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人教版九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Today is Sunday. My brother and I dont go to1so we are at home. I dont like to 2because its bad for my eyes. So we3to play basketball. But I cant find my basketball shoes. I look for4everywhere. Then I find5boxes on the bookcase. My brother helps me carry(搬运)the boxes. My box is big, but its light(轻的). My brothers box is small6heavy. There are7clothes in the boxes, but my8arent in them. We put the two boxes away. Suddenly, I find my shoes9my bed, on the floor. So, we10to play basketball happily. At lunch time, we go back home. Mom cooks(煮) a lot of food, so we sit down to eat11. I like eating12very much. Mom says vegetables are13for us. But my brother doesnt like vegetables or fruit. Then, I play computer games14him in the room. And we enjoy it. We have a15day. We love Sunday so much!(1)A . home B . school C . work D . store (2)A . play B . listen to music C . watch TV D . buy clothes (3)A . want B . have C . need D . ask (4)A . it B . them C . these D . those (5)A . five B . four C . three D . two (6)A . and B . but C . or D . so (7)A . a B . not C . no D . some (8)A . basketballs B . books C . shoes D . shorts (9)A . on B . under C . in D . at (10)A . go out B . go on C . go off D . go down (11)A . breakfast B . lunch C . dinner D . dessert (12)A . salad B . bananas C . carrots D . food (13)A . healthy B . useful C . bad D . unhealthy (14)A . for B . of C . about D . with (15)A . terrible B . relaxing C . boring D . busy 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2. (6分) Although most of Pakistanis live in the countryside, still many Pakistanis live in cities. Karachi has over 5 million people and Lahore has over 3 million people. Islamabad was built to be Pakistans capital. The rich city people live in large, air conditioned houses.Pakistan has 121,000 miles of roads. Bus services and minibuses are available to the public. The trains are still the most common transport of long-distance travel for Pakistanis. Pakistan also has an airline that operates domestic and international flights.It is difficult to identify(识别) Pakistani food because the country shares food traditions with its neighbour, India. The main difference between Pakistani and Indian food is that Pakistani food is less spicy (辛辣). Pakistani dishes are often made with yoghurt(酸奶), which reduces the effect of the hot spices used in cooking.Wheat is the main food for most of the people. It is eaten in the form of bread named chapattis or roti, together with vegetables in season. Sweet tea, milk, or lassi, a drink made from yoghurt, makes the meal perfect. Those who can afford to buy it eat meat, although in the countryside these are usually festival foods. Goat meat is a favourite. Pakistanis will not eat pork by the way.(1)Which city is the capital of Pakistan?A . Karachi.B . LahoreC . Islamabad.D . Bangkok.(2)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word domestic in Paragraph 2 may be _.A . 家庭的B . 国际的C . 驯养的D . 国内的(3)The main food for most of the Pakistani people is_.A . lassiB . wheatC . meatD . pork3. (10分) An ant(蚂蚁)was drinking at a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the side, but she couldnt move at all. The poor ant got too tired but was still doing her best when a big bird saw her. What a luck! The bird threw a piece of wood in the water. With it the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man coming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and with a gun(枪)in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her, and he would certainly do so, but the ant bite(咬)him on one of his feet and at the moment the bird flew away at once. (1)What happened to the ant?A . She fell in the waterB . She wanted to swimC . She was thirstyD . She was eating(2)What did the ant want to do in the water?A . She wanted to look for somethingB . She wanted to swim to the bankC . She wanted to catch a fishD . She wanted to drink some water(3)Who helped the ant?A . A manB . A fishC . A birdD . Herself(4)What did the man with a gun wear on his feet?A . A pair of shoesB . A pair of socksC . NothingD . Some clothes(5)The man couldnt kill the bird, Why?A . He couldnt see the bird clearlyB . He couldnt use the gunC . He didnt like to hurt the birdD . His foot was bitten by the ant.4. (10分) Having Fun “Growing” and “Stealing”?Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students. People can “farm” on a piece of “land” and “grow”, “sell” or even “steal” “vegetables”,”flowers”, and “fruits” on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy more “seeds” , “pets”, and even “houses”.Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.Harold: I dont quite understand why they are mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.Allan: I enjoy putting some “bugs” in my friends gardens and weve become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for (渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure (压力) ; besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a “thief ”.Ivy: Well, its just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on (专注于) their study.