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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版八年级下册期末模拟复习卷(1)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)This is _ song Ive told you aboutIsnt it _ beautiful one? A . a; aB . a; theC . the; aD . the; the2. (1分)It is not far _ my home _ the school. A . by;inB . from;inC . from;toD . away;to3. (1分)-Why are you standing(站立), Alice?-I cant see the blackboard(黑板 ) clearly(清楚地) . Two tall boys are sitting _ me.A . behindB . next toC . betweenD . in front of4. (1分)His look is different from ours. Is he ?Yes. He is from London.A . outgoingB . handsomeC . foreign5. (1分) Sammy, do you like the grammar book?Oh, I love it very much because it is so practical.A . interestingB . perfectC . useful6. (1分)Bob was too tried and he could dance any moreA . evenB . everC . hardlyD . finally7. (1分)The music very nice. I enjoy listening to it again. A . soundB . soundsC . hears8. (1分)一 you good luck in the new year!一The same to youA . HopeB . WantC . WishD . Like9. (1分)His parents always tells him _ to bed early because its good for his health. A . to goB . goC . goingD . goes10. (1分) Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?Sure, _.A . no problemB . not at allC . my pleasureD . well done11. (1分)How do you _ your family name in English?R-O-B-E-R-T-S, Roberts.A . spellB . speakC . talk12. (1分)Joan is the most modest of us, and she never _. A . works outB . comes trueC . puts upD . shows off13. (1分)Linda went to New York her cousin Cindy.A . to visitB . visitC . visitedD . visiting14. (1分)Do you want to read this book?Well, I it alreadyA . readB . have readC . am readingD . will read15. (1分)When Mr. Gao calls the girls name, her face _ red at once.A . turnsB . getsC . turnedD . got二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its easier to go down a hill than to climb up a hill, so it is easier to have bad habits than to have good ones.Bad habits do not come 1. They come little by little while people do not notice their danger. Schoolboys pick up little bad habits in schools and in the streets. When they cant finish their 2, they copy from their classmates. If they see older boys 3, they also want to learn to smoke. When they grow older, their habits become 4strong that they can no longer get rid of (除掉) it. From copying, they fall behind, and smoking is 5for their bodies. At last they become worse and worse. How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beginning!(1)A . first B . slowly C . late D . suddenly (2)A . homework B . housework C . reading D . book (3)A . reading B . smoking C . copying D . playing (4)A . too B . very C . such D . so (5)A . good B . helpful C . bad D . important 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Name: James BrownSubjects: Business English, Reading and WritingExperience2005-Now Bell College Teaching Centre of English Teaching ESP classes including work with the Police Force.2001-2005 Business College of City University Mainly in Examination Courses and Business English, including business writing.1997-2001 English College of City University Teaching special English to students from other countries.1993-1997 Gama-Bell School of English Teaching Business English classes with local British Airways representatives.1990-1993 Ashtree Primary School and Summer School Class teacher (8-9 years olds)(1)James Brown is a _. A . teacherB . studentC . workerD . policeman(2)James Brown was in _ in 2002. A . Gama-Bell School of English.B . Bell College Teaching Centre.C . Business College of City University.D . English College of City University.(3)James Brown was in Ashtree Primary School for _ years. A . 13B . 34C . 57D . 89(4)This passage is about Mr. Browns _. A . hobbyB . lifeC . familyD . experience18. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Why is music so important to children? Here are some of my ideas.Music has a positive(积极的) influence on childrens intelligence(智力)!New research(调查) shows that music can offer children an interesting environment. It has a good influence on childrens intelligence. Children can learn, understand and think in a logical(符合逻辑的) way if they study music at an early age.Playing music with others gives children a feeling of belonging to the group!Some children might have trouble participating in activities with others because they are shy, they have limited(限制) language ability or they dont like doing sports, but they usually feel relaxed when they take part in a music activity. Playing music with others gives children a wonderful feeling of belonging to the group.Music makes children happy!Children seem to experience much pleasure in music. Whether they are listening to music, singing along with a song, playing an instrument or dancing to music, they seem totally absorbed(被吸引住) in music.(1)The writer tells us the influence of music on children from aspects(方面). A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(2)New research shows that music can . A . make children get good grades at schoolB . improve childrens intelligenceC . improve childrens language abilityD . help children do more sports(3)The underlined phrase(划线的) “participating in” can be replaced(代替) by “ ”. A . organizingB . consideringC . taking part inD . getting used to(4)Which of the following is NOT the reason why some children have trouble participating in activities with others? A . They have poor language ability.B . They dont like doing sports.C . They are shy.D . They dont like music.