人教版七十中2019-2020学年七年级上英语第二次月考试卷(II )卷.doc

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人教版七十中2019-2020学年七年级上英语第二次月考试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)(2016黔东南)Jim has _ useful book. _ book is very interesting. A . the; AB . an; AC . a; TheD . an; The2. (2分)_ desk is long and wide. They like it very much. A . Sonias and JanesB . Sonia and JanesC . Sonia and Jane3. (2分)My mother has a bad cold. She cant go to work. _. A . I hope not.B . Never mind.C . OK.D . Im sorry to hear that.4. (2分)In this group, most of the members are . A . twenty year oldsB . twenty-year-oldC . twenty-year -olds5. (2分)Would you pleasethe childrenwith snake?A . to ask;not to playB . ask;not to playC . ask; not playD . ask; dont play6. (2分)It is selflessthe doctor to devote all the time he had to caring for the patients.I think so, they are so great.A . forB . ofC . withD . to7. (2分)Mary with the Greens dinner A . are eatingB . is eatingC . Eat8. (2分)Id like some and . A . juice; vegetableB . salad; tomatoesC . potato; bananasD . pear; soup9. (2分)I used to online a lot, but now I am used to with my friends. A . chatting; studyB . chat; studyingC . chat; studyD . chatting; studying10. (2分)He wants to try his best to make his dream(梦) _.A . to come trueB . come trueC . to come trulyD . come truly11. (2分)What _ we do then?Lets go out for a walk.A . doB . mustC . shallD . did12. (2分)_of the warm water _already been used up.A . Two-third;hasB . Two-third;haveC . Two-thirds;hasD . Two-thirds;have13. (2分)There _ a boy and two girls in the music room, they are singing.A . isB . areC . hasD . have14. (2分)The music sounds _. Youd better turn the radio off. A . wellB . loudlyC . terribleD . gently15. (2分)What day is it today? _.A . Its a fine dayB . It is New Years DayC . Its FridayD . It is my birthday二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空 Lofton(洛夫顿)is a little1not far from Manchester(曼彻斯特). Like many2villages near towns or cities, it is clean and3. Not many families4there, so the people all know5. Most of them are friendly and helpful. 6their homes are in Lofton, many people have jobs in Manchester. Some work in big factories. 7work in shops or offices. Most of these people go to work by8. It usually9them about half an hour to get from Lofton to Manchester on the train. In the evening, a lot of people like10TV. If they want to see a film or go to a concert, they11go to Manchester. There are 12cinemas in Manchester than in Lofton. Life in Lofton may not be so exciting as the life in 13cities, but it can be just as14as there. That is 15people in Lofton love their little village. (1)A . city B . town C . village D . country (2)A . any B . others C . the other D . other (3)A . dirty B . noisy C . busy D . quiet (4)A . lives B . have lived C . live D . lived (5)A . each another B . each other C . other one D . the other (6)A . Though B . But C . So D . Because (7)A . Little B . A little C . Few D . A few (8)A . car B . train C . subway D . plane (9)A . spends B . costs C . takes D . pays (10)A . to watching B . watching C . to be watched D . watch (11)A . have to B . had to C . need D . ought (12)A . many B . more C . little D . less (13)A . more larger B . larger C . larger than other D . large that (14)A . boring B . more interesting C . interesting D . more boring (15)A . why B . what C . so D . because 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共43分)17. (8分)阅读理解 Fast Food is Good But Bad!People all over the world like to eat in fast food restaurants. The food there is delicious and it comes very quickly. Also, it is not too expensive, and the restaurants are always clean and bright. People can eat in or take their food away. Chinese families love to cat in fast food restaurants, too. There are two kinds of fast food restaurants in China. There are Western fast food restaurants, and there are Chinese ones. Western fast food restaurants sell hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken legs, drink and so on. The Chinese fast food restaurants sell dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, and other Chinese snacks(快餐). My family likes fast food, but we dont eat at Western fast food restaurants very often. My mom says some fast food is bad for us. It is usually high in fat(脂肪). So it is not good for our health. (1)Many people like to eat in fast food restaurants NOT because . A . the food is expensiveB . the food is deliciousC . the food comes very fastD . the restaurants are comfortable(舒适的)(2)In Western fast food restaurants, you can eat . A . noodlesB . hamburgersC . dumplingsD . spring rolls(3)Chinese like to eat in . A . Western fast food restaurantsB . Chinese fast food restaurantsC . their homesD . Western and Chinese fast food restaurants(4)Fast food is bad because . A . some fast food is not fastB . some fast food is high in fatC . some fast food is expensiveD . there is too much fast food18. (6分)阅读理解。(C)There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who travelled to places; you can go and see a colour film about them; or you can read travel books.It seems that there are three kinds of travel books, the first are those that give a personal, subjective (主观的)idea of travels which the writer has got himself. Those books can be useful if the writers share their travelling experience with others. The second kind are those books which give objective (客观的)information of things to be done and seen. If a cultured person has written such a book about the facts of a place, then it is more useful. The third kind are those books which are called a guide to some places or other. If they are good, they will describe and explain the places in detail. Like the first kind, they can be interesting and exciting. But their main purpose is to help the reader plan his travel in the most practical way.Whatever kind of travel book you choose, you must make sure that the book does not describe everything as interesting, exciting or fantastic. You must also keep an open eye on its date of publication(出版)because travel is a very practical matter and many things change quickly in the 21st century. Finally, you should make sure that its easy to find the useful information for your travel.