人教精通版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)——名词(II )卷.doc

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人教精通版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)——名词(II )卷.doc_第1页
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人教精通版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)——名词(II )卷.doc_第2页
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人教精通版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)——名词(II )卷.doc_第3页
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人教精通版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)名词(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)They are his _. A . umbrellaB . pantsC . hat2. (2分)Winter is _. A . comeB . comesC . coming3. (2分)Turn right. Dont turn _. A . leftB . straightC . right4. (2分)People in China usually eat on their birthdays.A . cakesB . noodlesC . rice cakes5. (2分)Look at the _.A . window B . blackboard6. (2分)选出与其他两项不同类的一项( ) A . secretaryB . universityC . gym7. (2分)What interesting film!A . aB . anC . the8. (2分)找出不同类的单词( ) A . sunnyB . warmC . windyD . duck9. (2分)I _ up at 6 oclock. A . goB . getC . goneD . goes10. (2分)How does he _?He _happy.A . feel, feelsB . feels, feelC . feel, feel11. (2分)Im _. Where is the zoo? A . lostB . loseC . miss12. (2分)They are _ . A . swimB . swimmingC . swims13. (2分)Its a _ A . lamp purpleB . purpleC . purple lamp14. (2分)选出不同类的单词A . happyB . heavyC . swing15. (2分)Its a _ pencil! A . myB . niceC . your16. (2分)Your grandfather has one child:_.A . your sisterB . your motherC . your cousin17. (2分)选出下列不同类的选项 。A . thirstyB . feverC . hungry18. (2分)I want some _. A . juiceB . juicesC . a juice19. (2分)She is . A . student B . a student20. (2分)A . hamburger B . rubber21. (2分)My parents and I_ big eyes. My brother _ small eyes. A . has;haveB . have;hasC . have;have22. (2分) you Danny?No, Im not.A . AreB . AmC . Is23. (2分)The pen _ on the desk. Its under the desk. A . isB . isntC . not24. (2分)Its sunny. Put on your _. A . appleB . raincoatC . cap25. (2分)Do you like these ?Yes, I do.A . tomatoB . tomatoesC . tomatos26. (2分)选出和其他两项不同类的一项( ) A . ChineseB . SundayC . music27. (2分)男性,无论有无结婚A . Miss B . Mr.28. (2分)A . Its blue and yellow. B . Its blue and green.29. (2分)选出和其它两个不同类的一项( ) A . bigB . fatC . pig30. (2分)Autumn is good, summer is my favourite season. A . butB . soC . because31. (2分)My father is the leader (领导者) of his company. Hes a _. A . policemanB . writerC . manager32. (2分)选出不同类的一项( ) A . houseworkB . readC . writeD . help33. (2分)What _ you do in the afternoon? A . areB . doesC . do34. (2分)Its _ pencil. A . MaryB . MarysC . Marys35. (2分)My father always _ a T-shirt to play football.A . wearsB . wearC . put on36. (2分)当你想认识新朋友,你这样向他作自我介绍: A . Hi,Im Mike. B . This is Mike.37. (2分)I played the pipa _. ( )A . tomorrowB . every dayC . yesterday38. (2分)- Whose dresses are these?- Theyre the_.A . twinsB . twinsC . twinsD . twin39. (2分)s_glasses(太阳镜) A . onB . enC . un40. (2分) A . Its a mouth. B . Its a nose.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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