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2019-2020学年五年级下学期英语第二次质检试卷B卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . roughB . softC . cold2. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . whiteB . smallC . sharp3. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . hardB . blackC . tall4. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . behindB . inC . on5. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . openB . putC . take6. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . newB . hotC . blunt7. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . softB . hotC . rough8. (1分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词( ) A . shopB . hopC . stop9. (1分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词( ) A . whyB . tryC . fly10. (1分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词( ) A . testB . taxiC . tell二、 听录音,选出与你听到的句子意思相符的图片。(7.5分) (共5题;共7.5分)11. (1.5分)听录音,选择正确的答句或问句( ) A . She likes mooncakes.B . He likes mooncakes.C . I like mooncakes.12. (1.5分)听录音,选择正确的答句或问句( ) A . Twenty yuan.B . Twenty.C . Twenty years old.13. (1.5分)听录音,选择正确的答句或问句( ) A . Im washing my face.B . Shes washing her face.C . Shes in the bathroom.14. (1.5分)听录音,选择正确的答句或问句( ) A . It likes fish.B . It likes bones.C . It likes sweets.15. (1.5分)听录音,选择正确的答句或问句( ) A . Its Bettys paint.B . Theyre Bettys paints.C . Yes, theyre Bettys paints.三、 听录音,判断下列图片与录音是否相符。(8分) (共8题;共8分)16. (1分)听问句,选择正确的应答句( ) A . Im writing.B . Hes writing.C . Shes writing.17. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的句子( ) A . Who is swimming in the sea? Ben is.B . Who is swinging in the park? Ben is.C . Who is sailing in the sea? Ben is.18. (1分)根据你所听到的内容和问题,选出正确的答案( ) A . Its Room 905.B . Its Room 509.C . Its Room 950.19. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词( ) A . petB . penC . Ben20. (1分)听录音,选出听到的单词( ) A . paintB . pandaC . parrot21. (1分)根据听到的内容和问句,选择正确的答句( ) A . On the bed.B . Under the chair.C . On the desk.22. (1分)听情景和问题。选择正确的回答( ) A . To the beach.B . To the park.C . Play football.23. (1分)听录音,选出听到的单词和词组( ) A . beside the treeB . behind the treeC . between the trees四、 听录音,选择正确的答语。(5分) (共4题;共4分)24. (1分)听录音,选择正确的答句或问句( ) A . There are two.B . Theyre two.C . There are two yuan.25. (1分)听录音,选出听到的单词( ) A . rightB . writeC . white26. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的单词的反义词( ) A . afraidB . sadC . hungry27. (1分)听问句,选择正确的应答句( ) A . Im writing.B . I can sing and dance.C . Im a postman.五、 听录音,填入短文所缺的单词。(10分) (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)听录音,填入所缺单词 Its very important for_to know the traffic_, because there are many_roads in the_. If you want to_the road safely, you must look for a zebra_first. Then, you must look at the traffic_. When you see the_man, you can cross the road. Please dont_and_on the road. 六、 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(每个词只能用一次)(10分) (共1题;共10分)29. (10.0分)从方框中选择适当的单词填空。 wolves shops always times takingduring twice England hiking take(1)Where are you going _ the vacation? (2)Brighton is a city in _. (3)I _ a taxi to school about _ a week. (4)You can camp with the _ and the bears. (5)I _ go swimming five _ a week. I like it very much. (6)They are going to go _ next month. (7)Sally often _ for clothes with her sister. (8)Look! Hes _ photos with his parents. 七、 根据上下文及首字母提示,补全适当的单词,使句子合理通顺。(1 (共6题;共10分)30. (2分)正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号 Wheres jims father hes sleeping in the sand_31. (1分)What are you going to do? Im going to get a h_.32. (1分)Have a good time. Take lots of p_, too! 33. (2分)I like r _bikes. My grandfather likes d _tai chi. 34. (3分)How often does your brother b_ his t_? T_ a day.35. (1分)Jennys favorite a_ are swimming and fishing. 