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朗文版2014年小升初英语模拟试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 看图写短语 (共1题;共3分)1. (3分)Does he live in Australia? No,_He lives in_.二、 写出括号中的单词。 (共5题;共14分)2. (10分)写出下列名语的复数。 (1)child _(2)dish _(3)watch _(4)peach _(5)glass _(6)woman _(7)mouse _(8)Chinese _(9)man _(10)an _3. (1分)Lets go to play b_ after lunch.4. (1分)She isnt taller than me. She is_ (更矮) than me. 5. (1分)He _ every day. 6. (1分)I _this morning. 三、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共14分)7. (3分)(跳高) do _8. (8分)仿照例子写句子。例:A:Jenny often walks to school.B:Jenny walked to school yesterday.C:Jenny is going to walk to school tomorrow.(1)A:Danny often eats donuts for breakfast.B:_C:_(2)A:_B:I brought a star for the tree yesterday.C:_(3)A:_B:_C:Betty is going to help her mother tomorrow.(4)A:Tom often does his homework.B:_C:_9. (1分)We has Art and PE. _ 10. (1分)正确抄写句子。注意大小写与标点符号。its Sunday the 19th of September_11. (1分)I eat_at 6 :00 in the evening. 四、 选择正确的答案 (共10题;共20分)12. (2分)想知道对方接下来的打算,你会问: A . What are you going to do?B . What do you like?C . What are you going to be?13. (2分)当你把物品递给对方时,应该说: A . Here you are.B . OK.C . I want some bread.14. (2分)当你问你的同学“这是一把雨伞吗?”,你应该说: A . Is that an umbrella? B . Is this an umbrella?15. (2分)你想知道那些是什么时,你应该说: A . Where are those? B . What are those?16. (2分)How are you? A . Im fine, thank you. B . Good idea.17. (2分)Why are you late? A . Sorry, I dont know. B . Because the bus was late.18. (2分)你想询问别人是否愿意跟你们一起参加活动,可以问: A . Would you like to come with us?B . Come to join us.C . What would you like to do?19. (2分)Theyre _badminton. A . playsB . playingC . play20. (2分) A . The chair is hard. B . The bed is soft.21. (2分)What _are your shoes? A . sizeB . longC . big五、 连词成句 (共5题;共17分)22. (5分)will ,buy ,I ,for , you (.) (连词成句)23. (1分) ( ? )_24. (5分)will be There wind strong a Xian in (. )(连词成句) 25. (5分)the at Please six come party to (.)(连词成句) 26. (1分)his What colour is favourite (?)_六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)根据短文内容,匹配。There are a lot of animals in the zoo. Look! The monkey is jumping very high! My mother and I like monkeys. The elephants are drinking water. The birds are flying. The tiger is walking with the lion. The pandas are listening to music under the trees, they are very cute!the monkey_ A. are flyingthe elephants_B. is walking with the lionthe birds_ C. are listening to music under the treesthe tiger_ D. is jumpingthe pandas_ E. are drinking water七、 阅读对话,找出短文后问题的正确答案。 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)(一) 根据出现的顺序给下列图片排序。Kitty is a lovely girl. Today she goes to the city to visit her aunt. There are so many hotels and restaurants in the city. She cant find the way to her aunts house. She is lost. She wants to cross(穿过)the street. But there are too many buses and cars. She feels afraid. She stops in the middle(中间). A policeman comes and helps her to cross the street. Then he tells(告诉) Kitty how to get to her aunts house. Kitty says“thank you”and then she gets there safely(安全地). Both(两者都) Kitty and her aunt are happy._八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)选用方框里的词介绍自己,至少说五句 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 看图写短语 (共1题;共3分)1-1、二、 写出括号中的单词。 (共5题;共14分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、2-7、2-8、2-9、2-10、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、三、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共14分)7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、9-1、10-1、11-1、四、 选择正确的答案 (共10题;共20分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、五、 连词成句 (共5题;共17分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共5分)27-1、七、 阅读对话,找出短文后问题的正确答案。 (共1题;共5分)28-1、八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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