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UNIT3 Grammar Subject verbagreement 1 Tolearnwhatsubject verbagreementmeans Tolearnhowtochoosethecorrectsingularorpluralverbafterthesubjectinasentence Teachingaims 2 主谓一致谓语动词的数必须和主语的人称和数一致 这就叫主谓一致 3 IamateacherSheoftendoesherhomeworkinthemorning Thereisonlyoneboxonthetable Thereare50studentsinourclass 4 就近原则谓语动词根据它前面最邻近的名词或代词或其他词的数的形式 来决定其自身的数的形式 Eg 1 Notonlyhischildrenbutalsohehimselfwantstogothere 2 EithermywifeorIamgoingtoworkthere 5 就近原则的使用情况 当作主语的两个名词或代词由or either or neither nor whether or notonly butalso not but 连接时 在therebe herebe 句型中 1 There be alamp twopensandthreebooksonthedesk 2 Here be someenvelopesandpaperforyou 3 Notonlyhisfamilybutalsohe like Chaplin smovies 4 YouorI be goingtoreceivethemtonight is are likes am 6 5 NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother A isB areC amD be6 There inthisroom a aretoomuchfurnitureb istoomanyfurnituresc aretoomuchfurnituresd istoomuchfurniture 7 7 NeitherTomnorhisparents athome a isb arec hasd was8 Eitherthedeanortheprincipal themeeting attendsattendc areattendingd haveattended 8 9 waswrong a Nottheteacherbutthestudentsb Boththestudentsandtheteacherc Neithertheteachernorthestudentsd Notthestudentsbuttheteacher10 Hedidn tsaywhethersomeEnglishnovelsoranEnglishdictionary wanted A areB isC wasD were 9 有togetherwith with aswellas but except besides ratherthan including along alongwith like 连接并列主语时 采取就前原则 10 1 They togetherwithTom goingtoswimthisafternoon be 2 Noonebutyourparents therethen be 3 He likeyouandyourbrother veryclever be 4 Theteacher includinghisstudents goingtoseeProfessorTell be 5 Mary togetherwithhissisters goneback have are was is is has 11 1 Anexpert togetherwithsomeassistants tohelpinthiswork A wassentB weresentC issendingD aresending2 eitherheorIfitforthejob Neitherhenoryou Am areB Is areC Are areD Is is 12 3 Nothingbutcars intheshop A issoldB aresoldC weresoldD aregoingtosell4 Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift A isofferedB haveofferedC areofferedD hasoffered 13 由and或both and连接主语 谓语动词用复数 1 Apoetandanovelisthavevisitedourschool 2 WuDongandWuXi be twinbrother are 14 1 Thesingerandthedancer cometothemeeting A hasB haveC areD is2 ThesecretaryofthePartybranchandthedirectorofthatfactoryoften withtheworkers A worksB workC isworkingD areworking 15 如果and连接的两个词是指同一个人 同一事物或同一概念 则两个名词共用一个冠词 谓语用单数 Eg 1 Theteacherandwriterisherfriend 2 Butterandbreadisherfavoritefood 3 Ajournalistandauthor live inthehouse4 Thedoctorandprofessor be comingatonce lives is 16 1 TheLeaguesecretaryandmonitor askedtomakeaspeechatthemeeting A beB wasC areD were2 Wiskyandsoda hisfavoritedrink A isB areC wereD havebeen 17 3 Lightandheat oftensentouttogetherwithheavysmoke isB wasC areD being4 waswrong Nottheteacherbutthestudentsb Boththestudentsandtheteacherc Neithertheteachernorthestudentsd Notthestudentsbuttheteacher 18 常见的由and连接的指一个概念的有 theneedleandthread theforkandknife awatchandchain thebreadandbutter saltandwater soapandwater ironandsteel acupandsaucer 茶托 等 19 every and every each and each no and no manya and manya 连接两个单数名词作主语时 谓语动词用单数 20 1 Everydeskandeverychair madeofwood be 2 Manyaboyandgirl madethesamemistake have 3 Noboyandnogirl be intheclassroom 4 Manyastudent like popsongs is has is likes deskandchair aboyandagirl boyandgirl 5 Manystudents like popsongs like 21 1 Eachmanandwoman thesamerights hasb havec hadd ishaving2 Manyastudent theimportanceoflearningaforeignlanguage a haverealizedb hasrealizedc havebeenrealizedd hasbeenrealized 22 3 Nochairandnodesk permittedtobetakenawayfromthereadingroom areB wereC isD be4 Manyafather learnttohissorrowwhatitistohaveasonwhotellslies A haveB isC areD has 23 5 Everyman womanandchild somehistory enoughatleast tosurviveintheworld A knowsB knowC isknownD areknown 24 1 Alotofstudents be waitingoutsidenow 2 Morethan70percentofthesurface be coveredbywater 3 Therestofthemoney belong toyou are is belongs some of plentyof