(5)Whats the best title(标题)for this passage? A . How to Play Music with Others.B . How to Play Music with Others.C . Why Music Is Important to Children.D . Different Music Activities.19. (10分) Dear Grandpa Guo, we are losing our childhoods! Please help us!Guo Chuanjie, a famous scientist, received a letter from a Beijing primary school student. The student said that many Chinese kids have to take extra classes on weekends in order to enter key middle schools. The kid hoped more people would hear his voice with Guos help.Guo is a member of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC,中国人民政治 协商会议). Last month the CPPCC members met in Beijing. They are from all walks of life - scientists, businesspeople, doctors, artists and athletes. They give proposals (提案) on the countrys important issues(问题) to make our country better. For the Beijing students letter, Guo read it in front of Yuan Guiren, Chinas Minister of Education (教育部部长), during a CPPCC meeting.According to Xinhua, there were 5,762 proposals in all. Many of the proposals were about problems like housing prices, heavy traffic and food safety, which were related to peoples daily lives. Some proposals were about teenagers. For example, singer Han Hong suggested that the government should deal with people who traffic(拐卖) children.As usual, proposals will be given to relative departments (相关部门) after the meetings. For example, Guos proposal was handed to the Ministry of Education. The departments will consider the proposals carefully and see if they can be carried out in the future.(1)The primary school student thought _ with Guos help.A . children were losing their childhoodsB . he didnt have to take extra classesC . more people would hear his voiceD . he could enter key middle school(2)Many of the proposals were about problems except _ according to the passage.A . housing pricesB . heavy trafficC . food safetyD . scientific research(3)After the CPPCC meetings, Guos proposal _.A . was given to other members of the meetingB . was sent to the primary school studentC . was handed to the Ministry of EducationD . was returned to himself(4)Which of the following sentences is NOT TURE?A . A primary school student wrote a letter to a famous scientist, Guo Chuanjie.B . Guo Chuanjie went to Beijing for the CPPCC meetings last month.C . Guo Chuanjie read the students letter during a meeting.D . Guo Chuanjie wrote a letter to the Ministry of Education.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共9分)20. (9分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Today is my birthday and Im so happy about it. _ the morning I put a note on the table and say, Today is _ (I) birthday, dont forget it! At school, I get many gifts and _ (card) from my classmates and have a lot of fun. But I am waiting for the birthday party after school.It _ (be) time to go home. I open the door, _ there is no one in the house. There is only a note and it _ (say), Coming home late tonight, mum and dad. I call them but there is no answer. I am not _ (happy). Do they forget my birthday? How can this be? I dont have fun. I have to do my homework.Now it is seven oclock. The door opens. My _ (parent) are there, with flowers and some other gifts. And I see _ big and nice cake, too.You see, I _ (have) a very good time on my birthday!五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共9分)21. (9分)根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 (1)I think it i _to fly to the sun,It is too hot (2)You should c _with your parents more often (3)How many _(组)are there in your class? (4)The _(系统)can translate English into Chinese (5)Andromeda(仙女座)is the nearest large _(星系)to our own Milky Way (6)_(光线)travels faster than sound 六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据对话的情景, 从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处, 使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Michael! Whats the date today?B: _Whats up?A: Oh, tomorrow is Lin Taos birthday. _B: Id like to sing a Chinese song. How about you, Jane?A: _Can you play it with me?B: Yes, of course. _A: Thats OK. _B: Thanks. I think well have a good time then.A. But I can play the guitar just a little.B. Its Sunday today.C. Its September 9th.D. Im sure you can play it very well.E. What would you like to do at the party?F. I want to go home.G. I want to play the guitar.七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分) The responsibility (职责) of students is to study. But studying requires (要求) the right way,_The following are the ways of studying._Because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is Clear. For that reason we can get good results._If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one well.When we are studying, we must put our heart into the book, _We must always ask Why . If something is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers, parents or friends. _Though there are many ways of studying, the above-mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep them in mind and do so.A. or we can get nohting from the book that we are reading.B. When shall we study?C. In any possible way, we must know it completely.D. or we will waste time and money.E. Nothing is impossible in the world.F. In studying we must have patience (耐心).G. The best time for reading is in the morning.八、 写作题 (共1题;共17分)24. (17分)假设你是李华,你在英国的笔友Tommy最近为自己发胖感到苦恼。请你根据所给提示,给他发一封100词左右的电子邮件。邮件内容包括:可能造成发胖的原因(如饮食,锻炼等),至少写出两条;简述你自己的相关的健康生活方式。注意:邮件开头和落款已经为你写好。Dear Tommy,I am really feeling bad that you are being troubled by overweight these days.Yours,Li Hua第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共9分)20-1、五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共9分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)22-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23-1、八、 写作题 (共1题;共17分)24-1、


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