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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册期中考试模拟试卷(1)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)下列表示重量单位的是_.A . kmB . HKC . kgD . mm2. (2分)This year brown clothes are very _. Yeah! My mother,my aunt and my sister all have brown clothes. A . popularB . boringC . difficultD . interesting3. (2分)Have you been vaccinated (注射疫苗) before? Certainly. It can _ us _ getting terrible diseases.A . keepfromB . mixwithC . remindabout4. (2分)Mrs Wang has lived in Haikou _ 1992. A . sinceB . fromC . afterD . in5. (2分)She is _ and she has an _ brother. A . ten-year-old; eight years oldB . ten-year-old; eight-year-oldC . ten-years-old; eight years oldD . ten years old; eight-year-old6. (2分) Do you want to buy a hat or a T-shirt? _.A . Yes, a T-shirtB . A t-shirtC . No, a hatD . Yes, a hat7. (2分)What good weatherWe can see sun in blue sky. A . a; theB . the; aC . a; aD . the; the8. (2分)Do you believe some special dogs can do things _man? A . as good asB . as well asC . as better asD . as careful as9. (2分)The girl _to bed until very late last night. A . wentB . goC . didnt goD . don t go10. (2分)They_ China for two years. A . has been toB . have been inC . have gone toD . has come to11. (2分)Allen always behaves , so many people like him. A . easilyB . politelyC . friendlyD . lively12. (2分) Was Linda at school yesterday? , she was ill in hospital. A . Yes, she wasB . No, she wasntC . Yes, she isD . No, she isnt13. (2分)When shall we go swimming, this Friday or Saturday? _ is OK. Ill be free this week.A . EitherB . AllC . EveryD . Both14. (2分)The _ days last too long. We hate them. A . fogB . fogyC . foggy15. (2分)All of us are proud that we can live peacefully and happily in China _ the umbrella of our powerful country. A . fromB . withC . underD . to二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Feeling quite hopeless, Jack walked on the streets, knowing he came to the end of life. In his fifties, Jack had never been married, experienced the happiness of having children or spent holidays with his family. On this sad rainy night, he felt that there was 1in the whole world cared whether he lived or died.At that time I was sitting in my room watching the rain 2my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair and ran out. But my mother was already at the 3. Opening it, she saw a very dirty-looking man with tears falling down his face. My mother, always 4and warm-hearted, invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room.Wondering what the man looked like, I walked 5secretly. The man, holding his head in his hands and crying, made my heart ache. I ran back upstairs and took out my only half-dollar coin. Then I walked right into the living room. The three 6looked at me in surprise as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and gave him a 7. Running back upstairs, I felt excited but happy.Downstairs, Jack sat quietly with tears falling down his face as he tightly held that coin. Finally 8my parents, he said, I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years, I have been so 9. That is the first hug I have ever got. Its hard to believe that somebody 10.Jacks life changed that night. When he left our house, he didnt want to die but to 11. We never saw Jack again, 12we received letters from him from time to time, letting us know that he was doing fine.My life changed that night, too, as I 13the power of giving a hug, although its only a gift of fifty cents. 14Jack left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Jack said that when hed walked along the streets that rainy night, 15and ready to die, he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.(1)A . anybody B . somebody C . nobody D . everybody (2)A . pull B . beat C . break D . take (3)A . desk B . sofa C . window D . door (4)A . angry B . kind C . excited D . funny (5)A . downstairs B . upstairs C . outside D . inside (6)A . strangers B . neighbors C . visitors D . persons (7)A . hug B . smile C . kiss D . handshake (8)A . searching for B . looking at C . comparing to D . thinking about (9)A . nervous B . happy C . lonely D . bored (10)A . cares B . works C . makes D . arrives (11)A . come B . leave C . study D . live (12)A . or B . so C . but D . because (13)A . hid B . did C . helped D . saw (14)A . After B . Before C . Until D . When (15)A . ill B . afraid C . helpless D . forgetful 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解How wonderful it would be if there was fire! Today is November 9. Its time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire:Shout outIf you smell smoke or see fire, shout out Fire! Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.Call 119Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.Keep down close to the floorIf there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.Test the doorTest the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.Get outIf you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.Dont use the liftNever use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.Dont go backNever go back into a burning building!(1)The passage is mainly about . A . bow to look after yourself when on fireB . what to do when you are caught in a fireC . when to leave the burning placeD . why to call 119 when it is on fire(2)When people are asleep, what will you do when fire breaks out? A . Call for help as quickly as you can.B . Wake your parents up fast.C . Shout out Fire! as loudly as you can.D . Run as fast as you can.(3)Why shouldnt you use the lift when fire breaks out? A . Because taking the lift is so slow.B . Because the fire can burn you.C . Because the lift may keep you safeD . Because the lift may not work.