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苏教版2019-2020学年六年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单 (共1题;共9分)1. (9分)选出你所听到的单词( ) A . eatB . beefC . meet二、 Listen and tick.(听录音,选出与所听内容相符 (共6题;共12分)2. (2分)听录音,选择听到的句子或对话( ) A . I can see a mouse in the net. B . I can see a man in the kitchen.3. (2分)听句子,选择句子含有的信息( ) A . tell storiesB . write storiesC . read storybooks4. (2分)听句子,选择句子中含有的信息( ) A . cloudyB . windyC . snowy5. (2分)6. (2分)听录音,将对应的内容匹配。 Jenny_A. Jim_B. Linda_C. Peter_D. Mary_E. 7. (2分)听音,选出你听到的单词( ) A . eatingB . eatC . eats三、 Listen and number.(听录音,给下列句子标号 (共1题;共9分)8. (9分)My QQ number is . A . 47128904 B . 4947608四、 Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的问句 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分)Tony goes to school by _. 五、 Choose and write.(选出与所给单词属于同类的 (共1题;共8分)10. (8分)根据所给单词给方框中的单词归类 A. Monday B. kind C. hot D. delicious E. underF. young G. Sunday H. lake I. tree J. TuesdayK. old L. healthy M. hill N. behind O. beside(1)Saturday _(2)sweet _(3)funny _(4)above _(5)river _六、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择。 (共9题;共9分)11. (1分)Its so sweet. I _ it. A . likeB . am likeC . doesnt like12. (1分)Lets and a kite. A . to go; to flyB . to go; flyC . go; fly13. (1分)What can you move? I can move .A . a furnitureB . the furnituresC . the furniture14. (1分)Look! Chen Jie is_ lunch. A . eatsB . eatingC . eat15. (1分)Childrens Day is _. How are _ going to celebrate it? A . coming; yoursB . comes; yourC . coming; you16. (1分)Who are the two _? A . man B . men17. (1分)I want _ ice cream. A . eatB . eatsC . to eat18. (1分)Heres a fork _ you. A . forB . toC . on19. (1分)We go to China _ holiday. A . byB . atC . on七、 Choose and fill in the blanks. (共1题;共6分)20. (6分)选词填空完成句子 on under behind beside(1)The drum is _ the table. (2)The triangle is _ the chair. (3)The piano is _ the drum. (4)The violin is _ the table. 八、 Read and choose.(给下列情景选择相应的内容。 (共1题;共9分)21. (9.0分)What color are the five rings on the Olympic Games? 九、 Make up the sentences.(连词成句)(1 (共6题;共12分)22. (2分)your, hobby, what, fathers, is (?)(连词成句) 23. (2分)he, like, does, word, puzzles, doing (?)(连词成句) 24. (2分)presents, each, other, give, people, to (.) 25. (2分)doing right Ted thing is the(. )(连词成句) 26. (2分)lots of, in, there, lakes, China, are (.)(连词成句) 27. (2分)phone, call, her, mobile, please (.)(连词成句) 十、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断句子正误)(1 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 In England, people dont usually talk very much. People often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train and sometimes they like looking out of the window. But they dont talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about the weather. So when you meet your friends in England, you can say, Its a nice day today! But it was a little colder yesterday, your friend may answer. But it will get a bit warmer later! you can say. Talk about the weather like this, and your English friend will think, How friendly you are! How polite you are!(1)In England, people usually talk very much. (2)People in England often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train. (3)When you meet English people, they often talk about shopping. (4)When you meet your friends in England, you can say, Its a nice day today! (5)Talk about the weather with English friends and they may think youre friendly. 十一、 Try to write. (书面表达)(6分) (共1题;共6分)29. (6分)描写一下你的英语老师。 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单 (共1题;共9分)1-1、二、 Listen and tick.(听录音,选出与所听内容相符 (共6题;共12分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、三、 Listen and number.(听录音,给下列句子标号 (共1题;共9分)8-1、四、 Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的问句 (共1题;共10分)9-1、五、 Choose and write.(选出与所给单词属于同类的 (共1题;共8分)10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、六、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择。 (共9题;共9分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、七、 Choose and fill in the blanks. (共1题;共6分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、八、 Read and choose.(给下列情景选择相应的内容。 (共1题;共9分)21-1、九、 Make up the sentences.(连词成句)(1 (共6题;共12分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、十、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断句子正误)(1 (共1题;共10分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、十一、 Try to write. (书面表达)(6分) (共1题;共6分)29-1、

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