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objectclause宾语从句 1 宾语从句Idon tknowhim 宾语 动作的对象 一般有介词 名词 或名词短语构成 Idon tknowwherehelives 句子做宾语 宾语从句 学习宾语从句要判断几种句子 1 陈述句Sheisadoctor 2 一般疑问句Issheadoctor 3 特殊疑问句Whatisshe 宾语从句练习一般是要改直接引语为间接引语 Hesays Sheismydoctor 直接引语 Hesaysthatsheishisdoctor 间接转述 2 1 陈述句Sheisadoctor 2 一般疑问句Issheadoctor 3 特殊疑问句Whatisshe 这三中句子如果接在Idon tknow后面做宾语从句的话都应该是陈述句的语序即第一种句型中的语序 主 谓语 其它 但需要有一个引导词连接主句和从句Idon tknow1 Sheisadoctor Idon tknow that sheisadoctor Idon tknow2 Issheadoctor Idon tknowif whethersheisadoctor Idon tknow3 Whatisshe Idon tknowwhatsheis 3 变宾语从句归纳 三要素 1 连词 引导词 A 加that 可省 that 连陈述句 B 加if whether是否 连一般问句 C 加特殊问词 what where when which who whose how 2 连词后的从句一律是陈述语序 主 谓 宾 3 宾语从句中动词与主句动词时态一致变化形式 4 时态的变化 1 当主句是现在时的时候 从句可根据需要用任何时态 2 当主句是过去时的时候 从句变更过去的时态 eg Idon tknowwhatsheisnow whatshewastenyearsago whatshewillbeinthefuture whatshehasbeen whatshecanbe Ididn tknowwhatshewasthen whatshehadbeentenyearsago whatshewouldbeinthefuture whatshehadbeen whatshecouldbe 5 主句 过去时 从句 相应更过去的时态 am is are was werecan couldwill wouldwork workedhasdone haddoneshall shouldwas were hadbeenworked hadworked 6 人称的变化 根据说话的对象 不同的场景具体情况具体分析 时间或地点的变化 now then 如果说话的时间变了 here there 如果说话的场景变了 对祈使句的转述 要用tell asksb todosth 的句型 Mumsaid Getup Mumtoldmetogetup 7 Summarize 小结 1 Leadingword 引导词 that 引导陈述句if whether引导一般疑问句Questionpron adv 特殊疑问词 引导特殊疑问句2 Sentenceorder 语序 宾语从句一律用陈述句即 3 Tense 时态 当主句是过去时时从句要用相应的更过去的时态 具体要记 8 宾语从句口诀 学习宾从三注意 时态连词和语序 时态主从要呼应 主句若为现在时 从句时态随句意 主句若为过去时 从句时态变过去 语序要用陈述序 切莫照搬疑问句 That连接陈述句 省与不省没关系 从句若表 是否 时 if whether均可以 特殊问句做宾语 仍用原来疑问词 三个问题须记牢 切莫丢东忘了西 9 将下列句子合并为一句 1 Wheredotheystopontheway Iasked 2 Whatwillyouspeakatthemeeting Couldyoutellme 3 Dotheyliketomakefriendswithus Heasked 4 Iamdoingmyhomework Hesaid Iaskedwheretheystoppedontheway CouldyoutellmewhatIwillspeakatthemeeting Heaskediftheylikedtomakefriendswiththem Hesaidhewasdoinghishomework 10 5 Iwillcomeback Tomsaid 6 Ishedoinghishomework Jimasked 7 Whenwillhecomeback Tomasked 8 HowcanIgettothestation Couldyoutellme Tomsaidthathewouldcomeback Tomaskedifhewasdoinghishomework Tomaskedwhenhewouldcomeback CouldyoutellmehowIcangettothestation Could Wouldyoutellme 这里could would是表示委婉不代表过去时 所以后面的时候根据从句需要的时间使用动词 11 9 Whyisthetrainlate Wouldyoutellme 10 WhereisTom Theyasked Wouldyoutellmewhythetrainislate would这里表示委婉不代表过去时 TheyaskedwhereTomwas 12 1 Theradiosaysit cloudytomorrow be 2 Theheadmasterhopeseverything well go 3 Tomsaysthatthey play basketballatsixo clockyesterdayevening 4 Ihearthey return italready willbe goes wereplaying havereturned 13 1 Hesaidthatthey membersofthePartysince1948 be 2 Heaskedwhatthey ateightlastnight do 3 Theteachertoldhisclassthatlight fasterthansound travel 4 Ithinkyou abouttherelayracenow talk 2 Ididn tknowwhomtheletters from be 10 Ididn tknowwhattimehe theletter write hadbeen weredoing travels aretalking were wrote 14 11 MissWangtoldmethattheearth move roundtheearth 12 Couldyoutellmewho awaythebookalready take 13 LingFengtoldmehe toBeijingseveraltimes be 14 Ourteachertoldusinclassthesun intheeast rise 15 Canyoutellmewhatthey yesterday do moves hastaken hadbeen rises did 15 1 Doyouknowhowmuchhotwater A MumisneededB doesMumneedC MumneedsD didMumneed2 Heasked therewasabookshopinthestreet A thatB whatC howD whether3 Iwonder A whobrokethewindowB whothewindowbrokeC whosecoatisthisD whatisthepopulationofchina4 Idon tknow whichroomIcanliveBwhichroomcanIliveC whichroomcanIliveinD whichroomIcanlivein C D A D 16 u 5 Canyoutellme A whereheisB whereisheC heiswhereD whatishe6 Ididn tknowhowtoLondon A wouldtheygoB aretheygoingC theywouldgoD theyaregoing7 IwanttoknowhowlongA hashebeenbackB hashecomebackC hehasbeenbackD hehascomeback8 Doyouknow A whatthenewsareB whatisthenewsC whatthenewsisD whatarethenews A C C C 17 3 Couldyoutellme