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语法专题 状语从句theAdverbialClauses 大庆实验中学赵源 概念 状语从句在句子中充当状语 表示主句动作发生的时间 地点 条件 方式 目的 比较 原因 结果等 九种状语从句 时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句条件状语从句让步状语从句结果状语从句目的状语从句方式状语从句比较状语从句 WhileIwaswalkingalongthestreet Ifoundmanybeatifulbuildings 2 Wherethereisawill thereisaway 3 Nowthat Sinceeverybodyishere let sbeginourmeeting 4 I llspeakslowlysothatyoucanunderstandme 5 Socleverwashethathewasabletoworkoutallthedifficultproblems 时间 地点 原因 目的 结果 判断下列状语从句类型 6 Aslongasyoudon tloseheart you llsucceed 7 Althoughhetriedhard hedidnotfindajob 8 Theoldladytreatstheboyasifhewerehisownson 9 HeistallerthanIam 条件 让步 方式 比较 判断下列状语从句类型 高考对状语从句主要考查的知识点 1 状语从句连接词的选用 2 状语从句的时态学习重点 1 9大类状语从句的连接词的使用 2 状语从句与主句的时态关系 熟读深思 1 时间状语从句划出引导时间状语从句的连接词并体会其含义 1 Iwasdoingsomecookingwhenthedoorbellrang 2 Whilewalkingacrossthecar theboywasknockedoverbyarunningcar 3 Astimegoesby wegrowup 4 IhadfelthungrybeforeIarrivedhome 5 IthasbeenfouryearssinceIcametoShanghai 熟读深思 划出引导时间状语从句的连接词并体会其含义 6 Isleptuntiltheclockalarmed 7 Ididn tsleepuntilmyfathercameback 8 ShegavearingtoherparentsimmediatelyshelandedinJapan 9 Nosoonerhadwehadsupperthanwebegantorepairthemachine 10 EverytimeIseethefilm Ican thelprecallingmychildhoodinthecountryside 归纳总结 时间状语从句常用连词有 when while as before after since until not untiln thesecond theminute themoment theinstant 一 就 adv conj instantly immediately directlyphr assoonas 刚 就 Nosoonerhadsbdone thansbdidHardlyhadsbdone whensbdid time thefirsttime everytime eachtime nexttime 连接词when的用法小结when可用来引导时间状语从句 意为 当 的时候 从句的谓语动词可以是延续的 也可以是短暂的 如 Whenthefilmended theywentback WhenIlivedthere IusedtogototheseashoreonSundays 2 When常用于下列句式 意为 就在那时 如 wasdoingsomething when wasabouttodo when wasonthepointofdoingsth when had just done when 时间状语从句1 14北京春 Wewereswimminginthelake suddenlythestormstarted A whenB whileC untilD before2 12上海 Hewasabouttotellmethesecret someonepattedhimontheshoulder A asB untilC whileD when3 15上海 Hetransplantedthelittletreetothegarden itwasthebesttimeforit A whereB whenC thatD until4 15福建 DidJackcomebackearlylastnight Yes Itwasnotyeteighto clock hearrivedhome A BeforeB whenC thatD until5 06辽宁 Hewasabouthalfwaythroughhismeal afamiliarvoicecametohisears A whyB whereC whenD while A D B B C 1 while可用来引导时间状语 意为 当 的时候 引导的动作必须是持续性的 如 Pleasedon ttalksoloudwhileothersareworking 2 while作为并列连词 意为 而 却 表示两者对比 JanewasdressedinbrownwhileMarywasdressedinblue 3 while也可用来引导让步状语 意为 尽管 虽然 位于句首 相当于although WhileIadmitthattheproblemsaredifficult Idon tagreethattheycan tbesolved 4 谚语 Strikewhiletheironishot 连接词while的用法小结 6 15天津 ThecostoflivinginGlasgowisamongthelowestinBritain thequalityoflifeisprobablyoneofthehighest A sinceB whenC asD while7 14年江苏 Iacceptthatheisnotperfect Idoactuallyliketheperson A WhileB SinceC BeforeD Unless8 itistruethatastudent smostimportantgoalistodowellinhisorherstudies itdoesn