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鲁教版2020届九年级英语第一次中考模拟试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)The air pollution is terrible.It will be worse _ we take action to protect the environment.A . ifB . unlessC . untilD . when2. (2分)He was so angry at all I was doing he walked out. A . that; thatB . what; thatC . that; whatD . which; what3. (2分)you dont give up, your dreams will come true. A . As soon asB . AlthoughC . As long asD . As often as4. (2分)Mr. Li us a report on our environment when the earthquake happened in Japan. A . gaveB . is givingC . was giving5. (2分)Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party?Well, I dont know .A . that I can finish my work by thenB . if can I finish the work by thenC . whether I can finish the work by thenD . that can I finish the work by then6. (2分)Lidan went to the teachers office to ask Miss Wu _ help. A . toB . forC . withD . for7. (2分) Sorry, I didnt pass the exam, and then what should I do?I think perhaps you should be careful next time.A . insteadB . almostC . maybe8. (2分)My mother _me _TV after I finished my homework.A . allow; to watchB . allow; watchingC . allowed; to watchD . allowed; watching9. (2分)Do you know the girl is singing in the classroom? A . whenB . whoC . which10. (2分)_? The girl under the tree? 1 dont know.A . Whats thisB . What the girlC . Whos that girlD . Whose is she二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) I have a good friend1name is PeterWe study in Beijing Sunshine Secondary Schoo1We are in the same(同一个)classHe sits in front of 2His favourite lesson is MusicHe3many CDsHe likes4music very muchHe likes playing football , t00After school we often play football in the5He is very helpfulWe often help each6Peter is not a ChineseHe is from7He comes to Beijing8his familyHis father is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. They work from Monday9FridayAt weekends,his mother likes shopping and his father likes fishingSometimes they go to the parkThey all like Chinese foodThey10 very happy(1)A . He B . His C . She (2)A . I B . my C . me (3)A . have B . has C . there is (4)A . 1isten B . 1isten to C . 1istening to (5)A . classroom B . library C . playground (6)A . one B . other C . others (7)A . England B . Chinese C . Engish (8)A . from B . on C . with (9)A . in B . to C . with (10)A . be B . am C . are 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共24分)12. (4分)阅读理解 We have a nice girl in our class. She is thirteen years old. She is not short and she is not tall. She has a round face like an apple. Her hair is long and black. Her eyes are big and her nose is small. She has a small mouth. She has a dog in her home. It is her good friend.(1)Is the girl twelve years old? A . Yes, she isB . No, he isntC . Yes, he isD . No, she isnt.(2)Her _ are big and _ is small. A . eyes; noseB . eye; nosesC . mouth; faceD . face; nose(3)Her hair is _ and _. A . short; blackB . short; redC . long; redD . long; black(4)Her good friend in her home is _. A . a girlB . a boyC . a dogD . a student13. (6分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I am going to the store, Uncle Moti, Mina said. Do you want to come along? You have not seen much of the neighborhood yet.Uncle shook his head. No, thank you, he said. It is just too loud and crowded for me. Everyone is always on the go, while I am used to the peace and quiet of our village. I feel afraid out there, like a frightened (害怕的) child. Mina sat on the sofa next to her uncle. Tell me about the village, Uncle Moti, she said. Would I like it there?Uncle laughed. Without a doubt, you would find it dull at first-the loudest sound is usually birdsong. The people I meet on the street are all people I know, and we stop and talk or go to the tea shop and have tea. There are not many shops, but the shopkeepers know all their customers. Everyone is friendly and has a smile for everyone else.Sounds really nice, Mina said. But I think maybe it is not different in every way. I really wish you would come with me, and I could show you why I say that. Uncle sighed and got up, saying, All right, Mina, I will go.Out on the street, cars zoomed by, some of them honking. Uncle looked very nervous at all the noise and activities, and Mina took his hand.Look, she said, there is my friend Nate, and coming down the street is my teacher, Ms. Sanchez. Mina waved to Nate, who waved back, and called hello to her teacher. Then she led her uncle down the street to the store, where she greeted the shopkeeper. Hi, Ms. Franklin, this is my uncle Moti, who has come here to live.Over here, Mina took her uncles arm and led him across the street. A sign over a door read Navids Tea Shop. Uncle smiled. They went in and sat at a table. They ordered tea, and Uncle sighed happily.Well, I see what you were trying to show me, he said. This neighborhood is your village. Now it will be mine to. It has