仁爱科普版初中英语2020年九年级上册Unit 2 Saving the earth. 单元检测题D卷.doc

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仁爱科普版初中英语2020年九年级上册Unit 2 Saving the earth. 单元检测题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_ do you like art?Because its interesting.A . WhenB . WhyC . WhereD . What2. (2分)I dont like reading watching TV. What about you?I dont like reading all day, I like watching TV news.A . and; orB . and; andC . or; andD . or; but3. (2分)Mary _ a bag _ school. A . need; toB . need; forC . needs; toD . needs; for4. (2分)-What can you see on the wall?-NothingA . otherB . anotherC . elseD . the other5. (2分)Tom asked me _. A . if would I go sightseeingB . how I will go sightseeingC . when I want to go sightseeingD . where I would go sightseeing6. (2分)Some young people like travelling by package tour, _ like travelling alone. A . otherB . othersC . anotherD . the other7. (2分)We had a good time at Kangkangs birthday party yesterday. (选相同意思的选项) A . have funB . enjoy ourselvesC . enjoyed ourselvesD . had a fun8. (2分)People are _ litter _the river. A . throw, toB . throw, intoC . throwing, forD . throwing, into9. (2分)He was seen football on the playground this time yesterday. A . playedB . playC . to playD . playing10. (2分) Do you know what _ the girl in the film? Yes. She _ too much _ her parents and was unable to do anything by herself.A . happened with; depended; onB . happened to; depended; onC . happened to; depended; at11. (2分)Oh, Mrs King ,your necklace looks nice. Is it new ?No, I _ it for two years .A . hadB . have hadC . have bought12. (2分)There was a big fire last night. But the firemen _ at last. A . put it upB . put up itC . put it outD . put out it13. (2分)When we practice speaking English, we often end up _ in Chinese. A . to speakB . speakC . spokenD . speaking14. (2分)I tried two bookstores for the book I wanted, but _ of them had it. A . noneB . eitherC . neither15. (2分)Where his new classmates from? A . is; comeB . are; comeC . does; comeD . are; /二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) There is something about New Years Eve. In Scotland the last day of the year is the1 important holiday of the winter,2important than Christmas. On New Years Eve friends and neighbors go about from house to house drinking to each others health and wishing good luck. 3 New Years Day, All shops and factories are closed and no4is done. Families meet together for a big meal and a family 5 , They often sing and dance all the night.In England New Years Day is not 6holiday and people go to work as 7 But on New Years Eve most people sit up till 8to see the new Year in or they 9 to parties and dances. Most of the London hotels 10 a New Years Eve dance.(1)A . more B . most C . much D . such (2)A . more B . most C . much D . such (3)A . In B . To C . On D . For (4)A . study B . exam C . work D . reading (5)A . party B . work C . clean D . shopping (6)A . a B . an C . the D . a kind of (7)A . always B . unusual C . sometimes D . usual (8)A . midnight B . afternoon C . noon D . morning (9)A . run B . jump C . go D . fly (10)A . get B . bring C . have D . receive 三、 综合阅读 (共3题;共45分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Canada DaySince 1982, July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day. Canadians of all ages take part in this festival across the country.Canada Day is the years biggest national party. In many towns and cities, the government organizes a lot of events, often outdoors. These include parades(游行), concerts, festivals,firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens(公民).The celebrations often have apatrioticmood. Canadas national flag, a symbol for Canada Day, can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and white, which are Canadas national colors. The celebrations in Ottawa, Canadas capital city, are especially grand and exciting.In the province of Quebec, many home rentals(租赁)start on July 1st and last for exactly one year, and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another. So in Quebec, Canada Day is also known as Moving Day.Many organizations, businesses and stores are closed this day. Only some bookstores, hospitals and gas stations may be open. Post offices are closed, too. As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period, all schools are closed as well. In some areas, special services are provided for large events. The concerts, parades and festivals may cause some traffic jams.