(新版)人教新目标版七年级下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar单元测试(II )卷.doc

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(新版)人教新目标版七年级下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar单元测试(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Jenny likes playing _ guitar.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)_ is the population of Wenzhou? Its about 9,175,000 in 2018.A . WhatB . WhatsC . How manyD . How much3. (2分)(2015四川南充)Could you please turn off the TV? , I . I want to watch the sports news.A . No, couldntB . Sorry, cantC . Sure, canD . Sorry, couldnt4. (2分)(2015黑龙江)- Would you like a glass of water?-_ . Im not thirsty.A . Yes, please.B . No, thanks.C . No, I wouldnt.5. (2分) What would you like to ? Id like some milk and a hamburger.A . haveB . eatC . drinkD . has6. (2分)The rabbit jumped _a big hole. Alice didnt want to let it get _A . off; outB . down; wayC . off; itD . down; away7. (2分)You can improve your English _ doing more practice.A . inB . ofC . byD . on8. (2分)Parents often ask their kids their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger A . to meetB . not to meetC . meetingD . not meeting9. (2分) Is she your classmate _ your cousin? Shes my cousin.A . andB . butC . soD . or10. (2分)His parents often tell him _much time _computer games. A . not to take; to playB . to spend; to playC . dont spend; playingD . not to spend; playing11. (2分)Every kid wants to be a(an) .Yes, but when they grow up, they all miss their childhood.A . adultB . teenagerC . student12. (2分)Tim and I will visit the exhibition this weekend. Would you like to join us?_.A . Well doneB . Thats rightC . You are welcomeD . Id love to13. (2分)What can I do for you? I want to buy a tie to _ my suit.A . sufferB . matchC . check14. (2分)Life _is not good or bad. It depends on your views of life. _that life is good even when it seems bad. A . it, To knowB . itself, KnowC . yourself, Knowing15. (2分)Morn always thinks of great ways to our birthdays to make us happy.A . solveB . expectC . celebrateD . improve二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。People think earthquakes are terrible. Thats 1to understand. No one knows when an earthquake will happen. But we can do something to 2for it. So when it happens, we can 3ourselves.What governments should doGovernments 4to teach people about what earthquakes are and where earthquakes easily happen in the country, 5people will know about earthquakes and what to do when they happen.Governments should also make sure that some places 6fire stations, police stations, hospitals and schools are working well when emergencies (突发情况) happen.What people should doDuring an earthquake, try to 7away from things like buildings, trees, windows and so on. 8yourself under a piece of strong furniture.Move into the open places when an earthquake happens. Go out of the building if 9because the building may fall down.There are usually aftershock (余震) hours, days and even months after a main10. Try to protect yourself and pay attention to them.In a word, dont be afraid of earthquakes.(1)A . right B . wrong C . easy D . difficult (2)A . prepare B . ask C . look D . wait (3)A . hear B . call C . check D . protect (4)A . offer B . need C . forget D . agree (5)A . if B . but C . so D . till (6)A . like B . for C . by D . to (7)A . put B . take C . clear D . stay (8)A . Hurt B . Hide C . Enjoy D . Lose (9)A . possible B . important C . interesting D . confident (10)A . storm B . earthquake C . rain D . accident 三、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共16分)17. (8分)阅读理解Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth. The most famous of these animals are dinosaurs. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed to be safe at that time. There were many different kinds of dinosaurs and a number of them used to live in China. The eggs of twenty-five species (种类) have been found in Xixia County, Nanyang, Henan Province. Not long ago a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province. When scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees. They learned this from the way the bones were joined togetherDinosaurs died out suddenly about 65 million years ago. Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more .Nobody knows for sure why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.We know many other wild plants, animals, insects and birds have died out more recently. According to a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years. The dodo is one of them. It lived on the Island of Mauritius and was a very friendly animal. But it disappeared in the late of sixteen century.(1)From the first paragraph we know that _.A . dinosaurs have recently disappearedB . a number of dinosaurs used to live in CanadaC . dinosaurs existence is long before humans came into beingD . dinosaurs cant climb trees as other animals do(2)The possible reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs is the following except that _.A . they lived on the earth tens of millions of years agoB . it came after an unexpected incidentC . the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live onD . nobody knows for sure the reason(3)According to a UN report, we know that _.A . some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 yearsB . the dodo, a very friendly animal can live longer on the earthC . dinosaurs can not only run but also climb treesD . too much dust in the air killed dinosaurs(4)From the whole passage we can learn that _.A . if we protect the earth well, dinosaurs cant die out quicklyB . the eggs of twenty-five species will be found in ChinaC . scientists found a surprising result of the brain of the dinosaursD . the next part of the passage will be about dodos disappearanceIf you want to see a thing well, touching can help you to “see” it better.18. (8分) Whats your dream vacation? Watching wildlife in Kenya? Boating down the Amazon? Sunbathing in Malaysia? New chances are opening up all the time to visit the world. So we visit