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2020年初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册期末模拟复习卷(8)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)When you finish reading the book, you will have_ better understanding of_ life.A . a; theB . the; aC . ;theD . a;2. (2分)_ do you have _ dinner? Rice and vegetables.A . Where; inB . Where; forC . What; inD . What; for3. (2分)Why are you standing, Tony?I cant see the blackboard. A tall boy is _ me.A . behindB . in front ofC . on the right ofD . next to4. (2分)The man can write with_hand and draw with _at the same time.A . one; anotherB . one; the otherC . first; secondD . one; it5. (2分)Is this _ car?Yes, its _ English car.A . a; anB . a; aC . an; a6. (2分)My two cousins decide _ a business together. A . to startB . startingC . startD . started7. (2分)I like this pair of new trousers very much. Can I _?Sure, I think this pair of trousers _ you.A . try it on; matchesB . try it on; fitsC . try them on; matchesD . try them on; fits8. (2分)一 Would you mind if I sit here?一 _. Its for the old woman there.A . Never mindB . Of course notC . Not at allD . Youd better not9. (2分)Both of the sweaters look nice on me. I cant decide to buy.A . whenB . whichC . howD . where10. (2分)一 I must finish the work before I leave.一 Please tell me if you need my help.A . mayB . have toC . should二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)11. (20分)完形填空 When I was a junior high school student in 1980, God gave me a gift. It was happiness.One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a car ran me over and cut off my arms because of its high speed.Several days later when I woke up in the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life1arms. How sad I felt at that time!Even I was full of fears.2slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldnt get my arms back even though I 3every day.However, its easier said than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness4. I got so much from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a5mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates get6about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes7; they dont have a mobile phone but 8have, and so on. But I only enjoy life. I was lucky to realize from an accident: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have 9. We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy?Someone may say, My whole life would improve 10I have a new car. But when you get the car, what will happen?For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.Happiness depends on what we have!Its in our heart. Its a state of mind. Even though you own the whole world, you may still feel unhappy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激)and taking pleasure in what you really have.(1)A . with B . without C . for (2)A . Or B . But C . So (3)A . cried B . laughed C . sat (4)A . strongly B . especially C . completely (5)A . crazy B . normal C . full (6)A . excited B . nervous C . worried (7)A . early B . first C . late (8)A . the other B . one another C . others (9)A . lost B . had C . found (10)A . because B . as C . if 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共20分)12. (8分) A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill. He was very worried. He telephoned the vet (兽医).“Whats the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.“My cow is ill.” the farmer said. “I dont know whats the matter with her. Shes lying down and wont eat. Shes making a strange noise.”The vet looked over the cow. “Shes certainly ill, ” he said, “and she needs to take some very strong medicine.”He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, “The pills should make her better.”“How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.The vet gave him a tube (管子) and said,“Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. Thatll make it.”The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.“Hows your cow?” the vet asked.“No change,” the farmer said. “and Im feeling very strange myself.”“Oh?” the vet said. “Why?”“I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cows mouth and then put two pills down it.”“And?” the vet asked.“The cow blew first.” the farmer said.(1)The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _.A . couldnt make any noiseB . didnt eat the pillsC . was illD . couldnt lie down(2)The vet taught the farmer how _.A . to blow the tubeB . to make the cow take the pillsC . to take the medicineD . to put the tube in his mouth(3)Which of the following is true?A . The farmer ate the pills himself.B . The cow got better after taking the medicineC . The vet came to help farmer change the cow the next dayD . The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.13. (6分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B)Have you seen Avatar(阿凡达)? Its a popular 3D movie, and you may have to wear 3D glasses to see it. The 3D glasses make the images(图像)from the movie look as if they were coming straight towards you.More and more 3D movies are coming to theaters. Some say that 3D TV sets will come into our homes in the near future. 