仁爱科普版九年级下Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship 单元测试(二)D卷.doc

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仁爱科普版九年级下Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship 单元测试(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I hear that Toms sister is a teacher here. Yes, the girl is standing under the tree is his sister.A . whoB . whomC . whose2. (2分)Bryan will not want to have _ to do with horses in the future. A . everythingB . somethingC . anythingD . nothing3. (2分) Why didnt you my help just now?一 I could do it all by myself.A . accept, SoB . accept; BecauseC . receive; BecauseD . receive; So4. (2分)This is a photo_ my family A . inB . forC . atD . of5. (2分)Where is the radio was bought last week?On the table over there.A . whoB . itC . thatD . this6. (2分)He is very surprised that all the houses in the village white. A . paintB . paintedC . are paintingD . are painted7. (2分)What do you think of the food in this restaurant?Great! It is one of the_reataurants in our city.A . goodB . wellC . betterD . best8. (2分)sheI am going to the concert. A . Both; andB . Either; andC . Not only; but alsoD . /; and9. (2分) What else would you like to eat? _ Im full. Thanks.A . Nothing else.B . Else nothing.C . Something else.D . Else something.10. (2分)一 We should not kill elephants.一 I agree with you. Its our duty to protect them.A . makechangeB . makelikeC . makedie11. (2分)Call me _ you arrive at the train station. A . so thatB . becauseC . as soon asD . but12. (2分) What do you think of Tom? , he is an excellent student.A . On generalB . In generalC . To generalD . For general13. (2分)He likes reading very much. Most of his money on books. A . are spentB . spendC . spendsD . is spent14. (2分)- Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or on the QQ?-_. I enjoy chatting face to face.A . EitherB . BothC . NeitherD . None15. (2分)A terrible earthquake in Wenchuan in 2008. A . happenB . strikeC . struckD . appear二、 情景交际 (共2题;共15分)16. (10分)补全对话, 每空一词。A: Whats _with your computer?B: It _work. I dont know_.A: _you want help, go to Uncle Wangs house. He is a computer engineer.B: You mean _I ask Uncle Wang to help me, he will put my computer _?A: Yes, but _you go, youd better phone him. He is very_with his business.B: Good _. Thanks.A: You are _.17. (5分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。A: Hi Jack! I didnt see you for a long time. _?B: I went to Harbin on holiday.A: Really? _?B: I went there by plane.A: _?B: It was very cold. I could see snow here and there.A: _?B: I m going to Sanya on holiday next winter.A: Thats great! I love sunny weather! Can I go there with you?B: _I m sure well have a good time there!三、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共15分)18. (15分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。Ma Yun became one of 1men in China when his company Alibaba went on the stock market last year with a value of around 140 billion the largest public offering in history. Here are some stories about him 2to success.Ma made his 3trip to the US in 1995 and used the Internet for the first time. After 4beer, he saw that no results came up about China. Then he searched for China and still saw no results. He decided 5. A Chinese website - the seed for Alibaba was sown (播种)。Ma said he 6many times in his life. He failed the College Entrance Examination in China three times and 7companies offered him jobs, including one at KFC. And he was refused by the famous Harvard University 10 times.8was difficult to learn English when Ma was a teenager 9limited resources. 10, he found that he could learn English well by giving tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. And he kept it 11nine years. Ma said 12new world for him because everything they said and did was so different for what he had been taught at school and by his parents.Mas hero is Forest Gump 13never gives up. When he made a speech about his 14. At Davos (达沃斯论坛) in 2015, Ma said, Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you 15.(1)A . rich B . richer C . richest D . the richest (2)A . on the way B . in the way C . by the way D . at the way (3)A . one B . once C . first D . the first (4)A . search for B . searching for C . searched for D . searching (5)A . to set out B . to set up C . to set off D . to set down (6)A . refuses B . refused C . is refused D . was refused (7)A . few B . a few C . little D . a little (8)A . This B . It C . That D . Those (9)A . as B . since C . because of D . because (10)A . But B . So C . However D . And (11)A . since B . for C . in D . after (12)A . that tourists opens up B . if tourists opened up C . that tourists will open up D . that tourists opened up (13)A . who B . whom C . whose D . which (14)A . succeed B . success C . successful D . successfully (15)A . get B . have got C . are going to get D . are getting 四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共22分)19. (10分)阅读理解 When my brother and I were children, we spent a few weeks each summer in the countryside with our uncle. He was a geologist and loved to go on long walks to find stones to add to his collection at the university. More often than not, we followed him.One day, we left early and this time, our uncle gave us two backpacks. You can help me carry the samples(样本), he explained.Sure, why not? The whole day, we walked around the countryside, and every now and then, our uncle put stones in our bags. We were a bit surprised that sometimes he also took some stones out from our bags, but thought he had just found better samples.We reached the house in the late afternoon. The backpacks were so heavy that we were really tired out when we put them on the ground. Yet our uncles backpack was half-empty.Why did you give us so many stones? we asked. I didnt. You did, he said, waiting for a while before continuing. You did not know it, but I made you go through a little attitude(态度) test today.What do you mean an attitude test? we wanted to know.It is something someone once did to me. You see, I listened to every word you said. And whenever you complained(抱怨) about anyone or anything, I added a stone to your bags. And whenever you talked about something in an attitude of positive thinking, I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks. We did. They were full. I hope you remember this little attitude test. You see, your negative(负面的) thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in a backpack. The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind is. So look at those bags and start paying attention to what you say and how you say things.This little lesson was one of the most important I ever had. And I remember my uncle with great love for teaching us one of the most important lessons in life-the power of attitude.(1)A geologist is a person who . A . grows plantsB . studies the earthC . sells stonesD . draws pictures(2)What did the writer and his brother often do when staying with their uncle in the countryside? A . They often followed him to collect stones.B . They often followed him to his university.C . They often studied the stones with him.D . They often took long walks to enjoy nature.