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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷D卷一、 听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、 (共4题;共24分)1. (6分)听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。(1)What are they going to do this Sunday? A . To watch a game.B . To have dinner.C . To drink tea.(2)Where are they going to meet? A . At the tea shop.B . In front of the restaurant.C . In front of the girls home.(3)What time are they going to meet? A . 9:30.B . 10:30.C . 11:30.2. (4分)听第一段对话,回答小题。 (1)What are the speakers going to do together? A . To have a violin lesson.B . To watch a movie.C . To play tennis.(2)What time will the speakers meet? A . At 5:30.B . At 6:30C . At 7:303. (4分)听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1)How often do Tom and Mike go to the shopping center? A . Sometimes.B . Hardly ever.C . Never.(2)Who uses the Internet every day? A . Mary.B . Mike.C . Tom.4. (10分)听下面一段独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 (1)The girls name is_. A . Jenny BrownB . Helen BrownC . Jenny Miller(2)The girl lost her pencil box _. A . in the classroomB . in the libraryC . in her room(3)The dog in the picture is _. A . brown and whiteB . white and blackC . brown and black(4)_ pens are in the pencil box. A . TwoB . ThreeC . Four(5)The girls phone number is _. A . 7480562B . 4785062C . 4780562二、 听对话,根据对话内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共4题;共38分)5. (6分)听第二段对话,选择答句的最佳问句。 (1)选择答句的最佳问句( )A . Who does the woman buy the present for?B . Do you have a green one?C . Who is the man talking to?(2)选择答句的最佳问句( )A . Which one do you like the best?B . How much is the green bottle?C . What is the color of the second one? (3)选择答句的最佳问句( )A . How many bottles?B . Do you want to take the green one?C . Did you buy the bottle?6. (10分)听长对话,选择最佳答案 (1)When is Helens birthday party? A . On Friday evening.B . On Saturday evening.C . On Sunday evening.(2)What did Rosy ask Eva to bring to Helen?A . Some drinks.B . Some flowers.C . Some food.(3)Where is Rosy going that day? A . To the office.B . To the theater.C . To the hospital.(4)What gift will Nick give Helen? A . A birthday cake.B . A model plane.C . A new skirt.(5)Who is the best singer in Nicks school? A . Helen.B . Rosy.C . Eva.7. (12分)下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容。 (1)Mary has just become a college student. (2)Simon doesnt enjoy classroom discussions. (3)Mary has nothing interesting to do after class. (4)Simon will volunteer for an international exhibition in Shanghai. (5)Mary and Simon will go to Shanghai together in five months. (6)Simon gives Mary some suggestions about how to choose a job in China. 8. (10分)听一段对话,回答小题。 (1)Who did the man learn sign language from? (2)How do Mark and Linda talk with each other? 三、 听短文,记录关键信息 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分)听独白,完成下面五小题。 (1)Mr. White and his wife came back from the farm _. A . in the morningB . in the eveningC . at noon(2)They heard someone talking on the way _. A . upstairsB . to the balconyC . to the front door(3)Who did they hear talking in their bedroom? A . Two girls.B . One boy and one girl.C . Two boys.(4)When Mr. White called out Who is there?, _. A . nobody answeredB . two boys came outC . the boys stopped talking(5)Mr. White found _ was still on in his bedroom. A . the lightB . the radioC . the TV四、 单项填空 (共12题;共24分)10. (2分)Mike and Ted are twins. _ are from Australia. A . WeB . YouC . TheyD . Them11. (2分)Please dont point _ anyone _ chopsticks.A . to; onB . in; atC . at; withD . with; for12. (2分)Excuse me, _ is Zhongshan Park from here? Its about seven kilometers.A . how longB . how oftenC . how far13. (2分) you please make your bed, Julia?Yes, sure.A . MustB . NeedC . CouldD . Should14. (2分)Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.A . beforeB . whenC . untilD . since15. (2分)(2015.江苏南通)I hear its not easy to get a ticket for Fast & Furious 7. Exactly. The film is the one this year.A . less excitingB . more excitingC . most excitingD . least exciting16. (2分)I have been to Shanghai. I _ there last month.A . goB . wentC . have goneD . will go17. (2分)Mr Liu his car at that time yesterday.A . washesB . was washingC . is washingD . will wash18. (2分)He _ his bike, so he has to walk there. A . lostB . losesC . has lostD . is losing19. (2分) Laura, weve decided on a trip this afternoon. Will you join us? Im afraid not. I have a composition .A . to go; to writeB . to go; writingC . going; to writeD . going; writing20. (2分)My teacher asked me _ the room. A . cleanB . cleansC . to clean21. (2分)What did the teacher say to you just now?She asked _.A . where did I learn EnglishB . where I learned EnglishC . where do I learn EnglishD . where I learn English五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,选出最佳选项。Long long ago there was a poor farmer1Fred. Fred and his wife, Doris lived 2together in their small old house. One winter night, the Luck Fairy 3them.“Fred, youre a good farmer. Id like 4you a wish,” said the Luck Fairy.Fred and Doris smiled 5each other. Then Fred said, “Thank you, Luck Fairy. Were very healthy and happy.”