tneedtobetheonlygoal AwhenBAsCWhileDBefore9 Marymadecoffeeherguestswerefinishingtheirmeal 全国 A sothatB althoughC whileD asif D A C C 时间状语从句 AsIleftthehouse Iforgotthekey 2 AsIgetolder Igetmoreoptimistic 3 Hehurriedhome lookingbehindashewent 4 Astheweatherissobad wehavetostayhome 5 Youcandoitasyoulike 6 Oldasheis heisstillenergetic 7 HespeaksEnglishasfluentlyasanativespeaker 8 Asastudent weshouldstudyhard conj 当 时候 conj 随着 conj 一边 conj 由于 conj 像 按照 conj 尽管 虽然 adv conj 像 一样 说出下列句子中as的含义和词性 conj 尽管 as用法小结 1 引导时间状语从句 强调同时发生或紧接着发生 动作无先后 当 时候 一边 一边 随着2 引导原因状语从句 由于3 引导方式状语从句 像 如4 引导让步状语从句 虽然5 引导比较状语从句 as as 和 一样6 介词 作为 连接词when while as的用法区别 when while as这三个连词都可表示 当 的时候 使用时应注意 1 when可表示一个时间点 也可表示一个时间段 如 Whenhecamein wewerehavingsupper Whenwewerehavingsupper thelightsuddenlywentout 2 while则只表示一个时间段 它所引导的时间状语从句中的时态常用进行时态 如 When Whilehewaseatinghisbreakfast heheardthedoorbellring WhilehewaswatchingTV theboyfellasleep 3 as则强调主句和从句的动作在同一时间进行 也可表示 随着 Shesangasshewalkedalong Astheelectionapproached theviolence 暴行 gotworse 用while when as填空 Iwaswalkingdownthestreet Inoticedapolicecarinfrontofthestore Johnarrived Iwascookinglunch hegrewolder helostinterestineverythingexceptgardening Iwaswanderingthroughthestreet Icaughtsightofatailor sshop thegrandparentslovethechildren theyarestrictwiththem When While As When As when While till until和not until小结 1 until till从句用于肯定句时 主句的动词是延续性动作 意为 某动作一直延续到某时间点才停止 如 Wewaiteduntil tillhecame 2 用于否定句not until 时 主句谓语动词是非延续性动词 意为 某动作直到某时间才开始 如 Hewon tgotobeduntilherfatherreturns 3 till不可以置于句首 而until可以 如 UntilyoutoldmeIhadnoideaofit 4 not until句型中的强调和倒装说法 ItwasnotuntilyoutoldmethatIhadanyideaofit NotuntilyoutoldmedidIhaveanyideaofit 连接词before的小结 1 Itwillbe 段时间 before 要过多久才 Itwillbetwoyearsbeforeheleavesthecountry 2 Itwillnotbelongbefore 不用多久就 Itwon tbelongbeforeshecomesback 3 Itwas 时间段 before从句 过了多久才 动作已发生 Itwasthreeweeksbeforehecameback 4 Itwasnotlongbefore 没过多久就 了 如 Itwasn tlongbeforeheleftthecountry 连接词since的小结 5 Itis hasbeen 时间段 sincesb didItwas 时间段 sincesb haddone如 Itis hasbeenthreeyearssinceIsawherlasttime Itwillbetwoyearsbeforeheleavesthecountry Itwon tbelongbeforeshecomesback Itwasthreeweeksbeforehecameback Itwasn tlongbeforeheleftthecountry Itis hasbeenthreeyearssinceIsawherlasttime 还要过两年他才会离开这个国家 没过多久他就离开这个国家了 才过了三周他就回来了 用不了多久她就会回来 我和她已经三年没见面了 巩固 翻译句子 熟读深思 2 条件状语从句说出下列红色字体的含义 Hewillplaybasketballafterschoolifhefinisheshiswork IwillnotattendthemeetingunlessIaminvited 说出下列红色字体的含义 Hecanusethebicycleoncondition that hereturnsittomorrow Wedidn tknowwhatweshoulddooncethemoneywasusedup Ishallgoprovided providing that itdoesn train Suppose Supposing that wemissthetrain whatshallwedo 条件状语从句常用连词有 if unless once 一旦 aslongas solongas oncondition that 若是 以 为条件 provided 如果 假如 在 条件下 providing that suppose 假定 假设 设想 supposing that 等 归纳总结 Hecanusethebicycleoncondition that hereturnsittomorrow Wedidn