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牛津版备考2020年小升初英语专题复习(语法专练):动词C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分) Where _ you want to visit then? I wanted to visit Hangzhou.A . doB . didC . are2. (2分)_this cat. A . SeeB . Look atC . Look3. (2分)I _ drawing and making models. A . likesB . canC . like4. (2分)Ive _a new book.A . get B . got5. (2分)What would you like_?Id like some tea.A . to drinkB . to eatC . eat6. (2分)I a new bag. My brother a new bag, too. A . havehasB . hashaveC . havehave7. (2分)_ your body. A . ClapB . ShakeC . Wave8. (2分)Amy _ Saturdays. A . likeB . onC . likes9. (2分)Look at the light. It is red. Lets . A . goB . waitC . stop10. (2分)Joe is my brother. He _ a green shirt. A . isB . hasC . have11. (2分)A . I like noodles. B . I like rice.12. (2分)We _ the moon and eat moon cakes. A . watchB . seeC . look13. (2分)There _be a party in the classroom. A . isB . willC . would14. (2分)There _ some apples and there _ a bed and two chairs in Bettys room. A . is, areB . are, isC . is, is15. (2分)I _ c, D, m. A . lookB . seeC . sit16. (2分)His shoes _ blue. A . isB . amC . are17. (2分)I want to _ to Dunhuang with my parents. A . goesB . goC . going18. (2分)Here you _. A . wouldB . areC . is19. (2分)Tim usually _ jigsaw puzzles. A . doB . doesC . did20. (2分)The light is green. You can . A . stopB . turn rightC . wait21. (2分)He _a friend in America . A . wantB . wantsC . wanted22. (2分)My brother _ his homework yesterday. A . didnt doB . didntC . does23. (2分)What your sister have?She a coat.A . are; haveB . does; hasC . do; have24. (2分)What _ our city dirty?Smoke _ the cars.A . makes; fromB . make; aboutC . takes; to25. (2分)There is a bed in the _. A . bedroomB . bathroomC . kitchen26. (2分)My brother often _football on Saturday. A . playB . play theC . plays27. (2分)My father _like summer A . isntB . doesntC . dont28. (2分)Where do you want to _ this winter vacation? A . goB . goesC . going29. (2分)What children do in autumn? A . doesB . areC . do30. (2分)Lucky and I like _. A . singingB . singC . sings31. (2分)What _ you have? A . areB . doC . does32. (2分)We watch the _ on the MidAutumn Festival. A . moonB . sunC . star33. (2分)Lets _ Happy New Year. A . speakB . sayC . listen34. (2分)There many plants in my garden. A . isB . areC . am35. (2分)I_my eraser. Can you help me_ it? A . loss; findB . lost; findC . lost; found36. (2分)They _my cousins. A . amB . isC . are37. (2分)Here _ the school bus. A . comeB . comingC . comes38. (2分)Last night the children _ a lot of noise in the dormitory (宿舍). A . makeB . makedC . made39. (2分)Yesterday I _my grandma all day. A . helpedB . helpC . helps40. (2分)My sister _ many apples on the farm last Sunday. A . picksB . pickedC . is going to pick第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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