(3)When the writer and his brother returned home late in the afternoon, . A . they were tired but happy that they had helped their uncleB . they wished they could collect more sample stonesC . they found that their bags were filled with stonesD . they were angry to find their uncles bag half-empty(4)How did the uncle explain the attitude test to the author? A . By giving examples of good stones.B . By asking questions about the stones.C . By using famous sayings about stones.D . By comparing negative thoughts to stones.(5)This article is mainly written to tell us that . A . we should do science tests from time to timeB . we should spend more time collecting storiesC . we should be more positive when facing difficultiesD . we should pay more attention to our backpacks20. (6分) It was the last day of the final exam in a college. On the steps of building, a group of engineering students were waiting for the last exam. On their faces was confidence(自信的).They knew the exam would be easy. The professor (a teacher at a college) had said they could bring any books or notes during the test.Right after they came into the classroom. The professor handed out the papers. There were only five questions on it.Three hours passed. Then the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was nervous expression(表情). The professor watched the worried faces before him, and then asked, “How many of you have finished all five questions?” No hand was raised. “How many of you have answered four?” Still no hands. “Three? Two?” The students moved restlessly in their seats. “One, then? Certainly somebody has finished one.” But the class kept silent. The professor said, “That is exactly what I expected. I just want to make you know clearly that even though you have completed four years of engineering. There are still many things about the subject you dont know. These questions you could not answer are common in everyday practice.” Then, smiling, he added, “You will all pass this course, your education has just begun.”The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.(1)Why did the students think the exam was easy at first?A . Because it was their last exam in the college.B . Because they knew there were only five questions.C . Because they thought they were clever and talented.D . Because they were allowed to bring any books and notes during the text.(2)What does the underlined word “obscured” mean in the last paragraph?A . 模糊B . 回忆C . 提醒D . 改变(3)Whats the best title for the article?A . Some Confident Students.B . An Engineering Exam.C . An Interesting Professor.D . An Unforgettable Lesson.21. (6分) The hottest topic in Yongjin Middle School,its money. The school held an activity called “making money” last weekendAbout 200 Junior1and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teamsThey went out to make money by selling thingsSome sold newspapers;some chose bottled water;some sold environmentally friendly shopping bagsHu Qings team decided to sell some useful books in Activity CenterThey thought parents would like to buy the books for their childrenBut unfortunately,they met urban management officersThe officers asked them to leave“Finally we had to give up.” said HuWang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a squareThey didnt meet any officersBut few people were interested in what they were sellingThe team then put up a board saying “For Country Kids”It workedMore people came to their stall(小摊)A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. Later that day they gave the money to the “Project Hope” officeMeng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckierThey sold all their cakes in four hoursThey made 40 yuan“It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng“Some people just lookedOthers just tasted but didnt buyNow I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives”(1) took part in the activityA . All the studentsB . Some students of Junior 1 and Junior 2C . Some teachersD . About 200 students of the three grades(2)Why did Hu Qings team finally give up ?A . their books are not usefulB . the parents didnt like to buy the booksC . the officers didnt allow them to sell anything thereD . the Children Activity Center was too crowded(3)According to the passage the students can learn A . its impossible for them to make moneyB . its not easy for their parents to make moneyC . its very important for them to make a livingD . its necessary for school to hold more activities in the future五、 词汇。 (共2题;共6分)22. (1分)The l_in the room is too weak, I cant see it clearly. 23. (5分)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。(1)Sally gets a lot of _(礼物) for her birthday.(2)The scientists have designed many _(实验)to test the ability of dogs to see colour(3)Its said that the young man went abroad for further education alone in his_. (四十)(4)_(八月)is the hottest month of a year.(5)Please knock at the door before _ (进入) the room.六、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)选词填空。hobby, trust, must, last, share, valuable, wrong, other, well, solveMany people want others to be their friends,but they dont give friendship backThats why some friendships dont_very longYou really want other people to be your fiends,right? Well,youd better know the following thingsFriends must trust each_,So being honest(诚实的)is very importantIf a friend finds out that you are not honest,you may lose your friends _To be a good friend,you must learn to_You dont have to give your lunch money or your clothes to your friendBut you need to learn how to share things you enjoy,like your_or interestsCertainly,you can also share your ideas and feelingsThese can be very_to a friendBy sharing them you help your friend know you much_At school,something may go_Talking about the problem can help you_it easilyTurning to a friend can be a first choice to solve the problemSo to be a friend, you_listen and understandYou must try to put yourself in your friends place,So you can understand the problem better.七、 书面表达。 (共2题;共10分)25. (5分)在教育局组织的“手拉手”活动中,来自乡村小学校的 Li Tianpeng 对于他所看到的城市 学校很有感触,于是他写了一篇作文向他的同班同学做了介绍。假设你就是 Li Tianpeng, 根 据下面的提示,以“Their School”为题,写一篇作文。以 there be 句式为主,60 个词左右。 提示:1. 学校很大很漂亮,有许多树和花,像花园一样; 2. 有图书馆、电脑房、实验室等; 3. 学生能够学到很多知识。26. (5分)假如你是李华,下面的表格记录了你一家人的爱好。请你根据表格内容,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍全家人的爱好,并投稿给你校英文报刊。family memberhobbyfatherMusicmotherMusicfirst sister(Li Mei)paintingsecond sister(Li Xue)cookingLi Huafootball第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 情景交际 (共2题;共15分)16-1、17-1、三、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共15分)18-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共22分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、21-1、21-2、21-3、五、 词汇。 (共2题;共6分)22-1、23-1、六、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共10分)24-1、七、 书面表达。 (共2题;共10分)25-1、26-1、

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