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2020年初中英语牛津版(深圳广州)七年级下册期末模拟试卷(10)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共20分)1. (1分)The thief wanted to _ the car.But a man caught him and sent him to the police station.A . buyB . repairC . steal2. (1分)-Have you returned the book to him_? -Yes, I have_ returned it. A . yet, yetB . already, alreadyC . yet, alreadyD . already, yet3. (1分) Mom, my classmates invited me _ a field trip. May I go with them? OK.A . go onB . to go onC . go inD . to go in4. (1分)He used to play a joke on Jim.A . take care ofB . play againstC . make fun of5. (1分)I never buy fashions.Neither do I. Fashions can easily get out of date.A . boringB . usefulC . unpopular6. (1分) _ I see your ID card? We have to check your personal information. Sure. Here you are.A . MustB . NeedC . ShouldD . May7. (1分)The teacher asked the students to read the story quickly and then the main idea of it. A . write downB . cut downC . bring outD . come out8. (1分)How much do you spend _ the new boots?They _ me 50 yuan.A . buying; costB . to buy; payC . buying; spendD . buy; take9. (1分)Mum, Im really _ about the result of the exam. Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.A . patientB . satisfiedC . unhappyD . pleased10. (1分)If you _ what someone says or writes, you accept that they are telling the truth. A . describeB . recordC . believe11. (1分)There are eggs and chicken on the table.A . many; manyB . many; lots ofC . much; muchD . a lot; a lot12. (1分)Ive not seen him for a long time. He becomes stronger and more polite .A . alsoB . eitherC . as wellD . as well as13. (1分) Is this _ bike? No, its not _. Its _.A . your; my; MariasB . yours; mine; MariaC . your; mine; Marias14. (1分)词语释义选出与句子中划线部分意义最接近的选项。Today, many young people look up to those famous basketball players. YesThey are heroes in the eyes of young peopleA . valueB . trustC . createD . admire15. (1分)My parents dont care what I work at Im happy. A . becauseB . as long asC . althoughD . before16. (1分)What would you likeat weekends?A . visitB . visitingC . to visitD . visits17. (1分)Hey, Jeremy. Tony and I want to _the new Italian restaurant tonight. Come with us!Why not?A . tryB . tasteC . chooseD . search18. (1分)John didnt stop looking for a job _ he got an offer from a German company.Lucky him. Its not easy for university graduates to get a good job now.A . until B . sinceC . asD . if19. (1分)Its good for us to do _every day. A . eye exerciseB . eyes exerciseC . eye exercisesD . eyes exercises20. (1分)Nobody can prevent us _ becoming good friends.A . fromB . ofC . toD . with二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空 Sally is an 8yearold girl. She likes 1very much. She thinks they are peoples friends. Of all the animals, 2are her favorite, and she goes to the zoo to see them every month.One Sunday afternoon, Sally goes to the zoo with her parents by bus. When they 3there, she runs to the pandas house quickly. There are 4pandas at the zoo. They are Lucy and Lily. She is happy to see them every time.But when Sally gets to the pandas house, she 5lots of people talking in front of the house. And its kind of noisy(热闹).Whats wrong with the pandas? Sally asks anxiously(焦急地).Oh! Dont worry(担心), little girl. The pandas are 6.an old woman answers.Then Sally 7into the house. Lucy and Lily are in the house. They are playing with a ball. And she 8finds another(另外的) panda in it.9is he? She asks.Hes Peter. He 10another zoo. a man in uniform says. Next year, you may see a small panda here.A small panda! I love that, Sally says happily.(1)A . sports B . names C . rules D . animals (2)A . pandas B . koalas C . giraffes D . elephants (3)A . leave B . take C . arrive D . bring (4)A . two B . three C . four D . five (5)A . reads B . looks C . watches D . sees (6)A . friendly B . scary C . healthy D . terrible (7)A . puts B . looks C . takes D . asks (8)A . too B . also C . either D . only (9)A . What B . How C . Who D . Where (10)A . thinks of B . comes from C . hears of D . learns from 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共50分)22. (10分) Nobody is happy all the time, but some people are really happier than others. Here are some tips for you to be happy.Make enough money to meet your basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing. In the US, that magic number is $40,000 a year. Any money you make beyond that will not necessarily make you happier. Once you make enough money to support your basic needs, your happiness is not affected by how much money you make._ Or move to where other members