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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:补全对话(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 补全对话 (共9题;共44分)1. (5分)补全对话。A. No, he isnt.B. Is the woman your mother?C. Guess.D. Hes my brother.A: Whos that boy?B: _A: _B: Yes, she is.A: Whos that man?B:_A: Is he your father?B:_ Hes my teacher.2. (5分)选择合适的选项补全对话。A. And l often play football, too.B. How about you?C What do you do oil the weekend?D. Lets play football together this weekend. OK?John: Good morning, Mike.Mike: Good morning, John.John: _Mike: I often play football. Sometimes I go shopping._John: Oh, I usually play the pipa and clean my room._Mike: _John: Thats great!3. (4分)补全对话。A:What time did you come home last night, Tom?B:_Maybe about half past eleven.A:_B:Well, I came in quietly. I didnt want to wake you up, mum.A:Did you play the computer games?B:No, mum _.A:_B:I went to a movie.A:Why did you come so late? Did the movie go on until midnight?B:No. _A. Where did you go then?B. Peter was ill. So I went to his home and help him with his lessons.C. I didnt hear you at that time.D. Oh, I dont know.E. I didnt like it at all you know.4. (5分)情景交际。A. How many classes do you have every day?B. Why do you like it?C. How do you usually come to school?D. Whos your English teacher?E. My favourite subject is English.A: Good morning, Zhou Jun. _B: I usually come to school by bike.A: _B: Six. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.A: Whats your favourite subject?B: _A: _B: Because its useful and interesting. I like it a lot.A: _.B: Mr. Zhao. Look! He is talking to a boy in the office.5. (5分)读一读对话,选择合适的选项补全对话。a. What about you? b. I want a ball. c. What a big ball!d. Is that a ball? e. Its time for the cake! f. Thank you.Tim: Happy Birthday, Paul!Paul: _Tim: How old are you, Paul?Paul: Im eight. _Tim: Im eight, too. Paul, make a wish!Paul: All right. _Tim: Look. This ball is for you.Paul: _ .Thanks.Tim: Paul, come on! _6. (5分)选择合适的单词或句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。A. classB. HelloC. Good morning.D. Are youE. Im notA: Good morning, _.B:_, Miss Gao. _ Jane?C: No, _. Im Liu Jia.A: _, Liu Jia.C: Hello, Miss Gao.7. (5分)补全对话。A:Excuse me,_?B:I am from a big city, Guangzhou.A:Are there any tall buildings?B:_A:Is there a forest?B:_. But in the village there is a forest.A:_B:Yes, there is. You can see many trees in the park.A:_B:Yes, I often go to the park.A. Do you often go to the park?B. Yes, there are.C. Is there a park in the village?D. No, there isnt.E. Where are you from?8. (5分)阅读补全对话 A. Its time for lunch. Im a bit hungry.B. How beautiful these dresses are!C. What is your favourite colour?D. Id like dumplings and some noodles.E. How much is it?Lisa: Would you like to go to the shop to look at some clothes?Candy: Sure!Lisa: Look! _Candy. Yes, and in so many colours! Red, green, yellow, white and orange.Lisa: _Candy: Red. Red is my favourite colour.Lisa: Which one do you want?Candy: The short one, please. _Lisa: Its 88 yuan.Candy: OK, Ill take it.Lisa: Thanks.Candy: Oh, its 11 oclock. _Lisa: Why dont we have lunch together? What would you like?Candy: _Lisa: OK. Lets go to Mian dianwang.Candy: Great! Lets go!9. (5分)选择正确的选项补全对话。Lucy:This country is Australia. _Peter:Yes, I do. _Lucy:What do they speak?Peter: _Lucy:Look! _Peter:Its the flag of the U. K.Lucy: _Peter:Kangaroos.A. What animals live in Australia?B. Do you know the capital city of Australia?C. There is a little flag inside Australias flag.D. They speak English.E. Its Canberra.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 补全对话 (共9题;共44分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、

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