牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语六年级下册Module 2 Unit 4 Art同步练习C卷.doc

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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语六年级下册Module 2 Unit 4 Art同步练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单项选择 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)She is my fathers sister. She is my . A . auntB . uncleC . cousin2. (1分)Ben wants to buy something to eat. Hes not going to _. A . a shoe shopB . a restaurantC . a supermarket3. (1分)Im thirsty. I want some A . milkB . hamburgersC . dolls4. (1分)Im doing my homework home. A . inB . atC . on5. (1分)There four seasons in a year. A . isB . areC . am二、 连词成句 (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)do, what, did, last, you, weekend(连词成句) 7. (1分)else, did, do, you, anything(连词成句) 8. (1分)its, us, taller, both, than, of, together (.)(连词成句) 9. (1分)talked, about, a, lot, of, films, new, it(连词成句) 10. (1分)the, thats, tallest, this, dinosaur, in, hall (.)(连词成句) 三、 根据首字母填空。 (共5题;共5分)11. (1分)正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号 Is the spring festival an important festival in china yes it is_12. (1分)In the classroom I can see desks,_and_. 13. (1分)The _ has a _ . 14. (1分)根据首字母提示,补全短文 Ann is an English g_. She and her father w_ to China five years ago. She s_ English. She can also speak a l_ Chinese. At weekends, she u_ plays games with her Chinese f_. Her father works in Shanghai. He t_ English in Anns school. Ann and her father both like China and the Chinese p_ very much. But they are going b_ to t_ country next year.15. (1分)There is a piano, a_, a_and a_. 四、 翻译下列句子。 (共5题;共5分)16. (1分)英汉互译 (1)就在那时_(2)擅长英语_(3)醒来_(4)大声地笑_(5)have an idea_(6)cheer for them loudly _(7)sweet shop_(8)一个快乐的男孩_(9)变成朋友_(10)路过_17. (1分)将下列词组翻译成英语 (1)春节_(2)中秋节_(3)端午节_(4)敬老节_(5)每天_(6)访问亲属_18. (1分)英汉互译 (1)开心地笑_(2)cry sadly_(3)把我吵醒_(4)from then on_(5)路过_(6)pour it into the hole_(7)第二天_(8)just then_(9)锋利的牙齿_(10)be good at_19. (1分)我们在哪里见面? 在人民公园前面。_are we going to meet?In_ _the Penmen Park.20. (1分)英汉互译 (1)这周日_(2)举办聚会_(3)买一些零食_(4)玩得开心_(5)和.玩_(6)look out of_(7)a few minutes late_(8)tell a story_(9)some balloons_(10)Childrens Day_五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)阅读理解 The story is about two mice(老鼠). They are friends. One mouse lives in the country. The other lives in the city. One day they meet each other. The one in the country says, “Come and have a look at my house.” They come to a house in a field. The country mouse gives the city mouse nice food. But the city mouse says.” This food is not good. You must come and live with me in the city.”So they go to the house of the city mouse. It is a very good house. Nice food is ready(准备) for them to eat. But just when they begin to eat, they hear a great noise, Run! Run! The cat is coming! ”the two friends run away quickly. After some time, they go out. The country mouse says to the city mouse, “I dont like to live in the city. Its dangerous.(1)The two mice live_. A . in the same placeB . in different placesC . in the cityD . in the country(2)The city mouse_. A . wants to live with the country mouseB . lives with the country mouse for a long timeC . get nothings go eat from the country mouseD . doesnt like the food of the country mouses(3)The city mouse asks the country mouse to his house, doesnt he? A . No, he isnt.B . Yes, he does.C . No, he doesnt.D . I think so(4)Which sentence is true(正确的)? A . They are helpful.B . They are not well.C . They are good friends.D . They dont know each other.(5)When a cat is coming, the two mice _. A . stay there quietlyB . run away quicklyC . say “hello” to itD . want to make friends with it第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 连词成句 (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 根据首字母填空。 (共5题;共5分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、四、 翻译下列句子。 (共5题;共5分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、16-6、16-7、16-8、16-9、16-10、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、18-6、18-7、18-8、18-9、18-10、19-1、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、20-8、20-9、20-10、五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、

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