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仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)(2016贺州)If you want to learn English better, you can make friends with American students and often talk to . A . theirB . theirsC . theyD . them2. (2分) Whos that girl white shoes?She is Beth.A . onB . inC . atD . of3. (2分)(2016贵州)I want to be a teacher when I grow up.Work hard, _ your dream will come true.A . orB . butC . thoughD . and4. (2分)_ do you usually come to school?By bike.A . HowB . WhatC . How oftenD . When5. (2分)Of the three students, Lily won _ games.A . the fewestB . the leastC . the moreD . most6. (2分)Wow.another gift! Whats in the box? Im not sure. It be a pair of sports shoes.A . mustB . mayC . will7. (2分)David,I havent seen your father for a long time.He Beijing on business for a few days.A . went toB . has gone toC . has been toD . has been in8. (2分)When _ Li Ping _ his homework? At 10:00 last night.A . did, finishB . does, finishC . is, finishingD . do, finished9. (2分)Smoking in the hospital, please stop . A . is allowed; smokingB . allows; to smokeC . isnt allowed; to smokeD . isnt allowed; smoking10. (2分)Could you please tell me ?Two days ago.A . when did you go for a picnicB . when you went for a picnicC . when will you go for a picnicD . when you will go for a picnic二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Black or WhiteWhen I was in elementary school, I got into an argument with a boy in my class. The teacher 1 to teach us a very important lesson.She brought us up to the front of the2 and placed him on one side of her desk and3 on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could4 see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. White, he5.I couldnt6 he said the object was white, when it was clearly black! Another7 started between my classmate and me, this time about the8 of the object.The teacher told me to go9 where the boy was standing10 told him to come stand where I had been. We changed11, and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I 12 answer, White.It was an object with two13 colored sides, and from his viewpoint (视角) it was white. Only from my14 it was black.I have never15 the lesson I learned that day. Sometimes we need to look at the problem from the other persons viewpoint in order to truly understand his / her view.(1)A . decided B . remembered C . offered D . promised (2)A . office B . playground C . library D . classroom (3)A . her B . me C . him D . you (4)A . clearly B . hardly C . closely D . carefully (5)A . shouted B . guessed C . answered D . suggested (6)A . choose B . believe C . notice D . hear (7)A . argument B . match C . fight D . talk (8)A . shape B . size C . color D . weight (9)A . find B . lie C . sit D . stand (10)A . so B . but C . or D . and (11)A . places B . ideas C . objects D . seats (12)A . was able to B . had to C . happened to D . used to (13)A . brightly B . beautifully C . differently D . completely (14)A . side B . lesson C . book D . experience (15)A . finished B . taught C . prepared D . forgotten 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共78分)12. (10分)阅读理解In many English homes, people have four meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea(茶) and dinner.People have breakfast from 7:00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They eat eggs or(或者) bread. English people drink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch comes at about 13:00. Afternoon tea is from 16:00 to 17:00, and dinner is about 19:30. They often have soup(汤), and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables. Then they eat some bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them dont have their dinners in the evening(晚上).(1)Many English people have _ meals a day. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(2)Usually, people in English dont have _ for their breakfast. A . breadB . fishC . milkD . eggs(3)People in English have lunch _. A . from 7:00 to 9:00B . at about 13:00C . at 19:30D . from 16:00 to 17:00(4)Usually, people in England have _ for their dinner. A . bananas, apples or eggsB . soup, bananas or milkC . soup, chicken or fish with vegetablesD . soup, milk and vegetables(5)Do all the English people eat in the same way(方式)? A . No, not all the English people eat in the same way.B . Yes, all the English people eat in the same way.C . No, some of them dont have lunch at all.D . Sorry, we dont know.13. (25分) I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house. One day last year, (1)我惊讶的看到一个外国人从我家隔壁的房子里出来. He was very tall with short brown hair and a pair of glasses. The first time I saw him, (2)I was too shy to speak to him. “My English is too bad!”I thought. My grandmother told me that he had just moved into our yard. “I dont like it!” she said, Foreigners arent like us. Maybe hell play loud music and have parties every night! Im sure hes going to cause trouble.Several days later, I met the foreigner as I was walking home after work. Hello! he said in Chinese! My names Tony. Ive just moved into the house next door to yours. “While I was wondering what to say, he continued, Theres a nice bar down the road. Why dont you and your family come to the bar and have dinner with me? “Bars are bad places, said my grandmother when I told her, but we decided to go. (3)The bar was not at all what I had expected. It was in a beautiful little yard house, with several large bookshelves and pictures of Tibet on the walls. Several Chinese people and foreigners were sitting drinking or reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking place.The bar served special hutong pizzas. As we ate, Tony told us about himselfhe is an English expert (专家) in environment. He always likes to be quiet. My grandmother said to me, “He really seems like a very nice young man.” Yes, Tony is my new neighbor, a nice foreigner.阅读短文,按要求完成下面的任务。(1)把1处的汉语译为英语。(2)把2处改为同义句。(3)把3处的英语译为中文。(4)What did the writers grandmother think of Tony at first?(5)给短文拟一个标题。14. (10分)阅读短文,回答问题。(1)The worlds population _.A . will reach 7 billion in the endB . reached 7 billion by the end of 2011C . reached 7 billion before 2011D . reached 7 billion in 2000(2)Which country is the third populous in the world by 2050?A . ChinaB . Indonesia.C . The U. S.D . Nigeria.