八年级英语上册 Unit 4How do you go to schoolSection A 1人教新目标版ppt课件

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Unit4Howdoyougettoschool SectionAPeriod1 1 LanguageGoal Talkabouthowtogettoplaces 2 Newwords 3 ride 4 subway 5 minute 6 quick 7 Howdoyougettoschool takethebus takethecar taketheship taketheplane takethetrain 8 rideabike takethesubway 9 1aLookatthepicture Makealistofhowthestudentsgettoschoolinthemorning Thenaddotherwaystogettoschool rideabike takeabus walk takeataxi takethetrain byboat goinaparents car takethesubway 10 1b 1 Bob2 Mary3 Paul4 YangLan5 John 11 Tapescript A HowdoBobandMarygettoschool B BobtakesthetrainandMarytakesthesubway A HowdoesJohngettoschool B Hetakesthebus 12 A HowdoPaulandYangLangettoschool B Theywalk Look theretheyarenow 13 Practicetheconversation 14 goforawalktakeawalkhaveawalk 都表示 散步 Example 我每天晚饭后都要去散步 Igoforawalkaftersuppereveryday Itakeawalkaftersuppereveryday Ihaveawalkaftersuppereveryday 15 take的用法有很多 take和交通工具连用时表 乘 的意思 如 takeabus乘车takeataxi打的takethe atrain乘火车takethe asubway乘地铁 Howdoyougettoschool 如 你怎么去上班的 Howdoyougotowork how对 方式 提问 16 getto 到达 后跟地点名词如 gettothesouthofItaly若getto后的地点是副词 则省略to gethomegettheregethere 17 1cPAIRWORK Makeconversations A HowdoesBobgettoschool B Hetakesthetrain 18 2aListenandrepeat 32 40 41 50 60 70 80 90 100 19 2bListenandcorrectnumbernexttotheword forty six thirty three seventy two ninety nine Onehundredandfive fifty eight sixty one eight four 46 33 72 99 105 58 61 84 20 72 seventy two 58 fifty eight 21 1 2 3 4 5 2cListenandcheck thekindsoftransportationthatyouhear f a e c 22 Conversation1Boy Howdoyougettoschool Girl Itakethetrain Boy Howlongdoesittake Girl Oh aroundfortyminutes Howaboutyou Boy Itakethesubway Girl Howlongdoesthattake Boy Oh aroundthirty fiveminutes Tapescript 23 Converstion2Girl Howdoyougettoschool Tom Tom Iridemybike Girl Howlongdoesittake Tom Ittakesaroundtwenty fiveminutes Howdoyougettoschool Girl Iwalk Tom Andhowlongdoesthattake Girl Itonlytakestenminutes 24 2dPAIRWORK Makeaconversationabouthowyougettoschool A Howdoyougettoschool B Well IusuallywalkbutsometimesItakethebus A Howlongdoesittake B Ittakesabout25minutestowalkand10minutesbybus 25 It takessb 时间 todo做某事花了某人多少时间如 做作业花了我半天时间 Ittookmehalfadaytodomyhomework 在英语中表花费的词还有很多 如 pay spend cost等 人 pay 金钱 for 物 表示某人花钱买某物 如 她要花50元买这本字典 She spaying50Yuanforthedictionary 26 Sb spend 时间 金钱 in doingsth 如 他玩了两小时电子游戏 Hespenttwohours in playingcomputergames Sb spend 时间 金钱onsth 她买那条裙子花了150元 Shespent150Yuanontheskirt 27 Howdoyougettoschool Iridemybike Howdoeshegettoschool Hewalkstoschool Howdotheygettoschool Theytakethetrain Howlongdoesittake Ittakesaboutfortyminutes GrammarFocus 28 Seeyou 29

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