travel companies, compare prices, and pay our money.We know what our vacation costs us. But do we know what it might cost someone else? Its true that many poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income. Unfortunately, though, tourism often harms the local(本地的) people more than it helps them.It might cost their homes and lands. In Myanmar, 5,200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas(佛塔) in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas.Tourism might also cost the local people their jobs and dignity(尊严). Local workers often find only low-paying jobs in the tourist industry. And most of the money do not help the local economy(经济). Instead, money return to the tour operators in richer countries, When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to poor places of the city. Others now make a little money selling things or acting for photos.Problems like these were noticed more than 20 years ago. But now tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting them. Tourists, too, are putting on the pressure.The result is “ethical(合乎职业道德的)tourism”. Ethical tourism has people at its heart. New international agreements and rules can help protect the peoples lands, homes, economies and cultures. The beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex(复杂的).But take heart. The good news is that everyone, including us, can play a part to help the local people in the places we visit. Tour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn the money they should get.They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotel, restaurants and guide services. They can share some money to help the local economy. And they can help the local people plan and manage tourism.What can tourists do? First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local people. We can then make our choices and tell them why. And while were abroad, we can:Buy local foods and products.Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain for the cheapest price.Ask before taking photographs of people.They are not just part of the scenery!Lets enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too.(1)Which of the following is not mentioned?A . Local people protected the pagodas in Bagan well.B . Tourists may stay in hotels opened by local people.C . Local people are mainly provided with low-paying work.D . Tourists had better not bargain with local people for a cheap price.(2)The underlined phrase take heart means.A . pay attentionB . take careC . cheer upD . give up(3)According to the passage, the writer thinks.A . tourism is not a promising industryB . dream vacations should be spent abroadC . the problems caused by tourism are easy to settleD . tourists should respect local customs and cultures(4)What is probably the best title for the passage?A . Tourism Causes Bad Effects.B . Tourism Calls for Good Behavior.C . Vacations Bring a Lot of Fun.D . Vacations Cost More Than You Think.四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余A:Hey, Mark! Have you decided which book to borrow from the library?B:_I will borrow Tom Sawyer.A:Thats an interesting book.B:Really? _A:Yes, and Ive read it twice。B:Wow! _A:Its about an American boy. Many exciting things happened to him.B:I see._A:No. Ive written about Oliver Twist.B:_Im reading it now.AWhats it about?BYes, I have.CYes, I know.DHave you read it yet?EWhen did you read it?FHave you written about this book for English class?GThat book is fantastic.五、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)(2015泰安)单词拼写根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上。(1)Hetook an active part inall kinds of activities, i_tennis, swimming, running and so on.(2)Thelittle boy o _his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.(3)Air pollution is one of the g_problems in the modern world.(4)Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to_(成功).(5)Its nice of you to provide us with the_(有价值的)information.六、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共6题;共7分)21. (1分)This problem seems difficult _(solve).22. (1分)Mr Liang_(teach)them maths well 23. (2分)How many lessons _ your brothers _ (have) on Monday?24. (1分)Please pass_that paper. I cant reach it. 25. (1分)What are your _(hobby)?26. (1分)由于人们大量砍伐树木,大象正在失去他们的家园。 Elephants are losing their homes because people _too many trees.七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)27. (25分) Now TV programs play an important part in our daily life. We can get a lot of knowledge and a lot of fun from it. Today is Saturday. The following are some TV programs and different channels today. Now read these TV programs and try to find some information for you and your family members.SXTV Channel 713: 12 Football MatchXATV Channel 415: 30 TV PlaySXTV Channel 618: 30 CartoonCCTV Channel 112:38 Law TodayCCTV Channel 119:00 News ReportCCTV Channel 321:00 The Latest Music根据短文内容判断正误,正确的用“T”, 错误的用 “ F”。(1)My grandfather is interested in law. He can watch CCTV Channel 1 at noon.(2)My father is a football fan. He prefers football matches. He can watch CCTV Channel 1.(3)My mother likes watching TV plays. She wants to watch XATV Channel 4 in the afternoon.(4)My sister is only six years old. I want to find a program for her. I think she can wantch CCTV Channel 6.(5)I am a student. I like music, but I am very busy tonight.So I can watch CCTV Channel 3 this evening.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)介绍你在北京两日游的经历.不少于70词开头是(Dear Tina,How was your weenkend?My weekend was really wonderful.)以这开头继续写。 表格是TimeActiviesSaturday morningVisit the Great WallSaturday eveningGo to a concert Meet Liu Huan, a famous singerSunday morningGo to an aquarium(水族馆)Sunday afternoonGo shopping要求:语意连贯,时态正确,可适当发挥。Dear Lily,Yours.Tina第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共16分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、六、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共6题;共7分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)28-1、


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