areso you can see them more. Now, people follow jobs around the country and sometimes around the world. As a result, our relationships with our friends and family have a far greater impact (影响) on our happiness than our jobs do. So next time you think about moving, consider a place where most of your friends and families live.Find happiness in the job you have now. Many people expect (期待) the right job to change their level of happiness. But happiness research makes it clear that changing jobs cant bring you happiness. If you want, you will make the best of any job. If you have good relationships with people, you wont depend on (依赖) your job to give your life a greater sense of meaning. You will find it in your interactions with the people you care about.If you are unhappy for a long time, you should ask an expert (专家) or a doctor for help. I hope you will be happy all the time.(1)The writer wrote this passage mainly to _.A . make friendsB . give suggestionsC . put on an advertisementD . complain about your actions(2)The underlined word interactions means _.A . arrangementB . choiceC . communicationD . agreement(3)What is the title for the third paragraph?A . Ask family members for help.B . Borrow money from family members.C . How to make family members be happy.D . Stay close to friends and family.23. (10分)根据表格内容,选择正确答案。ATrip 1 Luoji Mountain Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of Luoji Mountain.You can find many kinds of wild flowers in this area. Time: July 23 July 26 Tel:3598432 Adult: $120 Child:$60Trip 2 Beihai Park This is a beautiful park with different kinds of plants. Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here. It is a good place for fishing. Time: July 21 July 22 Tel: 3597543 Adult: $20 Child: FreeTrip 3 The Big Valley Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Big Valley.Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. Time: July l5 July 21 Tel: 3497243 Adult: $180 Not for childrenTrip 4 The Beautiful Lugu Lake Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine. You can take the boat to different islands for sightseeing. Time: July 20 July 29 Tel: 3497432 Adult: $200 Child: $100(1)Nick has a vacation for 2 days. He can go _.A . hiking in the mountainB . fishing in the parkC . swimming in the lakeD . boating in the lake(2)Mr. and Mrs. King want to stay in Luoji Mountain with their seven-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter. They need to pay _ for the trip.A . $240B . $300C . $360D . $400(3)Lily likes the animals which can only be seen at night. Which of the following is her best choice?A . Trip l.B . Trip 2.C . Trip 3.D . Trip 4.(4)You should call _ if you want to enjoy the sunshine in one of the trips.A . 3598432B . 3597543C . 3497243D . 349743224. (10分) Mary and Lily are sisters. They share(合用)a room. This is their room. Its not a big one. You can see two beds in the room. Marys bed is yellow and Lilys bed is red. Their schoolbags are now on the beds. You cant see their shoes. They are under the beds. The two sisters have only one desk. Its a big desk. Their alarm clock, books and dictionaries are on the desk. They often do their homework there.(1)What room is it?A . Its a classroom.B . Its a big room.C . Its a meeting(会议) room.D . Its a bedroom.(2)Which one is Lilys bed?A . The yellow one.B . The red one.C . The white one.D . The green one.(3)Where are their schoolbags?A . They are on the wall.B . They are behind the chair.C . They are under their beds.D . They are on the beds.(4)Where are their shoes?A . They are under their beds.B . They are on the beds.C . They are lost.D . We dont know.(5)Which one is RIGHT(对的)?A . Lilys jacket is on the desk.B . Mary and Lily are cousinsC . Lilys shoes are under the desk.D . Two beds are in the room.25. (10分)阅读理解Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, “ Im going to fly to New York next week because Ive got some work there.” “Where are you going to stay there?” his wife asked. “I dont know yet.”Dick answered.“Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报).”His wife said. “All right,”Dick answered.He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.In the evening he didnt have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine oclock and said,“Now Im going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner.”He found a taxi and the driver said,“Where do you want to go?”But Dick didnt remember the name and address of his hotel.“Which hotel are my things in?” he said,“And what am I going to do tonight?” But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram,and in it he wrote,“Please send me my address to this post office.