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新人教版2019-2020学年六年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(无听力)A卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Listen and tick(听录音,用选出你听到的内容。 (共7题;共7分)1. (1分)2. (1分)选出你听到的词的反义词 A . bigB . redC . white3. (1分)听录音,选出听到的单词( ) A . hardB . hopC . help4. (1分)听录音,选出所听到的单词( ) A . wentB . centsC . sent5. (1分)听录音,选择你所听到的单词( ) A . northB . southC . east6. (1分)听录音,选择相应的图片( ) A . B . C . 7. (1分)听词汇,选择正确图片( ) A . B . 二、 Listen and circle.(听录音,选出与所听内容 (共6题;共12分)8. (2分)听音,选出你所听到的短语或句子( ) A . Touch your head. B . Raise your hand.9. (2分)听音,选择正确的图片( ) A . B . 10. (2分)听音,选择正确的单词,补全句子 better were last was work(1)Where_you yesterday? (2)I_sick at home. (3)Are you_now? (4)I am at_now. (5)We visited the Great Wall_year. 11. (2分)听录音,选择相应的答语( ) A . Go down this street, and youll find it on the left.B . Lets go to the park.C . Its on the tree.12. (2分)听音,匹配。 Anne_A. Amy_B. Lingling_C. Linda_D. Helen_E. 13. (2分)听录音,选择你所听到的句子( ) A . I think the plane is an important invention.B . Tom thinks the car is an important invention.C . He thinks paper is an important invention.三、 Listen and number.(听录音,给下列句子标号 (共1题;共9分)14. (9分)听音,选出正确的答语( ) A . Hes running. B . Shes reading.四、 Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的问句 (共6题;共12分)15. (2分)16. (2分)听录音,给问句选答语( ) A . No, we do.B . Yes, we dont.C . No, we dont.17. (2分)听录音,选择相应的答语( ) A . She is flying a kite.B . She is from America.C . She often plays football.18. (2分)听问句,选答语( ) A . I have a cold.B . I have an earache.C . He has a fever.19. (2分)听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片( ) A . B . 20. (2分)听问句,选出正确的应答句( ) A . Im fine.B . Its sunny.C . I like the sunny day.五、 Read and translate.(写出下列单词或词组的 (共1题;共6分)21. (6分)翻译词组,英译汉 see maple leaves _visit Disneyland _visit the Hollywood _六、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择) (共9题;共9分)22. (1分)The tomatoes are five yuan kilo. A . theB . aC . an23. (1分)I say goodbye _ everyone here. A . ofB . toC . from24. (1分)He looks strong and _. A . healthB . healthyC . healthier25. (1分)选出表示动物的单词 A . myB . foxC . am26. (1分)I often take a _ class on the weekend. A . danceB . singC . dancing27. (1分)I some toys last summer vacation. A . buy toB . buyC . bought28. (1分)My pen pal Jane is _ England. A . forB . fromC . on29. (1分)Power is off and _ can watch TV. A . notB . noC . nobody30. (1分) is the desk? Its near my bed.A . WhatB . WhereC . WhoD . How七、 Choose and fill in the blanks( (共7题;共7分)31. (1分)I eat two _(sandwich/sandwiches) for breakfast. 32. (1分)Whats in _ (you/ your) schoolbag? 33. (1分) _ (Is/Are) these shoes _ (yours/your)? Yes, they are.34. (1分)Yesterday morning he_(A read B reads)English stories. 35. (1分)He went _ (swiming/swimming) last Sunday. 36. (1分)My sister is two years_(old/older)than me. 37. (1分)My friend often _ (come/comes) to school by bus. 八、 Read and order(将下列句子重新排序,使其成为一 (共1题;共10分)38. (10分)将下列句子用数字(1-6,6已给出)重新排序,使它们构成一篇完整的对话。 _My mother is a TV reporter. What about yours, Julia?_Yes, she likes dancing very much. Maybe they can dance together._Good idea! How does she go to work every day?_Hi, Alice! What does your mother do?She goes to work by bike._She is a dancer. Does your mother like dancing?九、 Make up the sentences.(连词成句)(1 (共5题;共10分)39. (2分)cant,I,everything,carry(.)(连词成句) 40. (2分)should, you, brush, every, teeth, your, day(.) 41. (2分)sometimes TV Kitty watches weekends at(连词成句) 42. (2分)rice,Lets,have,some(.)(连词成句) 43. (2分)it much is How (?)(连词成句) 十、 Read and judge.阅读短文,判断句子正误。(10 (共1题;共10分)44. (10分)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 There are four people in Mr Clark s family. The Clarks get up early every day. In the morning, Mr Clark goes to work. Sandy and Sue go to school. Their mother stays at home to do housework. At noon, Sandy and Sue have their lunch at school. In the afternoon, Sandy and Sue go back home. They usually get home at about 4 oclock. In the evening, they do their homework. Mr Clark often reads newspapers. Mrs Clark cooks for them. After dinner, they watch TV and eat some fruit.(1)_ get up early every morning. A . Three of themB . Two of themC . All of them(2)Mr Clark _ in the morning. A . goes to schoolB . goes to workC . goes shopping(3)Sandy and Sue are _. A . studentsB . friendsC . workers(4)Mrs Clark stays at home to _. A . playB . do homeworkC . do housework(5)After dinner, the Clarks _. A . read booksB . watch TVC . play sports十一、 Try to write(书面表达)(8分) (共1题;共8分)45. (8分)暑假很快就要到了,请你为你的暑假写一个计划吧。60词左右。 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 Listen and tick(听录音,用选出你听到的内容。 (共7题;共7分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、二、 Listen and circle.(听录音,选出与所听内容 (共6题;共12分)8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、12-1、13-1、三、 Listen and number.(听录音,给下列句子标号 (共1题;共9分)14-1、四、 Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的问句 (共6题;共12分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、五、 Read and translate.(写出下列单词或词组的 (共1题;共6分)21-1、六、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择) (共9题;共9分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、七、 Choose and fill in the blanks( (共7题;共7分)31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、八、 Read and order(将下列句子重新排序,使其成为一 (共1题;共10分)38-1、九、 Make up the sentences.(连词成句)(1 (共5题;共10分)39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、十、 Read and judge.阅读短文,判断句子正误。(10 (共1题;共10分)44-1、44-2、44-3、44-4、44-5、十一、 Try to write(书面表达)(8分) (共1题;共8分)45-1、

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