八、 选择正确的答案(15分) (共15题;共15分)36. (1分)The waves are big. Dont in the sea. A . sailB . sailingC . sails37. (1分)What May and Tom ? Sorry. I dont know.A . is; dongB . are; doC . are; doing38. (1分)The lizard is on the rock. A . greenB . yellowC . brown39. (1分) pens are these? Theyre Eddies.A . WhoB . WhereC . Whose40. (1分) is your cat sleeping? In its house.A . WhereB . WhoseC . What41. (1分) is it? It is a cake.A . WhereB . WhatC . What colour42. (1分)My brother can play basketball very well. A . theB . /C . a43. (1分)Im thirsty. I want some A . milkB . hamburgersC . dolls44. (1分)Is she going _ a test tomorrow? A . to takeB . takeC . taking45. (1分)Xiaoming is going to _ stories. A . haveB . tellingC . tell46. (1分)Were _. We cant find the way home. A . lostB . loseC . loses47. (1分)I never go to school _ ship. A . byB . takeC . get48. (1分)The Yangze River is in _. A . USAB . AustraliaC . China49. (1分)Peter_ takes a bus, he _ goes to school by bike. A . never, alwaysB . usually, oftenC . sometimes, usually50. (1分)The Olympics _ is held in _, USA. A . 2008, BeijingB . 1996, AtlantaC . 1976, Montreal九、 对话配对,把相应的字母代号填入括号内。(5分) (共1题;共5分)51. (5分)对话配对,把相应的字母代号填入括号内。What are you going to do today?_ A. Three times a week.How are you going to Shanghai?_ B. Yes, she is.How do you go to Tibet?_ C. By train.How often does your sister clean up the room?_ D. See a doctor.Is she going to have a party tonight?_ E. Were going by plane.十、 阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(10分) (共2题;共10分)52. (5分)根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Winter is very cold. The wind blows and blows. I dont like winter. I like autumn best. It is cool and dry. The leaves are not green. Some are yellow. Some are brown. The leaves fall down. They look like butterflies. I can eat much fruit in autumn. And Mid-autumn Festival is in it. I can eat mooncakes, taros and beans. I feel happy in autumn.(1)I like . A . autumnB . summerC . winter(2)I winter, but I autumn. A . like, dont likeB . like, likeC . dont like, like(3)Autumn is . A . coolB . coldC . hot(4)I see hats and gloves in winter. A . cantB . canC . am(5)I like eating in autumn. A . tarosB . mooncakesC . A and B53. (5分)阅读理解 Its May 31th. Childrens Day is coming. We will have a party tomorrow. Now we are making a plan for the party. First, Lily will sing an English song. Next, all the teachers will dance. After that, Kitty will play the piano and Simon will play the violin. Then, there will be a guessing game. If you can guess correctly(正确的), you will get a surprise(惊喜). Afterwards, we will listen to popular music and talk with each other in English. At last, everyone will drink and eat. Everyone will be happy at the party.(1)When is the party? A . On May 31.B . On June 1.C . On May 30.(2)What will Lily do at the party? A . She will dance.B . She will play the piano.C . She will sing an English song.(3)What will Simon do at the party? A . He will sing an English song.B . He will play the piano.C . He will play the violin.(4)Will we listen to popular music at the party? A . Yes, you will.B . No, you wont.C . Sorry, we dont know.(5)At last, we will _. A . drink and eatB . listen to popular musicC . talk with each other十一、 书面表达。(10分) (共1题;共10分)54. (10分)根据提示,完成短文提示:我丢了一只小兔子。它的名字叫Lily。它是灰色的。它下午一点半的时候在草丛里,下午两点的时候在花园附近。你看见它了吗?我的电话是861 73054。Lost rabbitHer name is Lily. She is_.She is_. (colour)She was in the_at_.She was near the_at_.Did you see her?My phone number is 86173054.第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 听录音,选出与你听到的句子意思相符的图片。(7.5分) (共5题;共7.5分)11-1、12-1、13-1、13-2、14-1、15-1、三、 听录音,判断下列图片与录音是否相符。(8分) (共8题;共8分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、四、 听录音,选择正确的答语。(5分) (共4题;共4分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、五、 听录音,填入短文所缺的单词。(10分) (共1题;共10分)28-1、六、 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(每个词只能用一次)(10分) (共1题;共10分)29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、29-6、29-7、29-8、七、 根据上下文及首字母提示,补全适当的单词,使句子合理通顺。(1 (共6题;共10分)30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、八、 选择正确的答案(15分) (共15题;共15分)36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、九、 对话配对,把相应的字母代号填入括号内。(5分) (共1题;共5分)51-1、十、 阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(10分) (共2题;共10分)52-1、52-2、52-3、52-4、52-5、53-1、53-2、53-3、53-4、53-5、十一、 书面表达。(10分) (共1题;共10分)54-1、

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