(1)The writer of the first kind of travel books gave his ideas after he .A . travelledB . read booksC . watched filmsD . surfed the Internet(2)The underlined phrase a cultured person means a person with .A . a good appearanceB . a good education(教育)C . a lot of experienceD . a lot of money(3)According to the passage, it is the best to read before travelling to a place of interest.A . the first kind of travel booksB . the second kind of travel booksC . the third kind of travel booksD . some travel articles in newspapers19. (8分)阅读理解The Double Ninth FestivalThe Double Ninth Festival, also named the “Chong Yang Festival”, is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). In ancient time, numbers were mysterious and were divided into yin and yang. Yin means something of darkness and yang means life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, so it is called “Chong Yang Festival”. (Chong means “repeat” in Chinese)People always climb mountains and drink chrysanthemum wine on the Double Ninth Festival. It is hard to say when the customs were created. But there are many stories which are closely related. As recorded in a historical book of the sixth century, in ancient times, there lived a man named Huang Jing. He was learning the magic arts from Fei Changfang. One day, they were climbing a mountain. Fei Changfang suddenly stopped and looked very upset. He said to Huang Jing, “On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, a big trouble will come to your hometown”. You must go home immediately. Remember to make a red bag for each one of your family members and leave home quickly and climb to the top of a mountain. Most importantly, you must all drink some chrysanthemum wine. Only by doing so can your family members avoid the big trouble.On hearing this, Huang Jing rushed home and asked his family to do exactly as his teacher said. The whole family climbed a nearby mountain and did not return until the evening. When they got back home, they found all their animals dead, including chickens, sheep, dogs and so on.Since then, climbing a mountain and drinking chrysanthemum wine became the traditional activities of the Double Ninth Festival, to avoid evil spirits and bad luck. Nowadays, the Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers to do some exercise as well as enjoy the autumn scenery.(1)The Double Ninth Festival began around _. A . 475-221 BCB . 435-231 BCC . 337-221 BCD . 245-213 BC(2)People usually climb mountains and _ on the festival. A . cook mealsB . feed the animalsC . drink chrysanthemum wineD . learn magic art(3)Fei Changfang is _. A . Huang Jings cousinB . Huang Jings teacherC . Huang Jings friendD . Huang Jings neighbor(4)Nowadays the Double Ninth Festival is also a time to _. A . make dumplingsB . buy some wineC . wear new clothesD . do some exercise20. (16分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。DA man in Pakistan is now working to help children get an education. When he was a child, he did not go to school because he was too poor.It is reported that Pakistan has 25 million children who do not go to school. That is the secondhighest number in the world. Only Nigeria has more. Many Pakistani children must work to support their families.Mohammad Ayub was once one of those children. He is now a firefighter. He also manages a small school. VOA recently visited the school in the capital Islamabad.Ayub started with just one student in 1982. He saw a boy cleaning cars for days. He asked him, Why dont you go to school? The boy answered that his parents were dead and he had to work to help support his five brothers and three sisters.Ayub was also an orphan and he, too, had to work to help support his five brothers and three sisters. He said, When my father died, everyone who came to the funeral said they were sorry, but no one helped. He sold newspapers and did other work to earn enough money to pay school fees for his brothers and sisters.Ayub wanted to help the young boy who washed cars, but he did not have enough money to pay the boys school fees.Today, Ayub teaches many children at his school in a public park. Some of the children attend other schools in the morning, but come to Ayub in the afternoon to get help with their homework.Ayub has helped a large number of poor children since he began teaching. Many of them come from very poor areas near the park.Ayub said, I used to argue with kids who worked Why are you washing someones dishes or their clothes? Why dont you study? One of the children he advised to attend classes was Farhat Abbas. Ayub found him working with his friends about 12 years ago. He followed us back home. He told our parents he wanted to teach us and asked them to send us to his school, Abbas said.Today, Abbas is taking classes at a college and is helping Ayub.Many children are out of school, and those who do attend classes often get a poor education. Information gathered by an organization shows half of all Pakistani children in the 5th grade do not understand basic mathematics and cannot read a story in their language.A group in Islamabad reports Pakistan spends less on education than any other country in South Asia.