friends, kind shopkeepers, birds, and even a tea shop(1)At first, Uncle Moti didnt want to go out with Mina because _. A . he missed his family in the villageB . he felt very tired after a long journeyC . he didnt get used to the life in Minas neighborhoodD . people in Minas neighborhood were unfriendly to him(2)From the underlined sentences in the passage, we can infer (推断) that Mina is a _ girl. A . braveB . caringC . creativeD . humorous(3)The sentence _ in the passage shows that Minas neighborhood and Uncles village are similar. A . I feel afraid out there, like a frightened child.B . You would find it dull at first-the loudest sound is usually birdsong.C . Out on the street, cars zoomed by, some of them honking.D . It has friends, kind shopkeepers, birds, and even a tea shop.(4)The story suggests that Uncle Moti will probably _ later on. A . still feel frightened as beforeB . start to look for a job in a tea shopC . be willing to go out in Minas neighborhoodD . tell people why he came to Minas neighborhood14. (6分) Sarah ran in, shouting, “Look what I found!”Over the top of the paper I was reading,came a terrible thing that caused me to jump. It was a snake skin found in our garden.“Isnt it beautiful?” said my seven-year-old daughter.I opened my eyes widely and looked at the snake skin in fear(恐惧地). I didnt think it was beautiful, but I learned never to appear nonchalant(冷漠的)with children. Everything they see for the first time is important to their sense of beauty; they see only excellence in the world.“Why does it do this?”Sarah asked.“Snakes shed(蜕) their skins because they need to renew themselves,”I explained.“Why do they need to renew(使更新) themselves?” Sarah asked.“We often need to shed our skins, those coatings that we cover ourselves with,”I said to my daughter. “We leave some things and find other thing unwanted or unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin. It is probably too little for him, and he probably doesnt think he looks as smart in it as he once did. ”As we talked, I knew that she began to understand. Although she couldnt understand clearly, she would know that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, our rooms, schoolwork and spirit, and see what we need to keep and what we need to leave. I was careful to tell that this is a natural way, not one to be forced.“Snakes dont peel off their skins when they like them. “I explained. “It happens as a natural thing of their growth. ”“I see, Dad,” said Sarah as she held the snake skin, and then ran off.I hoped she would remember this; we need to throw some away because they are worthless or unnecessary. Then we can store them as memories in our deep hearts.(1)Father jumped up when her daughter came to him with a snake skin because .A . he didnt want to read any moreB . he was in great fear of itC . he wanted to praised her daughterD . he hated snakes(2)Fathers patient explanation shows that A . his daughter didnt want to listen to him at allB . he knew children saw only excellence in the worldC . his daughter couldnt follow him at allD . he wanted to teach everything to her(3)We learn from the reading that .A . the girl seemed to understand what her father saidB . the girl wasnt interested in the explanationC . the father was good at raising snakesD . the father liked the snake skin better15. (8分)阅读理解 The air pollution was so bad in Harbin, in China, on October 21, 2013 that the city had to close roads and schools, and cancel hundreds of flights from its airport.News reports said the smog (a mixture of smoke and fog) was so thick that people couldnt see more than 10 or 20 metres in front of them.It is also said that people could not even see the person standing next to them. The citys website said: You cant see your own fingers in front of you.The local people said there was a burning smell in the air. Many people covered their noses and mouths with scarves or masks.The pollution was caused on several factors including: farmers burning off old corn stalks and crop stubble; coal-fired heating systems; and low winds that allowed the smoke to remain over the city.The smog had been building up for several days. It became worse when the city turned on the public heating system, which uses coal to heat millions of homes and offices in the city.Harbin has a population of more than 10 million people. It lies in northeastern China, where cold winter weather can last up to six months. The main fuel there is coal, because it is cheaper than other types of fuel.Air pollution from burning coal can cause health problems like heart disease. During the smog crisis* in Harbin, the number of people taken to the hospital with breathing problems was 30% higher than usual.The city government is trying to reduce its use of coal by adding more insulation and better roofs and windows to buildings to reduce heating needs. It has also used cleaner fuel for cars and factories.