(4)When a fire is burning, you test the door to . A . find a better way outB . notice the fire clearlyC . call for a much quicker helpD . see it is closed(5)If you leave an expensive thing at home, you should . A . not go backB . keep down close to the floorC . not get outD . try your best to leave18. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。Daniels blogSaturday, 16th March Today I got my dream job in New York! However, its far away from my hometown and Ive never even visited New York before. Yesterday I took the train here and one of my workmates met me at the railway station. Then he showed me to the company. There they had a welcome party for me. Great! My company offered no living place, so I had to find somewhere to live. I stayed in a hotel while I looked for a new home.Monday, 1st April Ive found the perfect flat! Its small but very nice. Its near my office, so I can walk to work. The only problem is that its $1,000 a month. Thats too much for a young man like me! Ive soon got used to the life here. I love it! Theres a supermarket nearby and some restaurants I can go to when I do not want to cook. My workmates and new neighbors are friendly. Cool!(1)How did Daniel get to New York? A . B . C . D . (2)What is Daniels flat like?A . Its far away from his office.B . Its quite cheap.C . Its very big.D . Its very nice.(3)What does Daniel NOT tell us?A . Whether he has visited New York before.B . Where he stayed before he found a flat.C . Why he had a party on April Fools Day.D . What his workmates and new neighbors are like.19. (10分)阅读理解 Birds live in trees. Squirrels(松鼠) live in trees. But do you know that some frogs(青蛙) live in trees, too?The tree frogs are hard to find. They can change color. On green leaves, they stay green. On a branch, they keep brown. Some tree frogs can change from green to gold or blue. Tree frogs have legs and wide feet. They have sticky pads (肉趾) at the end of their toes(脚趾). These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling off. Tree frogs have different colors and markings on their skins(皮肤). Their eyes are different, too. Some have green eyes, some gray. Some frogs eyes are gold, and some are bright red. The sounds they made in spring and summer are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking(狗叫). Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore(打呼噜). There is even a frog that whistles(吹口哨)!(1)Why is a tree frog hard to find? A . Because it can stand on its toesB . Because it can make a dog barkC . Because it can change colorD . Because it has sticky pads.(2)The sticky pads_. A . can help tree frogs jump fasterB . can change tree frogs colorsC . can change tree frogs soundsD . can stop tree frogs from falling off(3)The main idea of the last paragraph is that _. A . tree frogs make barking sounds in springB . tree frogs make noisy sounds in summerC . different frogs make different sounds in spring and summerD . tree frogs make whistling sounds(4)The animals that havent been mentioned (提到)in this passage are_. A . birds and squirrelsB . snakesC . dogsD . tree frogs.(5)The main idea of the story is that _. A . the tree frog is a special kind of frogB . dogs bark like frogsC . squirrels do not want tree frogs in their trees.D . the tree frog is useful.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺的句子,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。 Mike: Who is your best friend, Connie?Connie: Helen.Mike: _?Connie: Because she likes to do the same things as I do. _.Mike: Are you good at drawing, too?Connie: Sure, we both like drawing. And both of us are pretty outgoing.Mike: _.Connie: She is more outgoing than me. She is also very funny. What about you? _ ?Mike: My best friend is Harry.Connie: Is he like you?Mike: No, he isnt. _. And Im more outgoing. But some people say that we look the same.A. Is she more outgoing than you?B. Why?C. She is good at drawing.D. Who is your best friend?E. We always do something interesting together.F. We are quite different.G. Who is more outgoing?五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)My sister _ (brush) her teeth in the morning. 六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)Mum, why did you_(相混合)sugar and salt?七、 句型转换 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)She is a woman teacher. (改为复数句) _ are _. 八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways_Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest. You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report _Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a process of choosing notes_The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Read the text carefully and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words._Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). Wheyou do it, be sure that you understand your symbols and you will use them all the time._.A. Use words, not complete sentences.B. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.C. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.D. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.E. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)假设你们学校组织的去美国Rose Hill School的交流访问活动快要结束了,你是参加活动的一分子。现在需要你在返回之前写一份关于此次行程的汇报。请根据提示完成汇报内容。词数:80左右。 提示:与美国学生一起上课;了解了很多美国的文化和历史;参加了学校的社团活动;与寄宿家庭一起野餐;与美国朋友一起踢足球。A report on my exchange visit to Rose Hill SchoolMy exchange visit to Rose Hill School has gone well. I will keep in touch with them when I return home.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)20-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)22-1、七、 句型转换 (共1题;共10分)23-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)24-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)25-1、

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