“Were old, but we can still work 6the field every day.” said Doris.“You work very 7 , but you make a little money. Would you like some gold coins?”“Oh, no, my dear Luck Fairy. Were poor. But we have enough to eat. replied Fred.“You can use the gold coins8some clothes. The winter is very cold.” said the Luck Fairy.“9we dont have many clothes, weve got enough.”said Doris.“Youre quite different 10other people,” “I wish you happiness and luck forever. Then the Luck Fairy disappeared and never came back.(1)A . call B . called C . calling D . to call (2)A . happy B . happily C . sad D . sadly (3)A . visit B . visits C . visited D . was visited (4)A . to give B . gives C . giving D . gave (5)A . in B . on C . for D . at (6)A . in B . on C . at D . from (7)A . hardly B . hard C . careful D . harder (8)A . buy B . bought C . for buying D . to bought (9)A . Even though B . as though C . If D . Since (10)A . of B . for C . from D . into 六、 阅读理解 (共4题;共53分)23. (10分)阅读两篇短文。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Its not WASTE until it is WASTEDWith the World Environment Day coming, our school is now requiring every student to form a habit of sorting the waste.Here in our schoolyard we lay four different colors of rubbish bins for different kinds of rubbish. The red is for harmful waste; the blue is for waste that can be recycled(循环再用); the green is for kitchen waste; the yellow is for other waste.The following are some instructions for youGlass: Empty bottles without caps can be recycled to make new glass bottles.Warning: Mirrors and light bulbs(电灯泡) must not be included in the glass waste.Paper: Newspapers, magazines, boxes must be clean enough to be recycled.Warning: Paper tissues (餐纸) and wall paper are not recyclable as paper and should be kept separately.PMD waste: Packaging made of Plastic or Metal and Drink boxes are used to make new packaging.Warning: Plastic pots(e. g yoghurt pots ), plastic bags must not be included with the PMD waste.Harmful waste: out-of-date drugs, used batteries(电池), paint and oilBesides, if you dont need your old bikes at all, our school volunteers will collect them. Were going to fix them up and then give them away to kids who dont have enough money for a bike.To find out more about recycling, you can visit our school website.(1)According to the passage, different colors of rubbish bins are laid in the schoolyard. A . 4B . 5C . 6D . 7(2)The fish bones should be thrown in the bin. A . redB . greenC . blueD . yellow(3)From the passage, we can see that are harmful to the environment. A . paper tissuesB . empty bottlesC . drink boxesD . out-of-date drugs(4)If you give your old bike to the volunteers, it will be . A . sold to collect money for the poor kidsB . fixed up and given back to you for freeC . fixed up and given away to the poor kidsD . given away immediately to the poor kid(5)The main purpose of this passage is . A . to look for volunteers for waste sortingB . to introduce waste sorting to the studentsC . to introduce the World Environment DayD . to advertise glass, paper and plastic products24. (8分)(2017泰安)阅读理解AOnce a very rich man and his son collected valuable paintings by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.Later, the son left to join the army. After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital. The old man became very lonely and sad.One day, a soldier visited the old man and gave him a paintingit was a portrait(肖像)of his son. The painting of his son became the old mans most valuable item. He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received. The following spring, the old man died.All of the old mans paintings would be sold at an auction(拍卖会). The auction began with the painting of the old mans son.“Who will open the price at $100?” the auctioneer asked. Moments passed and no one spoke or raised their hands. Someone said, “Who cares about that painting? Lets get on to the good ones.” More voices followed in agreement. “No, we must sell this one first,” replied the auctioneer. “Now, who will take the portrait of the son?”Finally, a good friend of the old man spoke, “Ten dollars!” “Will anyone go higher?” called the auctioneer. After more silence he said: “ Going once going twiceSold!” The auctioneer then announced that the whole auction was over. “According to the fathers will, whoever takes the sons portrait gets the whole collection.” The auctioneer said.Because of the fathers love, whoever took the son got it all.(1)How did the old mans son die? A . He died of a serious heart disease.B . He died while taking another soldier to a hospital.C . A car hit him when he went home.D . He was killed by a doctor.(2)What was the first painting to be sold at the auction? A . The paintings by famous artists.B . The gift given by the old mans neighbors.C . The portrait of the old mans son.D . The most expensive collection of the old man.