牛津上海版(深圳用)英语三年级上册Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 The four seasons同步测试(一) A卷.doc

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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语三年级上册Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 The four seasons同步测试(一) A卷.doc_第1页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语三年级上册Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 The four seasons同步测试(一) A卷.doc_第2页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语三年级上册Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 The four seasons同步测试(一) A卷.doc_第3页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语三年级上册Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 The four seasons同步测试(一) A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题。 (共13题;共26分)1. (2分)ball A . B . 2. (2分)What does your mother do? .A . Hes a teacher. B . Shes a teacher .3. (2分)How are these cucumbers?5 yuan.A . manyB . muchC . long4. (2分)_comes before May. A . JuneB . MarchC . April5. (2分)A . flower B . colour6. (2分)A . I like swimming in summer. B . I like swimming in autumn.7. (2分)你喜欢大象,觉得大象又大又可爱。你说: A . I like elephants. Theyre big and strong. B . I like elephants. Theyre big and cute.8. (2分)He is .A . a cool B . cool9. (2分)爸爸说他不喜欢跑步,他说: A . I dont like running. B . I like running.10. (2分)天气怎么样? A . How are you? B . Hows the weather?11. (2分)Its 7: 30. Its time A . for English classB . to go to schoolC . for lunch12. (2分)I think Chinese is _ than math .A . easierB . easyC . easiest13. (2分)选出与其他两项不同类的一项( ) A . findB . quietC . friendly二、 选词填空。 (共28题;共131分)14. (6分)选词填空。(只写序号)A. are, B. eight,C. Can, D. on,E. big, F. at(1)Its_yuan (2)Ah, its_ (3)Can I try them_? (4)_I help you? (5)Look_that skirt (6)The gloves_nice15. (5分)给下列问答句配对。 Do you like rice? _A. I hear a dog. Woof, woof. Drink some water, Mum. _B. Thank you. What do you hear? _C. No, I like noodles. Smell the orange._D. I like noodles. What do you like?_E. Its nice.16. (1分)Is there _ milk in the glass? 17. (3分)选词填空。big long small(1)I have two _eyes.(2)I have _ears.(3)I have a _mouth.18. (10分)看图完成句子。A. milk B. fish C. afternoon D. hungry E. eveningF. eat G. bread H. thirsty I. dinner J. drink(1)My favourite food is _. (2)In the_, I have lunch. (3)In the _, I have _. (4)Im_. I want to _. (5)Im_. I want to _. (6)I like _ and _for breakfast. 19. (2分)In summer, it is . ( )A . warmB . coolC . hot20. (2分)My hands are than yoursA . bigB . bigerC . bigger21. (2分)Wheres the cat? _A . It is behind the door. B . It is behind the bed.22. (2分)- _ do you do your homework? ( )- I usually do my homework at 7:00.A . WhatB . WhenC . How23. (2分)_ your jacket? A . This isB . Is thisC . Are these24. (25分)根据内容选出正确的图片。A. B. C. D. E. (1)Spring is green with flowers and songs.(2)Summer is hot and the days are long.(3)I often take a dancing class on the weekend.(4)Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.(5)Winter is white and the year is gone.25. (5分)看图,选择适当的单词填空。cloudy rainy windy warm cold(1)The weather in spring is_.(2)Its a_day today.(3)We can see snow in winter. Its_.(4)Its_today. So I cant go out to play.(5) Can you hear the wind? Yes, its_outside.26. (5分)将下面的单词,填到相应的横线上。for and want too(1)It is thirteen dollars_twenty-five cent.(2)Helen is twelve. Bob is twelve, _.(3)Thats _ hot dog.(4)I _ a new bike.(5)A cola _ me.27. (5分)选词填空。(1)I want _ see a film. (2)I feel _now. (3)Lets go there _bus. (4)Its faster _walking. (5)Would you like to talk _ some new books? 28. (5分)看图选单词,将序号填入A. head. B. hand C. arm D. Leg E. Foot_29. (5分)选词填空。old trousers new Saturday clothes(1)These are green_. (2)My sweater is_. I need a_ one. (3)Today is_. I dont go to school. (4)My favourite _ are dresses. 30. (5分)为下列句子选择相应的答语。(_)1. Why do you like fall best?(_)2. When do you get up?(_)3. Whats the weather like in autumn?(_)4. What do you do on the weekend?(_)5. Which season do you like best?A. Summer.B. I often go on a picnic.C. Its windy and cool.D. Because the maple leaf (枫叶)is very beautiful.E. I get up at 6 oclock.31. (10分)选用方框内的单词填空。art what know who are funny is head strict speak(1)Robin can_ English .(2)Mrs White is very _ . We all like her .(3)_ is his brother like ?(4)_is your PE teacher ?