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牛津上海版备战2020年小升初专题复习(题型专练)情景交际姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共38题;共76分)1. (2分)- Goodbye, Miss White!- .A . Bye, Mr. Black!B . Ok!C . Hello!2. (2分)当你和好朋友同样都喜欢夏令营时,你应该说:A . I like summer.B . I like summer vacation,too.C . I like summer vacation.D . Because I can swim.3. (2分)当朋友到你家拜访时,你说: A . Thank you. B . You are welcome.4. (2分)你想去看电影,电影院就在右拐弯处,你会怎样走?A . Turn left. B . Turn right.5. (2分)Hello! May I speak to Nancy?_A . Yes, speaking.B . Yes, Im Nancy.C . No, Im not Nancy.6. (2分)当第一次见面时,你说:A . Nice to meet you. B . Fine, thank you.7. (2分)Id like some candy._.A . Okay. Youre welcomeB . Okay. Here you areC . Okay. There you are8. (2分)晚间睡觉前,应该与父母说什么? A . Goodbye.B . Good night.C . All right.9. (2分)- How can I get to the Holiday Hotel?- _ and youll see it.A . Go straightB . Get offC . Wait a minute10. (2分)Would you like some fruit?_.A . Yes,pleaseB . Yes,thanksC . No,please11. (2分)阿姨问你吃西瓜吗?你想吃。应该说: A . No, thank you.B . Yes, please.C . Goodbye.12. (2分)_ is the dog.A . WhatB . WhereC . Here13. (2分)你想知道这些苹果多少钱,你可以问:A . How many apples? B . How much are these apples?14. (2分)You are having a meal with your friend. You want to ask him to eat some steak. What would you say? A . Dont you like steak?B . Eat the steakC . Help yourself to some steak15. (2分)This is Liu _ .A . speakB . to speakC . speaking16. (2分)在点心店,应该说: A . At the supermarket. B . At the snack bar.17. (2分) Do you like summer? Yes, _ A . I like.B . I do.C . I am.18. (2分)奶奶说她喜欢读书,她说: A . I like reading. B . I like read.19. (2分) 再见,林涛! A . Hello, Lin Tao! B . Goodbye, Lin Tao!20. (2分)问别人的姓名应该说:A . Hello. B . Your name, please?21. (2分)Lets buy some apples.A . OK. B . Thank you.22. (2分)Im fine, _. A . thanksB . toC . hi23. (2分)Here you are!_.A . Thank toB . Thank youC . Thank for24. (2分)早上好,李老师。A . Good morning, Mr. Wang. B . Good morning, Mr. Li.25. (2分) Its nine. Go to bed, David. All right._, Mum.A . Good nightB . Good morningC . Good evening26. (2分)What _you do last weekend?I watched TV.A . doB . wereC . did27. (2分)一 How much are these oranges?一A . There are seven oranges.B . Eight yuan, please.C . There are five bananas.28. (2分)What colour are these pencils?A . Its red, blue and orange. B . They are red, blue and orange.29. (2分)Can I help you?A . Yes, please.B . Lets go.C . Thank you.30. (2分)Would you like some oranges? A . No, Thanks. B . Here you are.31. (2分) What is the girls name? name is Sandy.A . HerB . sheC . His32. (2分)- _?- My bike is broken.A . What is itB . What is wrong with youC . Where is itD . Whose is this33. (2分)当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说:_ A . Thank you very much.B . Sorry.C . Goodbye.34. (2分) How do you ? How you do? A . are, are B . do, do35. (2分)想知道对方的名字,应该说什么呢?A . Hello!B . Whats your name?C . Goodbye!36. (2分)- What chores do you have to do every day?- A . I help Mom cook.B . I went shopping.C . I will take out the trash.37. (2分)在电话中向别人介绍“我是玛丽”应该怎么说: ( )。A . This are Mary.B . Im Mary.C . This is Mary.38. (2分)- How often does Ann make breakfast?- A . She hardly ever makes breakfast.B . She likes making breakfast.C . She will make breakfast tomorrow.二、 填空题 (共7题;共40分)39. (5分)What date is it today?_40. (5分)_(Hi, Hello), I am Miss Fang.41. (5分)在横线上填上他们的性别,年龄,体貌特征。Mary is my friend. She is a girl. She is nine. She is fat.Eddie is my friend. He is a boy. He is nine. He is thin.Mary:_Eddie:_42. (5分)图文配对。 _A. I like playing yoyo. _B. My father likes hamburgers. _C. I like eating pizza.43. (10分)从右栏找出左栏各句的正确答语。 Are these horses? _A. Thirteen What are these? _B. No, they arent How many sheep are there? _C. Theyre cows44. (5分)选择填空。 Whats the weather like today? _A. Lets make a snowman. Its snowy today _B. Its cloudy Is it hot? _C. No, you cant Can I go outside now? _D. Yesit is45. (5分)我是小将军,给你们排排队。A. It is ten dollars and thirty cents.B. A hamburger for me, and a cola.C. What do you want?D. How much is it?E. I want a hot dog, and you?正确的顺序是:_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共38题;共76分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、二、 填空题 (共7题;共40分)39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、

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