外研版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中测试(II )卷.doc

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外研版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中测试(II )卷一、 单项选择. (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Is AC Milan Italian football club? Yes. Its one of most successful clubs in Italy.A . an; aB . an; theC . /; theD . /; /2. (2分)Bill, remember to bring back your homework. You always _them in the classroom. A . loseB . putC . leaveD . give3. (2分)Mike used to be a top student, but he behind since he lost himself in computer games.A . fellB . has fallenC . wasD . has been4. (2分) I havent _ Mike for a long time.I think maybe he is too busy to write to you.A . heard fromB . asked forC . got along with5. (2分)Is it allowed _ your hair colorful in your school?No. Our teachers think its bad for our health.A . makeB . to makeC . makesD . making6. (2分) Where is North Korea? It lies _ the northeast of China.A . onB . toC . inD . at7. (2分)You can only turn left when you see the sign _.A . B . C . D . 8. (2分)Nowadays,science is developing so fastYesSome computers are as tiny as watchA . smallB . beautifulC . big9. (2分)-Nice to meet you.-_ .A . Thank youB . The same to youC . Nice to meet you, too.10. (2分)The book is birds. A . ofB . upC . aboutD . after11. (2分)She said I should see a doctor.A . couldB . mustC . ought to12. (2分)Mrs. Lee, can you tell me how I can read faster?Of course. Whether or not you can read fast mainly your reading habits. Try to read word groups while reading.A . depends onB . turns onC . takes offD . hears from13. (2分)Nice to meet you, Mike. ? Everything is OK. Thanks.A . What did you doB . How are youC . How is it goingD . What happened14. (2分)Dont go_ the cinema. A . pastB . passC . passedD . pasted15. (2分)(2015贵州铜仁)Hello! This is David. Can I speak to Tom? Yes, _.A . Tom is meB . This is Tom speaking.C . I am TomD . My name is Tom.二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) China is the home of tea,1has more than 4,000 years of history. People in China drink tea daily.2the three major drinks tea, coffee and cocoa, tea is 3by the largest number of people in the world. Tea from China, along 4silk and porcelain, began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export5.Tea 6mainly in the area south of the Yangtze River, in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian, because of the good 7and rich soil there. Longjing, Wulong, Puer and Tieguanyin are all 8kinds of tea.Over the past centuries, Chinese people have9their unique tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, and tea drinking and so on. Tea as well as coffee10a popular topic which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels.(1)A . who B . which C . where D . when (2)A . In B . For C . Of D . By (3)A . eaten B . played C . bought D . drunk (4)A . between B . with C . except D . besides (5)A . at that time B . from now on C . since then D . since now (6)A . produces B . grows C . makes D . lives (7)A . climate B . weather C . water D . river (8)A . famous B . important C . interesting D . delicious (9)A . liked B . got C . become D . developed (10)A . are B . be C . were D . is 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分) Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life. I was born, I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day. There were happy days and sorrowful days: some days the sun shone, and some days it didnt.In my twenties, I had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married (结婚) and had a child. In those days, I didnt have much time to think. Every day I was busy and worked very hard. And so, I started to get some white hairs. The summer of my life passed quickly.Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student, and then an engineer. My home was much quieter. I started walking more slowly. One day I stopped working. I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change color and give us nice fruits.But the days kept getting shorter and colder. Winter has come. I am older and weaker. I know I do not have many days left, but I will enjoy them to the end.(1)The writer started walking more slowly in the of his life.A . springB . summerC . autumnD . winter(2)According to the passage, which of the following ages is during the summer of his life?A . 15B . 33C . 62D . 87(3)What does the word “sorrowful” mean in this passage?A . SadB . ExcitingC . Wonderful.D . Pleasant.(4)Which of the following is true?A . The writer was an engineer.B . The writer had a garden with flowers.C . The writer was always happy as a child.D . The writer now is old and weak, but still he enjoys his life.(5)Whats the best title of this passage?A . Four Seasons.B . My LifeC . Four Seasons in a Year.D . Four Seasons in My Life.18. (10分)根据短文理解选择正确答案。There are many expressions with heart. One of them is to “lose your heart to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who won your heart does not love you, then you are sure to have a “broken heart. In your sadness, you think that the person you loved is hard-hearted, and in fact, has a heart of stone.You may decide to pour out your heart to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.If your friend doesnt seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to have a heart. You are asking her to show some sympathy (同情) for your situation. Your friend has her heart in the right place if she says she is sorry for how you feel.If your friend says My heart bleeds(流血) for you, she means the opposite. She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your situation.When you are feeling afraid, your heart is in your mouth. You might say, for example, your heart was in your mouth when you asked a bank to lend you some money for a new house.If that bank says no to you, do not “lose heart. Be strong-hearted. Sit down with the banker and have a heart to heart talk. Be open and honest about your situation. The banker may have a change of heart and agree to lend you the money. Then you can stop worrying and put your heart at rest.(1)If the person who won your heart does not love you, what do you think of her?A . She has a strong heart.B . She has a heart of stone.C . She has a broken heart.D . She loses her heart.(2)If your friend has her heart in the right place, she may _.A . be kind to youB . tell you about her personal informationC . live a happy lifeD . have a right heart(3)If your friend says My heart bleeds for you, she may _.A . not know about her health problemB . have a heart troubleC . not care much about youD . want to know what happened(4)Which expression can best describe the feeling when a student has to see his head master?A . A broken heart.B . Lose ones heart.C . Heart in ones mouth.D . Have a heart.(5)Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?A . Dont lose heart if your request is refused.B . A “heart to heart talk means being open to the banker.C . A strong-hearted person always puts his heart at rest.D . The bank lends money to those who need it most.19. (8分) Having Fun Growing and Stealing?Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and studentsPeople can farm on a piece of land and grow, sell or even steal vegetables, “flowers” and fruits on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy more seeds, pets and even houses.Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.Harold: I dont quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game, Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.Allan:I enjoy putting some bugs in my friends gardens and weve become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for(渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure(压力), besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a thief.Ivy: Well. its just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on (专注于) their study.(1)According to the passage, people cant _things in this game.A . growB . borrowC . stealD . sell(2)From Lauras words, we can guess that shes most probably_.A . a studentB . an office workerC . a farmerD . a thief(3)Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?A . They are longing for country life.B . They can have fun with friends.C . The game can relax people and give them a new experience.D . They are confident enough to face the real world.(4)Where can you find this passage?A . In a car magazine.B . In an advertisement.C . In a newspaper.D . In a science book.四、 词汇。 (共2题;共15分)20. (10分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(1)他太累了, 很早就睡了。He was _tired _he went to sleep early.(2)昨天我读了一本关于历史的书。I _a book _yesterday.(3)上周我爸爸给我买了一台电脑。Last week my father _a computer _me.(4)昨天我们学习了如何报火警。We learned _call the fire station yesterday.(5)汤姆昨天做作业了吗?_Tom _homework yesterday?21. (5分)我一到家就给你打电话。 (as soon as) 五、 中译英. (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)你和你弟弟谁更严肃? (serious)_六、 写作。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假设李华是你的同班同学,请根据以下提示及要求,用英语写一篇题为My Classmate的短文。 提示:他个子高,长相英俊,成绩优秀,擅长运动;他乐于助人(举一个例子);对他的评价.要求:文中不能出现真实的姓名及校名;词数80左右。My Classmate第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择. (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 词汇。 (共2题;共15分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、五、 中译英. (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 写作。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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