alotof most of therestof all of half of part of themajorityof 分数或百分数 of 名词等短语作主语时 谓语动词与of后的名词或则和其替代的名词保持数的一致 25 1 ofthelandinthatdistrict coveredwithtreesandgrass A Twofifth isB Twofifth areC Twofifths isD Twofifths are2 Ihavefinishedalargepartofthebook therest moredifficult A isB areC wasD were 26 3 Mostofhissavings intheXinHuaBank hasbeenkeptb isbeingkeptc havekeptd havebeenkept4 Themajorityofthedamage easytorepair isb arec wered be 27 5 Themajorityofdoctors smokingisharmfultohealth arebelievedb hadbelievedc hasbelievedd believe6 Three fourthsofthebuildings wasdestroyedb isdestroyedc weredestroyedd hasbeendestroyed 28 none有时作单数看待 有时作复数看待 主要根据说话人的意思决定 eg Noneofthebooksareeasyenoughforus Noneofushasacamera Noneofthemoneyispaidtome 29 one everyone each either neither theother anotheranybody anyone anything somebody someone something everybody everyone everything nobody noone nothing thenumber of 复数名词作主语或是独立充当主语时 谓语动词用单数 30 Eachofthestudentshasabook Neitherofthemhastoldme Eitheroftheanswersisright 1 Theyeach anewdictionary A hasB haveC isD are2 Eachofyou responsiblefortheaccident a amb bec isd are 31 3 Eachofthestudentsinourclass greatinterestinEnglishandtheyeach acopyofNewEnglish ChineseDictionary A shows haveB have hasC is haveD takes has4 Thetwosistersareforcedtoplaythepiano Infact neitherofthem toplayit A likeB likedC likesD liking 32 5 Nobodybuthisfamily thesecret knowB areknownC haveknownD knew 33 oneandahalf做主语时 谓语动词用做单数 Oneandahalfyearshaspassed Oneandahalfappleshasrottedaway 34 more 复数名词 thanone和morethanone 单数名词的意义相同 均表示 不只一个 但前者用作复数 后者用作单数 morethan 两个以上的数字 名词复数做主语时 谓语动词用复数 35 Morestudentsthanonewerepunished Morethanonestudentwaspunished Morethantwohundredpersonsarepresent Morethanonewaskilledinthebattle 36 1 Morethanoneworker dismissed havebeenb arec hasbeend has2 Morethanonegraduate senttothehardestplacesince1979 isB areC hasbeenD havebeen 37 表示时间 数目 距离 价格 度量衡等名词的复数作主语 并作为整体看待时 谓语动词用单数 1 Fourhoursisenoughtodotheexperiment 2 Tendollarsistoomuchtopayforthatshirt 3 Thirtyfeetislongenough 38 1 twentydollarsabigsumtoher Isupposeso Willbeb Isc Ared Were2 Threehours enoughforustofinishthetask areb hasc isd were 39 算术中的动词单复数都可以 多用单数 Twoandtwomakes makefour Threetimesthreeisnine 40 集合名词class family army enemy team group government staff audience crowd public committee等作主语时 若强调整体 谓语用单数 若表示组成该集体的成员 谓语用复数 41 Eg 1 beMyfamily verylarge Hisfamily waitingforhim 2 be haveTheclass madeupof54students Alltheclass gonetotheplayground is are were is have 42 1 Thecommittee overtheproblemamongthemselvesfortwohours hasarguedb hasbeenarguingc havearguedd havebeenarguing2 Thepublic generousintheircontributionstotheearthquakevictims isb wasc ared hasbeen3 Hisfamily alwaysquarrellingamong A is itselfB are themselvesC is themselvesD are itself 43 有些名词本身表示复数概念 其谓语动词用复数形式 如people police cattle goods youth clothes等 44 Eg 1 Thepolice runningafterathief be 2 Cattle ongrass feed 3 Allthegoods have arrived are feed have 45 1 Cattle onthehillside grazesb isgrazingc wasgrazingd weregrazing2 TheyouthofChinatoday tryingtheirbesttostudymodernscienceandtechnology A isB wasC wereD are 46 定冠词 adj 分词 表示一类具体的人或物时 谓语用复数 若表示某一抽象概念 则用单数 47 1 Theold takengoodcareofhere be 2 Theold give placetothenew 3 Thetrue be tobedistinguishedfromthefalse 4 Therich be fortheplan butthepooragainstit are gives is are 48 1 Thewounded bythehospital havebeentakeninB hasbeentakeninC havetakeninD hastakenin2 Inthatcountry therich richer thepoor poorer becomeb hasbecomec becomesd isbecoming 49 what who which any of more most all of half of part of 等代词作主语 谓语可以是单数 也可以是复数 主要看它们指代的是什么来决定 50 1 Whichisyourroom 2 Whichareyourrooms 3 Allthatcanbedonehasbeendone 4 Alloftheworkersareskilled 5 Amanwhothinksonlyhimselfcanneverbehappy 6 Heisnotoneofthosewhobowbeforedifficulties 51 一个不定式 动名词 从句作主语时 谓语要用单数形式 两个或两个以上的不定式 动名词或是从句做主语时 谓语用复数 但是如同这两个结构指一个概念 仍然用单数 52 Readingisagoodway Tosayitisonething todoitisanother Whathesaysandwhathedoesdonotagree