(5)Mr Smith is an _ teacher .(6)_ your sister polite ?(7)_ they hard -working ?(8)Shes our _ teacher .(9)Do you _ Mr Wang ?(10) Is he a _ man ?No , hes kind .32. (4分)选词填空he she(1)Whos that boy? Is _your brother? (2)Whos that girl? Is _your sister? (3)Whos that man? Is _your dad? (4)Whos that women? Is _your mother? 33. (4分)_(This/What) is a _(teacher/girl).Whats _(his/her) name?_(Her/His) name is Wang Qiang.34. (1分)Whats Amy like? Shes _(quick, tall)35. (5分)选择方框内单词填空boring interesting asleep brave fairest(1)It is an_book about happy winter holiday (2)The film was_I nearly fell_ (3)He isnt afraid of fireHe is a firemanHe is_ (4)Mirror,mirror on the wall,who is the_of all? 36. (3分)选出与所给单词属于同类的单词。summer, windy, autumn, fly, winter, go, cloudy, sunny, sing(1)Spring:_(2)rainy:_(3)grow:_37. (4分)请把英语单词和相对应的意思填在横线上。A.眼睛 B.画画 C.阅读 D.尺子(1)draw_(2)eye_(3)read_(4)ruler_38. (3分)选出合适的字母组合补全单词。A. B. C. (1)l _k (2)w _ry (3)k _e 39. (1分)They _(go/ will go ) on a trip to Beijing next week. 40. (1分)I_ ( feel, feels,feeling) sick.41. (5分)选词填空。A. take B. speaking C. from D. with E. so(1)Are you_China? (2)Can we play music_you? (3)I am_Chinese. (4)You are_cool. (5)Please_turns. 三、 选择正确的应答句,把答案编号写在前面括号内。 (共4题;共8分)42. (2分)How does Tom feel? A . Hes excited.B . He is twelve.C . Im happy.43. (2分)- What are you going to buy?- _A . By a train.B . Im busy.C . A book.44. (2分)The lion _ the net with his sharp teeth, but that_ help.A . bite; doesntB . bite; didntC . bit; didnt45. (2分)选出不同项( ) A . newB . fineC . goodD . pupil四、 判断题。 (共5题;共10分)46. (2分) Its yellow. Its small. It goes “Peep, peep”.47. (2分)Its rainy.48. (2分)Its windy.49. (2分)What is the weather like today?Its windy and cold.50. (2分)I like flowers. 五、 翻译词组。 (共3题;共8分)51. (2分)我通常7点20去上学。I _ _ to school at seven twenty .52. (3分)首先,我们去购物和看圣诞老人。_, we go_and_Father Christmas.53. (3分)根据汉语意思填空。(1)The birds _ (正在唱歌) in the tree.(2)The ducks _(正在吃)our picnic.(3)It _(正在下雨).六、 补全句子。 (共4题;共17分)54. (2分)We should s_using plastic b_ 55. (5分)根据汉语提示写单词。 (1)This is my _ (新的) cap. (2)What _ (颜色) is my shirt? (3)It is _ (红色的). (4)Look at my_(夹克衫). (5)It _ (是) a T-shirt. 56. (9分)写出下列动词的过去式形式 (1)is_(2)buy_(3)take_(4)drink_(5)throw_(6)put_(7)clean_(8)make_(9)are_57. (1分)I walk home a_ school. 七、 选出划线字母或字母组合的发音不同的一项。 (共2题;共9分)58. (4分)读一读,判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。_slide spring_swim snake_scarf skate_dont do59. (5分)判断下列每组单词画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)相同。(_)A. bed B. red C.egg(_)A. study B. duck C. ruler(_)A. notebook B. sofa C. nose(_)A. use B. excuse C. cute(_)A. kitchen B. picture C. find八、 情景匹配。 (共2题;共10分)60. (5分)手牵手。 Heres a card for you. _ A. I love you, too. What do you like? _ B. Thank you. I love you. _ C. I like toy bears. Dont throw stones. _ D. I have some bread and juice. What do you have for breakfast?_E. Yes, Mr. Li.61. (5分)How old is your mother? 九、 填空题。 (共2题;共8分)62. (4分)读句子,把人物和动作图片搭配起来。Mary is going to read a book_Bob is going to buy a pair of glasses_The boys are making a poster_The girls are going to act a play_A. B. C. D. 63. (4分)给下列短语选择合适的图片. play ping pong _A. Watch TV _B. cook dinner _C. wash clothes _D. 第 28 页 共 28 页参考答案一、 单选题。 (共13题;共26分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、二、 选词填空。 (共28题;共131分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、14-6、15-1、16-1、17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、18-6、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、30-1、31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、31-6、31-7、31-8、31-9、31-10、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、33-1、34-1、35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、36-1、36-2、36-3、37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、38-1、38-2、38-3、39-1、40-1、41-1、41-2、41-3、41-4、41-5、三、 选择正确的应答句,把答案编号写在前面括号内。 (共4题;共8分)42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、四、 判断题。 (共5题;共10分)46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、五、 翻译词组。 (共3题;共8分)51-1、52-1、53-1、53-2、53-3、六、 补全句子。 (共4题;共17分)54-1、55-1、55-2、55-3、55-4、55-5、56-1、56-2、56-3、56-4、56-5、56-6、56-7、56-8、56-9、57-1、七、 选出划线字母或字母组合的发音不同的一项。 (共2题;共9分)58-1、59-1、八、 情景匹配。 (共2题;共10分)60-1、61-1、九、 填空题。 (共2题;共8分)62-1、63-1、

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