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上海新世纪版东部2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。Its natural that young people are often uncomfortable when theyre with their parents. They say that their parents dont1 them. They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that theyre strict with their children; and they2 give their children a free hand. Its true that parents often find it3to get on well with their children. In fact, they seem to forget 4 they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to act on the spot (当场) without5 thinking. Its one of their ways to show that theyve 6 and they can face any difficulties. Old people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at least in the back of their minds, and dont like their 7 to be broken(打断) by something unexpected. Young people often8 their parents angry at their choices in clothes, in hobbies and in music. But they dont mean to cause any trouble. They just dont want to be like anyone9. For many years, you will be completely under your parents control. If you plan to10 your life, youd better win your parents and try to get them to understand you.11 your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility(责任感), they will certainly believe you, and you can do12 you want to do.(1)A . lie B . understand C . look after D . love (2)A . always B . seldom C . often D . usually (3)A . easy B . possible C . interesting D . difficult (4)A . how B . what C . who D . where (5)A . a little B . many C . a bit D . much (6)A . growing up B . grown up C . growing old D . grown old (7)A . health B . plans C . children D . work (8)A . cause B . make C . think D . keep (9)A . important B . famous C . else D . others (10)A . control B . save C . improve D . kill (11)A . If B . As C . After D . While (12)A . all B . which C . that D . what 二、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)2. (1分)根据首字母提示添单词;(1)I want to see English movies to improve my English ,but they speak q_for me to catch their meaning.(2)Thursday is the f_ day of a week.(3)Im very upset because everyone else in my class was invited the party e_ me. I feel so lonely.(4)Tom,your clothes are d_.Youd better wash them.(5)A c_is a piece of equipment used for taking photographs.三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)3. (10分)根据短文理解,选择最佳答案。(D)Traveling to every part of the world gets easier, but how well do we know and understand each other. Heres a simple test. Imagine you are planning to hold a meeting at four oclock. What time should you expect your foreign business friends to arrive? If they are Germans, theyll arrive on time. If they are Americans, theyll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are Englishmen, theyll be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.The British seemed to think since the English language was widely used in the world, people would always understand what they do. However, they found they were completely wrong. For example, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters and have a drink during the meal. The Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know each other and they dont drink at lunchtime. The Germans like to talk business before dinner. The French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.(1)What do the Germans prefer when they go to a meeting?A . They prefer to be on time.B . They prefer to arrive very early.C . They prefer to arrive very late.D . They prefer to arrive a little late.(2)According to the text, if a group of Englishmen, Americans and Italians hold a meeting, who will be the last to arrive?A . The Englishmen.B . The Americans.C . The Italians.D . Both the Englishmen and the Italians.(3)What do the Japanese like to do at lunchtime?A . To drink.B . To get to know each other.C . To talk business.D . To eat only.(4)According to the writer, the British like to _.A . arrive on time and talk business during the mealB . arrive earliest and hate talking business at a mealC . arrive 15 minutes late and talk business after the mealD . arrive a few minutes late and discuss business during the meal(5)By giving us the two examples, the writer means to show us that _.A . different countries have different cultures in different parts of the worldB . the Germans are more serious and have good living habitsC . the Italians are careless people and they are never on time for everythingD . the French people are very lazy. They prefer eating and drinking more4. (10分) Last Sunday I saw the hardest storm in years. It came suddenly and went on for more than three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hot, and all was quiet.Then the strong wind started blowing into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drops of rain began to fall.When I came back into the house, it was raining harder. I tried hard to close the window. Then I heard a loud crashing(撞击)sound from the back of the house. I ran out of my room to find out what it wasa big tree had fallen down and broken the top of the back room.(1)There was a heavy storm_ last Sunday.A . at the afternoonB . in the morningC . in the eveningD . during the lunch-time(2)It was very quiet outside because_.A . the weather was very coolB . it was rainyC . the weather was very hotD . there was a lot of thunders(3)The paper flew out of the window because of _.A . the heavy rainB . the hot sunC . the strong windD . the tall tree(4)The storm lasted_.A . more than four hoursB . more than three hoursC . from one to six oclockD . from two to five oclock(5)What happened when I closed the window?A . The rain became harder.B . I was hurt by a big tree.C . I was very scared of the loud sound.D . A big tree fell down and broke the house.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)5. (1分)根据短文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到文章当中,使短文内容完整。 DComplain(抱怨) PolitelyNot everything goes the way you want it to. You may go to a restaurant and order a nice meal. But your order is wrong or not cooked properly. You may buy a product that breaks the next day._However, if you speak angrily to people, they will become defensive(自卫的). Then they are less likely to help you. A more effective (有效的)way to get what you want is to stay calm.Use polite language and a friendly tone of voice. Start with phrases such as, Im sorry to bother you, but. or Excuse me, but could you.? For example, Im sorry to bother you, but I ordered potato soup, not vegetable, Phrasing your complaint as a question also helps. _Could you help me? I just bought this phone case yesterday, but its cracked.”_There is no faster way to make someone defensive than by blaming them. Use the phrase.“ I know this isnt your fault, but”or“There has been a misunderstanding.” _Blaming people isnt as important as getting a problem fixed!There are honest mistakes, but at times someone may try to take advantage of you. In that case, dont say Hey! Youre trying to cheat me! Instead, use the phrase, I understood that For example. I understood that the service charge was included in the price. Then give the person a chance to answer.If you dont get what you want with polite conversation, ask to speak to a manager or supervisor. _.A. When trying to comet a problem, dont blame (责备)the person youre talking to.B. People like to be asked rather than told!C. But usually, youll find that polite words and a smile will resolve a situation.D. These kinds of experiences make you want to complain.E. These phrases let people know you are only angry at the situation五、 根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。 (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)这些是我的兄弟们。_my brothers7. (1分)迈克,今晚你要去看电影吗?Are you_,Mike?8. (1分)放学后,学生们像平常一样向家走去。After school,students_home as usual9. (1分)这是你的祖父母吗? _your grandparents?10. (1分)去看超人总动员2怎么样? _ _ _ Incredible 2?六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)随着国家二胎政策的实行,二胎问题成为了时下热议的社会话题。有些同学赞成生二胎,因为作为独生子女在成长过程中,一个人感觉比较孤单。而另一些人则有不同的看法,认为有了二胎,父母需要赚更多的钱,会很辛苦。那么,你的观点是什么呢?请就此话题,写一篇短文,阐述自己的观点,你是赞成还是不赞成父母生二胎呢?至少写出两点原因。要求:1)词数80-120。2)文中不得出现真实姓名,学校名。参考词汇:two-child policy 二胎政策My View on Two-child Policy第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)2-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)5-1、五、 根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。 (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)11-1、


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