Earlytogotobedandearlytorisemakesamanhealthy wealthyandwise 53 1 Whenandwheretobuildthenewfactory yet A isnotdecidedB arenotdecidedC hasnotdecidedD havenotdecided 54 2 Gettingtootherplanetsortothemoon manyproblems involveb involvesc involvingd toinvolve 55 clothing furniture traffic jewellery baggage luggageequipment 等无生命的集合名词作主语时 谓语动词用单数 Clothingisbadlyneededinthisfloodedarea 56 1 Heisoneofthestudentswhoaremodest 2 Heistheonlyoneofthestudentswhoismodest 3 Allthosewhowanttogoonajourney pleasesignyournameshere 在定语从句中 谓语动词总是与先行词保持一致 57 在倒装句中 谓语动词往往与其后的第一个主语取得一致 也就是说 倒装句要采用就近原则 58 Whereisyourmotherandyoursisters Intheroomwasfoundahat afewsuitsofclothesandsomeshoesandsocks 59 1 Betweenthetworowsoftrees ateachingbuildingandtwodormitories A standB standsC standingD are2 Onthewall twolargeportraitsofhisparents A hangsB hangedC hangingD hang 60 3 Growingaroundthelake wildflowersofdifferentcolors isB areC hasD have 61 一个肯定的主语和一个否定的主语 同时并用 谓语的数往往依肯定的主语而定 You notI aretobepraised I notyou ambeblame 62 以s结尾的词 但表示学科 国家 机构 书籍 报刊等名称作主语 谓语用单数 63 Mathsisausefulsubject His SelectedPoems firstpublishedin1970 A wasB wereC hadbeenD havebeen 64 1 ThePhilippines tothesouth eastofChina a liesb liec layd lays2 Mathematics thelanguageofscience isb hasbeenc ared havebeen 65 由山脉 群岛 瀑布 运动会等s结尾的专有名词作主语谓语用复数 TheOlympicGamesareheldonceeveryfouryears 66 表示成双成套的名词 如 trousers shorts shoes socks scissors glasses compasses 等做主语时 谓语动词用复数 67 Tom strousersaretoolong Yourglassesareonyournose Thereisapairofshoesunderthebed Thepairsofshoeshavewornout 68 Where myscissors rightonthedesk A are It sB is It sC are TheyareD is Theyare 69 1 thispairoftrousersfithimwell AreB IsC DoD Does2 Strangelyenough apairofnewtrousers amongtherubbish A werefoundB wasfoundC foundD hadfound 70 Let spractise 71 1 Acartandahorse inthedistance 2 Acartandhorse inthedistance A wasseenB wereseenC seeD sees B A 72 2 Thefactory includingitsmachinesandbuildings burntlastnight A isB areC wereD was3 1 Thestudentsinourschooleach anEnglishdictionary 2 Eachofthestudentsinourschool anEnglishdictionary A arehavingB hadC hasD have D C 73 4 1 Manystudents thatmistakebefore 2 Manyastudent thatmistakebefore A hadmadeB hasbeenmadeC havemadeD hasmade C D 74 5 I who yourgoodfriend willshareyourjoysandsorrows A wasB areC isD am6 Allbuthimandme tothecinema A aregoingB isgoingC wasgoingD hasgoing 75 7 Someperson callingforyouatthegate A willbeB isbeingC isD are8 ThepopulationofChina largerthanthatoftheUSA A willbeB areC isD was9 Deer fasterthandogs A willrunB arerunningC runsD run 76 10 Everymeans tried butthereisnoresult A havebeenB hasbeenC willbeD were11 Thispairoftrousers mysister Mytrousers A isbelongto isbeingwashedB belongsto arebeingwashedC belongto arebeingwashedD arebelongingto hasbeenwashed 77 13 Toplaybasketballandtogoswimming usefulforcharacter training A wasB isC areD were14 WhatIwant aninterestingbookwhilewhathewants twocupsofcoffee A is areB are isB is isD are are 78 15 MostoftheartistswillgototheUnitedStatesnextweek Therest tovisitJapan hasB haveC areD is16 yourclothes No mine hangingoverthere A Isit isB Arethere areC Isit areD arethese is 79 17 Largequantitiesoffruit allovertheworldfromChinatoday isshippedB areshippedC hasshippedD haveshipped18 Allpossiblemeans tosavethewoundedsoldier hasbeentriedB havebeentriedC istobetriedD aretrying 80 19 Sixtypercentofthemilk horrible A tastedB tasteC wastastedD weretasted20 Onethousanddollars alargesumofmoneyinhereye A areB isC shouldbeD seemtobe 81 21 It WilliamandCarolwhohelpedmetheotherday A hasbeenB areC wasD were22 Eitheryouortheheadmaster theprizestothesegiftedstudentsatthemeeting A isnotdecidedB aretohandoutC arehandingoutD istohandout 82 23 Threehours enoughforustofinishthetask areb hasc isd were24 Allthatcanbedone a hasdoneb hasbeendonec havedoned havebeendone25 Oneorperhapsmorepages ismissingb hasbeenmissedc aremissingd wasmissing 83 goodbye 84

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