tknowwhatweshoulddooncethemoneywasusedup Ishallgoprovided providing that itdoesn train Suppose Supposing that wemissthetrain whatshallwedo 巩固 翻译句子 他可以使用这辆自行车条件是明天把它还回来 一旦钱都花光了 我们将不知道该怎么办了 假设不下雨 我就去 假如我们错过了这趟火车 我们该怎么办 熟读深思 3 原因状语从句说出下列句子中划线部分的含义 1 It sbecausehelikesdancingthathesaysdancingisveryeasy 2 Thedayhasbroken forthebirdsaresingingnow 3 Sinceyoucan tanswerthequestion I llasksomeoneelse 4 Asit sdark we dbettergooffworknow 5 Now thatyoufeelsick youcanhavearestinbed 6 Hisrequestisunreasonableinthatheknowswecan taffordit 归纳总结 原因状语从句的常见连词 because for since as nowthat when inthat等 规则1 because表示直接的 必然的原因 不能与so连用 常用来回答why所提的问题 在强调句型中 若强调原因 只能用because 即Itisbecause that 如 1 而for表示推理性的补充说明的原因 不能放在句首 如 2 规则2 since表示众所周知的原因 既然 常放在句首 如 3 归纳总结 规则3 as表示客观原因 由于 常放在句首 如 4 规则4 nowthat通常表示用新出现的情况作为原因 既然 如 5 熟读深思 3 原因状语从句再次体会下列句子中划线部分的含义 1 It sbecausehelikesdancingthathesaysdancingisveryeasy 2 Thedayhasbroken forthebirdsaresingingnow 3 Sinceyoucan tanswerthequestion I llasksomeoneelse 4 Asit sdark we dbettergooffworknow 5 Now thatyoufeelsick youcanhavearestinbed 6 Hisrequestisunreasonableinthatheknowswecan taffordit 熟读深思 4 结果状语从句翻译句子 注意划线部分含义 1 Thehouseisso expensive thatIcan taffordit 2 Thisisso interesting a bookthatweallwanttoreadit 3 Thereareso many new wordsinthepassagethatIcan tunderstandit 4 Heissuch a clever boythatwealllikehim 归纳总结 规则 结果状语从句常见连词 so that such that 意为 如此 以至于 熟读深思 5 目的状语从句翻译句子 注意划线部分含义 1 Wegotupearlyin order thatwecouldcatchthefirstbus 2 Wegotupearlyfor fear that lest in case thatweshouldmissthefirstbus 归纳总结 目的状语从句常见的连词有 1 inorderthat sothat 意为 为了 2 incasethat forfearthat lest意为 以免 以防 等 规则1 sothat inorderthat 从句 从句用can could may might 动词原形 如 1 Wegotupearlyin order thatwecouldcatchthefirstbus 规则2 forfearthat incasethat 从句 意为 以防 万一 从句可以用虚拟语气 即 should 动词原形 如 2 Wegotupearlyfor fear that lest in case thatweshouldmissthefirstbus 熟读深思 6 地点状语从句翻译句子 注意划线部分含义 1 Makeamarkwhereyouhaveproblems 2 Iwillfindhimwhereverhemaybe 归纳总结 地点状语从句常见的连词有 1 where在 地方 如 1 2 wherever无论在 地方 如 2 熟读深思 7 让步状语从句翻译句子 注意划线部分含义 1 Althoughheisrich heneverwastesacoin 2 Richmanasheis heworkshard 3 Hardasheworked hefailed 4 Tryashemight Tomcouldnotgetoutofthedifficulty 5 Even ifitsnowstomorrow weshallstillgoonbusiness 6 No matter who Whoever breakstherule hewillbepunished 7 Whetheryougoornottomorrow wewillgoouting 8 He sthebestteacher eventhoughhehastheleastexperience 归纳总结 规则1 although though while意为 虽然 尽管 如 1 规则2 adj adv n as though 意为 虽然 尽管 v 原形 将下列三个句子改写成规则2的形式 Heisarichman butheworkshard Heworkedhard buthefailed Hemighttry butTomcouldnotgetoutofthedifficulty 归纳总结 规则1 although though while意为 虽然 尽管 如 1 规则2 adj adv n as though 意为 虽然 尽管 v 原形 将下列三个句子改写成规则2的形式 Richmanas thoughheis heworkshard Hardas thoughheworked hefailed Tryas thoughhemight Tomcouldnotgetoutofthedifficulty 归纳总结 规则3 evenif eventhough意为 即使 纵然 evenif侧重于假设 eventhough侧重于事实 如 5 Even ifitsnowstomorrow