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冀教版2020届四校九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分) We can use GPS to help us find the right way. Really? Will you show me it?A . how can I useB . what to useC . how to use2. (2分)The poster is“Football players _ for our football team”. A . wentB . wantsC . wantedD . need3. (2分)(2015.山东威海)Wow, Ive got an A in my math test. wonderful news it is !A . WhatB . HowC . What a4. (2分)Michael was late for Mr Smiths chemistry class this morning. ? As far as I know, he never came late to class.A . So whatB . Why notC . Who caresD . How come5. (2分)If you dont know the word, why dont you in the dictionary? A . look up themB . look it upC . look up it6. (2分)How many monkeys are there in the zoo? _. A . No oneB . NothingC . NoneD . No7. (2分)My best friend,Zhang Lei is interested A . at playing the basketballB . in playing the basketballC . at play basketballD . in playing basketball8. (2分)(2016厦门) Ive made much progress in grammar. The ideas you _ worked out fine. Glad I could help.A . came up withB . ran out ofC . looked up to9. (2分)How long have you _?A . got marriedB . marriedC . be marriedD . been married10. (2分) I find it difficult to finish the work. Dont worry. _ you need help, you can call me. A . AndB . BecauseC . ButD . If11. (2分)How can I make my dream _ true? A . comeB . to comeC . comingD . came12. (2分) Can you guess the new Nike sports shoes? Yes. Maybe he asked his grandpa to pay for them, I think.A . where he boughtB . how he paid forC . when he paid forD . why he bought二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)完形填空Look at the photo! The girls 1is Wang Yu. She is from China. Cecilia is her English name. She is 12 years old. She has good eating 2. She thinks fruit is very3. And she always has apples 4breakfast. Her favorite color is purple. Look at all of 5photos. She is always in purple clothes. Her shoes are purple, too. 6her nickname is Purple Girl.Kelsey is Cecilias good 7. She is an American girl. Now Kelsey is in China. She8Cecilia is very nice and fun. Kelseys English is very good, but her Chinese is poor. So they 9study together(一起). Kelsey helps Cecilia with her English, and Cecilia10Kelsey with her Chinese. They thank each other for the help.(1)A . game B . name C . color (2)A . time B . place C . habits (3)A . interesting B . bad C . healthy (4)A . for B . on C . from (5)A . our B . her C . their (6)A . Then B . So C . But (7)A . friend B . sister C . aunt (8)A . meets B . have C . thinks (9)A . never B . always C . really (10)A . helps B . gets C . finishes 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话(其中有两项是多余的)。A. Hello, Mike!B. Hello, Amy! Come in and have a seat. _A. Thank you. Im coming to say goodbye to you. _B. Really? _A. Im going to an English Summer Camp there.B. What will you do at the Camp?A. _B. Im sure you will speak English much better. How long will you stay there?A. About 10 days.B. _A. Sounds great! What places do you think I should visit?B. The Summer Palace and the Great Wall are well worth visiting.A. Thanks for your advice. Bye!B. Youre welcome! Enjoy yourself. Bye!A. How about visiting some places of interest in your spare time?B. What is the purpose of your visit?C. I will practice my spoken English in a new way.D. Make yourself at home.E. Im going to Beijing tomorrow.F. Im going to have a rest in Nanning.G. See you later.四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)15. (8分)阅读理解 Can trees talk? Yes, but not in words. Scientists have reasons to believe that trees do communicate with each other. Not long ago, researchers learned some surprising things. Some caterpillars(毛毛虫) attacked a willow tree(柳树) in the woods. The tree changed the chemistry of its leaves and the leaves tasted so terrible that the caterpillars stopped eating them. Then even more surprising, the tree sent out a special vapour (蒸气) a signal causing its neighbours to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them less tasty.Communication, of course, doesnt need to be always in words. We can talk to each other by smiling, raising our shoulders and moving our hands. We know that birds and other animals use a whole vocabulary of songs, sounds and movements. Bees dance their signals, flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar(花蜜) for honey. So why shouldnt trees have ways of sending messages?