(3)When did the worlds population grow most slowly?A . From 1800 to 1930.B . From 1930 to 1960.C . From 1960 to 1974.D . From 1974 to 1999.(4)The population of China and India made up _ of the worlds population at the end of 2011.A . 19%B . 16. 7%C . 35. 7%D . 42. 9%(5)Whats the Chinese meaning of “billion”?A . 1, 000, 000, 000B . 100, 000, 000C . 10, 000, 000D . 1, 000, 00015. (8分)阅读下面会材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。In our culture, the ability to make ones own decisions is important. John F. Kennedys quote(引语)Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. shows an unpleasant truth.Much of what we know and believe has been taught to us by others, and we often accept this information without spending much time thinking it over for ourselves.In todays world, we are being presented with information, ideas and beliefs, but many of them are against each other. Psychology(心理学)tells us that if we hear an idea enough times, or it comes from someone we respect(尊敬), we will probably believe that idea. In these cases, we base our opinions on the opinions of others. If each of us does not think about this information for ourselves and come to our own conclusions , we will become nothing more than parrots(鹦鹉) quoting the opinions of others.Examples of spreading fake news without thought can be seen on the Internet. Some people believe whatever they read and then share the story without thinking about the facts. All it takes is one quick click(点击)of the share button, and the story travels on its way to influence even more unthinking readers. This can cause serious problems.If we just stop for a moment to think about what we read and hear, and form our own opinions, we will be more thoughtful, more independent, and more creative people, but few take that time. Yet we need not lose heart over this bad habit. In fact, simply becoming aware (意识到) of it is the first step towards correcting it. Once we become aware that we tend(趋向)to hold opinions and beliefs without thinking them through, we can change that pattern of behavior. Hopefully, we can learn to experience and enjoy the discomfort of thought and form our own opinions.(1)Whats the purpose of this passage? A . To describe how Internet news spreads.B . To explain why people dont have their own opinions.C . To tell people that they should have their own thoughts.D . To warn people not to believe other peoples ideas.(2)The underlined word fake in Paragraph 4 probably means A . untrueB . unhappyC . unfairD . unusual(3)How can we have our own opinions according to the passage? A . By spreading the information we receive.B . By learning more about psychology.C . By quoting others opinions like parrots.D . By thinking about what we read and hear.(4)We can probably find this passage in a book about A . historyB . educationC . sportsD . languages16. (25分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题: Once a king got two nice falcons(猎鹰) from his son. He had never seen such beautiful falcons before. He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly.After several months, the king came to see how the training was going on. He found that one falcon had already been able to fly high in the sky, while the other one was staying on the branch(树枝) of a tree quietly without moving.The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make it fly. But none of them succeeded. One day, while the king was taking a walk in the forest, an idea came to his mind. He decided to find someone who knew the natural environment well to solve the problem. Then he sent for a farmer who lived in the forest into his palace to train it at once.The next morning, the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely. It is unbelievable! shouted the king. How could you make it happen?The farmer replied, Its very easy. I just cut off the branch where the falcon rested.It is always the same to humans. We all have two flying wings in our hearts as well, but we often seem not to notice them and stay where we feel safe and comfortable. We wont realize we can fly so high and freely until the branch we are resting on breaks.(1)Where did the king get the falcons? (2)Why did the king ask the farmer to train the falcon? (3)What did the farmer do to make the falcon fly? (4)What do you think of the farmer? (5)To reach high, can we stay where we feel safe and comfortable? 四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Tears come out of my eyes when I talk to my parents on the phone. _ This is what I want to know most. I have supper at 5 oclock in the dining room. Now it is the busiest time for my parents. Dad works from seven oclock in the morning to nine oclock in the evening, so all the housework is left to my mum. _ Every day she gets up at 4 oclock in the morning, and then works till dark.I promise her to study hard in the university because I am her hope. _ I just want her to promise me that she can take care of herself and my dad because they are just like the blood in my body.In my family, everyone is equal. We are very happy to have meals together. Mum says that the happiest time for Dad and her is to see my sister and me come back home. We play cards in the room, watch TV and do anything we like, with Dad and Mum preparing delicious food in the kitchen. _ I forget all the difficulties and unhappiness at that time. The only thing I would like to do is to enjoy the time with my parents._ Love your parents as they love us. Give them a call, telling them you love them and miss them.A、It is also the happiest time for me.B、What are they doing when I call them?C、Sometimes, love doesnt need many words.D、Besides the housework, she also has to work on the farm.E、I promise her to take care of myself because Im important to her.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你是刘畅,今天是中国传统节日端午节。请根据以下信息给你的好友 Alice 写 一封电子邮件,描述一下你们一家人此刻的活动。写作要点:表达对 Alice 的思念之情。介绍你们一家人正在做的事。祖父母:看电视爸爸:打扫房间你和妈妈:包粽子至少说明两点你喜欢端午节的理由。(如:家人团聚,了解历史知识)写作要求:不得使用真实的姓名和学校名;适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯;字迹工整,语言精练,表达准确,条理清楚;至少 80 词。Dear Alice,How are you doing?Best wishes!Yours,Liu Chang第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共78分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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