(1)The roads and schools in Harbin had to be closed on October 21, 2013 because of _. A . the heavy rainB . the strong windC . the serious smogD . the terrible snow(2)There are many reasons for the air pollution EXCEPT_. A . farmers burn off old corn stalks and crop stubbleB . people use coal to heat millions of homes and officesC . The smoke remains over the city because of low windsD . Many buses and cars use cleaner fuel and so do factories.(3)What is the government trying to do when the air pollution get worse? A . To offer cars new fuel.B . To give people more masks.C . To reduce its use of coal.D . To ask people to stay at home.(4)What does the passage mainly tell us? A . The serious air pollution in ChinaB . Coal-fired heating systemsC . The population crisis in HarbinD . The reasons for heart disease四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)填入适当的句子完成对话。 (1)A:_?(how,Shanghai)B:Its free to day(2)A_?(what,Nanjing)B:Its very cool today五、 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。 (共10题;共10分)17. (1分)I e_swim or take a walk after dinner. 18. (1分)Forty_(百分之) of the students in my class get to school by bike. 19. (1分)The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous _ (作品) of art in the world. 20. (1分)Liu Yang was_(挑选)to be Chinas first woman astronaut to fly into space . 21. (1分)My hobby is c_stamps(邮票). 22. (1分)It is _ to cut in before others when waiting for the bus.(不礼貌的) 23. (1分)I s_that each of us take a sleeping bag. 24. (1分)He had a bad _(胃痛) because he ate too much yesterday evening. 25. (1分)Her mother likes football, but she doesnt watch football m_. 26. (1分)Keep quiet, please, he said in a l voice. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共6分)27. (6分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,并将答案填写在答题卡相应题号的位置上。Magic is fun and pleasant whether you are a magician (魔术师) or whether you are watching it being carried out. To be a good magician, you have to be great together with your hands and great at keeping the audience (观众) paying more attention to you than the trick. You will find a number of websites to get you to start learning and practicing magic tricks. You will find a number of advantages of learning magic online. Here are some steps for you to start.Before you start learning magic online, make sure that the website you are interested in is real and its going to teach you what you want to discover.Once you have decided on the website you are going to use to discover magic online, take it slow. Begin at the beginning and dont rush into anything stupid. Although you need to wait to get better, its going to pay off within the end whenever you are performing your magic shows with success.Whenever you have discovered the magic tricks youd like to discover, take a look at the website to see if they offer classes to help you discover the tricks. These classes can make you an expert at the magic tricks youd like to discover, making you look much better whenever you show off your new talent.Finally, practicing helps you get more experience to do the magic tricks. Dont forget that confidence comes from experience. You can also practice for family and friends and then ask them for their feedback(反馈).TitleLearn magic ticks online_of the magic tricksMagic brings much fun to both a magician and an audience.A good magician should try to make the audience pay more attention to the magician himself.Its easy for you to start learning and practicing magic tricks _.Step 1: StudyIt is necessary for you to make sure if the website you are interested in is real and it will provide you with what you want to learn online.Step 2: _Once you have decided on which website to discover magic online, you neednt rush into anything stupid.Dont feel worried though it takes a long time for you to get better. It will pay off when you succeed.Step 3: Check for classesMake sure the websites will offer classes to help you improve _.Remember these classes will make you more like an expert in magic showsStep 4: PracticeRemember the old saying -_. If you practice more, you will be more confident to do the magic tricks.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共20分)28. (20分)李雪是你的朋友,请根据表格中所给信息介绍一下她的个人情况。Name: Li Xue Age: 13 years old Class: Class 5, Grade 7Nationality(国籍):Chinese Hobby: swimming, readingFamily: father(doctor), mother (teacher), sister(student)要求条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;要求:1)包括表中所给信息。2)60词左右;3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。I have a friend.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共24分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16-1、16-2、五、 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。 (共10题;共10分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共6分)27-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共20分)28-1、

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