(1)From the passage we know that caterpillars . A . like willow treesB . enjoy eating fallen leavesC . can talk to other caterpillarsD . can send out a special vapour(2)Caterpillars will stop eating willow tree leaves which . A . have a chemical change and become tastelessB . have a pleasant tasteC . are being attackedD . are communicating(3)What makes the researchers more surprised is that . A . caterpillars stop eating the willow trees leavesB . the willow tree can send out a special vapourC . trees can talk to each other by their wordsD . birds and other animals all use vocabularies(4)According to the passage, bees communicate with each other by . A . talkingB . making unusual soundsC . flying in certain patternsD . singing songs16. (10分)阅读理解Live MusicJazzEnjoy real American jazz, one of the most famous trumpet shows.Place: Rainbow Jazz Club, BeijingDate: April 8 April 22Time: 7:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m.Price: $ 80Telephone: 88656662Waltz(华尔兹)Do you like dance? Do you want to learn waltz? Come here!Place: Blue Sky Theater, ShanghaiDate: May 16 May 28Time: 9:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m.Price: $60Telephone: 88655468An Exciting Trip Have your wonderful trip! You will enjoy the pleasure of the ferry and see the fantastic city nights.Place: Hong KongDate: May 1May 6Price: $170 a dayTelephone: 88564822Something About Shenzhou VII Do you want to learn about Shenzhou VII? A good chance for you! Something interesting about Shenzhou VII is on show.Place: Hebei MuseumTime: 8:30a. m. 5:30 p. m. (Weekends)9:00a. m. 5:00 p. m. (MondayFriday)Price: $150Telephone: 88656886(1)If you want to enjoy jazz, you should call . A . 88564822B . 88656662C . 88655468D . 88656886(2)Hebei Museum opens hours on Sunday. A . 8B . 9C . 10D . 11(3)If Jack wants to be an excellent dancer when he grows up, he should go to . A . Rainbow Jazz ClubB . Blue Sky TheaterC . Hebei MuseumD . Hong Kong(4)If you go to Hong Kong for an exciting trip, . A . The trip lasts for 5 daysB . You should pay $ 170 if you take the trip to Hong KongC . You can see the fantastic city nightsD . You can visit the Rainbow Jazz Club in Hong Kong(5)According to the advertisements above, we can know that . A . You dont need to spend money if you want to learn waltz.B . You can enjoy American jazz at Rainbow Jazz Club at night.C . You can go to Heibei Museum to look at the show only on weekends.D . You can call 88564822 to know more about the trip to Hong Kong.17. (8分)We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place to another at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily, but others move to get away from places that are too crowded.When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration (迁徙) is probably the migration of fish, which is called salmon(蛙鱼). This fish is born in fresh(淡的) water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside, and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.Recently, scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster (龙虾). Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go. So, sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another, but at other times we dont. Maybe living things just like to travel.(1)Most animals move from one place to another at a certain time to _.A . enjoy warmer weatherB . find food more easilyC . find beautiful placesD . get away from crowded places(2)The underlined word There in the second passage means _.A . in cold waterB . in warm waterC . in salty waterD . in fresh water(3)Why do the lobsters get into a long line to move?The passage is mainly about _.”A . Its a safe traveling way.B . The weather is bad.C . It is still unknown to us.D . They just dont want not to be too crowded(4)The passage is mainly about _.”A . the migration of animalsB . the migration of fishC . the travel of animalsD . the secret of nature18. (8分)阅读理解 Well-known companies are powered by their names and reputations. When people walk into 2 Pizza Hut in Tokyo, Rome, or Miami, they know exactly what they are getting. Through franchising, an investor (投资者) can make use of this brand power by opening a Pizza Hut of his or her own. The risk is low, and the rewards can be big. No wonder franchising is such a successful business model.Franchising had been around for more than 100 years, but its popularity took off in the 1950s. Leading the, trend were, fast food restaurant like McDonalds. These days, there are franchises in more than eighty-five industries, including dry cleaning, hotels and supermarkets. Its a very big business. In the US, there are some 760,000 franchises, totaling more than $1.5 trillion in yearly revenues (income).There are two sides in a franchise: the franchisorthe owner of the business system and the franchisethe person who licenses the system. After signing a franchise agreement, the franchisee pays a fee. He or she also pays for equipment, supplies, and, if necessary, building costs. The total investment usually ranges from $10,000 to $1,000,000. After the business opens, the franchisee