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UnitoneIntroduction 1 xx IIntroducemyself 1 GeneralIntroduction name city education 2 Character easygoing enthusiasm shy friendly optimistic out going active amiable cooperative humorous modest etc 3 Job HebeiInstituteofForeignLanguages 4 Hobby 5 Blessings 2 xx IIIntroducesomesentencesonintroduction 1 Letmeintroducemyself Letmedosomeintroduction 让我来介绍一下自己 2 Goodmorning afternoon evening mynameis Itisreallyagreathonortohavethisopportunity chancetointroducemyself Iwouldliketoanswerwhateveryoumayraise andIhopeIcanmakeagoodperformancetoday 上午好 下午好 晚上好 我的名字叫 今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸 我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题 我希望我今天能表现的非常出色 3 xx IIIntroducesomesentencesonintroduction 3 I macuriousperson andIlikelearningnewthings 我是个充满好奇心的人 喜欢学习新的事物 4 Ihavelotsofinterest suchassinging dancing drawingandsoon 我有很多爱好 5 I mquitehard working responsible capable andoutgoing 我觉得自己是个工作勤奋 负责 能干 而且外向的人 4 xx III Playagame Playagame whoisit Teacherchoosesoneofyourclassmatestodescribehis herappearance clothes orcharacter thenletsstudentsguesswhoishe she 5 Phonics 自然拼读法 6 ThesoundofAa Words单词AaapplebatcatfathandhatmappatsadSentences句子Danhasamap Iamanant Ipatacat 7 ThesoundofEe WordsEeeggbeltbestlegpenredtenyeswellSentencesAbadeggandaredhat Icanhelp Igotapen 8 Readandcompare bad bedlad ledland lendman menmat metsat set 9 ThesoundofIi WordsIibighilllistlittlemilkrabbitsittaxizipSentencesIsitabigpig Yes itis Sitinalittletaxi 10 Readandcompare bag beg bigbat bet bitlast lest listmat met mitpat pet pitsat set sit 11 ThesoundofOo WordsOoboxdogfroghophotjobnotonsocksSentencesAdollisonadog Isithot No it snot Itisnotabox 12 ThesoundofUu WordsUubuscupduckjumpMummustrunsunupSentencesBuzzisonabus Dancanjumpandrun 13 Readandcompare bat bet bit bob butlack lend lick lock lucktask test tilt topic tub 14 Thesoundsoftheblends辅音组合 Wordsbl cl flgl pl sl ch shblackblocksclapclockgladplumchipsfishslipSentencesClapyourhandsasfastasyoucan It sablackclock Iamgladtohavefishandchips 15 Reading Thisisahatshop Pamcangetthebesthatintheshop Pamlefttheshop Heisatthebusstop Thebusstops Onthebus Pamsitsonhishat Pamgetsoffthebus Helefthishatonthebus Atlast themanonthebus Atlast themanonthebusgivesPamhishatback Pamisglad 16 Thesoundsoftheblends辅音组合 Br cr dr fr gr pr tr sm sn swBrickcrabdressfroggrassprinttripsmellSnackswimIamfromChina IamChinese Iwilldressupasawitch Thefrogisonabrick 17 Reading Bobhasabigdog Itisblack Itcanjumpandrun Thedogcanswimverywell Bobfellinapond Hecannotswim Heiswet ThedogjumpedinthepondandsavedBobonland 18 MagicE a eCakegamelakenameshakee eChineseeveJapaneseSwedei eBitefivekitelikesmileO eClosehomenoseroperoseU eCubehugemutetube 19 SentencesHisnameisNick Igetupatnineo clock Ilikedogs Sam samebat bateget pekemet metebit bitehid hidehop hopenot notecut cutetub tube 20 Thesoundofai aifailmaidpaintraintailwait aydaygrayMayplaysaywayX ray Thesoundofay 21 SentencesIliketoplaygames It sahotday Ipainttheboxgray IsayIcan 22 Thesoundofee Wordsbeebeeffeelfeetgreenmeetneedseesheepweek WordsCleaneatleafpeachpleaseseatea Thesoundofea 23 Thesoundofey Honeykidneymonkeymoneyturkey Ifeelsad Iliketoeatbeefanddrinktea Iseeakeyonaleaf Theplantneedssun Cape keepmail mealFail feelsay see 24 Thesoundofie ieDieliepietieFrenchfriescried FighthighlightnightrightbrightDon tfight IliketoeatapplepieandFrenchfries Icannotseethesunatnight Thesoundofigh 25 Readandcompare Fat fightMat mightRat rightSet sight 26 UnittwoProblem 27 xx IDiscuss 1 HowtolearnEnglishwords 2 Howtoprovethereadingability 3 Doyouthinkgrammarisveryimportant 4 Howtokeepstudents interest 28 xx IIToexpressyourpreference 1 Likes Ilike love Ilikenothingbetterthan Ican tfindwordstoexpresshowmuchIlikeit ThereisnothingIlikelessthanbeingateacher 2 Dislikes I mafraidIdon tlike love Idon tthinkmuchofit Ifind dull I mtiredofit Ican tstandit Ican tputupwithit 29 xx 3 Preference Iprefer to Ipreferdoing todoing Iprefertodo ratherthando 30 xx IVAgame Whoisthespy 31 UnitThreeSpokenEnglishinClass教师课堂用语 32 xx Whatdotheylike Intheprimaryschoolclass Inthecollageclass Intheforeignteacher sclass 33 xx I 课前BeforetheClass 1 基本问候 BasicGreetings T Howareutoday class S Wearefine T Hello boysandgirls Nicetoseeyou Howareu S Goodmorning MissZhang Wearejustfine 34 xx 2 长假后的寒暄AfteraVacation T Nicetoseeuagain Tom Howwasyoursummervacation S Hi MissZhang Itwasgreat Howaboutyourvacation T Well itwasagoodtime Iwenttomanyplaceswithmygoodfriends andwehadawonderfuljourneytothewestofChina S Really IwenttotheSILKROADtoo Thatwasamazing right T Itsureis Wecantalkaboutitafterclass 35 xx II InClass课中 课堂控制ClassControl1 保持秩序keepingorder Silenceplease Bequiet please Everyone listentome Stoptalkingnow Ssssshhhh Don tmakesomuchnoiseShutup allofyou 36 xx 2 赞扬Compliments Good Right Yes Fine Correct Prettygood That sit Youdidagreatjob Youarecorrectaboutthat Yeah you vegotit 37 xx 3 鼓励Encouragement Takeiteasy Takeyourtime Ithinkyoucandoitwell Youhavemadealotofprogress Ofcoursethereisroomforimprovement 38 xx 4 提问发言Presentation What syouridea TOM Doyouhaveanyopinion John Doyouwanttosaysomething Jack Putupyourhand Showyourhands please Who dliketohaveatry Handsup please 39 xx 5 翻页TurningtoaPage Let sgotopage32 Now turnover Let smovetothenextpage 40 xx 6 了解学生对讲课的反应GettingStudents responsestotheClass Isthiscleartoeverybody Isthiscleartoyou Haveyougotit Anyproblem Areyouallstillpuzzled Anyquestions IsthatOK 41 xx III 结束课堂TheEndingofaLesson It saboutthetimetofinishtheclass It sfivetonine We llhavetostopnow Westillhavefiveminutestogo Itisn ttimetofinishyet Okay that sallfortoday Seeyounextweek Let scallitaday Youcangonow 42 UnitFourRelaxation 43 xx I IntroduceQinHuangdao PPT 44 xx Bingo 45 ThankYou 46

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