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . At the beginning of the auction, everyone realized the importance of the painting of the son.B . The painting of the old mans son was as popular as the other paintings.C . The old mans will was to give away the whole collection to charity.D . The old mans good friend got the whole collection for only ten dollars.(4)Whats the best title of the passage? A . Love is Sharing.B . An Expensive PaintingC . A Hot AuctionD . Caring About the Person You Love25. (25分)根据短文内容,完成下列小题。During the summer holidays there will be a new schedule(时间表).Changes for meal and library service hours and for bus schedules will be shown on the wall outside the dining room. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being made, will be shown each Wednesday outside the library.Buses to the town center will leave the North Beijing every hour on the half during the day. The dining room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the weekdays and two meals from noon to 7:00 p.m on weekends. The library will continue its usual hours during the weekdays, but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 p.m.All students who want to use the library borrowing service must have a new summer card. This announcement(通知) will also be shown in the next weeks student newspaper.(1)Whats the main idea of this announcement?(2)When will the bus leave the North Beijing during the summer holiday?(3)Which schedule is not ready?(4)Is there going to be breakfast on weekends during the holiday?(5)What do the students need if they want to borrow books during the holiday?26. (10分)阅读理解A new library opened last month in Norway. But it may be a little hard for you to visit. It is 150 meters under the ground. It is inside an old mine(矿井)on the island of Svalbard. The island is about 1,000 km from the North Pole(北极).The library is called The World Arctic Archive. In fact, its not made for people to visit. It is to protect the worlds most important books from natural disasters(自然灾害)and wars,reported the Daily Mail. Some people also call it the “doomsday(世界末日)library.According to the company that built the library, Svalbard was the best place to build it. “Deep in the permafrost(永冻土层), its about minus 10 degrees,” the company told The Verge. “In this environment, the books can last for more than 500 years.”So far, three countries-Norway, Mexico and Brazil have put books in the library. The Brazilian Constitution(宪法)is one of the books.阅读短文,判断正误(1)A new library opened last week in Norway. (2)The new library is inside a new mine on the island of Svalbard. (3)In fact, the library is made for people to visit. (4)The books can last for more than 500 years in this environment. (5)So far, three countries have put books in the library. 七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)27. (25分)任务型阅读The train made a lot of noise as it came to a stop at the station. Martha waited for a while until her father held her hand. They walked onto the train together. Her mother and brother walked behind them.This was the first train ride for Martha and her brother Brian. They would take the train to visit their grandparents. They usually went there by car. But today, Mum and Dad wanted to try a different way.They walked to the middle of the train. They found some seats and sat down. A few minutes later, the train began to move.Martha and Brian felt a little nervous, but their parents said they would enjoy the ride. Dad said he liked the train ride because he didnt need to drive all the time. Mum added that she could talk to her two children face to face instead of turning around.When the children their parents words, they felt relaxed.The train isnt as noisy as I thought would be said Martha,“ and I can stand up and walk around. I believe I can see everything through the windows.”“The train really goes fast, said Brian, I like that best of all. If we get on the train in the morning, we can see grandparents before lunch. I cant wait to enjoy their apple pie!根据短文内容回答下列各题。(1)According to the passage, who got on the train fist? (2)How did Martha and Brian usually go to visit their grandparents? (3)Did Martha and Brian feel a little nervous when the train began to move? (4)Why did Dad like the train ride? (5)What does the underlined word “that refer to(指代)? 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)能和英语为母语的同学交流是一种学习英语的好方法。假设你(Li Lei)想成为悉尼Laura的pen friend, 请你介绍一下你自己, 并写一封e-mail. 可以利用以下信息, 也可自己发挥。How old are you?Favorite sportsFamily membersBirthdayDear Laura,I would like to be your friend.Best wishesLi Lei第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、 (共4题;共24分)1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、2-2、3-1、3-2、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、二、 听对话,根据对话内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共4题;共38分)5-1、5-2、5-3、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、7-6、8-1、8-2、三、 听短文,记录关键信息 (共1题;共10分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、四、 单项填空 (共12题;共24分)10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 阅读理解 (共4题;共53分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、

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