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上海版初中学业第一次质量检测英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The photo _ taken by my brother last week is very nice.A . which wereB . that isC . that wereD . which was2. (2分)Not only my best friend Mary but also I _ abroad to get further education. A . have been toB . have beenC . has beenD . has been to3. (2分)I didnt go to school yesterday. So I _ to do with that.A . hadB . had nothingC . had somethingD . had anything4. (2分)I read lots of _ by Mo Yan last year.A . worksB . jobC . workD . jobs5. (2分)Do you know Victory Day in China?Yes, its _ September 3rd _ each year. It tells the world that Chinese people love peace and hate wars. Chinese people will never forget the history.A . in, onB . on, /C . at, /D . on, in6. (2分)Steve isnt as as Kelly. He often makes mistakes in his writings.A . carelessB . tidyC . carefulD . difficult7. (2分)He his home town for twenty yearsHe really misses it! A . has been away fromB . leftC . has leftD . is away from8. (2分)If I dont know , I will call you. A . what to doB . how to doC . why to doD . how many to do9. (2分)My parents want to go _ on vacation.A . somewhere peacefulB . dangerous somewhereC . somewhere boringD . interesting somewhere10. (2分)Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it _?Sorry, I have no idea.A . will go, is fineB . goes, is fineC . will go, is going to be fineD . goes, will be fine11. (2分) Look at the dark clouds. Im afraid it _ rain soon. I think so, and we _ stay at home now.A . must; mustB . may; have toC . might; mustD . could; have to12. (2分)Could you please take out the rubbish? .But I want to drink a cup of water first.A . Whats a pityB . Sure, no problemC . Its my pleasureD . No, I cant13. (2分) Sorry, Tommy. Ive lost your book. . Ive got another copy.A . Youre welcomeB . Thats all rightC . I hope soD . Of course not14. (2分)- You look beautiful today,Miss Wang.-_.A . No, not at all.B . Yes, I do.C . Thats OK.D . Thanks.15. (2分)What is your brother?_.A . Hes a studentB . He is at workC . My friendD . Hes my brother二、 形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其犬意,然后从A B C D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案Devon Miller put the bag onto his back.Did you take the water? asked his dad.Yes, said Devon.How about the bread? And the map?Dont worry. I put 1m my bag, Dad, Devon said. Come on. Lets go!Devon couldnt wait to start the hike (徒步旅行). It was 2and Devon expected (期待) a good, long hike. Mr. Miller3a little, because it was his first hiking trip. Usually Devons mom took him, 4today she had to work. So Devons dad decided to have a try.Where do we start? his dad asked. 5that tree with the yellow mark (记号)? Thats the start of a small road. We just 6the marks on the trees along the road. The small road goes in a big circle (圆圈). Well 7here in a few hours.Mr. Miller tried to smile. Sounds like 8!Devon and his dad started their hike. It was a beautiful spring day. The weather was cool, but not very cold. They walked and walked. Then they stopped and ate their bread 9lunch.Mr. Miller seemed a lot more relaxed. This is fun. Ill go hiking with you 10 anytime, he said.(1)A . anything B . something C . everything D . nothing (2)A . spring B . summer C . autumn D . winter (3)A . wondered B . worried C . waited D . surprised (4)A . because B . if C . or D . but (5)A . Look B . See C . Watch D . Read (6)A . follow B . draw C . show D . brush (7)A . come back B . get lost C . call back D . get dressed (8)A . dream B . luck C . fun D . danger (9)A . with B . at C . about D . for (10)A . too B . again C . also D . either 三、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: Hello, Judy! You look so happy. _B: Linda and I are planning to go to the movie theater.A: Really? _B: Aftershock.A: It is very moving (感人的). _B: Tomorrow evening. Would you like to go with us?A: _Can you get a ticket for me?B: Of course. I have three tickets here. _A: Thank you very much.A. Why?B. Yes, Id like to.C. You can have one.D. When are you going?E. What movie are you going to see?四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共33分)18. (8分)Date of birth: July 26. 1985 Weight: 50 kgPlace of birth: Changsha, Hunan Favorite city: ParisHeight:164 cm Hobby: musicType of blood: ABZhou Bichang was the winner of the Super Girls. She did quite well in her studies and got a high score of 681 in her NCEE in 2003.Zhou Bichang graduated from Futian High School in Shenzhen and is now a student at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music(音乐学院) in Guangzhou.Although her parents gave her a name with the meaning write excellently in the hope that she would become a writer. Zhou seems to be a born singer. She could sing theme songs of TV shows very well when she was only two years old. She has more than 4,500CDs.Zhou has been well-known across the country during the contest. Fans gave her a nickname BB and themselves a title Chalks. However, BB doesnt seem to enjoy the sudden success. Now she is back to school but feels a bit uneasy when fans see her. What I really love is singing, said BB in an interview, but not the life of a star, But thats exactly why Chalks love BB.