(1)Ayub did all the following things to help the poor children EXCEPT .A . managing a small schoolB . teaching the poor childrenC . taking classes at a collegeD . visiting the childrens parents(2)Ayub did all the following things to help the poor children EXCEPT .A . managing a small schoolB . teaching the poor childrenC . taking classes at a collegeD . visiting the childrens parents(3)Which sentence can be put in the empty box in the passage?A . So he offered to teach him.B . So he asked his parents to help him.C . So he gave up his idea.D . So he forced him to go to school.(4)Which is the right time order of what happened in the passage?a. Ayub began to teach the poor children in his school.b. Ayubs school in the capital Islamabad was visited by VOA.c. Ayub advised Abbass parents to send him to his school.d. Ayub worked to pay school fees for his brothers and sisters.e. Ayub saw a boy cleaning cars for days and decided to help him.A . a-b-e-d-eB . b-c-d-a-eC . d-a-e-c-bD . d-e-a-c-b(5)Which sentence can be put in the empty box in the passage?A . So he offered to teach him.B . So he asked his parents to help him.C . So he gave up his idea.D . So he forced him to go to school.(6)From the passage, which are the best words to describe Ayub?A . hard-working and honestB . kind-hearted and helpfulC . creative and confidentD . humorous and popular(7)Which is the right time order of what happened in the passage?a. Ayub began to teach the poor children in his school.b. Ayubs school in the capital Islamabad was visited by VOA.c. Ayub advised Abbass parents to send him to his school.d. Ayub worked to pay school fees for his brothers and sisters.e. Ayub saw a boy cleaning cars for days and decided to help him.A . a-b-e-d-eB . b-c-d-a-eC . d-a-e-c-bD . d-e-a-c-b(8)From the passage, which are the best words to describe Ayub?A . hard-working and honestB . kind-hearted and helpfulC . creative and confidentD . humorous and popular21. (5分)信息归纳:阅读下文,根据所提供的信息,完成下列表格。Your Junior 3 year will finish soon. Do you want to say something about your junior school life? What were the rewards (收获) of the three years? Our readers have their stories to share.Ben,15,Guangzhou,Guangdong I experienced a hard time in Junior 2 when my grades suddenly dropped(下降) a lot. I faced great pressure. In the following summer vacation, I worked hard by studying for 10 hours a day. It was crazy, but when I became one of the top students again, I felt everything had been worthwhile(值得的).Julie, 13,Beijing In July, 2011,I had a trip to the UK with some students and teachers. When we arrived there, the other students and I didnt want to eat the local food. The teachers were worried and tried to make us eat. When we finally finished the meal, the guide said that the world now sees how spoiled(被宠坏的)Chinese kids are. I felt really sorry.John,14,Hangzhou,Zhejiang I lived in a dorm(寝室)during junior school. It was a great challenge since I had never left my parents before that. I had to take care of everything myself. I learned to make my bed and get along with roommates. I also learned to make a schedule to arrange(安排)my time .Ive done a good job and I feel proud.Information CardAge of Ben_Place John is from_Time Julie went to the UK_How Ben improve his grades_Things John has learned during junior schoolMake the bed _Make a schedule to arrange time四、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)22. (2分)嗨!迈克!祝你好运!Hey,Mike! _to you五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)选用方框内所给词的适当形式完成句子。hundred swim write cross leave(1)Jane is good at_stories.(2)You cant_with your classmates before five o clock.(3)We often practice_in summer.(4)It takes him thirty minutes _the river.(5)Five _students go to school on foot.六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)24. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Mom, Im hungry.B: _A: I m looking. Theres nothing to eat.B: Are you sure, Alex?A: Yes,_B: I went to the market yesterday.A: I cant see anything.B: I bought lots of oranges and applesA: _I want hamburgers and hot dogs.B: Eat the fruit. Its good for you. You need to change your eating habits._A: But I dont like sports. I dont want to get tired.B: I remember you made a new years plan about exercising.A: Oh, thats right. I planned to play baseball twice a day. But I cant play it now.B: _Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧).A: I will try, Morn.A. I dont want fruit.B. Its almost empty (空的).C. Look in the fridge (冰箱).D. Playing sports is boring.E. You need to practice it a lot.F. I want to play baseball once a week.G. Alex, you also need to exercise every day.25. (5分)根据对话情景,在每个空白处填入一个恰当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Good morning.B: Good morning. _?A: Ive got a headache and a stomachache.B: _?A: For two days.B : _A: Just some bread and milk.B: I want to take your temperature. Oh, dont worry. Its nothing serious.A: What shall I do?B: _A: How shall I take the medicine?B: _七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)(2015茂名)书面表达暑假期间,越来越多的外国人到中国旅游。请你用英语写一篇短文,向外国游客简单介绍一下中国的情况,内容包括:1.对外国游客表示热烈欢迎;2.中国地域辽阔,南北气候差别大;3.旅游景点众多,高山大河,美丽如画;4.人口最多,国家日益强大;5.人民勤劳、善良,热爱和平。【写作要求】1.信息完整,内容合理。2.句子结构准确,篇章结构连贯,字数不少于80个单词。3.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。4.作文必须写在答题卡的指定区域内。第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共43分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、20-8、21-1、四、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)22-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)23-1、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)24-1、25-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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