3D technology can make TV and movies are more exciting. However, people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies. Why?When we look at an object(物体), each eye sees it at a different angle(角度). Our eyes send the two images to our brain(大脑), and the brain puts them together. 3D technology uses two film projectors(投影机). One projects a left-eye-image and the other projects a right-eye-image. 3D glasses allow us to see a different image in each eye. So, when we are watching a 3D movie, our brain cant put together the images sent to our eyes. The brain needs to work harder at “reading” the images. That makes it easier for people with eye problems to get dizzy(头晕的) or have headaches. A famous eye doctor said if your eyes cant focus(聚焦) on the same object at once, you will have trouble watching 3D movies.(1)According to the passage, Avatar is a _.A . digital cameraB . digital TV setC . 3D movieD . 4D movie(2)The 3D glasses can make the images from the movie _.A . look more beautiful than usualB . look as if they were coming straight towards youC . look as if they were far away from youD . look more clear than usual(3)People will have _ in their homes in the near future.A . 3D computersB . 3D phonesC . 3D moviesD . 3D TV sets(4)When we look at an object, _.A . each eye sees the object at the same angleB . our brain puts the two different pictures togetherC . there will be two film projectors in our eyesD . our brain cant put together the images sent to our eyes(5)If you wear a pair of 3D glasses, _.A . you will see different images in both eyesB . your brain cant work at allC . the images can be put together easily by your brainD . our brain can put the images together14. (6分) JOLIN Tsai (蔡依林), a famous singer, has become an English teacher! But she is not staying in a classroom to give you talks in English. Instead, she has published (出版) a new book, Jolins English Diary Book. It came out in Taiwan in March. Jolin is helping you learn English in a light hearted way and give you useful words for life outside your textbooks.I hope its a happy English book, she said, When you learn English in a fun way, you will keep on doing it. This certainly doesnt mean just reciting (背诵) words. Jolin has a lot of clever ways of learning. She likes to listen to English songs or find friends to talk to in English. She has been good at English since Grade 3 in primary school (小学). Because of this, she hosted (主持) news programme on the radio herself.Jolin knows its important to put English to good use. So, in her English diaries, she wrote something about her everyday life, like study, fashion (时尚), travel and family. After each diary, she gives you lots of notea.You can use them often, too! Jolin also asks you to keep diaries like hers.(1)When did Jolin Tsai publish Jolins English Diary Book ?A . In MayB . hi AprilC . In MarchD . In June(2)She has been good at English _.A . since she became a famous singerB . since she was in Grade 3C . since she was in college (大学)D . since she was 3 years old(3)Jolin thinks that _ is important for us to learn English.A . just reciting wordsB . hosting a programme on the radioC . studying in the classroomD . putting English to good use(4)Whats the meaning of light-hearted in the passage?A . 轻松愉快的B . 漫不经心的C . 迷迷糊糊的D . 乐于助人的(5)From the passage we know that _.A . she is not only a famous singer but also an English teacher in a primary schoolB . you dont have to keep English diariesC . she teaches us how to be a famous singer in Jolins English Diary BookD . Jolin Tsai shows us how to learn English in a fun way四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)I like r_ and I have many books.五、 句型转换 (共1题;共11分)16. (11分)My English books are in the bag. (对画线部分提问) _ _ your English books?六、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,用单词或短语完成表格。每空不超过3个单词。Here is a page from a magazine called Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in twenty years.Cars will run on solar power (太阳能) and will be much cleaner and safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down or stop by itself.New cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels(层). People will live on the upper level, the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories.Biotechnology(生物技术) will make food better and healthier. Plants without insects or illnesses(病虫害) will be developed. The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.Many new ways to cure(治愈) illnesses will be found. People will use products of genetic engineering (基因产品) to cure more illnesses. However, some new illnesses will appear.ThingsTo happen in _years.CarsTo run on solar power; to be much _.New citiesTo be _in the sea.BiotechnologyTo make food better and healthier, plants will have no insects or illnesses. The _of fruit and vegetables will be better and better.IllnessesTo be cured, some new illnesses will appear, some people have to find new _to cure new illnesses.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共20分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)15-1、五、 句型转换 (共1题;共11分)16-1、六、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)17-1、


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