外研版(新标准)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use课时练习A卷.doc

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外研版(新标准)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use课时练习A卷.doc_第1页
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外研版(新标准)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use课时练习A卷一、 单项选择 (共4题;共4分)1. (1分)Is that red schoolbag Marys? It _be hers. She hates that color. A . mayB . mustC . cantD . might2. (1分)The designer has tried every possible way to make the robot light, so you _ worry about its weight. A . mustB . mayC . cantD . neednt3. (1分)Lisa, are you going to play _ guitar after school this afternoon? No, and Im going to play chess with Tina. A . aB . anC . theD . /4. (1分) _ your classroom? Its on the right of the reading room.A . WhereB . WheresC . WhatD . Whats二、 按要求完成句子。 (共4题;共4分)5. (1分)She does housework every evening. (改为否定句) She _ _ housework every evening. 6. (1分)Does he wake up early every day? I wonder. (改为宾语从句) I wonder _ _ _ up early every day.7. (1分)Tim didnt come to the party because of his illness. (改为同义句) Tim didnt come to the party _ he _ _.8. (1分)Can Jack speak Chinese(作否定回答) _, he _.三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)根据短文回答问题 You are what you eatKeeping better eating habits can help you reduce (减少) disease (疾病). A healthy eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way._Do you often change your toothbrush?Maybe you think it is not necessary. A study shows old toothbrushes bring disease. You should often change your toothbrush.ExerciseSwimming, running, skating, skiing, dancing, walking and some other activities can help you stay healthy. You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time. Do it.Plan out your lifeYou should have breakfast before you go to school. Have a proper (合适的) meal for lunch. Follow a healthy diet.(1)What is the best title (标题) for the second paragraph? (2)From the passage, we know what can help us stay healthy. (3)What does a healthy eating plan mean? (4)Why do we keep better eating habits? (5)Whats the passage mainly about? 四、 连词成句 (共1题;共4分)10. (4分)根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文连接成正确的句子。 (1)is, this book, interesting(这本书很有趣。) (2)the rain, stopped has(雨已经停了。) (3)Im, for trip, my, making, things, a list of(我正在列旅行用品清单。) (4)Lily, me, a, funny, last, story, week, told(上周Lily给我讲了一个滑稽可笑的故事。) (5)sitting, Meimei, at the weekend, likes, the fresh air, under the tree, in the garden, enjoying, the sun, and(周末梅梅喜欢在花园的树下坐着,享受着明媚的阳光和清新的空气。) 五、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)根据对话内容,从方框中的六个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,井将句子的字母标号写在答题部分的横线上。 A. Could you tell me the way to the Liu Hou Park?B. Youre welcome.C. Can I get there by bus?D. It rakes about thirty minutes.E. The park is not very far.F. Where is the bus stop?W: Excuse me, sir._M: Certainly. Go along this street. Turn left into Xingfu Street, and the park is on your right.W: How long will it take me to walk there?M: _W: I see._M: Yes. The No, I bus will take you there.W: _M: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.W: Thank you very much.M: _第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共4题;共4分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、二、 按要求完成句子。 (共4题;共4分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、四、 连词成句 (共1题;共4分)10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)11-1、

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