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动词第三人称单数练习 一 第三人称单数形式的词尾变化 在一般现在时中 当主语是第三人称单数形式时 行为动词用第三人称单数形式 即加 s或 es 具体方法如下 一般情况下 直接加 s 如 look looksplay playssee sees 2 以sh ch s x或o结尾的词后加 es 如 guess guessesteach teachesdo doesgo goes 3 以辅音字母加 y结尾的 先把y变成i 再加 es 如 study studiesfly flies 二 哪些主语是第三人称单数 1 人称代词he she it是第三人称单数 1 HelikeswatchingTV 他喜欢看电视 2 Shehasablackcoat 她有一件黑色外套 3 Itlookslikeacat 它看起来像只猫 2 单个人名 地名或称呼作主语时 是第三人称单数形式 如 1 HanMeilookslikehermother 韩梅看起来像她的母亲 2 BeijingisinChina 北京在中国 3 UncleWangoftenmakescakes 王叔叔经常做蛋糕 3 单数可数名词或 this that the 单数可数名词 作主语时 是第三人称单数 如 1 Thisbookisyours 这本书是你的 2 Thatcarisred 那辆汽车是红色的 3 Acatcomesin 一只猫进来了 指示代词this that作主语时 是第三人称单数 如 1 Thisisapen 这是一支钢笔 3 Thatisn taneraser 那不是一块橡皮 5 不可数名词作主语时 为第三人称单数 如 1 Herhairisshort 她是短发 2 Thewaterrunsslow 那水流得慢 6 当数字或字母做主语时 看做第三人称单数 如 1 6 comesafter 5 6 在 5 后面 2 L comesbefore O L 在 O 前面 专项习题精练 着眼高分查漏补缺 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空 Jack love hismotherverymuch MaryandLily come fromthesamecountry Thejuice 果汁 be inthefridge 冰箱 2 sound like too loves come is sounds 5 Thetiger be adangerousanimal 危险动物 6 Shanghai be amoderncity 现代化城市 7 Hedoesn t know JayChou 8 This be mynewpenpal 笔友 is is know is 关于do和does的使用方法 1 第三人称单数用了does后面就不用动词的s形式了 而用动词原形 2 变为疑问句 要在句首加 do does 变为否定句 要在动词前面加 donot doesnot 可以简写为 don t doesn t 背 Ido youdo wedo theydo JackandTomdo Hedoes shedoes itdoes Lilydoes 1 Do Does hewatchTVatnight Yes hedoes 2 Do Does yougotoschooleveryday No Idon t 3 Do Does JackandPeterlikeapples 4 Do Does TinagoswimmingonSunday 5 Do Does theyplayfootball Yes they do does 6 Do Does wehaveagoodteacher Yes we do does 7 Do Does theyjumprope No they donot doesnot 8 Do Does yourdogwalkinthezoo 9 Do Does Ihaveabignose No you donot doesnot 10 Do Does yourcatseatfish Yes they do does 11 Do Does theirmothersgoshopping No they donot doesnot 12 I donot doesnot speakJapanese Do Does youspeakJapanese 用have或has填空 1 I anicepicture 2 He agoodfriend 3 They somekites 4 We someflowers 5 She aduck 6 Myfather anewbike 7 Hermother avase 8 Ourteacher anEnglishbook have have have has has has has has 9 Ourteachers abasketball 10 Theirparents somestorybooks 11 Nancy manyskirts 12 David somejackets 13 Myfriends afootball 14 Whatdoyou 15 WhatdoesMike 16 Whatdoyourfriends 17 WhatdoesHelen have have have have have have have has has 18 Hisbrother abasketball 19 Hersister anicedoll 20 MissLi anEnglishbook has has has 1 Lethim play basketball 2 Everyone know whathereallylike 3 Thosegirls be mysister 4 Thatgirl call meeverySunday 5 How do she spell theword play knows are calls spell does 否定句 在动词前 doesn t或don t 1 She do herhomeworkeveryday 2 He live inShangHai 3 He need apairpfshoes 4 Danny see theappletree 5 She come fromAmerica 6 Thegirl look outofthewindowandseesmanybiedsinthesky 7 Jennyrunshomeand sit onthechair doesn t do doesn t live doesn t need doesn t see doesn t come doesn t look doesn t sit 一般疑问句 1 thedesk have fourlegs Yes itdoes 2 she do herhomeworkeveryday Yes shedoes 3 he live inHuanggang No hedoesn t 4 he need apairofshoes NO hedoesn t Does have Does do Does live Does need 5 DoesDanny see theaooletree 6 she come fromAmerica Yes she 7 thegirl look outofthewindowandseesmanybirdsinthesky No she 8 Jennyrunhomeand sit onthechair see Does come does Does look doesn t Does sit 选出正确的答案 1 She like likes toplayfootball 2 He like likes drinkingmilk 3 I like likes towatchTV 4 We like likes toplaybadminton 5 They like likes tosingsongs 6 She read reads bookseveryday 7 He play plays computergameseveryday 8 It listen listens totheradioeveryday 9 Linda draw draws pictureseveryday 10 JaneandLinda play plays footballeveryday 四 选择题 1 Itoschooleveryday A goB goesC going2 Heteetheverymorning A brushB brushesC brushing3 Thebirdssinging A likeB likesC liketo4 WhatdoesLilydoing A likeB likesC to5 youlikeeatingapples A DoB DoesC Doing 6 heswimeveryafternoon A DoB DoesC Doing7 Tomlikesintheclassroom A singingB singC tosinging8 DoesSallylikeswimming No she 9 PeterandMarymilkeveryday A drinkB drinkingC drinks10 theyreadEnglisheveryday A DoesB ToC Do doesn t 五 把下列句子变为否定句 1 Shedrawspictureseveryday Shedoesn tdrawpictureseveryday 2 Welikeplayingfootball Wedon tlikeplayingfootball 六 把下列句子变为一般疑问句 并做肯定回答 1 Lindaswimseveryday 2 Theylikeplayinggames Yes theydo Dotheylikeplayinggames Yes shedoes DoesLindaswimeveryday 1 He TVeveryevening watch 2 Wealways toschoolonfoot go 3 Tom withhisclassmates often footballafterschool play 4 Yourshoes underthebed be 5 hereand byme come stand 6 Hisuncleusually toworkbybus go 7 Ialways upatsixinthemorning get 8 John likehisfather look watches go plays are Come stand goes get looks Thankyou


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