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将选定答案的字母标号填在题前括号内。(1)Dick flew to New York because _ .A . he went there for a holidayB . he had work thereC . he went there to visit his friendsD . his home was there(2)Why did his wife want a telegram from him?A . Because she didnt know his address yet.B . Because she wanted to go to New York,too.C . Because she might send him another telegram.D . Because she couldnt leave her husband by himself in New York.(3)Where did Dick stay in New York?A . In a post office.B . In a hotel.C . In a restaurant.D . At his friends house.(4)Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?A . A clerk of his hotel.B . The police office.C . The taxi driver.D . His wife.(5)Which of the following is Not TRUE?A . Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.B . Dick didnt work on the first night when he arrived at the hotel.C . Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.D . Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi.26. (10分)阅读理解Height is just one of the features your genes(基因) decide. In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent. If both your parents are tall, then most probably you will be tall, too. But if you have questions about how tall youre going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find them out.But genes dont decide everything. For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力). Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.Its natural that youre wondering how fast you should grow. Theres no perfect or right answer. Generally speaking, kids grow about 6 cm a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty.Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years. 2 cm here and 3 cm there make a little difference to the height youre at now. How have you been growing up to this height? What other changes may your body be going through?Dont be amazed if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time. Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰) during puberty. The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys. But it can be earlier or later between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.Youll usually begin to notice that youre growing faster about a year after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)If you want to know how tall you should grow, _. A . you should have enough exerciseB . you can ask doctors for helpC . you should take some special medicineD . you can record your growth during puberty(2)The Chinese for the word “puberty” is _. A . 童年时期B . 婴幼儿时期C . 习惯养成期D . 生长发育期(3)This passage is mainly about _. A . how you look like your parentsB . how you grow to a certain heightC . how the genes work in your bodyD . how your parents height influence you(4)After reading this passage, we can explain _. A . what healthy diet isB . how good it is to be a doctorC . how much sleep time we needD . why genes cant decide everything(5)Which is NOT mentioned in the passage? A . Your height most probably depends on how tall your parents are.B . Girls age for starting puberty is usually earlier than that for boysC . You may be amazed sometimes when you grow too fast.D . The features showing the first changes of puberty between boys and girls are different.四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)Our school is ready to _(募集) money for the old people in the poor mountains area.五、 填空题 (共7题;共7分)28. (1分)I dont like shoes _(make) of leather.29. (1分)He usually makes us _ (get) up quite early.30. (1分)When spring comes, _ (leaf) turn green.31. (1分)I am thirsty. I feel like _ (drink) some juice.32. (1分)Bob sometimes _ (go) to the park with his sister.33. (1分)根据句意,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式:(1)Reading is a way to bring us much_ (please). Books are many peoples good friends.(2)We celebrated our grandmothers _ (ninety) birthday last weekend.(3)The boys have their favourite sports, while the girls have _ (they).(4)Compared with the new railway station, the old one seems even_ (ugly). 34. (1分)Diving in the sea sounds _ (excite).六、 写作题 (共1题;共8分)35. (8分)假如你是Jack Smith,请根据表格提示写一份自我介绍。姓名就读学校第二中学家庭情况1).家人有爸爸、妈妈。2).爸爸妈妈都是老师。邮箱jacksmith163.com卧室布置1).一幅中国地图挂墙上。2).三本词典在3).一架模型飞机在第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共50分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)27-1、五、 填空题 (共7题;共7分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共8分)35-1、

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