thebikethismorning A howhemendedB howhemendsC howdidhemendD howdoeshemend4 Doyouknow A whatdoesdoesheteachB whatsubjectheteachesC whatsubjectishegoingtoteachD whatsubjectwillheteach 18 5 Couldyoutellme I mnotsure A howmanypeoplehavebeenoutofhospitalB whenisThanksgivingC whichanimaldoeshelikebestD whattimewillthedolphinshowstart6 MrSmithaskedmewhy toschoollastweek A didn tAnngoB Anndidn tgoC AnnnotgoD Anndoesn tgo 19 7 Couldyoutellus A whenyouwillsendtheTVtoourhouse B whenwillyousendtheTVtoourhouse C whenwouldyousendtheTVtoourhouseD whenyouwouldsendtheTVtoourhouse8 Myfrienddidn ttellme A whichroomhelivedB whichroomhelivedinC whichroomdidhelivedin 20 9 Doyouknow Nextyear A whenhecamehereB whendidhecomehereC whenhewillcomehereD whenwillhecomehere10 Pleasetellme A wheredoesheliveB wherehelivesC whereliveshe 21 11 Doyouknow A whattimedoesheleaveB whattimethetrainleavesC whattimedidthetrainleave12 Shedidn ttellus A howoldsheisB howoldshewasC howoldwassheD howoldisshe13 Doyouknow A whatdoeshereadB whathereads 22 18 Couldyoutellushowlong Aboutthreedays A doesthesportsmeetlast B thesportsmeetlastC thesportsmeetwilllast goon 19 Irellydon tknow thecarwithouthelp A howdidherepairB whatdidherepairC howherepairedD whatherepaired 23 选择填空 1 Doyouknowwhattime A thetrainleaveB doesthetrainleaveC willthetrainleaveD thetrainleaves 2 Ican tunderstand A whatdoesChristmasmeanB whatChristmasdoesmeanC whatmeanChristmasdoesD whatChristmasmeans 3 Canyoutellus A whendidhecomeB whenhecameC whendidhecameD hecamewhen D D B 24 选择填空 4 Couldyoutellme theradiowithoutanyhelp A howdidhemendB whatdidhemendC howhemendedD whathemended 5 Shesaidthesun intheeast A roseB willriseC risesD rise 6 Mr Whitehopedhe Chinathenextyear A wouldvisitB willvisitC visitedD hasvisited C C A 25 二 句子改错 1 Doyouknowwhataretheytalkingabout 2 Helefttheclassroomuntilheclosedthewindow 3 She lltellyouassoonasshe llknowthat 4 I dliketoknowwhenJohnisbacktomorrow 5 BecauseIlikehim soIwenttohishometownwithhim 6 Iaskedherthatwhereshelived 7 WhileIwasachild Ilikedtocollectstamps 8 I llgotoseeyouifIwillbefree 9 HespokeveryfastthatIcouldn tunderstand 10 Evenalthoughheisveryold hecanwork theyare didn tleave knows willbe collecting When am so though 26 QuestionsastheObjectClause 1 Doyoulikesports Heasks 2 Dotheyhavelunchathomeeveryday Iwonder 3 Doesyourfatherdrivetowork Peasetellme 4 DoeshewatchTVmostevenings Sheasked 5 Doyourparentsstayuplate Theydidn tknow ifIlikesports iftheyhavelunchathomeeveryday ifyourfatherdrivestowork ifhewatchedTVmostevenings ifmyparentsstayeduplate 27 完成下列句子 1 Canyoutellme 哪张画最好 2 Idon t 他们班有多少学生 3 Iaskedher 是否去过北京 4 Sheaskedme 谁的父亲在这工厂工作 5 Iamnotsure 他现在是否在家 6 Jimasked 谁发现了那个笔记本 whichpictureisthebest howmanystudentsthereareintheirclass whetherheisathomeornot whethershehadbeentoBeijing whosefatherworkedinthisfactory whofoundthatnotebook 28 7 Canyoutellme 你妈何时入党 8 Hesaid 他已经学了三年英语 9 Doyouremember 我昨天说的话 whenyourmotherjoinedtheParty thathehaslearntEnglishforthreeyears whatIsaidyesterday 29 10 Doyouknow 他在哪儿工作 11 Hedidn tknow 今晚住哪里 12 Theteachersaid 地球是圆的 13 Youcantellme 为何不跟我一起去 14 Nobodyknows 他到底发生了什么事 15 Iwanttoknow 他长大了要做什么 whereheworks whereyoulivedtonight that theearthisround whyyoudon tgooutwithme whatonearthhappened whathewillbewhenhegrowsup 30 6 Didanyoneseeyouonthewayhome Fatheraskedme 7 Didhegooutlastnight Ididn tknow 8 Doesheplayfootballinhisfreetime Iwondered 9 DoTomandJanesharethesamestudy Hewantedtoknow 10 Wheredoeshework Couldyoutellme ifanyonesawmeonthewayhome ifhewentoutlastnight ifheplayedfootballinhisfreetime ifTomandJaneshared whereheworks thesamestudy 31 1 Wheredidyougoyesterday Couldyoutellme 2 Whydidyoucomelateyesterday Couldyouletmeknow where youwentyesterday why youcamelateyesterday 32

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