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人教版2020年中考英语题型专练:阅读理解(二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共86分)1. (8分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 In 1845, a deadly disease struck the farms of Ireland, killing all the Lumper potato plants. In another place or time, the death of single crop species (物种) might not have been so important. But in Ireland, in 1845, people depended almost solely on the potato for food. The death of one species caused a terrible famine(饥荒). Now, some scientists are worried that such a famine could happen again, but on a much wider scale.Over the centuries, farmers have discovered thousands of different species of food crops. Each species has special qualities. Some can be grown in very hot or cold climates. Others are not affected by certain diseases. However, you wont find many of these species in your local supermarket. To feed the seven billion people on Earth, most farmers today are growing only species of plants and farming only species of animals that are easy to produce in large numbers.For example, in the Philippines, there were once thousands of varieties of rice: now fewer than 100 are grown there. In China, 90 percent of the wheat varieties grown just a century ago have disappeared. Scientists believe that over the past century, we have allowed more than half of the worlds food varieties to disappear.One solution to this problem is to collect and store the seeds (种子) as many different plant varieties as we can before they disappear. The idea was first suggested by Russian scientist Nikolay Vavilov. In the 1920s and 1930s, he collected around 400,000 seeds from five contients. More recently, others are continuing the work he began.In the U.S. state of Iowa, Diane Ott Whealy wanted to protect historic plant varieties, like the seeds her great grandfather brought to the U.S. from Germany more than a hundred years ago. She and her husband started a place called Heritage Farm, where people can store and trade seeds.More importantly, the people at Heritage Farm dont just store the seeds; they plant them. By doing this, they are reintroducing foods into the marketplace that havent been grown for years. These food species are not just special in terms of appearance or taste. They also offer farmers food solutions for the future, from the past.(1)What is this passage mainly about? A . The need to protect different food species.B . How to increase the number of food species.C . The fact that many food species are dying out.D . How to prevent food species from disappearing.(2)Why are some scientists worried that such a famine could happen again? A . Because people depend on certain species of food crops.B . Because the same deadly disease may attack crops again.C . Because the worlds population is larger than that in 1845.D . Because farmers grow the same potatoes as those in the past.(3)The following sentence would best be placed at the end of _. Meanwhile, thousands of other species are dying out.A . Paragraph 1B . Paragraph 2C . Paragraph 3D . Paragraph 4(4)What can we learn from the passage? A . The disease spread very quickly and killed thousands of people in Ireland.B . Around 80 percent of the rice varieties in the Philippines have disappeared.C . People have been storing seeds to save plane varieties for less than 100 years.D . Heritage Farm is the first place in the U.S. for people to store and trade seeds.2. (10分) When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself.1) Look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I am a special person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything!” It may not sound so good, but it really works!2) Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good.3) Smile! Be friendly to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.4) Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how to swim? New challenges are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished.5) Read and start a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination fly! Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to express your feelings.6) Stay with your family. We all need our family time. Talk with your Mum or Dad or maybe even your cousin.(1)This passage may be taken from. A . a science bookB . a story bookC . a magazineD . school rules(2)According to the passage, when you are helping others, you will.A . be specialB . be sureC . feel niceD . be remembered(3)What do the underlined words in 4) “a sense of accomplishment” mean?A . 成就感B . 忧伤感C . 挫折感D . 信任感(4)Which of the following should you say “NO” when you are unhappy?A . You should always look for the good things of others.B . Stay alone at home as much as possible.C . Learn something new and go for it!D . Keep a diary to express your feelings.3. (8分)(2017枣庄)阅读理解Last year,I went to Beijing Qizhi Special Education School for community service (社区服务)Before we took the bus,my friend asked me a question:Why are you here?I did not know how to answer the questionThe school was not far from my school,but it looked like it was in a different worldA group of children were waiting for us,A boy walked toward meHe held my hands and pulled me to the groundI kissed the earth and tasted natureI could not understand what he was doing at first,then I was very angryThough I was very anrgy,I controlled my angerA teacher stopped this awkward(尴尬的)silence when she shouted at the boyWhat are you doing right here,right now?she saidYou will never ace your mom again if you keep doing thisNow say sorry!Sorryhe cried fearfully and nervouslyI said noting,but I realized something about this childAfter lunch I asked the teacher for information about the childs parentsShe said that the child was very different from other students because of an illnessHis family could not afford to treat to treat himHe needed the kindness of his family,but they had abandoned himSo he depended on the support from the teachers and community service workers like usI suddenly realiazed I could answer the question my friend asked me at the beginning of the dayCommunity service workers help others and make everyone feel betterThere are so many people in the world that need helpPlaying with lonely children may not make a big differenceBut in can light a corner in the childrens hearts,making them know they are loved by people(1)How did the writer reach Beijing Qizhi