(1)According to the passage, people cant things in this game.A . growB . borrowC . steal(2)Among the people Joyce interviewed, likes the game while dislikes the game. A . Laura; AllanB . Allan; HaroldC . Ivy; Allan(3)From Lauras words, we can guess that she is most probably .A . a studentB . a thiefC . an office worker(4)Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?A . They can have fun with friends.B . The game can relax people and give them a new experience.C . They are confident enough to face the real world(5)Where can you find this passage?A . In a newspaper.B . In an advertisement.C . In a science book.5. (8分)阅读理解 Here is a story: A man sees a butterfly(蝴蝶). The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis(蛹). Feeling sorry for it, the man decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. Surprisingly enough, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesnt struggle(挣扎;奋斗) to leave the chrysalis, it cant fly! The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly. Similarly, the challenges of life bring out the best in young people and make the fly.When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. When we look at successful people, we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle. One famous businessman, who now owns many big supermarkets, used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young. Another successful man is Dennis. His father died when he was only twenty. His fathers death forced him to mature fast. He had to bring up a family of nine people. He took up the challenges and overcame them. Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.Sometimes challenges do not appear to us because we keep away from them. So some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges. They might organize some activities for young people which provide them with challenges, like rock-climbing, camping, volunteer work and so on. However, just passing exams will not prepare a person for life. We must meet and overcome challenges. The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. For countries to continue to become successful, it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them.(1)From the story we know that the butterfly cant fly because _. A . it gets out by itselfB . the man feels sorry for itC . it tries to challenge itselfD . the man helps it come out(2)Denniss example shows that successful people should _. A . overcome the difficultiesB . take up business earlyC . become the leaders of tomorrowD . sell clothes from door to door(3)The meaning of the underlined word mature in the passage is _. A . wake upB . give upC . grow upD . bring up(4)What is the writer trying to do in this passage? A . Describe where a butterfly comes from.B . Encourage young people to face challenges.C . Suggest how to become a successful businessman.D . Explain what will happen if a person fails the exam.三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共14分)6. (4分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。kick, excuse, mad, fair(1)The boy always has some_for being late for school. (2)I dont think it is_to ask her to stay here alone. (3)Bob_the ball so hard that it went out of the yard. (4)When she heard the news,she got_and walked out. 7. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,每空一词。It was Monday. Mrs. Smiths dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house. So Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog, “T_this to the butcher(屠夫) and hes going to give you your lunch today.”Holding the piece of paper in its m_, the dog ran to the butchers. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it c_and knew that it was really the ladys handwriting, so he gave the dog some meat. The dog was very happy, and a_the meat up at once.The next day, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. A_reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.On the t_day, the dog came with a piece of paper again. This time, the butcher d_take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat.But the dog came again at four oclock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butchers more s_, it came for the third time at six oclock with a third piece of paper.He said to himself, “This is a small dog. W_does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it! How would he f_after knowing about this? Can you guess?四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分)Our classroom is on the _ (one) floor. 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)9. (25分)阅读下列短文,回答问题Nina wants to join the animal protection (保护) club. She writes a letter to the head of the club and tells him about her interests and how she can help the club. Here is her letter:Dear Mr. Smith,I listened to your talk last week and I would like to become a member of the club.I am a student and I am in Grade Eight. My favorite subjects are PE and English. I like playing ping pong. Every Monday and Friday, I play ping pong with my classmates. I also like singing and dancing.I would like to become a member of the club because I like animals very much. I think it is important for me to do something to protect animals. I want to know more about animals, too. I can participate in (参加) club activities from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. You can call me at 6543 8895 or email me at nina126.com.Yours,(1)When did Nina listen to Mr. Smiths talk? (No more than 2 words.)(2)What are Ninas favorite subjects? (No more than 3 words.)(3)Does Nina like singing and dancing? (No more than 3 words.)(4)Why does Nina want to join the club? (No more than 6 words.)(5)When can Nina participate in club activities (No more than 10 words.)?六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)假如你是Lisa,到学校后发现一些东西忘在家里了。你需要写张便条给妹妹Amy,让她帮你带到学校来。请根据表格信息写一篇文章。要求字数不少于60词。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。物品颜色位置英语书蓝色卧室的书架里笔记本橙色、白色床上光盘Paul房间的书桌上一串钥匙可能在沙发下Dear Amy ,Can you bring these things to school for me?Thank you.Yours Lisa第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共14分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、7-1、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、


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