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朗文版2019-2020学年六年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 判断下列各组中单词划线部分的发音是否相同(3分) (共1题;共3分)1. (3分)判断下列各组划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。_A. smile B. small C. sport_A. sleep B. slim C. slow_A. swim B. sweet C. swan_A. fresh B. train C. great二、 选择方框里的单词补全句子(5分) (共1题;共5分)2. (5分)看图,从方框中选择正确的短语完成对话saw grapes hurt my arm ate some fruits rode a horse(1)What did he eat yesterday?He _.(2)What did she see on the farm yesterday?She _.(3)What did she do last holiday?She _.三、 选出类别与众不同的单词 (5分) (共5题;共5分)3. (1分)找出不同类的单词( ) A . warmB . rabbitC . cool4. (1分)选出不同类的一项( ) A . dogB . catC . appleD . bear5. (1分)选出不同类的单词( ) A . sitB . playC . paint6. (1分)选出下列单词中不同类的单词( ) A . twoB . penC . pencil7. (1分)选出与其他三个单词不同类的单词( ) A . nearB . onC . far四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空(6分) (共6题;共6分)8. (1分)My aunt can _ (sing) well. Shes a good _ (sing). Listen! She _ (sing) now. 9. (1分)Good _ (lucky) to you. 10. (1分)They _(go)to the park yesterday . 11. (1分)_you_(like) snowy days?No, I_(not).12. (1分)_ (one), pour some water into the cup.13. (1分) Would you please tell me about _ (you), Lucy? Sure.五、 选择最佳答案(13分) (共13题;共13分)14. (1分)Its time _ go to bed . A . toB . forC . at15. (1分)How _ I get to the bank? A . doB . amC . does16. (1分)你想表达你和Peter是好朋友,你应该这样说: A . Peter and I are good friends. B . This is Peter.17. (1分)Are there _ music rooms in it? A . someB . anyC . a18. (1分)Dont eat too candy. It is bad for you. A . a lotB . manyC . much19. (1分)Two days ago, my sister _ her teacher. A . visitingB . visitedC . visitD . visits20. (1分)Im cold, Mum.Heres _ for you.A . a coatB . an umbrellaC . some juice21. (1分)My birthday is _24th December. A . inB . onC . at22. (1分)Are there _ shops near your home?Yes, there are _.A . some, someB . some, anyC . any, some23. (1分)I visited my uncle_ Saturday. A . ofB . onC . in24. (1分)当你想要询问所买东西的价格时,你会问: A . How much is it? B . How old are you?25. (1分)你的腿受伤了,朋友问你怎么了,你会说: _ A . My leg hurts. B . My leg is sick.26. (1分)足球比赛关键时刻,你作为观众,会急得:_A . Stamp your foot. B . Shake your leg.六、 完形填空。(5分) (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)完形填空The worlds first underground railwayLondon Underground was1in 1985, but2history dates back to 1863 3the 4first underground railway opened in London. Today, London Underground is5Major business 6three million passenger journeys made a7,serving over 408 km ( 253 miles ) 8railway.In 2004-2005, London Underground trains ran a 9of 69.4 10kilometers in passenger service.(1)A . from B . formed C . forming D . forms (2)A . its B . it C . its D . its (3)A . what B . where C . when D . who (4)A . world B . worlds C . worlds D . worlds (5)A . the B . that C . a D . an (6)A . with B . Of C . by D . in (7)A . week B . day C . month D . season (8)A . of B . by C . with D . in (9)A . sum B . group C . total D . team (10)A . millions B . thousand C . million D . Thousands 七、 选择句子,补全对话(5分) (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)从方框内选择恰当的答语补全对话。 A: May I borrow the book Robin Hood?B: _A: Thank you. Must I borrow it with an ID card?B: _A: I see. Here you are. Must I return (归还) the book in time?B: _A: How long may I keep it?B: For two weeks.A: Can I keep it a little longer?B: _A: How about those newspapers (报纸)? Can I take them out of the reading room?B: _A: I see. Thank you. Goodbye.B: Bye.A. Yes. But you must come and renew (续借) it.B. No, you cant. You must read them here.C. Certainly. Here you are.D. Yes, you must.E. No, you neednt. But you must have a library card.八、 阅读理解。(10分) (共2题;共10分)29. (5分)阅读理解并判断。In our city there are more and more cars and buses on the roads. Many people drive to work .First, its good to have a car. You neednt to wait for the bus. You can go to work on time. Then ,there are many busy roads in the city . Can you drive safely? Traffic lights are very important. You must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. If someone is crossing the road, you must stop your car and look carefully. We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road.(1)There are more and more cars on the road now. (2)Many people go to work by bus ,they dont drive cars. (3)Traffic lights are not very important. (4)If we have a car , we neednt to wait for the bus. (5)We must follow the traffic rules. 30. (5分)看图, 判断下列句子是否符合图意 (1)It is rainy today. (2)There are 6 people(人)in the park. (3)They are sitting on the ground. (4)They are eating. (5)They have a good time. 九、 下面的句子书写都不规范,请重新正确书写,注意大小写及标点符号 (共1题;共3分)31. (3分)根据图示,写出单词(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)十、 小作文。(5分) (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)写篇描写你某学科老师的外貌和性格特征的小短文,不少于5句话。 参考词汇:young, pretty, two big eyes, a small mouth, sing and dance, kind .My teacher第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 判断下列各组中单词划线部分的发音是否相同(3分) (共1题;共3分)1-1、二、 选择方框里的单词补全句子(5分) (共1题;共5分)2-1、2-2、2-3、三、 选出类别与众不同的单词 (5分) (共5题;共5分)3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空(6分) (共6题;共6分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、五、 选择最佳答案(13分) (共13题;共13分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、六、 完形填空。(5分) (共1题;共5分)27-1、七、 选择句子,补全对话(5分) (共1题;共5分)28-1、八、 阅读理解。(10分) (共2题;共10分)29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、九、 下面的句子书写都不规范,请重新正确书写,注意大小写及标点符号 (共1题;共3分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、31-6、31-7、31-8、31-9、31-10、十、 小作文。(5分) (共1题;共5分)32-1、

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