(1)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A . Canada Day falls on the first day of June.B . Canada Day was celebrated before 1982.C . Canada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.D . Canadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.(2)The underlined word “patriotic” means _ in Chinese. A . 温馨的B . 爱国的C . 肃穆的D . 紧张的(3)Canada Day is known as Moving Day in Quebec because on this day _. A . people think it lucky to move to new housesB . people look for houses from one place to anotherC . people like moving from house to house to visit friendsD . people move home when new home rentals go into effect(4)From Paragraph 4, we know that on Canada Day _. A . no student goes to schoolB . traffic jams happen everywhereC . all Canadians stop workingD . few businesses and stores are closed(5)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Canada Day? A . BackgroundB . Symbol.C . Public life.D . Events and activities.18. (10分)阅读理解 (1)Where is the film on?_ A . At a theatre.B . At Wanda Cinema.C . In a hall.D . In a school.(2)If your mother is free only in the afternoon, she can watch this movie on . A . SundayB . MondayC . ThursdayD . Friday(3)How long will the film last(持续)?_ A . 1 hour.B . 1.5 hoursC . 2 hoursD . 3 hours(4)Who can watch the film for free?_ A . Teachers and students.B . Children bellow tenC . Old peopleD . Children below three(5)Parents should pay at least if they go with their 2-year-old son in the evening. A . ¥60B . ¥65C . ¥70D . ¥8019. (25分)根据短文内容的理解,完成下列各题。My name is Tommy Wang. T-O-M-M-Y, Tommy, W-A-N-G, Wang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 85523963. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box. Its big and beautiful. Its white. Whats in it? This is _ eraser. Its white. This is a pencil. Its white. This is a ruler. Its white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! My schoolbag is green. My notebook is green, too. But my favorite color is white.This is my good friend. His name is John. He is English. Linda is Johns sister. I like my friend. I like English.(1)把第处句子Its big and beautiful .译成汉语。 (2)在第处填入一个适当的冠词(a /an /the)。 (3)把第处句子This is a ruler改成复数。 (4)就第处句子划线部分提问。 (5)将第处句子He is English改为一般疑问句。 四、 词句运用 (共2题;共6分)20. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填空。(1)No one knows clearly when the next _ (地震) will happen.(2)I bought a mobile _ (电话) for the old for my father on his seventieth birthday.(3)Many students cant see the black board clearly because a tall boy sits in the _ (中间) of the classroom.(4)The first thing we should do is to _(保持) calm when an earthquake happens.(5)We should learn something to _(保护) ourselves from a fire.21. (1分)我们应该锻炼我们的头脑。 We _our minds.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)根据短文内容从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺asleep future downstairs finished untilclassmates left earlier brought yoursGao Peng is a nineteen-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he _middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he worked _nine oclock in the evening. When he got home, he always felt very tired. After a quick supper he went to bed and fell _. So he never made any noise and his grandfather was very pleased with him.One day he went back from work a little _. On his way home he met Li Jun, one of his _. They were both very happy. Gao Peng asked Li Jun to his house, and Li Jun agreed. Li Jun _some fruit and drink. They talked about their school, their teachers, their classmates and their _. They talked for a long time.“Have a look at your watch, please, ”said Li Jun, “ Whats the time now? ”“Sorry, there is something wrong with my watch, ” said Gao Peng. “ Where is _? ”“ I _it at home. ”Gao Peng thought for a moment and found a way. He began to jump on the floor.The sound woke his grandfather up. The old man shouted _. “ Its twelve oclock,Gao Peng. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据表格内容,写作文。NamePeterAge13NationalityAmericanAppearance(外貌)Medium height, short blonde hair, wear glassesHobbiesRead books, play chessFavorite foodBeef and carrot noodles, vegetable saladPersonality(个性)smart (learn well)friendly and popular(help others)第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 综合阅读 (共3题;共45分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词句运用 (共2题;共6分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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