(1)Zhou Bichang is called _ by her fans.A . ChalksB . BBC . Write fluentlyD . Bichang(2)What do Zhou Bichangs parents want her to be in the future?A . A writer.B . A pop singer.C . A film star.D . We dont know.(3)Whats the meaning of the underlined word uneasy?A . nervousB . worriedC . excitedD . uncomfortable(4)What do you think Zhou Bichang can do well in from this passage?A . Only her study.B . Only singing.C . Both her study and singing.D . Her study, singing and writing.19. (10分)阅读理解。It was a cold snowy morning after the winter vacation. And it was my first day at my new school. I was walking alone slowly and worrying about lots of things. It was early and there werent many people on the road. Suddenly a girl who was riding a bike on ice fell down. She was trying hard to get up but fell again. Without thinking, 1 went over and helped her. She said thank you with a smile and then rode away. Her words warmed me a lot.Finally, I got to school. The teacher led me to the classroom and introduced me to the class. Then he asked me to sit down beside a girl. I felt so nervous that I didnt dare to look at her. Soon the first class, English, started. Their textbooks were different from those in my old school. As I was wondering what to do, an English book appeared in front of me. Lets share, the girl beside me said. Hi, Im Carrie. I looked up. It was the girl I helped this morning. Later on, we became good friends.From that I learned: To help others is actually to help ourselves!(1)It was early and there were many people on the road.(2)After getting up, the girl rode away without saying a word.(3)The writer felt very excited when the teacher asked the writer to sit down beside a girl.(4)The girl asked the writer to share the English textbook with her.(5)From the story, we learned that helping others is actually helping ourselves.20. (10分)根据短文内容理解,选择正确答案。Many Chinese students ask for advice on how to improve(提高) their English. There are three common questions.The first question is about real English. Li Gang said, I want to learn real English. But I dont know what to do.Watching English films is a good way to learn real English. You can watch them when you are tired after studying for a long time. While watching them, you can relax and learn real English at the same time.The second question is about speaking. Chen Ming said, Im too shy to talk with foreigners.How are you? Where are you from? What do you think of China? These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath(呼吸) and smile! Smiling always helps.The third question is about vocabulary. Li Jia said, I want to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget them soon.Try to remember eight or ten words a day. Write them on a piece of paper and put it in your bedroom. Spell the words whenever you see them, and change them every day. And when youre shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?(1)How many questions about learning English are mentioned(提及) in the message? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2)If you want to talk with a foreigner, youd better _ before speaking according to the passage. A . smile at him or herB . give him or her a hugC . introduce yourselfD . talk about the weather(3)Which isnt a good way to learn English? A . Watching English films.B . Practising English with a foreigner in the street.C . Sitting in your bedroom to remember words.D . Say the English names for everything you see.(4)Whats Li Jias problem? A . Shes too shy to talk to foreigners.B . She doesnt know how to improve her listening in English.C . She spends too much time watching English films.D . She cant remember English words for long.(5)This passage mainly talks about _. A . why so many people learn EnglishB . how to remember English wordsC . why learning English is difficultD . how to improve English21. (5分)短文还原。Mr. Brown is a very busy man. _ He often forgets his familys birthdays. Today he remembers it is his wifes birthday. _ So on his way home from hospital, _ When Mr. Brown gets home, _ Happy birthday to you. It is January 14th today. I remember your birthday this year. Mr. Brown laughs(大笑) and says, My birthday was yesterday, not today. _A. he buys some flowers in a shop.B. He always works hard.C. He loves his wife.D. He gives his wife the flowers and says,E. I do not like themF. But thank you all the same.五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A,B,C,D,E,F)中选出 符合各段意思的首句,选项中有一项是多余选项。