八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 8 A Picnic教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 8 A Picnic教案 (新版)北师大版.doc_第1页
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Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 8 A picnic 教材分析本课是北师大版教材八年级英语下册第三单元第八课,话题为野营。本课为本单元的第二课,主要通过Julie和他的叔叔之间的对话展开的。本课时在第七课学习现在完成时疑问句的基础上,引导学生通过听对话获取关键信息. 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.通过听记录两个人打电话商量准备野餐的信息。2.让学生有事前计划准备的意识。【情感态度价值观目标】让学生有事前计划准备的意识 教学重难点【教学重点】通过听记录两个人打电话商量准备野餐的信息。【教学难点】通过听获取准备食物的信息。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upAsk the students questions:1. Do you want to have a picnic?2. What will you bring for a picnic?3. Who do you see in the picture?Step 2. Pre-reading1. Let Ss pay attention to the phrase “a couple of” and think about the meaning.2. Help Ss work out the spelling rules of plurals. 3. Review some phrases like a glass of , a piece ofStep 3. Reading1st readingSs read the passage to find out the main idea of the passage.2nd readingSs read the passage the second time and fill in the three forms following the teachers. T leads Ss to do the first one together to show how to do it. Ss fill in the forms individually and check the answers in the groups.3rd readingRead the paragraphs one by one and find out the useful phrases and sentences then underline them in the passages.Step 4. Pair work1. Look at the pictures. What are Jenny and her family doing? Talk about it.2. Give them 5 minutes.3. Act it out.Example:What do you and your family like to do together? Draw or bring a picture of your family. Talk about it and write a short passage.Step5 PracticeSs write down a composition about their own familys communication tools according to the outline.1. have _2. work _3. tell _ 4. sit _5. play _Step 6 HomeworkFinish your writing about your family. 教学反思略。

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