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鄂教版2019-2020学年四年级英语(上册)期中考试试卷B卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选出下列每小题中单词划线部分发音与众不同的选项 (共4题;共4分)1. (1分)选出画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A . whoB . weatherC . white2. (1分)选出不同类的单词( ) A . youngB . ringC . trunk 3. (1分)选出划线发音不同的一项( ) A . modelB . roleC . October4. (1分)选出下列单词中划线部分发音与其它不同的单词( ) A . fineB . missC . chick二、 看图,根据首字母提示补全单词。 (共6题;共6分)5. (1分)Jack Chen is a famous k _ movie star. 6. (1分)Dont climb the tree. (抄写句子) _7. (1分)Id like a _ (瓶) of juice. 8. (1分) I dont like_. 9. (1分)每个单词都有字母写错了。请在横线上写出正确单词。 (1)nuase_ (2)coak_ (3)doctoo_(4)farmee_(5)worter_(6)greas_ (7)jok_(8)sicl_(9)peopla _(10)teacc _10. (1分)用基数词表示下列各数 (1)4_(2)13_(3)37_(4)50_(5)43_(6)86_(7)92_(8)75_(9)28_(10)100_三、 选词填空。 (共1题;共6分)11. (6分)选择正确的单词,补全短文 Jacks SaturdayYesterday _(is/was) Saturday. Jack was at home. In the morning, he _(cook/cooked) noodles for breakfast. Then he _(does/did) his homework. After one hour, he _(help/helped) his mother. In the afternoon, he _(listen/listened) to music. In the evening, he didnt _(play/played) on the computer. He _(watch/watched) TV with his grandparents. He _(has/had) a happy day.四、 读一读,选一选。 (共6题;共6分)12. (1分)My cat was small then. Now it is very _. A . bigB . shortC . tall13. (1分)I like _. A . hamburger B . hamburgers14. (1分)What are they? _ my shoes.A . They areB . It isC . He is15. (1分)Im thirsty. I want some A . milkB . hamburgersC . dolls16. (1分)How do we_ the park? A . goB . getC . get to17. (1分)If Li Lei is good at sports, he can be a . A . secretaryB . coachC . pilot五、 情景选择。 (共6题;共6分)18. (1分)Hello, I am a dog. A . Hi, Dog.B . Hello, Im a cat.C . Hello, Cat.19. (1分) Is this your shirt? _A . Yes, it is. B . Yes, he is.20. (1分)你想问“教室在哪里”,应该问: A . Where is the classroom? B . Where is the school?21. (1分)你想知道对方喜欢什么动物, 可以问: A . What do you like doing?B . What do you like eating?C . What animals do you like?22. (1分)What subjects do you like? A . I like music.B . I like running.C . No, I dont.23. (1分)你想知道别人喜欢吃肉吗,应该问: A . Do you like tomatoes? B . Do you like meat?六、 读一读,用所给单词的恰当形式填空 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分)My father gave _ (I) a book on _ (I) birthday. 25. (1分)My mother collects _(book). 26. (1分)I always_(go) to bed at nine oclock. 27. (1分)They go to_ (play) football in the afternoon. 28. (1分)We like these_(bear). 七、 请在答题卷四线格上正确书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 (共1题;共2分)29. (2分)I want to have some _(d, m, p, l, i, n, u, g, s). 八、 阅读理解。判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)读短文,回答问题 The tortoise and the rabbitRabbit loves running. He can run very fast. One day, he sees a small green animal with a hard shell(壳).Hello, Rabbit says, Who are you? Im a tortoise. What do tortoises like? We like running, Tortoise says. Rabbit laughs. I can run very fast. Lets have a race (赛跑).Rabbit is very fast. Tortoise is very slow. I will (将会) win (获胜), Rabbit thinks. Then he falls asleep (睡着的).Tortoise walks and walks. He walks past (经过) Rabbit and gets to the finish line (终点线). Tortoise wins!(1)What does Rabbit love? (2)Who runs fast, Rabbit or Tortoise? (3)Who wins the race? 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 选出下列每小题中单词划线部分发音与众不同的选项 (共4题;共4分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、二、 看图,根据首字母提示补全单词。 (共6题;共6分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、9-6、9-7、9-8、9-9、9-10、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、10-6、10-7、10-8、10-9、10-10、三、 选词填空。 (共1题;共6分)11-1、四、 读一读,选一选。 (共6题;共6分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、五、 情景选择。 (共6题;共6分)18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、六、 读一读,用所给单词的恰当形式填空 (共5题;共5分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、七、 请在答题卷四线格上正确书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 (共1题;共2分)29-1、八、 阅读理解。判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符 (共1题;共5分)30-1、30-2、30-3、

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