Family TraditionsWhere are your family traditions? The following information comes from several readers:JARED:_We take turns picking a movie to watch together. Its fun because I watch something my parents like, and they watch something I like. My mother likes old black and white movies, so I see a lot of them! We also make pizza and eat it in front of the TV.WINNIE:_My favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs. My mom usually cooks, but my dad and sister help. On my sisters birthday, we eat pizza. On my moms birthday, we have chicken, and on my dads birthday we have steak. Of course, we always have a birthday cake, too. What are your family tradition? The following information comes from several readers:DANNI:_My family is really busy. We have a large family, and its not easy for everyone to get together at the same time. On that day, we go to a nice restaurant and we talk and talk and talk.SUZIE:_After dinner, we go to the living room and play a board game, such as Scrabble or Monopoly. We have about seven different ones we play, but we only play one game a night. I plan to keep this tradition after I start my own family.ROB:_I get up early and make something special, such as a mushroom omelet with fruit salad. Then I put it on a tray with a newspaper and a flower, and bring it to my mother for breakfast in bed. She always acts surprised, but I do it every year.A.Every Friday night we have games night.B.On our birthdays we get our favorite meal.C.Once a month we have movie and pizza night.D.Every year, on Mothers Day, I make breakfast for my mother.E.On Friday nights my parents watch movies while I play games.F.On the first Saturday of every month we go out to eat together.六、 词汇运用。选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确。 (共4题;共13分)23. (1分)Its _(polite) for you to start eating first at the table.24. (1分)The teachers are always _(pride) of everything good the students do.25. (1分)Thank you for _(show) us around your school.26. (10分)根据短文内容从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺born; besides; flying; studying; in; first; though; look; space; carefulLiu Yang became the _Chinese woman astronaut into space _June, 2012, in the spaceship of Shenzhou IX.Liu Yang was _in October, 1978 in Henan Province. When she was _in Zhengzhou No. 11 Middle School, she was considered to be a _and brave girl by her headteacher, Miss Li. “She used to have a normal _, but whenever she had any questions, she would ask the teacher for a clear answer even _classes were over. ”From 15 members, Liu Yang was chosen to take the _training at the beginning of 2010, and she got the best result on June 16, 2012 of the three astronauts, Liu Yang, Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang were sent up into _in Jiuquan._Liu Yang, 56 women astronauts have been sent up into space46 from the USA, 3 from Russia, 2 from Canada, 2 from Japan and 1 each in Britain, France and Korea.七、 根据音标或汉语提示,写出单词或词组的适当形式,使句意完整、正 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)根据句意、汉语意思及首字母提示完成单词。(1)The t_ shouldnt drive a car.(2)Wheres my w_? My money is in it.(3)Im very a_ with what he said.(4)When you cross the road, please be c_.(5)The problem is very difficult, and I cant s_ it.八、 遣词造句。 (共1题;共25分)28. (25分)根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(1) forget, return(2) famous, novel(3) enjoy, now(4) useful, learn(5) as long as, free九、 综合填空。 (共1题;共4分)29. (4分)选词填空。would,mutton,cabbage,yet(1)What do you want to eat. rice or bread?一Oh, Im not sure_(2)一_you like some tea, sir?一Yes, please.(3)Hey, Jim!Dont eat too much_.(4)一What vegetables do you like?一I like carrots and_.十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)英国学生Frank 八月底将要来天津学习并住在李明家。请根据以下提示,以李明的名义给Frank 写一封电子邮件。( 1 )Frank 到来前,你们会给他准备好房间。( 2 )你爸爸送你们上学,妈妈做美味的食物。( 3 )周末你们会邀请Frank 游览天津,如逛古文化街、乘船游海河。( 4 )Frank 喜欢打排球,你们可以一起看天津女排比赛。( 5 )你相信参考词汇:古文化街 Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street海河 Haihe River天津女排 Tianjin Womens Volleyball Team要求:( 1 )词数:80100 个。( 2 )电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。( 3 )要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。Dear Frank,Im happy to hear that at the end of August you will come to Tianjin to study and stay with my family. Im writing to say welcome to you.Before you arrive, we willLooking forward to seeing you soon.Li Ming第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共33分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、六、 词汇运用。选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确。 (共4题;共13分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、七、 根据音标或汉语提示,写出单词或词组的适当形式,使句意完整、正 (共1题;共5分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、八、 遣词造句。 (共1题;共25分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、九、 综合填空。 (共1题;共4分)29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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