Special Education School?A . By trainB . By carC . By busD . By taxi(2)Why did the writer get angry?A . Beacuse a boy held the writers handsB . Beacuse the writer did not like to taste natureC . Beacuse a boy pushed the writer to the groundD . Beacuse a boy was impolite to the writer(3)The boy acted differently from others because A . he was sickB . his parents didnt like himC . he was nervous and fearfulD . he always lived with teachers(4)The underline wordabandonedmost probably means A . hurtB . leftC . soldD . forgotten(5)From the passage we can learn that the writer A . helped so many people in the worldB . played with the lonely boy after lunchC . learned the meaning of community serviceD . wasnt good at answering the questions about community service4. (8分)阅读下文,根据内容选择最佳答案Jeff Black has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, he got cancer. The doctor had to cut off most of his right leg to save his life.Every day Jeff walks with all artificial(人造的) leg. With the help of the leg, he can ski, ride a bike and play tennis. He can even run.When he was 22 years old, Jeff ran across the United States. He ran 5,150 kilometers. That was about 9.6 kilometers each day. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five artificial legs.On his way, people in every city gave Jeff some money. The money was not for Jeff himself. It was for a project, which helps people with cancer. Jeff talked to people about cancer and his disability.Though Jeff is disabled, he can do lots of things like a healthy man. He has finished college and now he is studying to be a lawyer. He says, I want people to know that I ran not only for the disabled but also for everybody. I hope my spirit can cheer others up.(1)What was the matter with Jeff? A . His left leg was cut off.B . His right arm was hurt.C . He lost his legs because of a traffic accident.D . He lost his right leg because of cancer.(2)Which of the following cant Jeff do? A . Swim.B . Ski.C . Play tennis.D . Run.(3)How old was Jeff when he ran across the US? A . 36.B . 26.C . 22.D . 12.(4)What was the money received by Jeff used for? A . Travelling around the US. .B . Paying for artificial legs.C . Helping poor people.D . Helping people with cancer.(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . When Jeff was 12, he got cancer.B . Jeff couldnt ride a bike.C . Jeff didnt go to college.D . Jeff never talked to people about cancer.5. (8分)(2016淄博)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。On May 1, a wildfire started in a forest near the Alberta town of Fort McMurray in Canada. Within two days, the fire grew larger and the people who lived in Fort McMurray had to leave their homes. While there have been very few people injured (伤害) by the large fire itself, it has been harmful to the community.Canadians in other places have been helping by sending money and donations to the Red Cross. Many people in Alberta have taken in people from Fort McMurray, letting them stay in their homes for free until the fire is put out. Many firefighters are needed to fight the fire and some of them have come from other parts of Canada to help. The brave firefighters were able to save 25,000 homes as well as the hospital and all of the towns schools, according to CBC news.There have been thousands of other acts of kindness towards the people of Fort McMurray. Some musicians, such as Great Big Seas Alan Doyle, are holding special concerts, with the money going to Fort McMurray people. And companies have been helping, as well. Beer-maker Labatt filled thousands of cans with waterinstead of beerand sent them to the people in Fort McMurray.The fire is huge, spreading over more than 229,000 hectares (公顷), but firefighters say they believe they are starting to get it under controlit is becoming smaller instead of spreading.(1)How many people have been injured by the large fire itself? A . 25,000.B . Very few.C . 229,000.D . Many.(2)In this passage, the underlined word “donations” means_. A . 捐赠物B . 礼物C . 吉祥物D . 农作物(3)What did beer-maker Labatt do for the people in Fort McMurray? A . He sent money to the people in Fort McMurray.B . He held a concert and gave the money to the people in Fort McMurray.C . He took in people from Fort McMurray and let them stay in his home for free.D . He filled thousands of cans with water and sent them to the people in Fort McMurray.(4)What is the passage mainly about? A . A big fire in Fort McMurray of Canada.B . The people in Fort McMurray of Canada.C . The firefighters in Fort McMurray of Canada.D . The musicians in Fort McMurray of Canada.6. (8分)阅读理解 Some people say, Everyone must go to bed and get up early, or we wont be healthy and clever. Is this true? Maybe it is. Everyone needs sleep. In fact, all living things need sleep. Having a good rest makes us healthy. The body must have enough sleep. The students usually need eight to ten hours sleep every day. With enough sleep at night, students would be ready for school activities. If you dont go to bed early, you wont have enough sleep. Then you cant think clearly and do your work quickly. Some people go to bed late and get up late. This is not good for their health. We must sleep at night when it is dark(黑暗的). The dark helps us to sleep deeply. When the daytime comes, we must get up early. This is the time for exercise. If you dont exercise, the body will become weak. But exercise can help us keep a strong body.Exercise helps the blood (血液) flow(流动) around inside the body. This is very important for us. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The head also needs blood. We think with our heads. If we keep our body healthy and take exercise, we can think better.(1)The underlined word weak in Paragraph 3 means _ in Chinese. A . 易破的B . 虚弱的C . 萧条的D . 隐约的(2)Which of the following sentences can be put in the ? A . Youll not be strong.B . Youll be quickly.C . Youll not be clever.D . Youll be healthy.