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PEP7UNIT6howdoyoufeel Alet stalk What smissing happy afraid angry sad worried What smissing bored sleepy 1 Howdoeshefeel 2 Whydoeshefeelthat Heishappy Heisplayingchasinggame 追赶游戏 4 1 Howdoeshefeel 2 Whydoeshefeelthat Heissad Becausehisearhurts 疼痛的 5 1 Howdotheyfeel 2 Whydotheyfeelthat Theyareangry 生气的 Becauseguangtouqianghurtsthetrees 6 Whatisthis It samouse Howdoesitfeel Itisafraid Whatarethese Theyaremice Howdotheyfeel Theyareafraid Becausethecatschasethem 7 1 Howdotheyfeel 2 Whydotheyfeelthat Theyareafraid 害怕 Becausetheblackcatchasesthem 8 Itisabout and Look Tomisafraidofthe And isafraid 害怕 ofthe thecat themouse dog themouse thecat 9 Look thecatischasing 追赶 the themice 10 1 Howdoesthecatfeel 2 Whydoeshefeelthat 11 1 Howdoesthecatfeel 2 Whydoeshefeelthat Thecatisangry Becausethemicehurtpeople 12 Sam What sthiscartoonabout Sarah It saboutacat Thecatisapoliceofficer Sam Cool Sarah Hechasesthemice They reafraidofhim Sam Why Sarah Becausethemicearebad Theyhurtpeople Thecatisangrywiththem Sam Maybeourcatischasingamousenow 13 It scoldoutside SamistalkingwithSarah Listenandcircle 1 Wherearethey A AthomeB Atschool 2 Whatwilltheydo A EatsomefruitB Watchfilms 14 Howdothesepicturesmakeyoufeel Itmakesmefeel horrible恐怖的 dislike不喜欢的 presents礼物 afraid angry happy 15 Sam 这个卡通关于什么 Sarah 它是关于一只小猫的 小猫是一个警察 Sam 醋 Sarah 他逮老鼠 它们害怕它 Sam 为什么 Sarah 因为老鼠很坏 它们祸害人类 这只猫很生它们的气 Sam 或许我们的猫现在正在逮老鼠 老鼠mouse的复数是mice beafraidof doing sth 害怕 担心 做 某事 Beangrywithsb 生某人的气 A 16 BecauseI I msad havenofriends 17 BecauseI I mbored 18 Because I mangry theboyandthedogaretoonoisy 嘈杂的 19 Let stalk I mhappy BecauseIcantakeatripwithmyfamilyontheweekend 20 好激动 worried shy angry bored tired nervous sad happy sleepy afraid scared 紧张 excited 害羞 欲睡的 I m Because 21 Theyadmirehimverymuch 他们很钦佩他 Weadmirehisworkingsohard 我们钦佩他工作努力 22 根据课文将下面补全完整 It scoldoutside SamandSaraharetalkingabouttheblackcat Theblackcatis withthe Becausethe arebad They people Theblackcat them The areafraidofthe 23 Homework 1 readafterthetapethreetimes 2 pleasetrytorecitethetext 24

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