weshallstillgoonbusiness 8 He sthebestteacher eventhoughhehastheleastexperience 规则4 Nomatterhow what where who 特殊疑词 ever意为 无论怎么 什么 哪里 谁 如 6 规则5 whether or 无论是否 如 7 熟读深思 8 方式状语从句翻译句子 注意划线部分含义 1 Thelightswereonasthougheveryonehadleftinahurry 2 DotheexperimentasItoldyoujustnow 归纳总结 规则1 asif asthough 从句 表示与客观事实不符的情况时 从句用虚拟语气 即表示现在或将来的情况用一般过去时 be用were 表示过去的情况用过去完成时 如 1 Thelightswereonasthougheveryonehadleftinahurry 规则2 as意为 正如 如 2 DotheexperimentasItoldyoujustnow 熟读深思 9 比较状语从句翻译句子 注意划线部分含义 1 Chineseiss beautiful a language as English 2 Theydidn tcometoschoolas early as we 3 Theboyistaller than his father 熟读深思 4 Thishouseistwo times the area of that one 5 Thisruleristwo times as long as that one 6 Mycaseistwo times heavier than yours 7 Thepopulationinthistownisaboutsix timeswhatitwasahundredyearsago 归纳总结 规则1 as as意为 和 一样 as后面接形容词 副词的原级 如 1 规则2 notas so as 意为 不如 不及 如 2 规则3 than意为 比 如 3 规则4 倍数表达比较状语从句通常与倍数表达法结合起来进行考查 它有以下几种句型 如 4 5 6 7 熟读深思 4 Thishouseistwo times the area of that one 5 Thisruleristwo times as long as that one 6 Mycaseistwo times heavier than yours 7 Thepopulationinthistownisaboutsix timeswhatitwasahundredyearsago 重难点 状语从句的时态问题1 Thehousecouldfalldownsoonifnoone somequickrepairwork 全国IV AhasdoneBisdoingCdoesDhaddone2 Itisalmostfiveyears wesaweachotherlasttime 北京春季 A beforeB sinceC afterD when C B 重难点 状语从句的倒装问题1 Sodifficult ittoliveinanEnglish speakingcountrythatIdeterminedtolearnEnglish 上海 A IhavefeltB haveIfeltC IdidfeelD didIfeel2 Notuntilallthefishdiedintheriver howseriousthepollutionwas A didthevillagersrealizeB thevillagersrealizedC thevillagersdidrealizeD didn tthevillagersrealize D A 状语从句的倒装一般有下面几种情况 否定词开头 notuntil so加adj 开头 as though引导的让步状语从句 特别注意 Hardly when Nosooner than Childasheis Hardlyhadhegottothestationwhenthetrainleft Nosoonerhadhegottothestationthanthetrainleft Childasheis hecanspeaksevenforeignlanguages WhilewatchingTV AthedoorbellrangBthedoorbellringsCweheardthedoorbellringDweheardthedoorbellrings C 重难点 状语从句省略问题 1 如果主从句主语一致 从句中又有 be 时 省略主语和be Whilestillastudent sheplayedmanyroles Whentoldthesecret hewassurprised When hewas stillaboyoften hehadtoworkdayandnightIf youare asked youmaycomein 2 从句中可省略it 是 Youcanturntomeforhelpifnecessary If itis necessary possible I llexplainittoyouagain 状语从句省略问题 重难点 状语从句与并列句的区别1 Thoughheisinhissixties heworksashardasayoungman A yetB butC andD andyet2 Excusemeforbreakingin Ihavesomenewsforyou A soB andC butD yet A C 对比训练与巩固 1 Wewereabouttoleave itbegantorain 2 ShethoughtIwastalkingaboutherson infact Iwastalkingaboutmyson 3 HardlyhadIfinishedmycomposition thebellrang A whenB whileC asD during 对比训练1 A B A 1 Hewouldhavealookatthebookstores hewenttotown 2 Wedecidetofinishtheworkontime happens 3 Ifweworkwithastrongwill weovercomeanydifficulty greatitis 4 I llgivethebookto likesEnglish A wheneverB whoeverC whateverD however 对比训练2 A C D B 对比训练3 1 Ifweworkhard