(3)The passage is written to _. A . help us become healthy and cleverB . help the blood flow inside the bodyC . help people to sleep deeply at nightD . help students enjoy their schoolwork(4)The passage is written in a/an _ tone(语气). A . compassionate(富于同情心的)B . scornful(轻蔑的)C . instructive(教育性的)D . hypocritical(伪善的)7. (8分)阅读理解 Shopping for clothes is not the same for men as it is for women. A man goes shopping because he needs something. He will decide what to buy in advance. He knows what he wants, and his aim is to find it and buy it. Most men simply walk into a shop and ask someone for what they want. If the shop has it, and the price is good, they often finish shopping in less than five minutes, to everyones satisfaction.For a man, some problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. At that time, the salesman tries to sell the man something else. He offers something that is almost the same as the article the man wants. Good salespeople say, I know this jacket is not what you really want, sir, but would you like to try it for size. It happens to be the color you like. Most men dont care about this and may answer, This may be the right color and the right size, but I wont waste my time trying it on.For a woman, it is different. Most of the time, she goes shopping not because she needs something. She hasnt decided what she wants before she goes shopping. She just goes to have a look around. At first, she thinks about finding something that everyone will say It looks good on you. Most women are always looking for bargains(特价商品). A woman may easily spend an hour looking at dresses before she wants to try on. It is a tiresome(令人厌烦的) process. Most clothes stores provide chairs for the waiting husbands.(1)According to the underlined sentence in the first paragraph, we know that men decide what they want . A . before they go shoppingB . after they go into shopsC . right awayD . after thinking about it for a while(2)What does but I wont waste my time trying it on mean in the second paragraph? A . The jacket is not the right color.B . The man has no time.C . The jacket is not what the man wants.D . The man doesnt want to buy anything at all.(3)The underlined word article in the second paragraph is . A . a piece of writingB . a part of an agreementC . a thingD . a jacket(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A . Men buy clothes faster than women.B . Most women always look for bargains.C . Most women like to have a look around.D . Most clothes stores provide chairs for the children.8. (8分)阅读理解 Did you know that 7 out of 10 students have cheated at least once in the past year? Did you know that 50 percent of those students have cheated more than twice? This shocking data is from a recent survey of 9,000 U.S. high school students.Incredibly, teachers may even be encouraging their students to cheat! Last year at a school in Detroit, some teachers were found to have provided their students with answers to statewide standard tests. Students at the school told police that they were promised pizza and money if they cheated on the test. Similar reports at several schools in San Diego country have prompted an investigation by the Education Department. A student at a local high school says she sees students cheating on almost every test, and the teachers dont do anything about it. In response to the claims of school-assisted cheating, the head of the National Association of School Principals said that while cheating should never be accepted, it showed the pressure that schools were under. Because school funding is now decided by students test performance, there is incredible pressure on school to raise marks in any way they can.But schools are not the main problem. Many students claim that theyre tempted to cheat because of peer pressure and intense competition to get top grades. Many kids also say that their parents are setting a bad example by cheating on income taxes, lying about age to pay lower admission prices, or cheating their way out of speeding tickets. They are sending a message to their kids that it is okay to cheat and lie.So, what can be done? In our schools math classes, each student has different problems on their test papers, so it is useless to look at someone elses answers. Teachers could also randomly mix the problems throughout the page. Another solution is for adults to lower their expectations. Chances are that students believe cheating is the only way to meet unreasonably high expectations. Perhaps it is time for parents and teachers to seriously examine whether higher test results are important enough to encourage cheating.(1)What does the writer think of the levels of cheating in American schools? A . It is an extremely serious problem.B . It is no worse than other countries.C . He expresses no clear opinion.D . It is mainly the fault of local school.(2)Which of the following causes of cheating is NOT mentioned? A . Pressure from others.B . Too much work.C . Strong competition.D . School funding.(3)Why are some schools ignoring their students cheating in America, according to the passage? A . Because schools will get better students.B . Because teachers will then receive a higher salary.C . Because schools will get more government money.D . Because schools fear parents will be very angry.(4)According to the 3rd paragraph , how are parents encouraging their children to cheat? A . By putting too much pressure on their children to succeed.B . By criticising their children too much when they fail.C . By urging them directly to be dishonest.D . By failing to behave honestly themselves.(5)In the last paragraph the writer _. A . offers possible solutions to the problemB . describes the causes of the problemC . outlines the results of the student cheatingD . suggests some of the reasons for cheating9. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(D)Mr. Brown is an old man. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home at twelve thirty for his lunch in the middle of the day.But today a car stopped at his house at twelve 0clock. Two policemen helped him get out. One of them said to Mr. Browns daughter, He cant find his way home in the park and ask us to take him home in the car.The daughter thanked the policemen and they leave. Then she asked her father, Dad, you go to the park every day. But today you cant find the way. Whats wrong? The old man smiled like a child and said, I can find my way home. But I dont want to walk home.(1)The old man every day.A . goes for a walk in the morningB . has lunch in the parkC . asks the policemen to take him homeD . gets ill(2)Two policemen took him home in the car, because they thought .A . he couldnt find his way homeB . he was too oldC . he liked their carD . he couldnt walk(3)The old man asked the policemen to take him home in the car, because .A . som

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