外研版(三起点)2019-2020学年小学英语三年级上册Module 2单元练习A卷.doc

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外研版(三起点)2019-2020学年小学英语三年级上册Module 2单元练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)当你想知道别人的卧室是什么样的, 你应该问: A . What s in your bedroom?B . What about your bedroom?C . May I see your new bedroom?D . Whats your bedroom like?2. (2分)当有朋友到你家做客时,你应该说:_A . Welcome to my home.B . Thank you to my home.C . This is my home.3. (2分)_You can take the No. 25 bus.A . Can I go on foot?B . How can I get there?C . Where is the cinema?4. (2分)Count the balls. How many?_.A . BallsB . Two ballC . Twelve5. (2分)当你想说这是我的书包的时候,可以说:_ A . This is my box.B . This is my schoolbag.C . This is my book.6. (2分)别人夸赞你的新衣服很漂亮时,你可以说:A . Its nice. B . Thank you.7. (2分)Pass chopsticks, please. A . heB . hisC . him8. (2分)Peter collects and I collect . A . box, leafsB . boxes, leafsC . boxes, leaves9. (2分)How _ money has Pat got? ( )A . manyB . muchC . happy10. (2分)当你肚子饿了,想吃点面包时,你应该对妈妈说:_ A . Mum. Id like some bread.B . Have some bread, Mum.C . Here you are, Mum.二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共5分)11. (1分)It is not a beautiful ducklingIts a poor_duckling 12. (1分)We are going to have a holiday.G_!13. (1分)My school _(开始) at 8:10 every day. 14. (1分)We flew k_ high in the sky. 15. (1分)f e v i_三、 匹配题 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)英汉互译 be quiet_ A.一直向前走turn right_ B.安静turn left_ C.向右转in the street_ D.向左转play together_ E.在街上go straight on_ F.一起玩四、 连词成句 (共5题;共25分)17. (5分)sad look You (.)(连词成句) 18. (5分)hungry, were, we, thirsty, and, (.) (连词成句) 19. (5分)brother/what/your/do /does(?) (连词成句) 20. (5分)too, come, she, can(. )_21. (5分)Yang Ling Im Hello , .(连词成句) 第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共5分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 匹配题 (共1题;共5分)16-1、四、 连词成句 (共5题;共25分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、

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