wecanovercomeanydifficulty nomatter greatitis 2 Ifweworkhard wecanovercomeanydifficulty greatitis 3 Ifweworkhard wecanovercomeanydifficulty difficultyitis 4 Ifweworkhard wecanovercomeanydifficulty nomatter difficultyitis A whatB howC howeverD whatever B C D A 对比训练4 1 Itwillbeyears wemeetagain 2 Itistenyears Icametothistown 3 Itistenyearsago Icametothistown A untilB thatC beforeD since C D B 对比训练5 Goandgetyourcoat Itis youleftit 2 Youarefreetogo youlike A thereB whereC whereverD when B C 1 Itisknowntoallthat youexerciseregularly youwon tkeepgoodhealth 重庆卷 A unlessB wheneverC althoughD if2 Youwillbelate youleaveimmediately A unlessB untilC ifD or3 Thelittleboywon tgotosleephismothertellshimastory 2010全国 A orB unlessC butD whether A A B 高考题汇编 4 Icansee thereisonlyonepossiblewaytokeepawayfromthedanger 北京春季 A BecauseB AsfarasC IfD Evenif5 IalwaystakesomethingtoreadwhenIgotothedoctor s Ihavetowait 全国卷 A incaseB sothatC inorderD asif B A 6 Hetriedhisbesttosolvetheproblem difficultitwas 天津卷 A howeverB nomatterC whateverDalthough7 Theoldtowermustbesaved thecost 浙江 A howeverB whateverC whicheverD wherever8 EnglishandFrencharetaughthere Youcanchoose youlike A nomatterwhichB whicheverD whatever A B nomatterwh 与wh ever的联系及区别 nomatterwh 只引导让步状语从句 此时与wh ever通用 Nomatterwhen Wheneverhecomesback heshouldbeinvitedtotheparty wh ever又可引导名词性从句 Nomatterwh 不能 如 Whoevercanhelpuswillbewelcome B 9 Afterthewar anewschoolbuildingwasputup therehadoncebeenatheatre A thatB whereC whichD when10 Don tlookdownuponBob Hehashisownadvantages Oh yes othersareweak heisstrong A IfB WhenC WhereD Though11 Thethreadofmykitebrokeanditflewaway Ihadtoldyouitwouldeasilybreak itwastheweakestA whenB whereC unlessD since B B C 12 北京春 DidyouremembertogiveMarythemoneyyouowedher Yes Igaveittoher Isawher A whileB themomentC suddenlyD although13 上海 Ithoughtherniceandhonest Imether A firsttimeB forthefirsttimeC thefirsttimeD bythefirsttime14 enteredtheofficewhenherealizedthathehadforgottenhisreport A HehardlyhadB HadhehardlyC HardlyhadheD Hardlyhehad B C C 15 北京春 Washisfatherverystrictwithhimwhenhewasatschool Yes Hehadneverpraisedhim hebecameoneofthetopstudentsinhisgrade A afterB unlessC untilD when16 上海 Agoodstorytellermustbeabletoholdlisteners curiosity hereachestheendofthestory A whenB unlessC afterD until17 Itwasnot shetookoffherdarkglasses Irealizedshewasafamousfilmstar A when thatB until thatC until whenD when then C D B 18 北京 Hemadeamistake butthenhecorrectedthesituation itgotworse A untilB whenC beforeD as19 福建 Scientistssayitmaybefiveorsixyears itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients A sinceB afterC beforeD when20 四川 Whydidn tyoutellhimaboutthemeeting Herushedoutoftheroom Icouldsayaword A beforeB untilC whenD after21 北京春 Itisalmostfiveyears wesaweachotherlasttime A beforeB sinceC afterD because C C A B

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