also pays a percentage of sales revenuescalled a royalto the franchisor. Marking fees must also be paid.In return, the franchisee receives many benefits. Training is among the most common ones. It includes everything from dealing with customers to understanding the companys standards. The franchisor also handles advertising. On top of that, theres the benefit of the brand reputation that the company has built up.: All of these benefits make the risk of opening a franchise much smaller than that of starting a business from scratch.However, a franchise can also have drawbacks. If a customer at a single restaurant gets sick, it may hurt every franchise in the system. Running a franchise also means closely following the companys standards. So, one has to give up a degree of independence. You have to do things their way and trust that the system will work.If you want to earn a lot of money from the business, you have to work hard. Also, remember that the monthly royalty must be paid, even if you are losing money. However, there are thousands of opportunities in franchising. They will surely grow as brand recognition becomes more important in the global economy (经济).(1)What does the word franchise mean in the passage? A . A permission given by a company for selling its goods.B . A company policy for building up service, reputation.C . An official association for improving business network.D . A system operated by an organization for lower marketing fee.(2)What is the most important factor to make a franchise successful? A . Brand power.B . Agreement.C . Training.D . Royalty.(3)After signing a franchise agreement, a franchisee will. A . pay for the advertisementB . get free necessary equipmentC . receive the monthly revenuesD . maintain the companys standards(4)What does the author think of franchising? A . It will control the global economy.B . It will bring higher business risk.C . It will have a promising future.D . It will cause losses of brand recognition.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)(2017威海)阅读理解DThe kids in my class are doing an experiment. We want to show that you dont need to spend money to have fun. We arent going to buy anything for a whole week! Weve even had some Fun is Free T-shirts specially made. All the money that we save will go to charity. _Day 1: Who needs money when the sun is shining?There was a music festival in the park this evening so I went with my fried Rachel(whos also taking part in Fun is Free week).We met some other friends and had a great time一until it started raining!_Rachel wanted to cheat and get the bus, but I didnt let her!Day 2: The weather was still bad this mornirng and I couldnt even use the Internet because my computer wasnt working. I needed to have it fixed, but it would have cost money, so I asked Jack if he could help. He managed to fix my computer and I lent him some DVDs that he wanted to borrow._what a bargain!Day 3: Today my class had our photo taken by a photographer from the local newspaper!A journalist asked us for some tips on saving money for his article about fun is free week._If theyre in good condition, second-hand book shops will give you cash or other books for them!Day 4: How can you get some new clothes without going shopping?The answera clothes swapping party!_My friends and I had a greet time trying things on at our party and we avoided all the queues at the department stores. I went home with lots of new outfits!Day 5: Well, its the end of this week and Ive managed to save 35! Tonight Im going to have a pizza delivered and rent a DVD to celebrate.I think I deserve it, dont you?根据博文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到博文当中,使博文内容完整。A. We were both happy and it cost us nothingB. Keep reading this blog (博客) to see howit goes!C. The others went to a cafe and we had to walk home!D. Mine was: Dont throw your old books awayE. Everyones got things that they dont wear any more, but that someone else might like.六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)My parents dont a_me to go out at night 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)随着“阳光体育运动”在全校的开展,校园里出现了可喜的变化:同学们运动时间延长了;运动项目增加了;同学们体质增强了;校园生活丰富了。请以“Sports in our school”为题,根据以下内容提示,给你校校刊的英文版写一篇报道,请适当发挥。词数80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【内容提示】Time for sports;Kinds of sports;Change of students health and study;Change of school life;Your opinions on sports.Sports in our schoolRecently the Sunny Sports Movement makes sports more popular in our school.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)13-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14-1、四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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