quickly moved his hand over his beard. Birbals eyes fixed on the behaviour of the courtier. Pointing towards him, Birbal said, Your Majesty, this courtier stole your ring.Akbar was surprised. He didnt understand how Birbal had succeeded in finding his ring. But once again, Akbar accepted the fact that Birbal was very wise.(1)How did the courtier feel after hearing Birbals words? A . ShyB . NervousC . ExcitedD . Angry(2)Which of the following is the RIGHT order? Birbal came to the palace.The courtier touched his beard.Akbar gave his ring to the courtier.Birbal pointed to the courtier.A . B . C . D . (3)What can we learn from the passage? A . The story took place at midnight.B . Akbar felt very sad about losing his ring.C . It took Birbal very little time to find the ring.D . Birbal did see a grain of rice in the courtiers beard.(4)Whats the best title for the story? A . Akbar and Birbal.B . The Courtier Stole the Ring.C . Akbar and a Courtier.D . A Grain of Rice in the Beard.20. (4分)阅读理解 Its the Chinese New Year today. Sam gets a red packet from his grandma. Thats his favourite part of the festival. He gets four dollars and goes shopping in Chinatown.There are a lot of interesting things on the streets fireworks, lion dances and delicious foods. Then Sam sees an old man. The man sleeps in the street. He doesnt wear shoes. He doesnt have a home. What a poor man! Sam thinks.At a toy shop, Sam wants to buy a toy Monkey King. But its six dollars. Sam wants to go back home and get more money. On the way, he sees the old man again. Why not give the four dollars to him? He can use the lucky money to buy some hot food and drinks, Sam thinks.He gives the money to the old man and goes back home. His grandma knows his story and gives him a big hug (拥抱). What a good boy!(1)What is Sams favourite part about the Chinese New Year? A . Wearing new clothes.B . Getting red packets.C . Visiting his grandma.D . Going shopping.(2)文中加下划线的单词poor的中文意思是 “_”。 A . 有趣的B . 无礼的C . 可爱的D . 可怜的(3)Sam doesnt buy the Monkey King because _. A . he dislikes itB . he has one at homeC . it doesnt look beautifulD . he has only four dollars(4)What does Sam do on his way back home? A . He cant find his money.B . He gives his money to the old man.C . He buys some food and drinks.D . He says hello to the old man.(5)Why does Sams grandma give Sam a hug? A . Because she thinks Sam is a good boy.B . Because she thinks Sam is cold.C . Because she thinks Sam is young.D . Because its a tradition (传统) of the Spring Festival21. (4分)阅读理解 Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it is not so good. I want easy work and a lot of money. Thats the most interesting thing in the world. So he could only be a thief. But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them. One day, Frank sent one of his friends to a very large and beautiful house. He told him to get money from that rich family. It was evening, and a man and a girl were in the room. They were playing a duet(二重奏)on a piano. Then the thief came into the house. When he returned, Frank asked him what he had got. But he said, I didnt take anything. That family cant have much money. You know, two people were playing on the same piano there. They did not have money to buy another piano.(1)Which is the best title for the passage? A . Frank and His WorkB . One Piano OnlyC . The Man and The GirlD . Easy Work and More Money(2)From the story we know that Frank . A . had many clever friendsB . was more clever than most of the peopleC . didnt want to do any workD . knew many interesting things in the world(3)Franks friends . A . were all thievesB . were clever enough to do easiest workC . usually worked as hard as FrankD . knew who were rich and who were poor(4)The thief didnt go into the beautiful house because .A . that family was not richB . he knew nothing about musicC . the piano was too big for himD . the man and the girl had already seen him(5)The story tells us if we want to become rich, we must . A . find an easy jobB . work hardC . have a lot of friendsD . learn something about money五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)Mr Wang is our teacher and friend as well. He is_(help)to us. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)23. (1分)根据下面表格信息写一篇介绍音乐家贝多芬(Beethoven)的英语短文,不少于80词。 NameBeethoven(1770.12.16-1827.3.26)ProfessionalComposerBirthdayGermany1792Vienna, Austria, studied with Joseph Haydn, successful, lost hearing1827Died in Vienna, many fans第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共8分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共7分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)23-1、

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